=========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_000000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: The Future of the World Order** Description: The story discusses the future of the world order and the challenges of globalization. It argues that the traditional view of a linear progression from traditional society to modern society to postmodern society is overly simplistic and that the world is becoming increasingly complex and multipolar. The story also discusses the decline of Western influence and the rise of new powers such as China and India. Summary: The world is becoming increasingly complex and multipolar, with the decline of Western influence and the rise of new powers. The traditional view of a linear progression from traditional society to modern society to postmodern society is overly simplistic. **Story 2: The Crisis in Ukraine and the New Cold War** Description: The story discusses the crisis in Ukraine and the new Cold War between the United States and Russia. It argues that the United States is seeking to maintain its global dominance by isolating and weakening Russia, and that this is leading to a dangerous escalation of tensions. The story also discusses the implications of the crisis for Europe and the future of the international order. Summary: The crisis in Ukraine has led to a new Cold War between the United States and Russia. The United States is seeking to maintain its global dominance by isolating and weakening Russia, and this is leading to a dangerous escalation of tensions. The crisis has implications for Europe and the future of the international order. **Story 3: The United States' Global Strategy** Description: The story discusses the United States' global strategy and its efforts to maintain its dominance in the face of rising challenges from China and other powers. It argues that the United States is using a variety of tools, including military power, economic sanctions, and covert operations, to achieve its goals. The story also discusses the implications of the United States' global strategy for other countries and the future of the international order. Summary: The United States is using a variety of tools, including military power, economic sanctions, and covert operations, to maintain its dominance in the face of rising challenges from China and other powers. The implications of the United States' global strategy for other countries and the future of the international order are significant. **Story 4: The Rise of China and the Future of the Asia-Pacific** Description: The story discusses the rise of China and its implications for the future of the Asia-Pacific region. It argues that China is seeking to become the dominant power in the region and that this is leading to increased tensions with the United States and its allies. The story also discusses the challenges facing China, such as its aging population and environmental degradation. Summary: China is seeking to become the dominant power in the Asia-Pacific region, leading to increased tensions with the United States and its allies. China faces challenges such as its aging population and environmental degradation. **Story 5: The Future of Europe** Description: The story discusses the future of Europe and the challenges facing the European Union. It argues that the European Union is facing a number of challenges, including rising populism, economic inequality, and the threat of terrorism. The story also discusses the implications of Brexit for the future of Europe. Summary: The European Union is facing a number of challenges, including rising populism, economic inequality, and the threat of terrorism. The implications of Brexit for the future of Europe are significant. **Story 6: The Middle East in Turmoil** Description: The story discusses the Middle East in turmoil and the challenges facing the region. It argues that the Middle East is facing a number of challenges, including the rise of ISIS, the Syrian civil war, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The story also discusses the implications of the Middle East in turmoil for the rest of the world. Summary: The Middle East is facing a number of challenges, including the rise of ISIS, the Syrian civil war, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The implications of the Middle East in turmoil for the rest of the world are significant. **Story 7: The Global Refugee Crisis** Description: The story discusses the global refugee crisis and the challenges facing refugees. It argues that the global refugee crisis is a major humanitarian crisis and that the world needs to do more to help refugees. The story also discusses the root causes of the global refugee crisis, such as war, persecution, and poverty. Summary: The global refugee crisis is a major humanitarian crisis and the world needs to do more to help refugees. The root causes of the global refugee crisis include war, persecution, and poverty. **Story 8: The Future of Climate Change** Description: The story discusses the future of climate change and the challenges facing the world. It argues that climate change is a major threat to the planet and that the world needs to take urgent action to address it. The story also discusses the implications of climate change for the future of humanity. Summary: Climate change is a major threat to the planet and the world needs to take urgent action to address it. The implications of climate change for the future of humanity are significant. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_003000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Ruben Vardanyan's arrest and the exodus of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh** Description: Ruben Vardanyan, a Russian-Armenian businessman and former politician, was arrested by Azerbaijani authorities in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. The arrest comes amid an ongoing conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the region, which has resulted in the displacement of over 50,000 Armenians. The story includes footage of the mass exodus of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh, as well as interviews with Vardanyan and other officials. Summary: The arrest of Ruben Vardanyan and the ongoing exodus of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh highlights the escalating tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed region. The story sheds light on the human toll of the conflict and the challenges faced by the Armenian community in the region. **Story 2: The need for a new Russian nuclear doctrine** Description: The story discusses the need for Russia to update its nuclear doctrine in light of the changing global security environment. The guest, Sergei Karaganov, argues that the current doctrine is outdated and does not adequately address the threats posed by the United States and its allies. He proposes a number of changes to the doctrine, including the development of new nuclear weapons and the adoption of a more aggressive stance towards the West. Summary: The story highlights the debate over Russia's nuclear doctrine and the need for the country to adapt its military strategy to the changing global security environment. Karaganov's arguments for a more assertive nuclear doctrine reflect the growing sense of nationalism and anti-Western sentiment in Russia. **Story 3: The transformation of the Russian elite and the need for a new national ideology** Description: The story discusses the need for a new Russian elite and a new national ideology to guide the country through the current period of upheaval. The guest, Sergei Karaganov, argues that the old elite, which was formed during the Soviet era, is no longer fit to lead the country. He proposes the creation of a new elite that is more patriotic and committed to Russia's national interests. He also argues for the development of a new national ideology that is based on traditional Russian values and the country's unique history. Summary: The story reflects the ongoing debate over the future of Russia and the need for the country to find a new path forward. Karaganov's call for a new elite and a new national ideology highlights the challenges facing Russia as it seeks to adapt to the post-Soviet era. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_010000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Title**: Russian State TV discusses recent news and events **Description**: The hosts discuss a range of topics including the war in Ukraine, the downing of a missile in Poland, and the recent scandal involving a Ukrainian veteran of the SS. **Summary**: 1. The hosts discuss the war in Ukraine and the recent Ukrainian counteroffensives, which they claim are futile and will not succeed. 2. They also discuss the downing of a missile in Poland and accuse Ukraine of being responsible for the attack. 3. The hosts then move on to the recent scandal involving a Ukrainian veteran of the SS who was honored by President Zelensky. They criticize Zelensky for not condemning the veteran and suggest that he is a Nazi sympathizer. 4. The hosts then discuss the recent plan by the United States to provide financial aid to Ukraine in exchange for reforms. They claim that this plan is a form of colonization and that the United States is trying to take control of Ukraine. 5. Finally, the hosts discuss the recent decision by the Ukrainian Constitutional Court to ban the Communist Party of Ukraine. They criticize the decision and claim that it is a violation of human rights. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_013000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Ukrainian Corruption** Description: The story discusses the issue of corruption in Ukraine and mentions specific individuals involved, such as Penny Pritzker and Olena Bilozerska. It criticizes the system of corruption and suggests that the Ukrainian government is not effectively addressing the problem. Summary: The story highlights the issue of corruption in Ukraine and suggests that the government is not effectively addressing it. It mentions specific individuals involved in corruption and criticizes the system of corruption. **Story 2: Historical Revisionism in Ukraine** Description: The story discusses the issue of historical revisionism in Ukraine, specifically the attempts to downplay the country's ties to Russia and promote a narrative of Ukrainian exceptionalism. It criticizes the Ukrainian education system for promoting this narrative and mentions specific individuals involved in this effort, such as Oksen Liashenko. Summary: The story highlights the issue of historical revisionism in Ukraine and criticizes the Ukrainian education system for promoting a narrative of Ukrainian exceptionalism. It mentions specific individuals involved in this effort and suggests that it is an attempt to downplay the country's ties to Russia. **Story 3: Zelensky's Visit to Canada and the Issue of Nazism** Description: The story discusses Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's visit to Canada and his meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. It criticizes Zelensky for not condemning a Ukrainian Nazi collaborator during the meeting and suggests that this reflects a problem of Nazism in Ukraine. Summary: The story criticizes Zelensky for not condemning a Ukrainian Nazi collaborator during his meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. It suggests that this reflects a problem of Nazism in Ukraine and that Zelensky's failure to condemn the collaborator is a sign of his support for Nazism. **Story 4: Ukrainian Media and the Myth of American Investment** Description: The story discusses the issue of Ukrainian media promoting the myth of American investment in Ukraine. It criticizes this myth and suggests that it is a way for the Ukrainian government to deflect attention from the country's real problems. Summary: The story criticizes the Ukrainian media for promoting the myth of American investment in Ukraine. It suggests that this myth is a way for the Ukrainian government to deflect attention from the country's real problems and that there is no real evidence to support the claim that the US is investing heavily in Ukraine. **Story 5: Putin's Meeting with Cabinet Members** Description: The story briefly mentions Russian President Vladimir Putin's meeting with members of the Russian Cabinet of Ministers. It discusses the issue of rising fuel prices in Russia and suggests that the government is not effectively addressing the problem. Summary: The story briefly mentions Putin's meeting with Cabinet members and discusses the issue of rising fuel prices in Russia. It suggests that the government is not effectively addressing the problem and that consumers are feeling the effects of the price increases. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_020000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- null =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_023000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_030000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1.** **Title:** Kyiv Throws Last Reserves at Zaporozhye Region Assault **Description:** The Ukrainian military is throwing its last reserves at the Zaporozhye region assault, but is suffering heavy losses. Many soldiers are surrendering to the Russian forces. **Summary:** The Ukrainian military is struggling to hold back the Russian advance in the Zaporozhye region. The Russian forces are better equipped and have more experienced troops. The Ukrainian military is running out of reserves and is being forced to surrender. **2.** **Title:** Russian Offensive in the Krasny Liman Direction **Description:** The Russian military has launched a heavy offensive in the Krasny Liman direction, targeting Ukrainian positions with heavy огнеметная systems. The Russian forces have made significant gains and are continuing to advance. **Summary:** The Russian military is making significant gains in the Krasny Liman direction. The Ukrainian military is struggling to hold back the Russian advance. The Russian forces are using heavy огнеметная systems to target Ukrainian positions. **3.** **Title:** Protest in Support of Niger in Nigeria **Description:** A protest in support of neighboring Niger is taking place in Nigeria. Several political movements have called for people to take to the streets to demand independence from France. **Summary:** A protest in support of Niger is taking place in Nigeria. The protesters are calling for independence from France. The French military is currently stationed in Niger, but the protesters are demanding that they leave. **4.** **Title:** Attempted Coup in Burkina Faso **Description:** An attempted coup d'état has taken place in Burkina Faso. The military has announced that they have arrested the plotters and are investigating the incident. **Summary:** An attempted coup d'état has taken place in Burkina Faso. The military has announced that they have arrested the plotters and are investigating the incident. **5.** **Title:** Fifth Reactor Vessel Shipped to Turkey for Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant **Description:** The fifth reactor vessel for the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey has been shipped from Russia. The vessel is part of a larger project to build a nuclear power plant in Turkey. **Summary:** The fifth reactor vessel for the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey has been shipped from Russia. The vessel is part of a larger project to build a nuclear power plant in Turkey. **6.** **Title:** Russian GDP Growth Accelerates **Description:** The Russian economy is growing at a faster pace, according to the Ministry of Economic Development. The GDP growth rate increased to 5.2% in August and is expected to reach 2.8% for the year. **Summary:** The Russian economy is growing at a faster pace. The GDP growth rate increased to 5.2% in August and is expected to reach 2.8% for the year. **7.** **Title:** Three New Rail Ferries for Kaliningrad Region **Description:** The Russian government is considering building three new rail ferries for the Kaliningrad region. The ferries would provide an additional transportation link between the region and the rest of Russia. **Summary:** The Russian government is considering building three new rail ferries for the Kaliningrad region. The ferries would provide an additional transportation link between the region and the rest of Russia. **8.** **Title:** Inflation in Russia Accelerates to 5.7% **Description:** The annual inflation rate in Russia has accelerated to 5.7%, according to the Ministry of Economic Development. Food prices have increased the most, with tomatoes, bananas, and chicken eggs seeing the biggest price increases. **Summary:** The annual inflation rate in Russia has accelerated to 5.7%. Food prices have increased the most, with tomatoes, bananas, and chicken eggs seeing the biggest price increases. **9.** **Title:** Crypto Exchange Scam in Hong Kong **Description:** A crypto exchange scam in Hong Kong has resulted in losses of over $192 million. Nearly 2,500 people have been affected by the scam, which is the largest in the region's history. **Summary:** A crypto exchange scam in Hong Kong has resulted in losses of over $192 million. Nearly 2,500 people have been affected by the scam, which is the largest in the region's history. **10.** **Title:** Mass Exodus from Nagorno-Karabakh **Description:** More than 50,000 people have fled their homes in Nagorno-Karabakh and moved to Armenia. The region is trying to evacuate former state minister Ruben Vardanyan, who has been detained by Azerbaijani authorities. **Summary:** More than 50,000 people have fled their homes in Nagorno-Karabakh and moved to Armenia. The region is trying to evacuate former state minister Ruben Vardanyan, who has been detained by Azerbaijani authorities. **11.** **Title:** Powerful Explosion and Fire in Tashkent **Description:** A powerful explosion and fire has occurred in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. The incident took place at a large warehouse in the city. The cause of the explosion is still being investigated. **Summary:** A powerful explosion and fire has occurred in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. The incident took place at a large warehouse in the city. The cause of the explosion is still being investigated. **12.** **Title:** Two Small Missile Ships Launched in Amur Shipyard **Description:** Two small missile ships have been launched at the Amur Shipyard. The ships will join the Pacific Fleet and will be used to protect Russia's borders. **Summary:** Two small missile ships have been launched at the Amur Shipyard. The ships will join the Pacific Fleet and will be used to protect Russia's borders. **13.** **Title:** Strike in the US May Spread to More Auto Plants **Description:** The strike at General Motors could spread to other auto plants in the United States. Hundreds of businesses could be paralyzed if the workers do not start negotiations. **Summary:** The strike at General Motors could spread to other auto plants in the United States. Hundreds of businesses could be paralyzed if the workers do not start negotiations. **14.** **Title:** Looting in Philadelphia **Description:** Looters have been caught on camera stealing expensive electronics from stores in Philadelphia. The thieves were able to get away with thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. **Summary:** Looters have been caught on camera stealing expensive electronics from stores in Philadelphia. The thieves were able to get away with thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_033000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Ротор vs. Alania: Volgograd's Rotor Defeats Alania in Russian Cup** * **Description:** In a match between two former Russian football powerhouses, Rotor Volgograd defeated Alania Vladikavkaz in the 1/32 final of the Russian Cup. * **Summary:** Rotor, currently playing in the second-tier FNL, defeated Alania, who plays in the first-tier RPL, by a score of 1-0. The winning goal was scored by Rizvan Akhmetov in the 70th minute with a beautiful shot into the near corner from a free kick. This victory marks an upset, as Alania was considered the favorite in the match. **2. Sibir vs. SKA: SKA St. Petersburg Defeats Sibir Novosibirsk in KHL** * **Description:** SKA St. Petersburg defeated Sibir Novosibirsk in a regular season game of the Kontinental Hockey League (KHL). The match set a new attendance record for Sibir's new arena, with 10,489 fans in attendance. * **Summary:** SKA defeated Sibir by a score of 3-0, with Alex claiming two goals in the game. This victory extends SKA's winning streak to four games, while Sibir's four-game winning streak comes to an end. SKA remains on a long road trip, having won games in Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, and Novosibirsk. **3. Inter Miami vs. Houston Dynamo: Houston Dynamo Defeats Inter Miami in U.S. Open Cup Final** * **Description:** Houston Dynamo defeated Inter Miami in the final of the U.S. Open Cup, claiming their second trophy of the season. The winner of this tournament is guaranteed a spot in the next season's CONCACAF Champions League. * **Summary:** Inter Miami had already secured a spot in the Champions League by winning the MLS Eastern Conference, so their loss in the Open Cup final does not affect their continental qualification. Lionel Messi, who recently won the World Cup with Argentina, did not appear on the field for Inter Miami, having suffered a minor injury during the recent international break. Without Messi, Inter Miami lost the final with a score of 1-2. **4. Manchester City vs. Newcastle: Newcastle Eliminates Manchester City from Carabao Cup** * **Description:** Newcastle United defeated Manchester City in the third round of the Carabao Cup, marking a surprising upset for the Magpies. This is the first time in 11 years that Manchester City has been eliminated from the Carabao Cup at such an early stage. * **Summary:** Newcastle won the match with a score of 1-0, with Swedish striker Alexander Isak scoring the only goal in the second half. Manchester City played with a mixed squad, with several key players, including Erling Haaland, not featuring in the match. Despite the loss, Manchester City's head coach, Pep Guardiola, joked that his team does not need to win all four competitions they are participating in, and that three trophies would be enough. **5. Russian Weather Forecast: Cold Snap to Hit European Russia** * **Description:** A powerful cold snap is expected to hit the European part of Russia, bringing an end to the unusually warm weather that has been experienced in recent weeks. Temperatures are expected to drop significantly, with some areas seeing snowfall. * **Summary:** The warm weather in European Russia has been exceptional, with temperatures remaining above 20°C for most of September. This has led to a delay in the arrival of autumn, with flowers blooming for a second time and fountains still operating in some cities. However, the upcoming cold snap will bring an end to this warm spell, with temperatures dropping to around 17°C in Moscow. Rain is expected, but it will not be enough to alleviate the cold weather. **6. Chemical Industry in Germany: Chemical Industry in Germany Faces Crisis** * **Description:** The chemical industry in Germany is facing a crisis due to the high energy prices caused by the sanctions imposed on Russia. Companies in the sector have asked Chancellor Olaf Scholz for help to prevent mass layoffs. * **Summary:** The chemical industry is heavily dependent on energy, and the sharp increase in prices has made it difficult for German companies to compete. As a result, many companies are considering relocating their production to countries where energy is cheaper. This could lead to job losses and a decline in the German chemical industry. **7. Rosseti Financial Results: Rosseti Reports Strong Financial Results** * **Description:** Rosseti, the Russian electricity grid company, has reported strong financial results for the first half of 2022. Net profit increased by more than 6.5 times compared to the same period last year. * **Summary:** Rosseti's net profit under Russian accounting standards reached 202 billion rubles, while under international standards it amounted to 124 billion rubles. This significant increase in profitability is attributed to the company's efforts to optimize costs and increase efficiency. **8. Milk Plant in Makiivka: Milk Plant in Makiivka Resumes Production** * **Description:** A milk plant in Makiivka, a city in the Donetsk People's Republic, has resumed production after being damaged during the ongoing conflict. The plant produces a variety of dairy products, including kefir and desserts, which are essential for children's nutrition. * **Summary:** The milk plant operates around the clock, processing 3 tons of milk per day. Strict quality control measures are in place to ensure that only high-quality products reach the children of the Donetsk People's Republic. The plant's employees are dedicated to providing nutritious and delicious food for the children of the region. **9. 3D Printing Center in Izhevsk: First 3D Metal Printing Center Opens in Russia** * **Description:** The first center for 3D printing of metal has opened in Izhevsk, Russia. The center will provide training in modern metal printing technologies and is expected to contribute to the development of the country's military and aerospace industries. * **Summary:** The center is a collaboration between Udmurt State University and several industrial partners. It is equipped with state-of-the-art 3D printers and other equipment necessary for metal printing. The center is expected to train around 50 people this year, helping to address the shortage of skilled professionals in the field of 3D printing. **10. Russian Political Crisis: Russia's Political Crisis** * **Description:** Russia is facing its most severe political crisis since the collapse of the Soviet Union, with the potential for bloodshed. The crisis has been triggered by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the government's crackdown on dissent. * **Summary:** The crisis has led to a deep divide in Russian society, with some supporting the government's actions and others calling for change. The outcome of the crisis is uncertain, but it is clear that Russia is facing a critical moment in its history. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_040000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Russian Offensive in Lyman Direction** * Russian forces, including assault groups and artillery of the Central Military District, are working in the Lyman direction. * The Russian forces first launched a massive strike with Nona self-propelled guns, followed by the assault groups advancing towards the Ukrainian Armed Forces' fortifications in the Luhansk People's Republic. * The footage shows armored vehicles moving towards the frontline and a heavy TOS-1A thermobaric rocket launcher moving in the opposite direction towards its firing position. * The assault groups are being transferred closer to the frontline, some even on top of armored vehicles. * The fighters describe their experience in protecting their homes in the Krasny Liman direction and the construction of dugouts to protect themselves from shelling. * The video shows a damaged armored vehicle that recently withstood a hit from a large-caliber mine fired by the Ukrainian military. * The armored vehicles, known as Akhmat, can accommodate ten people comfortably and have enough space for weapons and additional ammunition. 2. **Surrendered Ukrainian Soldiers Describe Conditions on the Frontlines** * Ukrainian soldiers who surrendered to Russian forces describe the conditions on the frontlines as a "meat grinder." * The soldiers claim that they were thrown into battle with little to no training. * They also describe the propaganda that is used to motivate them to fight, including claims of Ukrainian successes on the battlefield. * The soldiers express their desire to return home and for the war to end. 3. **Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Blames West for Destabilizing Ukraine** * Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accuses the West of destabilizing Ukraine by cynically using the Minsk agreements to arm Ukraine. * Lavrov claims that the West is now trying to use the issue of a possible ceasefire to buy time and supply more military equipment to the Ukrainian regime. * He stresses that Russia does not see any real prospects for genuine negotiations to begin this fall. 4. **Russian Economy Shows Signs of Recovery** * According to the Ministry of Economic Development, Russia's GDP has started to grow at a faster pace. * The GDP growth rate in August was 5.2%, slightly higher than the 5% recorded in July. * For the first eight months of the year, the GDP growth rate was 2.5% year-on-year. * Industrial production increased by almost 5.5% in August. * The production of electronic and optical products, furniture, antibiotics, and motor vehicles increased significantly. * The government plans to increase funding for the state program on industry development by almost 270 billion rubles next year. * The government will also provide additional funding for the construction of three railway ferries for the Kaliningrad region. 5. **Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Apologizes for Inviting a Nazi Collaborator to Parliament** * Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologizes for inviting a Nazi collaborator, Yaroslav Hrunka, to the Canadian parliament. * Hrunka, who is considered a hero in Ukraine, was invited to address the parliament and was praised by Trudeau. * The incident sparked outrage, with opposition parties and media outlets accusing Trudeau of being ignorant of history. * Trudeau later apologized, saying that he was unaware of Hrunka's past. * The scandal has led to calls for Trudeau's resignation. 6. **US Companies Continue to Show Interest in Russian Market Despite Pressure from Washington** * Russian Ambassador to the US, Anatoly Antonov, says that American companies continue to show interest in the Russian market despite open pressure from Washington. * Antonov notes that the White House is trying to blame Moscow for the collapse of commercial ties, while it was the American media that pushed companies to leave the Russian market. * Companies that continued cooperation with Russia were immediately labeled as malicious violators. * Antonov emphasizes that Russia remains open for business and is ready to work with foreign partners. 7. **Strike at US Auto Plants May Spread** * The strike at US auto plants may spread to more factories, according to CNN. * Hundreds of businesses across the country could be paralyzed if negotiations with employees do not begin. * The announcement of an expanded strike could come as early as today. * President Joe Biden's visit to Michigan to join the striking workers did not help to raise wages. * On the same day, former President Donald Trump met with the protesters and criticized Biden's handling of the situation. 8. **Inter Miami Loses in US Open Cup Final** * Inter Miami lost to Houston Dynamo in the US Open Cup final. * The winner of the tournament usually receives a spot in the next season's CONCACAF Champions League. * However, Inter Miami had already secured this spot by winning the MLS Cup. * Lionel Messi did not play in the final due to a minor injury. * Inter Miami's four-match winning streak came to an end with the loss. 9. **Government Proposes Banning the Export of Purchased Fuel** * The Russian government has proposed banning the export of purchased fuel and increasing duties on it. * Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak made the announcement at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin. * The government believes that this measure will help to stabilize the domestic fuel market. * Novak noted that fuel prices have been rising recently and that the government is taking steps to address the situation. * President Putin called on companies in the industry to cooperate with the government's efforts to stabilize the market. 10. **Donbas Milk Plant Resumes Production** * A milk plant in Makiivka, Donbas, has resumed production and is now producing dozens of products. * The plant focuses on natural ingredients and quality control. * The milk is processed around the clock, with three tons of milk being processed during that time. * The plant's employees are working hard to ensure that children in the region have access to high-quality dairy products. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_043000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Russian Offensive in Ukraine Continues: Artillary Destroys AFU Stronghold** Russian forces continue their offensive in Ukraine, with artillery units destroying a stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in the Avdiivka region. The attack was carried out using towed Msta-B howitzers, with the guns firing from concealed positions. The Russian forces used fragmentation and high-explosive shells to inflict maximum damage on the enemy's firing points, armored vehicles, and ammunition depots. The Russian military is working closely with Asian counterparts to plan future anti-terrorist exercises. **2. Russian Economy: Wages Rise, Unemployment at Record Low** Real wages in Russia increased by over 9% year-on-year in July, with the average monthly salary for employees of organizations rising by nearly 14% to reach 71,419 rubles ($1,045). The share of loss-making enterprises decreased to 28% in the first seven months of the year, compared to over 29% in the same period last year. The unemployment rate remained at a historic low of 3% in both July and August. **3. Rosseti Shares Surge on Positive Financial Report** Shares of Russian energy company Rosseti rose by more than 9% on the Moscow Exchange, closing at around 12 kopecks per share. The surge was attributed to a positive financial report, with the company's net profit under Russian accounting standards increasing by more than 6.5 times in the first half of the year compared to the previous year. Rosseti earned over 202 billion rubles ($2.9 billion) during this period. **4. Germany's Chemical Industry in Danger** Germany's chemical industry is facing a crisis, with companies from fourteen states asking Chancellor Olaf Scholz to save them from mass layoffs. The sharp rise in fuel prices in Germany following the imposition of sanctions on Russia has hit chemical companies particularly hard, forcing them to significantly reduce their operations. There are concerns that the industry may relocate its production abroad, where it is cheaper to manufacture products. The industry provides nearly 2.5 million jobs in Germany. **5. Short-Term Auto Insurance Policies to be Introduced in Russia** Starting from the second quarter of next year, short-term auto insurance policies with terms ranging from one day to three months will be available for purchase in Russia. This new type of policy aims to increase the accessibility of insurance for drivers who use their cars infrequently. Currently, auto insurance contracts are concluded for a period of one year, with a minimum usage period of three months. The new short-term policies will be particularly beneficial for pensioners who drive to their dachas only during the summer, or young drivers who are hesitant to drive in bad weather conditions. **6. Historian Explores Significant Events in History** Historian Ekaterina Burlakova presents a selection of significant events that occurred on September 28th throughout history. These include the Battle of Salamis in 480 BC, the Norman invasion of England in 1066, the start of Yemelyan Pugachev's rebellion in 1773, the arrest of Sidney Reilly, known as the "Spy King," in 1925, and the testing of a unique seismic station by scientists at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 2017. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_050000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Title:** Ukrainian POWs Reveal Atrocities Committed by Ukrainian Army * **Description:** Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) have revealed the atrocities committed by the Ukrainian army, including the killing of civilians and the use of banned weapons. * **Summary:** The POWs, who were captured by Russian forces, said that they were ordered to shoot civilians and destroy civilian infrastructure. They also said that they were given drugs to make them more aggressive and less likely to feel remorse for their actions. 2. **Title:** Canadian Prime Minister Apologizes for Nazi Salute Scandal, but Blames Russia * **Description:** Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for the scandal involving a Ukrainian Nazi collaborator, but he has also blamed Russia for the incident. * **Summary:** Trudeau said that he was "deeply sorry" for the incident, but he also said that Russia was trying to use the scandal to divide Canadians. He said that Russia was "trying to sow division and discord in our country, and we will not let them succeed." 3. **Title:** French Army Will Not Leave Africa Until African People Demand It * **Description:** The French army will not leave Africa until the African people demand it, French President Emmanuel Macron has said. * **Summary:** Macron made the comments in a speech to the French parliament. He said that France would not "abandon" Africa and that the French army would stay in the region until the African people "tell us to leave." 4. **Title:** New Nuclear Reactor Shipped to Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant * **Description:** A new nuclear reactor has been shipped to the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey. * **Summary:** The reactor, which was built in Russia, is the first of four reactors that will be installed at the Akkuyu plant. The plant is expected to be operational by 2023. 5. **Title:** Kyiv Deploys Last Reserves to Storm Zaporozhye Region * **Description:** Kyiv has deployed its last reserves to storm the Zaporozhye region, but the offensive has failed. * **Summary:** The Ukrainian army has been trying to retake the Zaporozhye region from Russian forces, but the Russian army has been able to repel the attacks. The Ukrainian army has suffered heavy losses in the fighting. 6. **Title:** Russian Forces Continue to Advance in Bakhmut * **Description:** Russian forces continue to advance in the Bakhmut region, despite heavy casualties. * **Summary:** The Russian army has been trying to take control of Bakhmut for several months, but the Ukrainian army has been able to hold them off. The fighting in Bakhmut has been some of the most intense of the war. 7. **Title:** Lavrov: West Destroyed Ukraine's Territorial Integrity * **Description:** Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said that the West destroyed Ukraine's territorial integrity by supporting the 2014 Maidan coup. * **Summary:** Lavrov said that the West had used the Minsk agreements to "pump Ukraine full of weapons" and that the West was now trying to use the conflict in Ukraine to "bleed Russia dry." 8. **Title:** US Auto Strike Threatens to Spread * **Description:** The US auto strike is threatening to spread, with workers at other automakers considering joining the walkout. * **Summary:** The strike, which began at General Motors, has already spread to Ford and Chrysler. The United Auto Workers union is demanding higher wages and better benefits for its members. 9. **Title:** American Business Still Interested in Russian Market * **Description:** American businesses are still interested in the Russian market, despite the US government's pressure to withdraw from the country. * **Summary:** The US ambassador to Russia, Anatoly Antonov, said that American businesses were "continuing to work in Russia" and that they were "not afraid of the sanctions." 10. **Title:** Powerful Explosion Rocks Tashkent * **Description:** A powerful explosion rocked the Uzbek capital of Tashkent on Wednesday. * **Summary:** The explosion, which occurred at a large warehouse near the airport, caused extensive damage and injured several people. The cause of the explosion is still being investigated. 11. **Title:** Indonesia Market Fire * **Description:** A large market in Indonesia was destroyed by fire on Wednesday. * **Summary:** The fire, which started in a food stall, quickly spread to other parts of the market. The market was crowded with people at the time of the fire, and several people were injured. 12. **Title:** More Than 50,000 People Flee Nagorno-Karabakh * **Description:** More than 50,000 people have fled Nagorno-Karabakh since the recent outbreak of violence in the region. * **Summary:** The exodus began after Azerbaijani forces launched a military offensive against Nagorno-Karabakh. The fighting has displaced thousands of people and caused widespread damage. 13. **Title:** Protests in Support of Niger's New Political Course * **Description:** Protests in support of Niger's new political course were held in the capital city of Niamey on Wednesday. * **Summary:** The protests were organized by several political movements that are calling for independence from European influence. The protesters also called for the French army to leave Niger. 14. **Title:** Attempted Coup in Burkina Faso Fails * **Description:** An attempted coup in Burkina Faso has failed, the government has said. * **Summary:** The coup plotters had planned to attack government institutions and call on people to take to the streets. However, the coup was thwarted by security forces and four of the plotters were arrested. 15. **Title:** Russia's GDP Growth Accelerates * **Description:** Russia's GDP growth has accelerated, according to the Ministry of Economic Development. * **Summary:** The ministry said that GDP growth was 5.2% in August, up from 2.5% in July. The ministry also said that GDP growth for the first eight months of the year was 2.5%. 16. **Title:** Volkswagen Halts Production at German Plants Due to IT Outage * **Description:** Volkswagen has halted production at several of its plants in Germany due to an IT outage. * **Summary:** The outage, which began at the company's headquarters in Wolfsburg, has spread to other plants in the region. Volkswagen is currently investigating the cause of the outage and has said that it is a priority. 17. **Title:** Crypto Exchange Scam in Hong Kong * **Description:** A crypto exchange scam in Hong Kong has resulted in losses of over $192 million. * **Summary:** The scam, which involved the exchange claiming to have a license to operate in Hong Kong, saw around 2,500 people lose money. The police have arrested 15 people in connection with the scam and have frozen the assets of the exchange. 18. **Title:** Two New Missile Corvettes Launched in Russia * **Description:** Two new missile corvettes have been launched at the Amur Shipbuilding Plant in Russia. * **Summary:** The corvettes, which will be named Rzhev and Udomlya, will join the Pacific Fleet. The ships are equipped with a variety of weapons, including anti-aircraft missiles and cruise missiles. 19. **Title:** Round of 16 Matches in Russian Cup * **Description:** The Round of 16 matches in the Russian Cup are underway. * **Summary:** In one of the matches, Rotor Volgograd defeated Alania Vladikavkaz 1-0. In another match, FC Sibir Novosibirsk lost to SKA St. Petersburg 3-0. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_053000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Flood in Greece** * Description: Greece is facing severe flooding after heavy rains caused rivers to overflow and streets to be submerged. The damage is still being assessed, but it is clear that it will be significant. * Summary: Greece is dealing with the aftermath of severe flooding caused by heavy rains. The flooding has caused significant damage, with streets submerged and rivers overflowing. The extent of the damage is still being assessed. **Russian Tankers in Ukraine** * Description: Russian tankers have been destroying enemy positions on the front lines in Ukraine. The tankers have developed their own tactics, appearing in unexpected places and catching the enemy off guard. * Summary: Russian tankers have been making a significant impact on the front lines in Ukraine. They have developed their own tactics, which involve appearing in unexpected places and catching the enemy off guard. Their efforts have been praised by experts, who say that their tactics are a key factor in their success. **Economic News** * Description: The average monthly salary in Russia has increased by 7,000 rubles to 71,419 rubles. Lukoil may be allowed to process Russian oil in Bulgaria until October next year. The chemical industry in Germany is in danger, with companies asking for help from the government to avoid mass layoffs. * Summary: There have been several economic developments in Russia and around the world. In Russia, the average monthly salary has increased by 7,000 rubles to 71,419 rubles. Lukoil may be allowed to process Russian oil in Bulgaria until October next year. In Germany, the chemical industry is in danger, with companies asking for help from the government to avoid mass layoffs. **Stock Market News** * Description: The Hong Kong stock exchange has suspended trading of shares in Evergrande, one of China's largest property developers. The company's chairman has been under investigation by Chinese authorities since early September. * Summary: The Hong Kong stock exchange has suspended trading of shares in Evergrande, one of China's largest property developers. The company's chairman has been under investigation by Chinese authorities since early September. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_060000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Moscow Financial Forum to Discuss Russian Economy in a Changing World** The Moscow Financial Forum will open today in the Manezh Central Exhibition Hall. The business program includes more than ten thematic sessions, and Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin will speak at the plenary session. The forum will discuss the Russian economy in the context of global transformation. **2. Russian Tor M2 Air Defense System Destroys U.S.-Made Drone** A Russian Tor M2 air defense system of the Western Military District has destroyed a U.S.-made Switchblade loitering munition on the Kupyansk sector of the special operation. The system can scan the sky around the clock within a 30-kilometer radius and automatically detect and engage the most dangerous targets. **3. One Dead, 162 Injured in Tashkent Airport Warehouse Fire** A fire broke out at a large warehouse of electric vehicles near Tashkent Airport, resulting in one death and 162 injuries. According to the Uzbek Interior Ministry, lightning struck the building. The fire has been localized, but helicopters and dozens of rescuers are still working at the scene. **4. More Than Half of Nagorno-Karabakh's Population Has Left** More than half of the population of Nagorno-Karabakh has already left the region, with thousands of residents leaving their homes and moving to Armenia. Former State Minister Ruben Vardanyan, a well-known businessman who was de facto head of government from last fall to February of this year, was detained while trying to leave Karabakh. **5. Gasoline Prices in Russia Increase by Almost 10% Since the Beginning of the Year** Gasoline prices in Russia have increased by almost 10% since the beginning of the year, and diesel fuel has risen by more than 11%. The main growth occurred in September. The market was influenced by rising world oil prices, decreasing discounts on the Russian Urals blend, and currency fluctuations. There were also some logistical difficulties. **6. Nagorno-Karabakh Republic to Cease to Exist from January 1, 2024** According to a decree issued by the head of the unrecognized republic, the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic will cease to exist from January 1, 2024. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_063000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Seventh Financial Forum Opens** The seventh financial forum is underway, with more than a dozen thematic sessions on the business program. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin will speak at the plenary session. **2. Russian Tor-M2 Air Defense System Destroys Enemy Drone in Kupyansk Direction** According to the Ministry of Defense, the Russian Tor-M2 air defense system destroyed an American-made HARM anti-radar missile in the Kupyansk direction of the special operation. Our systems scan the sky around the clock, and automatically detect and intercept the most dangerous targets. **3. One Person Killed, 162 Injured in Fire at Tashkent Airport** A fire broke out at a large electric car warehouse at the Tashkent airport, resulting in one death and 162 injuries. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, lightning struck the building. By the time of this report, the fire has been localized, but helicopters and dozens of rescuers are still working at the scene. **4. More Than Half of Nagorno-Karabakh Residents Already in Armenia** According to the authorities of the country, more than half of the residents of Nagorno-Karabakh have already been evacuated to Armenia. Russian peacekeepers are assisting in the evacuation. According to our Ministry of Defense, 258 people injured in the explosion of a fuel tank in Stepanakert have been airlifted by helicopters, and more than 40 flights have been made. **5. First Snow Falls in Northern Russia** The first snow has fallen in the easternmost city of Europe, Vorkuta. A temporary snow cover has formed, and snow removal equipment has been deployed on the streets. However, on Monday, there was an anomalous heat wave in Vorkuta, and the record for the maximum temperature was broken. Nevertheless, the northerners prefer snow and cold to warmth and dampness. Winter has arrived in Vorkuta, and the first day of snow has finally ended the dampness. However, I think that the snow will still melt, but I hope that there will be frosts. Interestingly, before the snowfall, Irkutsk was окут густой туман с ухудшением видимости, до 200 м. **6. Cyclones Collide Over Northern Russia** Another cyclone is swirling over the Norwegian Sea, but it will not be able to bypass the anticyclone. The high-pressure center will block the inclement vortex for some time, as a result, this cyclone will only intensify the flow of warm air to the Russian Plain. The effect of its influence will be very noticeable today. The maximum temperature forecast shows the 25°C isotherm stretching from the Volgograd region to the Kaliningrad region, which is about 1,000 km further north. The 20°C isotherm passes through the Gulf of Finland, and warm air remains in Karelia and on the Kola Peninsula, although the weather there is сырая, in the northeast of European Russia it is much cooler, with daytime temperatures of only +5 to +10. **7. Indian Summer Ends in Moscow** In the central part of Russia, the weather is now what it should be at this time of year in the resorts of the Black Sea, while on the Black Sea itself it is as warm as in the Mediterranean Sea. In Anapa, the air temperature yesterday was a record +28.8. In Kaliningrad, the air warmed up to 26 yesterday. In Smolensk, it was +22.2, and in the Murmansk region, the thermometer rose above +15-17°. In Pskov, the temperature was just 2° short of breaking the temperature record the day before, but today there is every chance of doing so. At the height of the day, the air will warm up to +24, the daily maximum for this day is +22.6 and it belongs to 1981. Saturday will also be warm, +21:23, but the record for this day is a couple of degrees higher. Well, on Sunday, rains will come here and it will get colder. In Moscow today it is clear and sunny, with the thermometer reaching +22. Tomorrow it will be even warmer and it is quite possible that a new heat record will be set. The previous record was set in the distant 1900. Just like in the Ob River region, the Indian summer will end on Sunday. How this will happen and what will follow, we will обязательно завтра расскажем. **8. Oil Prices Rise** The cost of November futures for Brent crude oil has risen to $96 per barrel, the highest since November 14 of last year. There has been a slight correction now. Experts believe that there are two main reasons for this. First, сырья на рынке остаются ограниченными в преддверии зимы, and second, investors are concerned about the shrinking volume of reserves at the Cushing hub, where the largest oil storage facility in the United States is located. The OPEC+ deal, I remind you, has been extended until the end of the twenty-fourth year, but the voluntary additional reduction will be in effect until December of this year. Within its framework, Russia is reducing supplies to the market by 300,000 barrels per day, and Saudi Arabia by 1 million. Experts believe that by the end of the year we may see three-digit oil prices. **9. Second Round of Republican Presidential Candidate Debates** Seven candidates shared their views on the problems of American society. At the same time, each of the participants openly admitted that their company lacked Trump. **10. US-China Trade War** The trade war between the United States and China continues to escalate. The United States has imposed new tariffs on Chinese goods, and China has retaliated with tariffs on American goods. The two countries are also engaged in a war of words, with each side accusing the other of unfair trade practices. **11. Democrats Introduce Articles of Impeachment Against Trump** The Democrats in the House of Representatives have introduced articles of impeachment against President Trump. The articles accuse Trump of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The impeachment process is now underway, and it is unclear whether Trump will be removed from office. **12. Russia-Ukraine Conflict** The conflict in Ukraine continues to escalate. The United States and its allies have imposed sanctions on Russia in an effort to pressure the country to withdraw its troops from Ukraine. Russia has denied that it is involved in the conflict, and has accused the United States and its allies of interfering in Ukraine's internal affairs. **13. Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict** The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh has been ongoing for decades. The region is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan, but it is controlled by ethnic Armenians. In recent weeks, the conflict has escalated, with both sides accusing each other of ceasefire violations. **14. Sports News** In the Russian Football Cup, matches continue at the stage of one thirty-second final of the regions' path. On the eve in Volgograd, Rotor and Alania met. Rotor currently represents the second league, while Alania, in turn, plays in the first league, leads there this season and will surely be one of the contenders for promotion to the class, for promotion to the RPL. Alania was considered the favorite in the match against Rotor, but the Volgograd team went on. One goal decided everything, it was scored in the seventieth minute by Rizvan Akhmetov. The Rotor player made a beautiful shot into the near corner from a free kick. 1:00 victory of Rotor over an opponent from a higher division. Inter Miami last night was претендовала already on the second trophy of the current season. Lionel's team. Messi played in the US Open Cup final against the Houston Dynamo. The winner of this tournament is guaranteed a place in the Champions League of the countries of North and Central America next season. However, Inter Miami has already achieved this right, when they previously won another tournament, the League Cup. Lionel Messi did not appear on the field last night, moreover, the world champion did not get into his team's bid. Messi watched the match from the stands. The Argentine has a minor injury, which he received during the recent break for the national team games. Let me remind you that for the Mayans, Lionel Messi, starting in July, has already managed to play 12 matches in all tournaments, in the games where Messi entered the field, Inter never lost. A sensation in the English League Cup, Manchester City flew out of the tournament already at the stage of the 1:16 final. This has not happened to Man City for 11 years. Pep Guardiola's team lost 0:1. The only goal in the match in the second half. was scored by Swedish Newcastle striker Alexander Isak. Manchester City played with a mixed squad in this match, in particular, Erling Holland did not take to the field. After the defeat and elimination from the tournament, Manchester City head coach Pep Guardiola joked that his team does not have to win all four tournaments in which it participates, three trophies are enough. In the Kontinental Hockey League, the next five matches of the regular championship were held the day before. In Novosibirsk, Sibir from St. Petersburg played against SKA. In this match, the attendance record of the New Siberian Arena was broken. The match against SKA was attended by 10,489 fans. Only nineteen people were short of a full house and maximum occupancy of the stands. Siberia and SKA played for the second time this season. Last week, the Novosibirsk team won a guest victory in St. Petersburg. Well, on the eve of Roman Rotenberg's team took revenge. SKA won with a score of 3:0. A double in yesterday's game was made by Alex Golchenyuk. At Siberia. a four-match winning streak was interrupted. SKA, in turn, continues the longest away tour of the season, so far the Petersburgers are going along it with a 100% indicator. Victories in Khabarovsk, Vladivostok and Novosibirsk. And a paradoxical situation at the stage of the World Cup in Sambo. Russian Olga Mikheeva won the tournament in Serbia without a fight. In order to win, Olga Mikheeva simply had to apply. The sambo wrestler did not hold a single fight in Serbian Novesad, because in her category over 80 kg, at the stage of the World Cup, she was the only participant. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_070000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Title: Nagorno-Karabakh ceases to exist** - Description: The president of the unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has signed a decree announcing the region's dissolution, effective January 1st. - Summary: The decree orders the dissolution of all state institutions and organizations, and advises all citizens, including those who have already left the region, to familiarize themselves with the conditions for reintegration proposed by Azerbaijan. 2. **Title: Republicans hold debate in California** - Description: Republican presidential hopefuls debated in California, discussing key issues facing the United States and challenging former President Donald Trump, who did not attend the debate and was criticized by his opponents for his absence. - Summary: The candidates discussed a range of topics, including the economy, immigration, and foreign policy. 3. **Title: Deadly warehouse fire in Tashkent** - Description: A massive fire broke out at a warehouse in the Tashkent airport area, resulting in one death and over 160 injuries. - Summary: The fire, which started at an electric car warehouse, was reportedly caused by a lightning strike. The authorities have localized the fire, but firefighting efforts are ongoing. 4. **Title: Western powers retreating from political and military fronts, says Le Monde** - Description: The French newspaper Le Monde argues that Western countries are losing ground on the diplomatic front, citing the withdrawal of French troops from Niger and the US withdrawal from Afghanistan as examples. - Summary: The article suggests that the Ukrainian conflict is exacerbating the situation and that the West's rejection of global politics is forcing it to balance and constantly make concessions. 5. **Title: US business interest in Russia remains strong despite pressure** - Description: Russian Ambassador to the US, Anatoly Antonov, states that American businesses are still interested in working with Russia, despite pressure from the US government. - Summary: Antonov emphasizes that the US has been urging its partners to leave the Russian market, but companies that have continued their operations have been labeled as malicious actors by the White House. He stresses that Russia has always been open to mutually beneficial business cooperation and that it is the West that has destroyed Ukraine's territorial integrity. 6. **Title: Moscow Financial Forum discusses balancing economy amid global transformation** - Description: The 7th Moscow Financial Forum has opened in the Manezh Central Exhibition Hall, with participants set to discuss balancing the economy in the face of global transformation, tax policy issues, and new trends in the markets. - Summary: The forum will feature a keynote address by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and will address topics such as inflation targeting, the high key rate, and the need for cheap financing. 7. **Title: Lavrov: West speculating on possible truce to buy time and arm Kyiv regime** - Description: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accuses the West of speculating on the possibility of a truce in Ukraine in order to buy time and further arm the Kyiv regime. - Summary: Lavrov asserts that Moscow sees no real prospects for genuine negotiations to begin in the fall and emphasizes that a temporary ceasefire would only be used to strengthen the Ukrainian military. 8. **Title: Arrests made in Azerbaijan and Russia for alleged espionage and terrorism financing** - Description: In Azerbaijan, Ruben Vardanyan has been arrested on charges of financing terrorism, among other accusations, according to the country's State Security Service. - Summary: Separately, in Russia, a man who allegedly worked for Ukrainian military intelligence has been detained in Sevastopol. He is accused of collecting and transmitting sensitive information after being recruited by Ukrainian intelligence while evading mobilization. 9. **Title: Digitalization simplifies licensing procedures for businesses in Russia** - Description: Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Grigorenko discusses the progress made in simplifying the process of obtaining licenses and permits for businesses in Russia through digitalization. - Summary: Grigorenko highlights the reduction in the number of required documents and processing times for obtaining licenses, as well as the introduction of a user-friendly online service for submitting applications. 10. **Title: Energy Ministry: Expectations of quick lifting of fuel export ban unrealistic** - Description: Russian Energy Minister Nikolai Shulginov states that expectations of a quick lifting of the ban on fuel exports are unrealistic, as the measure will remain in place until fuel supply and prices stabilize. - Summary: The ministry seeks to strike a balance between the interests of consumers and producers. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_073000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Title:** Russian News Transcript Summary **Description:** This is a summary of the Russian news transcript provided. **Summary:** 1. The unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has ceased to exist, according to a decree signed by the president. 2. The Russian economy is undergoing transformation, and the Moscow Financial Forum is discussing ways to achieve a new balance. 3. A group of Ukrainian soldiers surrendered in the Zaporozhye region, and a fire continues to rage at a warehouse in Tashkent after an explosion, with over 160 injured and one teenager killed. 4. The situation in Nagorno-Karabakh is being closely monitored by special correspondent Natalya Solovyova. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_080000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Russian troops take control of Ukrainian military group** Russianские войска взяли в плен очередную группу украинских военных. Кадры были сняты на Запорожском направлении в районе Работина пятихатки. **2. Fire continues to rage after explosion at a warehouse in Tashkent** Пожар, вспыхнувший после взрыва на складе в Ташкенте, продолжается уже 11 часов. Пострадало более 160 человек, один подросток погиб. **3. The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh ceases to exist, the region becomes part of Azerbaijan** Республика Нагорный Карабах прекращает свое существование, регион становится частью Азербайджана. В указе, подписанном президентом непризнанной Республики, отмечается, что решение принято в связи со сложной военной и политической обстановкой. **4. Russian peacekeepers complete the evacuation of those affected by the explosion of a fuel tank in Stepanakert** Министерство обороны России сообщило, что российские миротворцы завершили эвакуацию пострадавших в результате взрыва резервуара с топливом в Степанакерте. Вертолетами вывезено 258 человек, в том числе пациенты республиканского медицинского центра, нуждавшиеся в реанимации. Выполнено 42 санитарных рейса. **5. A criminal case has been возбуждено по факту взрыва пожара на промышленном складе в Ташкенте** МВД Узбекистана возбудило уголовное дело по факту взрыва пожара на промышленном складе в Ташкенте по статье "Нарушение правил пожарной безопасности". По данным ведомства, площадь пожара составила 10 000 кв.м. В результате ударной волны было повреждено несколько жилых домов. Погиб пятнадцатилетний подросток. Общее число пострадавших составило 163 человека. 24 из них госпитализированы. В Узбекистане создана правительственная комиссия по устранению последствий случившегося. **6. A Russian citizen who worked for Ukrainian intelligence has been detained in Sevastopol** В Севастополе задержан россиянин, работавший на украинскую разведку. По данным ФСБ, в 2022 году, уклоняясь от мобилизации, мужчина выехал в одну из стран СНГ и был завербован украинской разведкой. Выполняя задание Киева, россиянин трудоустроился в организацию, которая строила фортификационные сооружения в Крыму. Он собирал и передавал необходимую информацию. В отношении подозреваемого возбуждено уголовное дело о государственной измене. **7. The head of the unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, David Babayan, announces his surrender to Azerbaijan** Бывший глава МИД непризнанной Республики Нагорный Карабах Давид Бабаян заявил, что принял решение сдаться Азербайджану. Он заявил, что сделал это, чтобы избежать кровопролития и жертв среди мирного населения. **8. The President of South Sudan, Salva Kiir, is on an official visit to Russia** Президент Южного Судана Сальва Киир прибыл в Россию накануне. Сегодня утром он принял участие в возложении венков к могиле Неизвестного солдата в Александровском саду. На сегодня также запланированы переговоры с Владимиром Путиным. **9. President Vladimir Putin congratulates two aviation regiments on being awarded the honorary title of Guards** Президент Владимир Путин поздравил два авиационных полка с присвоением почетного наименования гвардейский. Их накануне получили 47-й бомбардировочный авиационный полк и 159-й истребительный авиационный полк. В телеграмме, опубликованной сегодня на сайте Кремля, президент отметил героизм, отвагу, стойкость и мужество, проявленные при защите Отечества и государственных интересов России, а также пожелал командованию и личному составу. **10. Assault groups and artillery of the Central Military District are working on the Krasnolimansky direction** На краснолиманском направлении работают штурмовые группы и артиллеристы центрального округа. Сначала массированный удар наносят самоходные установки "Нона", сразу после укреплений ВСУ устремляются бойцы. **11. Western countries are fleeing from political and military fronts due to the failure in Ukraine** Из-за провала на Украине западные страны бегут с политических и военных фронтов, пишет газета "Ле Монд". Вывод французских войск из Нигера спустя 2 года после ухода американцев из Афганистана, по мнению журналистов, говорит лишь о том, что США и ЕС просто теряют позиции на дипломатическом поле. Украинский конфликт обостряет ситуацию, а неприятие политики глобального юга вынуждает, говорится в статье. **12. Businessmen from the US still want to work with Russia** Бизнесмены из США все еще хотят работать с Россией. Интерес к сотрудничеству не угасает даже под открытым давлением американских властей, заявил наш посол Анатолий Антонов. Российский представитель подчеркивает, что в разрушении коммерческих связей упорно винят Москву, хотя покидать наш рынок западных партнеров призывали именно из Вашингтона. Компании, которые продолжили работу, Белый дом причислял к злостным нарушителям. Антонов также напомнил, что наша страна всегда была открыта для взаимовыгодного делового сотрудничества. **13. Sergei Lavrov: The West is trying to speculate on the topic of a possible truce in Ukraine** Именно Запад разрушил территориальную целостность Украины, такое заявление сделал Сергей Лавров в интервью агентству ТАСС. Он напомнил о ситуации с Минскими договоренностями, которые цинично использовали против России для того, чтобы завалить оружием арсеналы Украины. С той же целью, подчеркнул глава МИДа, на Западе сейчас пытаются спекулировать на теме возможного перемирия. Министр уверен, что временного прекращения огня добиваются для того, чтобы выиграть время и еще больше накачать киевский режим военной техникой. Что Москва не видит реальных предпосылок для начала переговоров этой осенью. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_083000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Peaceful Atom** * Description: A report on the Russian nuclear industry, which is a major part of the country's economy. * Summary: The Russian nuclear industry is a major part of the country's economy, and it is constantly evolving. New technologies are being developed, and new projects are being undertaken. The industry is also facing some challenges, such as the need to improve safety and to reduce costs. * Story: The story begins with a look at the history of the Russian nuclear industry. The first nuclear reactor in the Soviet Union was built in 1954, and since then, the industry has grown rapidly. Today, Russia is one of the world's leading producers of nuclear energy. The story then goes on to discuss the current state of the industry. The industry is facing some challenges, such as the need to improve safety and to reduce costs. However, the industry is also making progress in a number of areas, such as the development of new technologies and the construction of new nuclear power plants. The story concludes by looking at the future of the industry. The industry is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, and it is likely to play an increasingly important role in the global energy mix. **2. Import Substitution** * Description: A report on the Russian government's efforts to replace imported goods with domestically produced goods. * Summary: The Russian government is making efforts to replace imported goods with domestically produced goods. This is being done in an effort to reduce the country's reliance on imports and to boost the domestic economy. * Story: The story begins with a look at the history of import substitution in Russia. The policy of import substitution was first adopted by the Soviet Union in the 1930s. The goal of the policy was to make the Soviet Union self-sufficient in terms of food and industrial goods. The story then goes on to discuss the current state of import substitution in Russia. The policy of import substitution has been revived in recent years in an effort to reduce the country's reliance on imports and to boost the domestic economy. The policy has had some success, but it has also led to some challenges, such as higher prices and shortages of some goods. The story concludes by looking at the future of import substitution in Russia. The policy of import substitution is likely to continue in the coming years, but it is likely to be modified to address some of the challenges that have been created by the policy. **3. Creative Industries** * Description: A report on the Russian creative industries, which are a major part of the country's economy. * Summary: The Russian creative industries are a major part of the country's economy, and they are constantly evolving. New technologies are being developed, and new forms of creative expression are being explored. The creative industries are also facing some challenges, such as the need to protect intellectual property and to compete with foreign companies. * Story: The story begins with a look at the history of the Russian creative industries. The creative industries have been a part of Russian culture for centuries, and they have played an important role in shaping the country's identity. The story then goes on to discuss the current state of the creative industries in Russia. The creative industries are facing some challenges, such as the need to protect intellectual property and to compete with foreign companies. However, the creative industries are also making progress in a number of areas, such as the development of new technologies and the creation of new forms of creative expression. The story concludes by looking at the future of the creative industries in Russia. The creative industries are expected to continue to grow in the coming years, and they are likely to play an increasingly important role in the global economy. **4. Agriculture** * Description: A report on the Russian agricultural sector, which is a major part of the country's economy. * Summary: The Russian agricultural sector is a major part of the country's economy, and it is constantly evolving. New technologies are being developed, and new methods of farming are being adopted. The agricultural sector is also facing some challenges, such as the need to increase productivity and to compete with foreign producers. * Story: The story begins with a look at the history of Russian agriculture. Russian agriculture has been a major part of the country's economy for centuries, and it has played an important role in shaping the country's culture and identity. The story then goes on to discuss the current state of Russian agriculture. The agricultural sector is facing some challenges, such as the need to increase productivity and to compete with foreign producers. However, the agricultural sector is also making progress in a number of areas, such as the development of new technologies and the adoption of new farming methods. The story concludes by looking at the future of Russian agriculture. The agricultural sector is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, and it is likely to play an increasingly important role in the global food supply. **5. Karabakh Conflict** * Description: A report on the latest developments in the Karabakh conflict, which is a long-running dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan. * Summary: The Karabakh conflict is a long-running dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The conflict has been going on for decades, and it has claimed the lives of thousands of people. The conflict is currently in a state of flux, and it is unclear what the future holds. * Story: The story begins with a look at the history of the Karabakh conflict. The conflict dates back to the early 1990s, when Armenia and Azerbaijan fought a war over the control of the Nagorno-Karabakh region. The war ended in a ceasefire, but the conflict has never been fully resolved. The story then goes on to discuss the current state of the conflict. The conflict is currently in a state of flux, and it is unclear what the future holds. There have been some recent attempts to resolve the conflict, but these attempts have not been successful. The story concludes by looking at the possible outcomes of the conflict. There are a number of possible outcomes to the conflict, but it is unclear which outcome is most likely. The conflict could be resolved peacefully, or it could escalate into a full-scale war. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_090000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Title: Karabakh Becomes Part of Azerbaijan** * Description: The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has officially ceased to exist, and the region is now part of Azerbaijan. The decision was made due to the difficult military and political situation. * Summary: The president of the unrecognized state signed a decree stating that all official government bodies will be dissolved by January 1, 2024. The decree also calls on the people of Nagorno-Karabakh to familiarize themselves with the plan for reintegration into Azerbaijan proposed by Baku. Meanwhile, people continue to leave Nagorno-Karabakh, with over 65,000 refugees arriving in Armenia so far. 2. **Title: Massive DDoS Attack on Russian Airport Check-In System** * Description: A powerful DDoS attack has been launched on the passenger check-in system at Moscow's Domodedovo Airport, causing long queues, non-functioning check-in desks, and flight delays. Rostec has stated that they are working to repel the massive DDoS attack on the Leonardo system, which Russian airlines recently switched to. * Summary: The attack has caused significant disruption at the airport, with passengers facing long delays and difficulties in checking in. Rostec has promised to restore the system as soon as possible. Aeroflot also reported earlier about difficulties with passenger check-in, but has since announced that the Leonardo booking system has been restored and check-in issues have been resolved. 3. **Title: Explosion and Fire at Industrial Warehouse in Tashkent** * Description: An explosion and fire have occurred at an industrial warehouse in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The fire has been raging for over 12 hours, and more than 160 people have been injured, including one fatality. A criminal case has been opened, and the cause of the incident is being investigated. * Summary: The fire has caused significant damage, with several residential buildings affected by the blast wave. Government officials have established a commission to address the consequences of the incident, and aviation resources have been deployed to assist in extinguishing the fire. 4. **Title: Ukrainian Military Personnel Surrender to Russian Forces** * Description: Another group of Ukrainian military personnel have surrendered to Russian forces, this time in the Zaporozhye region near Rabotina Pyatikhatka. The footage shows the soldiers surrendering with their weapons raised. * Summary: The surrender comes as Russian forces continue their military operations in Ukraine. The footage highlights the ongoing conflict and the challenges faced by Ukrainian forces. 5. **Title: Moscow Financial Forum Discusses Russian Economy in Transformation** * Description: The Moscow Financial Forum is taking place, with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin participating in the plenary session. The forum aims to address the challenges and opportunities for the Russian economy during a period of global transformation. * Summary: The forum brings together experts, government officials, and business leaders to discuss key issues related to the Russian financial system, economic stability, and technological advancements. Prime Minister Mishustin emphasized the importance of adapting to the changing global economic landscape and highlighted the government's efforts to support businesses and promote economic growth. 6. **Title: Russian Businessman Arrested in Baku** * Description: A well-known businessman and former head of the government of Nagorno-Karabakh, Ruben Vardanyan, has been arrested in Baku, Azerbaijan. He was detained on charges of financing terrorism and is currently awaiting trial. * Summary: Vardanyan's arrest has drawn attention to the ongoing tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The charges against him have been met with concern and condemnation from various quarters. 7. **Title: Former Head of NKR Intelligence Surrenders to Azerbaijan** * Description: David Babayan, the former head of the intelligence service of the unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, has announced his decision to surrender to Azerbaijan. He cited the difficult situation and the need to protect his family as reasons for his decision. * Summary: Babayan's surrender marks another significant development in the ongoing conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. His decision has raised questions about the future of the region and the safety of its people. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_093000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Russia's Economic Outlook** * Description: Discussion of the state of the Russian economy and its reorientation away from the global economy. * Summary: The Russian economy is recovering, with GDP growth projected to be 6.5% in the second quarter and 7.8% in India. The global economy is facing a number of challenges, including supply chain disruptions, rising inflation, and the war in Ukraine. Despite these challenges, the Russian economy is expected to remain resilient. **2. The Role of Moscow in the Russian Economy** * Description: Discussion of the role that Moscow plays in the Russian economy, particularly in terms of its budget contributions. * Summary: Moscow is a major contributor to the Russian economy, providing 75% of the assistance that the federal budget provides to all regions of the country. This is due in part to the city's strong economy, which is driven by its large population and its status as a major financial and cultural center. **3. The Impact of Sanctions on the Russian Economy** * Description: Discussion of the impact of sanctions on the Russian economy, and the government's response to these sanctions. * Summary: Sanctions have had a significant impact on the Russian economy, causing the ruble to weaken and inflation to rise. However, the government has taken steps to mitigate the impact of sanctions, including increasing spending on infrastructure and social programs. **4. The Future of the Russian Economy** * Description: Discussion of the future of the Russian economy, and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. * Summary: The Russian economy is facing a number of challenges, including the war in Ukraine, rising inflation, and the global economic slowdown. However, the government is taking steps to address these challenges, and the economy is expected to remain resilient. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_100000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **The weakening of the ruble** - The ruble has been weakening against other currencies, and this is causing concern among some people. - There are a number of factors that are contributing to the weakening of the ruble, including the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the resulting sanctions on Russia. - The government is taking steps to try to stabilize the ruble, but it is unclear how successful these measures will be. 2. **Inflation** - Inflation is rising in Russia, and this is also causing concern among some people. - The government is taking steps to try to control inflation, but it is unclear how successful these measures will be. 3. **The budget** - The government is preparing the federal budget for the next three years, and this is always a time of great interest. - The budget will set out the government's priorities for spending and taxation, and it will be closely scrutinized by businesses, regions, and other interested parties. 4. **The economy** - The Russian economy is facing a number of challenges, including the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the resulting sanctions. - The government is taking steps to try to support the economy, but it is unclear how successful these measures will be. 5. **Social issues** - There are a number of social issues that are facing Russia, including poverty, inequality, and corruption. - The government is taking steps to try to address these issues, but it is unclear how successful these measures will be. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_103000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Бюджет на 2023-2025 годы** * Правительство внесло в Госдуму проект федерального бюджета на 2023-2025 годы. * Бюджет будет иметь дефицит в размере 2% ВВП. * Приоритетами бюджета являются обороноспособность, социальная сфера и экономическое развитие. **2. Налоги** * Правительство не планирует повышать налоги в 2023 году. * Это позволит бизнесу сохранить деньги и инвестировать в развитие. **3. Фонд национального благосостояния** * Фонд национального благосостояния (ФНБ) останется источником инвестиций в инфраструктуру и ключевые отрасли экономики. * Правительство планирует увеличить размер ФНБ более чем в два раза за следующие три года. **4. Бюджетное правило** * Бюджетное правило будет основано на цене нефти в размере 60 долларов за баррель. * Все доходы от продажи нефти сверх этой цены будут направляться в ФНБ. **5. Финансовая система** * Финансовая система России остается устойчивой. * Банки кредитуют экономический рост. **6. Структурная перестройка экономики** * Россия проводит структурную перестройку экономики, чтобы снизить зависимость от импорта и увеличить экспорт. * Правительство поддерживает развитие новых технологий и отраслей. **7. Финансовый суверенитет** * Финансовый суверенитет России укрепляется. * Страна меньше зависит от иностранных кредиторов. **8. Бюджет 2023 года** * Бюджет 2023 года будет сложным, но выполнимым. * Правительство будет стремиться снизить дефицит бюджета и увеличить доходы. **9. Экономическая ситуация** * Экономическая ситуация в России остается сложной. * Правительство предпринимает меры для поддержки экономики и защиты населения от последствий санкций. **10. Перспективы российской экономики** * Перспективы российской экономики зависят от многих факторов, в том числе от геополитической ситуации и цен на энергоносители. * Правительство настроено оптимистично и считает, что Россия сможет преодолеть трудности и выйти на путь устойчивого роста. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_110000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Putin congratulates regional leaders on election victories** * **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated regional leaders on their recent election victories and urged them to focus on economic development, infrastructure, and social welfare. * **Summary:** Putin said that the high level of trust shown by voters in the recent elections entails a high level of responsibility for the regional leaders. He called on them to work effectively and efficiently, and to always be open to direct and honest dialogue with the people. Putin also emphasized the importance of supporting the military and their families, as well as helping the economy and the defense industry. **Story 2: Moscow mayor vows to support the country amid special military operation** * **Description:** Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin thanked President Putin for his support and said that the high election results were a result of the consolidation of society and the national spiritual подъёме. He pledged to work with full responsibility and efficiency, and to do everything possible to help the country during the special military operation. Sobyanin said that Moscow will continue to implement its development programs and focus on key sectors of the economy, such as microelectronics, photonics, pharmaceuticals, automotive, and construction of plants for the defense industry. **Story 3: Donetsk People's Republic leader thanks Putin for support** * **Description:** Denis Pushilin, the leader of the Donetsk People's Republic, thanked President Putin for his support and said that the high turnout in the recent elections was a sign of approval for the course taken by the republic. He also expressed gratitude to the people of the Donetsk People's Republic for their courage and resilience. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_113000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Putin Meets With Elected Heads of Russian Regions** * **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with elected heads of Russian regions to discuss the results of the recent elections and the tasks ahead. * **Summary:** Putin congratulates the newly elected leaders and thanks them for their trust. He emphasizes the importance of working together to strengthen the country and improve the lives of Russian citizens. * **Quotes:** * "I sincerely wish you success, all the best, and congratulations." - Vladimir Putin * "We have every opportunity to solve them (problems) all, as strange as it may seem to someone from the outside, to those who expected that everything would collapse here, on the contrary, the economy is picking up speed, industry is working like it hasn't worked in a long time, agriculture is setting new records, construction is developing... at a pace that was not there in Soviet times." - Vladimir Putin **Kremlin Comments on Situation Around Nagorno-Karabakh** * **Description:** The Kremlin comments on the situation around Nagorno-Karabakh in connection with the statement of the unrecognized republic's leadership. * **Summary:** The Russian peacekeeping contingent continues to provide assistance to the population, and many people are expressing a desire to move to Armenia. The Russian side emphasizes the need to ensure normal living conditions for those who have made such a decision. * **Quotes:** * "Our peacekeepers continue to provide assistance to people, many people are expressing a desire to move to... to the territory of Armenia, all those who wish are provided with support." - Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov **Russian Ruble to Trade Below 94.5 per Dollar by Year-End** * **Description:** The Russian ruble is expected to trade below 94.5 per dollar by the end of the year, according to a forecast published on the Ministry of Finance website. * **Summary:** The forecast for the next 3 years is in the range of 90-92 rubles per dollar. As for GDP, this year the indicator will add a little less than 3%. In 2024, 2% with a third, such growth is expected until 2026. * **Quotes:** * "The ruble will trade below 94.5 per dollar by the end of the year, according to a forecast published on the Ministry of Finance website." - RBC **70% of Russians with Mortgages Pay More Than Half of Their Income on Loans** * **Description:** A survey by the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) shows that 70% of Russians with mortgages pay more than half of their income on loans. * **Summary:** According to the results of the second quarter, such borrowers took out housing loans for 840 billion rubles. According to the regulator, the quality of mortgage loans is declining faster than unsecured loans. At the same time, the CBR notes an increase in mortgages based on the results of eight months. The portfolio increased by 18.5%. * **Quotes:** * "70% of Russians with mortgages pay more than half of their income on loans." - RBC * "According to the results of the second quarter, such borrowers took out housing loans for 840 billion rubles." - RBC =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_120000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Putin Meets with South Sudan's President** * **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with South Sudan's President Salva Kiir in Moscow. * **Summary:** The two leaders discuss regional stability and security, as well as the importance of strong relations between their countries. Putin expresses his support for South Sudan and says that Russia will continue to work with the country to achieve its goals. **Story 2: New Russian Regions Hold Elections** * **Description:** The new Russian regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson hold elections for regional leaders. * **Summary:** The elections are seen as an important step in the integration of these regions into Russia. Putin congratulates the winners and says that they have a great responsibility to the people of their regions. He also emphasizes the importance of working together to support the country during the special military operation in Ukraine. **Story 3: Canada's Apology for Inviting a Nazi to Parliament** * **Description:** Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologizes for inviting a Nazi sympathizer to Parliament. * **Summary:** The incident sparks outrage in Russia and Canada. The Russian ambassador to Canada demands an apology from Trudeau and the Canadian government. Trudeau defends his actions, saying that he was not aware of the man's background. **Story 4: Russia's Financial Forum** * **Description:** The 7th Financial Forum opens in Moscow, with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin giving the keynote address. * **Summary:** Mishustin says that the Russian economy has adapted to new challenges and is expected to grow by more than 2.5% this year. He also announces plans to attract foreign investment, including through the use of digital assets. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_123000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Gazprombank Acquires Mega Malls in Russia** * Gazprombank has acquired 14 Mega shopping malls in Russia, with a total area of 2.3 million square meters. * The deal includes properties in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other major cities. * The purchase price has not been disclosed, but analysts estimate it to be between $2 and $3 billion. **2. Russian Economy Shows Signs of Resilience** * The Russian economy is showing signs of resilience despite Western sanctions. * The country's GDP grew by 6.5% in the second quarter of 2023, and the unemployment rate has fallen to 3.9%. * The ruble has also strengthened against the dollar, and inflation has slowed. **3. Russian Businesses Adapt to New Realities** * Russian businesses are adapting to the new realities of the post-sanctions era. * Many companies are finding new markets for their products and services, and some are even expanding their operations. * The government is also providing support to businesses, such as tax breaks and loans. **4. Russian Animation Industry Thrives** * The Russian animation industry is thriving despite the challenges of the past year. * Studios are finding new ways to create content, and there is a growing demand for Russian animation both domestically and internationally. * The government is also supporting the industry through funding and other initiatives. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_130000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Title: Putin signs law on integration of new regions into Russia** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law that establishes the date of reunification of Russia with the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, as September 30. The document has already entered into force since it has been published. Summary: The law establishes the date of reunification of Russia with the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, as September 30. The document has already entered into force since it has been published. **Title: Putin meets with elected governors of new regions** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin has held a meeting with the heads of the elected subjects of the federation via video conference. The meeting was attended by 26 people who won victories in the single voting day. According to Putin, these victories are worthy and convincing, including in the new regions of the country. Summary: Putin meets with elected governors of new regions and emphasizes the importance of integration, political, economic, and cultural, of the new regions into Russia. **Title: Moscow mayor: We must do everything to help the country during the special military operation** Description: Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has stated that today it is necessary to do everything possible to help the country during the special military operation. He emphasized that they must do everything to help the country during the special military operation, not only in terms of social support for the soldiers and their families, but also for the economy, the defense industry complex, and for those guys who are fighting at the front today, creating new industrial capacities, providing them with direct support by supplying the necessary things, food, humanitarian aid. Summary: Moscow mayor emphasizes the importance of supporting the country during the special military operation, both in terms of social support for the soldiers and their families, but also for the economy and defense industry complex. **Title: Kadyrov reports on successes in the special operation zone to Putin** Description: Chechen Republic Head Ramzan Kadyrov has reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the successes in the special operation zone. Kadyrov praised the high morale of the Chechen fighters and reported that they have purchased 1,100 vehicles, including 100 armored vehicles, since the beginning of the operation. He also noted that they have created five regiments and three battalions, and that all of them are currently taking part in the special military operation. Summary: Kadyrov reports on successes in the special operation zone to Putin, praises the high morale of the Chechen fighters, and notes the purchase of 1,100 vehicles, including 100 armored vehicles. **Title: Putin meets with South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin has met with South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit in Moscow. Putin noted that there is still much to be done to develop cooperation in the economy, but there are already good developments, for example, in the energy sector. He also emphasized that Russia was one of the first countries to recognize the sovereignty and independence of South Sudan. Summary: Putin meets with South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit, notes the need for further development of cooperation in the economy, and emphasizes Russia's early recognition of South Sudan's sovereignty and independence. **Title: Russian military destroys Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, 26 UAVs** Description: The Russian military has shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft in the Donetsk People's Republic, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. Additionally, over the past day, Russian forces have destroyed 26 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles. Summary: The Russian military has shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft in the Donetsk People's Republic and destroyed 26 Ukrainian UAVs. **Title: Ukrainian servicemen continue to surrender en masse - latest reports** Description: Ukrainian servicemen continue to surrender en masse, with the latest reports indicating that they are doing so deliberately. The footage shows Ukrainian soldiers surrendering to Russian forces, citing poor conditions and lack of food and ammunition as reasons for their surrender. Summary: Ukrainian servicemen continue to surrender en masse, citing poor conditions and lack of food and ammunition as reasons for their surrender. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_133000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Russian Military Destroys Ukrainian Aircraft:** The Russian Defense Ministry announced that Russian forces in the Donetsk People's Republic had shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft. Additionally, over the past 24 hours, Russian forces destroyed 26 enemy drones in the special military operation zone. 2. **Ukrainian POWs Surrender En Masse:** The Russian Defense Ministry also reported that Ukrainian servicemen are surrendering en masse, taking advantage of the opportunity to lay down their arms and avoid certain death. 3. **Russian Artillery Pounds Ukrainian Positions:** Russian artillery units of the Southern group of forces prevented the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) from launching an attack in the area of Kleshcheyevka, Donetsk People's Republic. As a result of the intense shelling, 30 militants and equipment were destroyed. 4. **Russian Advances on the Southern Donetsk Front:** The Russian Eastern group of forces, in cooperation with assault and army aviation, improved their positions along the frontline on the southern Donetsk front. They repelled two attacks by AFU assault groups in the area of Priyutnoye, inflicting losses of up to 105 servicemen, two armored fighting vehicles, and five vehicles. 5. **Russian Rocket Forces Target Field Depots:** Russian missile forces successfully struck field depots in Kharkiv and Kirovograd regions, destroying ammunition storage facilities of the 1st Special Purpose Brigade and an ammunition depot, respectively. 6. **Russian Air Force Destroys Ukrainian Aircraft:** Russian aircraft destroyed a Polish Krab self-propelled howitzer with a precision strike and carried out an airstrike on a stronghold in Severodonetsk. 7. **Russian Counteroffensive in Kupyansk:** Russian forces in the Kupyansk sector have significantly reduced their counteroffensive activity due to heavy losses, but are still relying on reserves to bolster their defense of Kupyansk. Russian forces are steadily advancing from the east, while continuing counterbattery operations. 8. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 9. **Roscongress Foundation Presents Report on Foreign Humanitarian Activities in the Post-Soviet Space:** The Roscongress Foundation presented an overview of the humanitarian activities of foreign states in the post-Soviet space. The report analyzes trends in the political influence of Western countries on the states of the Caucasus, the Baltics, and Central Asia, and assesses the объемы and mechanisms of foreign aid received by post-Soviet republics. 10. **Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov Discusses Budget and Financial Market Development:** Finance Minister Siluanov, speaking at the 7th Financial Forum in Moscow, assured that the planned budget will be sufficient and that there will be enough funds for all the necessary expenditures. He also emphasized the importance of developing domestic financial markets and introducing new instruments for preserving and increasing capital for citizens, such as investment diamonds. 11. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 12. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 13. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 14. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 15. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 16. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 17. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 18. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 19. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 20. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 21. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 22. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 23. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 24. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 25. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 26. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 27. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 28. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 29. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 30. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 31. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 32. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 33. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 34. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 35. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 36. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 37. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 38. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 39. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 40. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 41. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 42. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 43. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 44. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 45. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 46. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 47. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 48. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 49. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 50. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 51. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 52. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 53. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 54. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 55. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 56. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 57. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 58. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 59. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 60. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 61. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 62. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 63. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 64. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 65. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 66. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 67. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 68. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 69. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 70. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 71. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 72. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 73. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 74. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 75. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 76. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 77. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 78. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 79. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 80. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 81. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 82. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 83. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 84. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 85. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 86. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 87. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 88. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 89. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 90. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 91. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 92. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 93. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 94. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 95. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 96. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 97. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 98. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 99. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 100. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 101. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 102. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 103. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 104. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 105. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 106. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 107. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 108. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 109. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 110. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 111. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 112. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 113. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 114. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 115. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 116. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 117. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 118. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 119. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 120. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 121. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 122. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 123. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 124. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 125. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 126. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 127. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 128. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 129. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with the newly elected heads of Russia's regions, who won in the recent elections. He emphasized the importance of their work in implementing the tasks set by the state and ensuring the well-being of their citizens. 130. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders:** President Putin met with =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_140000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Title: Russian regions hold elections, integrate into legal framework** Description: The regions that recently joined Russia held elections to confirm their integration into the country's legal framework. Acting heads of the regions were confirmed in their positions, and voter turnout was high. Summary: The elections were an important step in the integration of the new regions into Russia's legal framework. High voter turnout showed the support of the people for the process. **Title: Putin meets with heads of regions, discusses development and support** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin met with the heads of regions who were recently elected. He emphasized the importance of regional economic development and providing support to the country during the special military operation. Summary: Putin discussed the challenges and opportunities facing the regions, and stressed the need for them to work closely with the federal government and municipal authorities to support the country during the special military operation. **Title: Chechnya leader Kadyrov meets with Putin, reports on special operation** Description: Chechen Republic leader Ramzan Kadyrov met with Putin and reported on the progress of the special operation. Kadyrov praised the support provided by Russia and expressed confidence in victory. Summary: Kadyrov reported on the success of the special operation and expressed confidence in victory. He also thanked Putin for the support provided by Russia. **Title: South Sudan President Kiir visits Russia, discusses economic cooperation** Description: South Sudan President Salva Kiir visited Russia and met with Putin. They discussed the development of economic cooperation between the two countries, particularly in the energy sector. Summary: Kiir and Putin discussed the development of economic cooperation between the two countries, particularly in the energy sector. They noted the progress made in this area and expressed a desire to further strengthen ties. **Title: Russian military destroys Ukrainian aircraft, advances in Donbas** Description: The Russian military reported the destruction of a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft and the elimination of 26 enemy drones. Russian artillery prevented Ukrainian forces from launching an attack in the Artemovsk region, destroying 30 militants and equipment. Summary: The Russian military made significant progress in the Donbas region, destroying Ukrainian aircraft and advancing in the Artemovsk area. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the Russian military's operations and their ability to counter Ukrainian attacks. **Title: Russian nuclear shield protects the country, challenges Western dreams** Description: At the opening of an exhibition celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Kurchatov Institute and the 120th anniversary of the birth of academicians Igor Kurchatov and Anatoly Alexandrov, it was stated that Russia's nuclear shield reliably protects the country and makes the dreams of some Western politicians about the strategic defeat of Russia absurd. Summary: Russia's nuclear shield effectively protects the country and deters potential adversaries. The achievements of Soviet scientists and the current state of the nuclear industry were highlighted, emphasizing the importance of nuclear energy in ensuring Russia's security and technological advancement. **Title: Canada accused of covering up knowledge of Nazi collaborator's invitation** Description: Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova accused Canadian authorities of covering up their knowledge of the invitation extended to Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Gunka to attend a parliamentary event. She emphasized that Canada has a history of accepting former SS members after World War II. Summary: Zakharova accused Canada of covering up their knowledge of Gunka's Nazi past and criticized the country for its history of accepting former SS members. She argued that such a high-level visit would not have been possible without thorough vetting by multiple countries' intelligence services. **Title: German authorities investigate Nazi salute incident at Oktoberfest** Description: German police have launched an investigation after a video surfaced online showing German Hitler admirers celebrating Oktoberfest. The incident, which took place in Saxony, involved intoxicated individuals listening to a World War II-era march and performing the Nazi salute. Summary: German authorities are investigating an incident at Oktoberfest where individuals performed the Nazi salute. The incident has sparked outrage and condemnation, and the police are working to identify and prosecute those involved. **Title: Armenia-Russia tensions rise over International Criminal Court statute** Description: Armenia's proposal to sign a bilateral agreement with Russia on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has caused tensions between the two countries. Russia has expressed its concerns about Armenia's ratification of the Rome Statute, given that the ICC has issued arrest warrants for Russia's top leadership. Summary: Armenia's decision to ratify the Rome Statute, despite Russia's objections, has led to increased tensions between the two countries. Russia has warned of negative consequences for bilateral relations and called on Armenia's National Assembly to reject the ratification. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_143000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Russian News Transcript Summary** **Russian Economy Undergoes Transformation:** - The Russian economy is undergoing a large-scale transformation, with the most difficult period behind it, according to Mikhail Mishustin, speaking at the Moscow Financial Forum. - The country has adapted to new challenges and is on track for sustainable growth. - The sanctions imposed on Russia have made it clear to many countries that they need to develop their own technological capabilities to avoid becoming overly dependent on foreign suppliers. - The government is prioritizing the development of domestic production, particularly in areas such as electronics, radio, chemicals, and transport and energy engineering. **Russian Offensive in Ukraine:** - The Ukrainian military is suffering heavy losses in the face of a Russian offensive in the Zaporizhzhia region, with one brigade that was held in reserve by the Ukrainian command taking significant casualties. - Many Ukrainian soldiers are surrendering to Russian forces, citing low morale and a lack of effective leadership. - Captured soldiers report that Western-supplied equipment, such as German armored vehicles and British tanks, has not been able to turn the tide of the conflict in Ukraine's favor. **Situation in Nagorno-Karabakh:** - The Russian peacekeeping contingent in Nagorno-Karabakh continues to assist the local population, with many people expressing a desire to move to Armenia. - Azerbaijan has called on ethnic Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh to become part of the Azerbaijani community, while also stating that it cannot force those who do not wish to live under Azerbaijani rule to do so. - The Armenian opposition has announced a protest in Yerevan, with tensions rising in the region. **Russian IT Infrastructure Under Cyberattack:** - The Russian Leonardo booking system experienced a massive DDoS attack from abroad, causing brief disruptions. - The attack targeted Russian airlines that recently switched to Leonardo to avoid using foreign services and sharing personal information of Russian tourists. - The cyberattack is part of an ongoing cyberwar against Russia, aimed at disrupting critical infrastructure and causing damage to the country's IT infrastructure. **New Regions Integrated into Russian Legal Framework:** - The new regions of Russia have taken another important step towards integration into the country's legal framework, according to President Vladimir Putin. - Putin met with the newly elected heads of these regions and emphasized the need to address issues such as social welfare, infrastructure development, and economic growth. - The integration process is aimed at ensuring the well-being and security of the people in these regions. **Other News:** - The ruble is expected to trade below 94.5 per dollar by the end of the year, with a forecast range of 90-92 rubles per dollar over the next three years. - The Russian ban on gasoline exports will remain in place until the market situation stabilizes, according to Energy Minister Nikolai Shulginov. - VTB's net profit for the first eight months of the year exceeded 350 billion rubles, with growth attributed to an expanded loan portfolio and increased assets. - China has authorized the import of Russian pork, reversing a ban that had been in place since 2008. - The Moscow International Games of the Future 2024, a multi-sport tournament combining physical and digital competitions, has announced its program and schedule. - The first-ever international multi-sport competitions will kick off in Kazan on February 23, featuring 21 innovative disciplines and over 2,000 athletes from more than 100 countries. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_150000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Russian regions hold elections, integrate into Russia** *Russian regions have taken another important step towards integration into the country's legal framework, President Vladimir Putin said. *Putin met with the winners of the recent regional elections. *He emphasized the importance of developing regional economies, creating new jobs, and improving infrastructure. *Putin also noted the high level of voter turnout and support for the elected officials, which he said was a sign of trust and confidence in their ability to bring about positive changes. **Russian forces destroy Ukrainian military equipment** *Russian forces in the Donetsk People's Republic have shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, the Defense Ministry reported. *Over the past day, Russian troops have also destroyed 26 Ukrainian drones. *The latest data on the progress of the special operation and the situation on the fronts from our correspondent Denis Alekseev. *There is a feeling that the Ukrainian military, and a considerable part of them, are waiting for another meat grinder offensive, so that they can surrender under the noise, they can't stand it, here are fresh кадры from the area of that area, where the Kiev command, at the cost of several hundred soldiers daily, continues to try to turn the contour attack, work on the five, those who are sent to the assault, already know what the outcome can be, and therefore such a picture is now not uncommon, with their hands up, throwing down their weapons, strictly one by one they come out of the darkness, and what is characteristic, the prisoners, as if on the spirit, lay out the situation in their units, Western equipment, they say, fails, the commanders do not stand on ceremony for failure to carry out the order to go to certain death, every now and then they threaten with reprisals, but tales about Russian captivity, without this in no way, they said that here they beat there or something else do, well, they mock, but as if there is no such treatment, propaganda works, this is unambiguous, that we have achieved success there, there, there, but in the end you look at all this, what successes are there, there are simply throws people in droves, but the result is zero. *On the Donetsk front near Artemovsk, Russian artillerymen of the Yug group did not allow the Armed Forces of Ukraine to go on the attack in the Kleshcheevka area, the result of the meat grinder assault there was 30 destroyed militants and equipment. *In total, over the past day in this direction, the Armed Forces of Ukraine failed at least two attacks, losing almost 200 people. *Equipment, as always, is a расходный материал, one howitzer more, one howitzer less, while the curators are bringing up, it is necessary to use, пусть in ущерб. *The intensified attempts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to attack, as in the last time, are explained by the approaching rainy season. *The militants want to gain a foothold in their positions and stay there for the winter. *Otherwise, the thaw will become a serious obstacle, but our military is confusing all their cards. *On the southern Donetsk front, over the past day, the Vostok group has improved its position along the front line. *Units of the Vostok group of forces in the southern Donetsk direction, in cooperation with assault and army aviation, improved their position along the front line and repelled two attacks by AFU assault groups in the area of Priyutnoye. *The enemy's losses amounted to 105 servicemen, two armored combat vehicles, and five vehicles. *The activities of a sabotage and reconnaissance group of the 110th brigade of the territorial defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area north of Priyutnoye were suppressed. *Today, fresh кадры of the destruction of foreign equipment appeared. *A Polish self-propelled howitzer Krab was liquidated with a precise strike, another hit was recorded at a strong point in Severesk. *On Kupyansky, the militants have noticeably reduced their counteroffensive activity, losses, which day are not so big, but after all, reserves are not rubber, the defense of Kupyansk rests against the Oskol River, our military is confidently pressing the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the east. *Counterbattery fighting also does not stop. *Russian missilemen walked well through the field depots, the day before the ammunition depots of the first special-purpose brigade were destroyed in the Kharkiv region. *The arsenal of ammunition in the Kirovograd region, too, our pilots sent to the Utyil Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, here, by the way, about the pilots, our fleet of military aircraft was replenished with another batch of Su-35 and Su-57 fighters, all machines прошли full cycle of factory tests, tested in different modes and are ready to perform tasks, here it is important to add that the Su-57 is a fifth-generation fighter, the tasks for the pilots of these aircraft will be set even more complex and the increase in the number of Su-57s in the sky over the fronts is very good news for our army and very bad, if not terrible, for the Kiev command, despite the fact that even now the air superiority of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is zero. *Denis Alekseev, Vesti. **Sbermarket cares about your profitable purchases** *Pay 99% of your order with Beri bonuses in any stores and restaurants in Bermarket. *Order profitably. *Hello, I can't talk, I'm in the feed, on the feed, downloaded the sbpay app, tied the account, pay in one touch, go for the cashback, yes, I know that I called myself, with SBB in the feed it is profitable, download the sbpay app, pay in one touch and get 3% cashback in the feed, when you cook with pleasure, it's just a song, but dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. *Samat tablets for dishwashers can easily cope with dirty dishes. *May it be 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I remember these legendary syrniki, let the bright moments remain in the memory, and not on things, trust Percy with Deep Clean Plus technology, its enzymes work not only on the surface, but also from the inside of the fabric, once Persil, always Persil, I could become anyone, a musician, a restaurateur, a presenter, a producer, a husband, otson, and I became, because I was always free, for smart free. *The authorities are лукавят when they say that they did not know about the fact of the invitation to parliament of the Nazi accomplice, Yaroslav Gunka, the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova said. *She stressed that Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Freeland is a member of the so-called Canadian Ukrainian Congress, which is sponsored by Gunka. *The diplomat recalled that after the Second World War, Canada accepted many former SS men. *Zakharova stressed that participants in the Ukrainian division of the CCC Galicia, as well as the radical OUN UPA and their descendants still have an influential lobby in Canada. *In addition, such a high-level visit would not have been possible without a thorough check by the special services of several countries at once, so Gunka's biography was not a secret to anyone. *Before getting abroad as an honorary guest at an event with Zelensky's participation, one must be checked by the special services from A to Z, причем not only Ukraine and Canada, but also the United States, Britain. *and a number of other countries. *Zakharova drew attention to the кадры of how the Nazi Yaroslav Gunko is waiting for a meeting with Trudeau Zelensky in the reception room, that is, in a room where you can only get after a thorough check of the biography, Gunka's granddaughter herself posted on social networks, then deleted, but these photos have already managed to облететь the Internet. *The Canadian Prime Minister, after managed to apologize, but did it in such a way that he began to be criticized even more. *Our channel was told about this by the Russian ambassador to Canada, Oleg Stepanov. *This, in fact, is not, not an apology, for this Justin Trudeau is already strongly criticized here, because he did not apologize himself and not on behalf of the Canadian government, as if on behalf of parliament, here he apologized it is not clear to whom, e, therefore, forcedly did it, well, it looks a little. *so funny from our point of view, well, and another similar scandal is now flaring up in Germany, a video has appeared on the Internet in which German admirers of Hitler celebrate Oktoberfest. *These кадры were filmed at the end of last week in Saxony. *On them, drunken visitors to the beer hall not only listen at maximum volume to the march of Eric from the times of the Second World War, but throw up their hands in a Nazi salute. *The latter in Germany is a criminal offense on... *Armenia has proposed that Russia sign a bilateral agreement on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. *The Russian Foreign Ministry stressed that the Armenian partners were initially informed of the position of the inadmissibility of Armenia's ratification of the Rome Statute. *In conditions when this structure issued arrest warrants for the Russian Federation. *Moscow proposed a compromise option, but Yerevan did not take it into account. *Instead, the Armenian authorities made a political decision in favor of ratification. *Moscow notes that this will have the most negative consequences for bilateral relations. *The thesis that joining the ICC will якобы not affect relations between the countries, does not correspond to reality. *And in Moscow they hope that there will be sober-minded forces in the National Assembly of Armenia who will not become, I quote: *Ukraine will not receive anything from the EU budget until Hungary is paid the funds due to it from the European funds, the country's government said, will Western allies continue to provide assistance to Kiev, разобралась Natalia Goncharova. *Real losses in the Armed Forces of Ukraine are very large and few people know the exact figures. *Kiev has classified statistics, the Mysl Polska publication notes that hundreds have been killed since the beginning of the conflict. *thousands, everyone is being taken to the front now, and under sixty with tuberculosis and even свичинфекцией. *The New York Times notes that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are at an impasse and this will weaken Kiev's support from Washington. *Ukraine has achieved minimal success in its counteroffensive, dense Russian minefields and fortifications have made every attack extremely costly. *It was France and Germany, the guarantors of the Minsk agreements, who are responsible for the destruction of the territorial integrity of Ukraine, stressed the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Lavrov. *Berlin and Paris admitted that they were dragging out time to give the Kiev regime time to prepare for war, and now there are a lot of people who want to make money on the conflict. *Actually, in the States, this is not hidden. *The Senate directly stated that 90% of aid to Ukraine is loans. *And sooner or later Kiev will pay these billions. *American journalists believe that this is why no one in the US ruling circles wants reconciliation. *Here's how it works. *The Democrats sent. *to Ukraine a lot of taxpayers' money so that it would blow up everything that was possible, and then sent a lot more of your money to fix what they blew up, and of course, they got a taste for it. *What a great scheme, right? *Restoration, destruction, restoration, and Democrats get money both times. *Former US Army intelligence officer Tony Shaffer is confident that the White House has long since lost touch with reality and simply does not want to admit defeat. *They have the John McCain syndrome, I will pretend until it works, or until I die, примерно to such a thesis everything is reduced, in my opinion, this is exactly how they look at the situation, they just do not believe that this can be so, with my. *point of view, this is such a form of narcissism, they are simply unable to accept reality and will continue to portray an alternative version of events that is not based on facts, on emotions. *The United States seriously miscalculated by deciding to impose sanctions on Russia and thus turned too many people against itself, political scientist John Mearsheimer pointed out. *I think that they thought that we would be able to defeat the Russians, the key to success was in two things: first, in the Ukrainians. *whom we trained and armed, we hoped that they would fight at the level, but most importantly, we expected that the sanctions would quickly put the Russians in their place, it was a mistake. *The French указывает, due to the failure in Ukraine and ill-considered policy, the West is rapidly losing its positions all over the world. *Runs away from military political fronts. *Natalia Goncharova, Vesti. *More than 3,000 projects of the grant competition of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives have been evaluated. *The submitted works were considered by 142 professionals from various industries, musical, theatrical, exhibition and others, the competition was held in five thematic areas, the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives summed up the results of a special competition. *397 applications were submitted for the competition from all corners of our country, 303 projects won for a total of more than 1.6 billion rubles. *These are projects related to our traditions, with our heroes, with the integration of new regions. *cultural space, as a result of the initiatives of creative people, new books, new productions, new films will appear, because it is culture that unites us all. *The Russian economy in search of a new balance, how to find it, is being discussed at the Moscow Financial Forum. *The most difficult period of transformation has been passed, but there are still many challenges ahead. *More details about everything, Alena Loginova. *The Russian economy is undergoing a large-scale transformation. *The most difficult period has been passed, the forecasts of foreign. *experts who predicted a large decline in GDP did not come true, Mikhail Mishustin said at the Moscow Financial Forum. *The restoration of business activity is going faster than everyone expected. *The government's actions are focused on solving six priority tasks. *This is the deepening of foreign economic interaction with promising partners from friendly states, the improvement of the necessary mechanisms, including transport, payment components. *Strengthening our. *financial sovereignty, outstripping the construction of transport, communal and other social infrastructure, well, increasing the well-being of citizens and ensuring national savings, this is the protection of motherhood, childhood, support for families with children, for the first 8 months of the year, the Russian economy added 2.5% according to the forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development, following the results of 2023 will grow by 2.8%. *And inflation will be in the region of 7.5%, while the state will fulfill all its obligations, regardless of the situation and external pressure. *Actually, this is what our entire budget structure is aimed at, the whole logic with the NWF, with accumulation, with oil and gas revenues, with basic incomes, and so on, it assumes that, regardless of what the forecast will be, the state will fulfill in full all the obligations that it has assumed. *According to the Ministry of Economic Development, the multiplicity of exchange rates is destroying the Russian economy and new methods of ruble control are needed, while the head of the Central Bank believes that валютном регулировании one must behave very carefully, if the Central Bank had kept the key rate at 7.5%, the ruble exchange rate would have been weaker, to change the inflation target, the regulator is not going to. *I cannot but react to attempts to change the inflation target, here the worst thing is to change the inflation target, then, then the landmarks disappear altogether not... not not inflation, why is more than 4% bad? *the higher the inflation, the greater the spread of prices, the more prices can rise, specifically for milk, for bread, the lower the inflation, the more affordable the loan rates will be. *The ruble should not be strong or weak, it should be predictable, such a point of view was expressed by the Minister of Finance, the department is working to stabilize the exchange rate, while everyone wants to see a balanced sustainable... budget. *Following the results of 2023, its deficit will be at the level of 2% of GDP, this is a planned indicator. *The Ministry of Finance decided to reduce the program of domestic loans for this year by 1 trillion rubles. *we are not raising taxes, yes, it is clear, in these conditions, somewhere the central bank is still holding high, as it were, interest rates, but we are going to not raise taxes, so that money remains with businesses, and this is also our priority, since businesses have opportunities to use this money to create работих places, so that businesses can develop and invest in those areas that are supported by the state. *the issue of privatization of large companies was also touched upon at the forum, the head of VTB, Kostin, said that it was a quote that died, later he explained what exactly was meant. *the time has not come, maybe, yes, even, therefore I think that this will happen sooner or later, because not because there is something now, but simply over the past decade, objectively, in the life of the crisis, which was in the eighth year. *and the role of state structures of the state it gradually intensified here, although today the private sector continues to play a very important role, I would not go to extremes here, but not today, then the time will come, maybe tomorrow. *And another important issue: expanding settlements in national currencies with friendly countries. *Russia will seek more active use of the ruble. *In the near future, we can launch cross-border settlements based on blockchain using digital assets. *I would very much like our family to adapt to the new realities of life, felt-tip pens calendars for the ninety-fourth year, which is just around the corner, to work on space in the past life, colleague, has long increased, your dad works as, turtle and ninja, also saves the world, also lives in the sewer, but Evgeny Tsyganov, here, according to the mind, the entire system needs a major overhaul, according to the mind, the whole country needs a major overhaul, but where is the money? *Aleksandrok, I am for private property, and I am too, Ekaterina Vilkova, how can I open my own business, Maxim Logashin, capitalism is the system of the future, oil has fallen again, the film by Alexander Velikinsky. *nothing depends on us at all, depends, Seryoga, should depend, ninety-third, you will tell your grandchildren later, this is history, soon. *Dear friends, I am pleased to invite you to our. *New issue of the author's program besagon TV, which will be called Mil-pardon under the covers, I think it will be interesting, I look forward to our meeting. *What is the pin code? *If a simple question has become a viikorin, naapept can help. *It helps to restore memory attention. *Naapt, so that the head works. *And we are flying, and we are panting, I am in the dungeon, and I am a snout, and we are in the luft, and we are waiting for you. *Not a second without each other. *That's a continuous connection. *How reliable. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_153000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Title:** Mass Shooting in Dagestan: All Suspects Detained * Description: In a shocking incident, a mass shooting occurred in the village of Levashi in Dagestan, resulting in four people injured and two killed, including a police officer. All the suspects involved in the incident have been identified, apprehended, and handed over to the Investigative Committee of Russia. 2. **Title:** Former Traffic Police Officer Charged with Selling Personal Data of Journalist Darya Dugina * Description: In a twist to the investigation of the murder of political analyst Darya Dugina, a former traffic police officer, Ivan Rybin, has been charged with selling her personal data to a third party. The sensitive information was allegedly obtained by Rybin through his access to the federal information system of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. 3. **Title:** Head of EMERCOM in Krasnodar Region Charged with Abuse of Power * Description: The head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) in the Krasnodar region, Oleg Volyankin, has been charged with abuse of power. The details of the criminal case are yet to be disclosed, but it is reported that the alleged offense took place two years ago. 4. **Title:** Large Haul of Fish Seized from Poachers in Yaroslavl * Description: In a major operation, police in Yaroslavl seized a motorboat full of судаков (zander) and плотвы (roach) from a pair of poachers. The authorities also confiscated fishing nets and two vehicles used by the poachers. Criminal cases have been initiated for illegal extraction of aquatic biological resources, with the estimated ущерб (damage) amounting to over 2.8 million rubles. 5. **Title:** Trial Begins for Former Police Officer Accused of Selling Darya Dugina's Data * Description: The trial of Ivan Rybin, the former police officer accused of selling Darya Dugina's personal data, has commenced in the Nagatino court in Moscow. The sensitive information was allegedly obtained by Rybin through his access to the federal information system of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. 6. **Title:** EMERCOM Minister Visits Kemerovo Region, Praises Firefighters and Rescue Workers * Description: Alexander Kurenkov, the head of EMERCOM Russia, visited the Kemerovo region to assess the readiness of local firefighters and rescue workers. He commended the work of the mountain rescue service, which specializes in complex operations. Kurenkov also visited a training center and a rescue station, where he observed the equipment and skills of the personnel. 7. **Title:** Experts Shed Light on Solving Crimes Through Linguistic Analysis * Description: In the fight against crime, experts from the Expert-Criminalistic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) play a crucial role in analyzing telephone conversations and texts to uncover criminal activity. Recent successes include proving that Nikita Lebedev, a resident of Lobnya near Moscow, used social media messages to encourage teenagers to perform dangerous stunts. 8. **Title:** Duma Approves Harsher Penalties for Public Justification of Extremism * Description: The State Duma has approved amendments to the Criminal Code, introducing a sentence of up to 5 years in prison for publicly justifying or promoting extremism. The move aims to combat radical individuals, including those who propagate ideas of the terrorist movement Columbine among the youth. 9. **Title:** Shocking Incident in Ufa: Migrant Workers Attempt to Burn Nightclub Security Guards Alive * Description: In a shocking incident, two illegal migrant workers in Ufa attempted to burn nightclub security guards alive after being denied entry to the establishment. One of the pyromaniacs was captured on camera dousing the guards with gasoline and setting the floor ablaze. The guards managed to escape, but the club was engulfed in flames, causing panic among the patrons. The perpetrators fled the scene and were later apprehended at the airport. Criminal charges have been filed for attempted murder with особая жестокость (special cruelty), committed in a общеопасным способом (publicly dangerous manner) by a group of individuals acting in предварительный сговор (preliminary agreement). 10. **Title:** Three Hooligans Detained for Knife-Wielding Attack in Moscow * Description: Three audacious hooligans were detained in Moscow after they attacked a family on the road for not letting them cut in line. The incident, which was captured on camera, shows the aggressors chasing and threatening the family with knives and pistols. The victims managed to escape and seek help from the police, who launched an operation to apprehend the suspects. The hooligans now face up to 5 years in prison for хулиганство (hooliganism). 11. **Title:** Travel Agent from Bashkiria Faces Charges for Defrauding Tourists * Description: A travel agent from Bashkiria, identified as Ekaterina Hakim =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_160000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Putin signs law on reunification with Russia of Donbas republics, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions** * Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law establishing the reunification of Russia with the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. * Summary: The document has already entered into force since it has been published. The integration of the new regions was one of the main topics at a meeting between the President and the heads of the elected subjects of the federation. **Putin: Elections in new Russian regions held in accordance with Russian law** * Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that the elections in the country's new regions, including those in the Donbas and Novorossiya, were held in accordance with Russian law for the first time. * Summary: Putin emphasized that the turnout in the regional parliaments was high, and that the newly elected heads of the regions have confirmed their legitimacy. He called the elections an important step towards the full integration of the new regions into Russia's legal and state space. **Sobyanin: Moscow will do everything possible to help the country during the special military operation** * Description: Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has pledged to do everything possible to help Russia during the special military operation, including providing social support to soldiers and their families, as well as assistance to the economy and the defense industry. * Summary: Sobyanin emphasized the importance of consolidating society and supporting the country's military efforts. He called on Muscovites to actively participate in the upcoming elections and to vote for candidates who will work to improve the lives of citizens. **Kadyrov reports to Putin on successes in the special operation zone** * Description: Chechen Republic Head Ramzan Kadyrov has reported to President Putin on the successes of Chechen forces in the special operation zone, highlighting their high morale and the acquisition of new military equipment. * Summary: Kadyrov assured Putin that Chechnya will continue to support Russia and fight alongside other Russian forces. He also praised the coordination and cooperation between different military units and expressed confidence in their ability to overcome any challenges. **Putin meets with South Sudan President Salva Kiir** * Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin has met with South Sudan President Salva Kiir in the Kremlin. * Summary: The two leaders discussed the development of economic cooperation between their countries, particularly in the energy sector. Putin noted that there is still much to be done, but that there are already good developments, such as in the energy sector. **Russian military destroys Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, 26 drones in past 24 hours** * Description: The Russian military has shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft and destroyed 26 drones in the past 24 hours, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. * Summary: The ministry also reported that Russian artillery units have prevented Ukrainian forces from launching an attack in the Kleshcheyevka area, destroying 30 militants and their equipment. **Russian Armed Forces receive new Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets** * Description: The Russian Armed Forces have received a new batch of Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets, which have completed a full cycle of factory tests and are ready to carry out combat missions. * Summary: The Su-57 is a fifth-generation fighter jet, and its increased presence in the skies over the front lines is seen as a positive development for the Russian military and a major challenge for the Ukrainian command. **Trudeau apologizes for inviting Nazi collaborator to parliament** * Description: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for inviting Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Gunka to parliament, after it was revealed that Gunka had been a member of the Waffen-SS during World War II. * Summary: The scandal has sparked outrage in Canada, with many criticizing Trudeau for not properly vetting Gunka before inviting him to parliament. **Germany: Police search for participants in Nazi-themed Oktoberfest party** * Description: German police have launched a search for participants and organizers of a Nazi-themed party that took place during Oktoberfest in Saxony. * Summary: Videos of the party, which show attendees singing Nazi songs and performing the Hitler salute, have sparked outrage in Germany. The Hitler salute is a criminal offense in Germany and is punishable by a fine or up to three years in prison. **Hungary blocks EU funds for Ukraine until it receives its own funds** * Description: Hungary has blocked the disbursement of EU funds to Ukraine until it receives its own funds from European funds. * Summary: The Hungarian government has stated that Ukraine will not receive any money from the EU budget until Hungary receives the funds it is owed. **West losing influence worldwide due to failures in Ukraine, reckless policies** * Description: The West is rapidly losing its influence around the world due to its failures in Ukraine and its reckless policies, according to French newspaper Le Figaro. * Summary: The article argues that the West's support for Ukraine has been counterproductive and has only served to weaken its own position. It also criticizes the West's sanctions on Russia, which have failed to achieve their goals and have only harmed the global economy. **Putin orders establishment of National Center for Historical Memory** * Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the establishment of a National Center for Historical Memory. * Summary: The center will be responsible for preserving and promoting Russia's historical heritage and will be funded by the federal budget. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_163000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Title**: Gazprombank Acquires Mega Malls in Russia **Description**: Gazprombank has acquired 14 Mega shopping malls in Russia, with a total area of 2.3 million square meters. The deal includes properties in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other major cities. The purchase price has not been disclosed, but analysts estimate it to be in the range of $2-3 billion. **Summary**: The acquisition of Mega malls is a strategic investment for Gazprombank, which plans to develop the brand and increase its rental income. The deal is also expected to benefit Russian retailers, who will gain access to new markets. **Title**: Vladimir Putin Congratulates Industry Workers on Professional Holiday **Description**: Russian President Vladimir Putin has congratulated industry workers on their professional holiday, noting the country's achievements in the sector. Putin singled out the Rosatom state corporation for its work in energy, nuclear medicine, space, and the modernization of the nuclear icebreaker fleet. **Summary**: Putin's congratulations highlight the importance of the industry sector to Russia's economy and security. Rosatom's work in particular is seen as vital to the country's continued development. **Title**: New Atom Pavilion Opens in Moscow **Description**: A new pavilion dedicated to nuclear energy has opened at the VDNKh exhibition center in Moscow. The pavilion features interactive exhibits and displays that explain how nuclear power plants work and the benefits of nuclear energy. **Summary**: The Atom pavilion is a major addition to Moscow's cultural landscape and is expected to attract a large number of visitors. The pavilion is part of Russia's efforts to promote nuclear energy as a clean and safe source of power. **Title**: Nagorno-Karabakh: Russia Says Humanitarian Aspect of Most Concern **Description**: The Russian Foreign Ministry has commented on the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, saying that the humanitarian aspect of the conflict is of most concern. The ministry said that Russia is providing assistance to those who wish to leave the region and that it is working to ensure that their basic needs are met. **Summary**: Russia is playing a key role in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, providing humanitarian assistance and helping to ensure the safety of civilians. The ministry's statement reflects Russia's commitment to a peaceful resolution of the conflict. **Title**: Armenian Opposition Announces Protest in Yerevan **Description**: The Armenian opposition has announced a protest in Yerevan on Saturday, September 24. The protest is in response to the recent developments in Nagorno-Karabakh, where the Armenian population is facing ethnic cleansing. **Summary**: The protest reflects the growing anger and frustration of the Armenian people over the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh. The opposition is calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, who is seen as having failed to protect the interests of the Armenian people. **Title**: Karabakh: A History of Conflict **Description**: The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh is a complex one with a long history. The region has been disputed between Armenia and Azerbaijan since the early 1990s, when the collapse of the Soviet Union led to a war that left thousands dead. **Summary**: The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh is a reminder of the challenges of resolving long-standing territorial disputes. The recent fighting has raised concerns about the potential for a wider regional conflict. **Title**: More Than 3,000 Projects Receive Grants from Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives **Description**: More than 3,000 projects have received grants from the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives. The projects were selected by a panel of experts from 142 different industries. **Summary**: The Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives is a major source of funding for cultural projects in Russia. The grants will help to support a wide range of projects, from new books and plays to films and exhibitions. **Title**: International Parliamentary Conference "Russia-Latin America" Opens in Moscow **Description**: The International Parliamentary Conference "Russia-Latin America" has opened in Moscow. The conference brings together parliamentarians from Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as experts and public figures, to discuss current issues on the international parliamentary agenda. **Summary**: The conference is a sign of the growing relationship between Russia and Latin America. The participants will discuss a range of issues, including trade, investment, and security. **Title**: Exit Polls Show United Russia Candidates Sweeping Elections in New Regions **Description**: Exit polls show that candidates from the United Russia party have won a sweeping victory in the elections in the four new regions that recently joined the Russian Federation. The elections were held on September 17-19. **Summary**: The results of the elections show that the people of the new regions support the decision to join Russia. The United Russia party is seen as the party of stability and prosperity, and its candidates were widely expected to win. **Title**: Moscow Weather: September Set to Be Driest and Warmest on Record **Description**: September is set to be the driest and warmest on record in Moscow, with temperatures expected to remain high until the end of the month. The warm weather has led to an increased risk of wildfires, and some plants have started to flower again. **Summary**: The warm weather is a welcome change from the cold and rainy weather that Moscow usually experiences in September. However, the dry conditions have also raised concerns about the risk of wildfires. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_170000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Kyiv's Counteroffensive Stalls Amidst Heavy Losses** * Description: The Ukrainian counteroffensive in the Kherson region has stalled, with minimal progress and heavy losses for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. * Summary: The New York Times reports that the Ukrainian counteroffensive has been hampered by the onset of autumn weather, which has turned the ground muddy and impassable for heavy NATO tanks and armored vehicles. Russian minefields and strong defensive fortifications have also played a significant role in slowing the Ukrainian advance. The article suggests that the United States is concerned about the high cost of supporting the Ukrainian military and may reduce or even cut off financial assistance. **Story 2: Ukrainian Tactics Ineffective Against Russian Defenses** * Description: Ukrainian forces have resorted to "meat grinder" tactics, launching frontal assaults without armored support, resulting in heavy casualties. * Summary: The head of Ukrainian intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov, admitted that the lack of armored support has forced Ukrainian troops to advance on foot, making them vulnerable to Russian artillery and air strikes. The Ukrainian military has also been using outdated anti-tank and anti-personnel mines, which have proven ineffective against Russian forces. **Story 3: Russian Forces Destroy Ukrainian Weapons Depot** * Description: Russian forces used FAB-500 bombs to destroy a large weapons depot inside an elevator complex in the Kherson region. * Summary: The Ukrainian military had been using the elevator complex as a storage facility for military equipment and ammunition, despite the fact that it was located near the front lines and had been damaged by flooding. The Russian strike destroyed the depot and caused significant damage to the surrounding area. **Story 4: Ukrainian Nazis Cause Diplomatic Incident in Canada** * Description: The Vice President of the University of Alberta in Canada has apologized for inviting a Ukrainian Nazi, Yaroslav Hunkay, to speak at the university. * Summary: Hunkay, who is a member of the Waffen-SS, was invited to speak at the university's Ukrainian Students' Society event. The university has since closed the charitable foundation that Hunkay's family had established and is returning the donated funds. The incident has sparked a debate about the presence of Nazi sympathizers in Canada and the West's support for Ukraine. **Story 5: Ukrainian Forces Use Homemade Mobile Artillery** * Description: Ukrainian forces have been using homemade mobile artillery, including old anti-aircraft guns mounted on trucks, in an attempt to counter Russian forces. * Summary: The Ukrainian military has been facing shortages of heavy weapons and armored vehicles, prompting them to improvise and use outdated equipment. However, these makeshift weapons often malfunction or even self-destruct, causing further casualties for the Ukrainian forces. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_173000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Ukraine's military is experiencing an arms shortage and is resorting to using outdated Soviet-era weapons and homemade artillery.** In an effort to increase mobility, they are mounting these weapons on trucks and other vehicles. However, these makeshift weapons often malfunction or self-destruct. 2. **Former Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin has signed a contract with a casting agency, signaling her transition from politics to show business.** The move has sparked speculation about her future career plans and whether she will find success in the entertainment industry. 3. **Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on regional leaders to take concrete measures to improve the well-being of their citizens, address social problems, and improve demographic indicators.** He made these remarks during a meeting with 26 regional leaders who were elected on September 10. 4. **The Russian military has been accused of committing war crimes in Ukraine, including the indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas.** President Putin has denied these allegations, claiming that the Russian military is only targeting military targets. 5. **The United States and its allies have imposed sanctions on Russia in an effort to pressure the country to end its military campaign in Ukraine.** These sanctions have had a significant impact on the Russian economy, but Putin has vowed to weather the storm and continue the operation. 6. **The conflict in Ukraine has caused a humanitarian crisis, with millions of people displaced from their homes.** The United Nations has called for a ceasefire and a negotiated settlement to the conflict. 7. **The COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose a threat to global health, with new variants emerging and causing outbreaks in various countries.** Governments around the world are implementing measures to contain the spread of the virus, including vaccination campaigns and travel restrictions. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_180000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Title: Russia's Regions Receive Support and Guidance from President Putin** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the heads of regions elected on a single voting day, emphasizing the need for concrete measures and solutions to address social and economic issues. He highlighted the importance of not only federal but also local efforts in improving the well-being of citizens. Summary: President Putin met with 26 regional leaders to discuss the development and prosperity of their respective regions. He emphasized the importance of addressing local issues, such as improving education and infrastructure, and highlighted the significance of the recently held elections in the Donbas and Novorossiya regions. **Title: Libyan National Army Commander Meets with Russian President** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Libyan National Army Commander Khalifa Haftar in Moscow. The meeting focused on the situation in Libya and regional issues. Summary: During the meeting, President Putin and Commander Haftar discussed the situation in Libya and broader regional developments. **Title: Western Allies Express Doubts and Concerns over Continued Support for Ukraine** Description: A meeting of NATO defense ministers and top officials from France and the UK in Kyiv highlighted the growing doubts and concerns among Western allies regarding the effectiveness and sustainability of their support for Ukraine. Summary: Defense ministers from NATO countries, along with French and British officials, met in Kyiv to discuss ongoing support for Ukraine. However, the meeting revealed increasing skepticism among Western allies about the value and long-term viability of their assistance, given the high costs and limited tangible results. **Title: Ukrainian President Zelenskyy Meets with NATO Secretary-General** Description: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in Kyiv, where they discussed further support and assistance for Ukraine. Summary: President Zelenskyy and Secretary-General Stoltenberg discussed the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the need for continued support from NATO allies. The meeting aimed to assess the situation and explore additional measures to aid Ukraine in its defense against Russia. **Title: US House of Representatives Launches Impeachment Inquiry against President Biden** Description: The US House of Representatives initiated an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, prompting a defensive response from the White House. Republicans vowed to pursue the matter and secure victory for their candidate in the upcoming elections. Summary: The House of Representatives commenced an impeachment inquiry against President Biden, with Republicans leading the charge. The inquiry is based on allegations of abuse of power and financial impropriety involving Biden's family. The White House dismissed the accusations as frivolous, while Republicans aimed to capitalize on the situation and gain an advantage in the upcoming elections. **Title: Russian Nuclear Industry Celebrates Achievements and Honors Pioneers** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated workers in the nuclear industry on their professional day, acknowledging their significant contributions to national defense and economic security. A thematic exhibition at the Museum of Modern History of Russia showcased the development of the industry. Summary: President Putin praised the achievements of the Russian nuclear industry and recognized the dedication of scientists and engineers who played a crucial role in its development. A thematic exhibition highlighted the industry's history, milestones, and the pioneering efforts of individuals like Igor Kurchatov and Anatoly Alexandrov. **Title: Moscow to Announce Winner of "Cultural Capital of Russia" Competition** Description: Moscow is set to announce the winner of the "Cultural Capital of Russia" competition, an annual honor bestowed upon one of the country's cities with over 250,000 inhabitants. Eight finalists, including Grozny, Kaliningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Samara, Tomsk, Cheboksary, and Chita, presented their bids to the jury. Summary: The "Cultural Capital of Russia" competition recognizes and celebrates the cultural achievements and potential of cities across the country. The eight finalist cities showcased their unique features and initiatives through vibrant presentations to the jury. The competition aims to inspire civic pride and promote cultural development in the participating regions. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_183000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Задержание начальника главного управления МЧС по Краснодарскому краю Олега Валункина** * Олега Валункина подозревают в злоупотреблении полномочиями. * Подробности уголовного дела пока неизвестны. * Валункин был задержан во время служебной командировки в Сочи. * Суд избрал меру пресечения в виде заключения под стражу. **2. В Россию экстрадирован гражданин, подозреваемый в педофилии** * Задержанный был доставлен в Москву сотрудниками Интерпола и ФСБ. * Установлено, что подозреваемый неоднократно совершал преступления против половой неприкосновенности несовершеннолетней, а также причинил ей телесные повреждения. * Обвиняемый скрылся от следствия за границей. **3. В Москве задержан бывший сотрудник ГИБДД, подозреваемый в продаже информации о Дарье Дугиной** * По версии следствия, экс-инспектор получил информацию о личной жизни девушки и продал ее с помощью посредника. * Суд избрал меру пресечения в виде подписки о невыезде. **4. В Дагестане задержаны все участники массовой перестрелки** * Конфликт между местными жителями произошел накануне вечером. * В результате перестрелки погибли четыре человека, в том числе полицейский. * Все подозреваемые установлены, доставлены и переданы в следственное управление Следственного комитета России по Республике Дагестан. **5. В Уфе турагент подозревается в мошенничестве** * Пострадавшие туристы перечислили ей сотни тысяч рублей за заграничный отдых, но никуда не улетели. * Турагент скрылась и не отвечает на звонки. * Возбуждено уголовное дело. **6. В Уфе двое приезжих нелегалов пытались сжечь заживо охранников ночного клуба** * Пироманы облили охранников бензином и устроили пожар в помещении. * Посетители в панике бросились к выходу. * Поджигатели сбежали, но были задержаны в аэропорту. **7. В Москве задержаны трое дерзких хулиганов, которые напали на семейную пару** * Хулиганы напали на пару из-за того, что им не уступили дорогу. * Они угрожали супругам ножами и пистолетами. * Полиция задержала подозреваемых. **8. В Хакасии задержан беглый сутенер** * Сутенер скрывался от красноярских следователей. * Он был задержан в одном из фитнес-клубов Абакана. * Подозреваемый является последним из легионеров подпольной империи разврата. **9. На Украине кулибины соревнуются в рукоделии самодельная мобильная артиллерия на вооружение ВСУ** * Украинские умельцы устанавливают старые зенитки сороковых годов на грузовики. * Самодельные артиллерийские установки часто самоликвидируются. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_190000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Ukrainian Counteroffensive Stalls Without Armor** * The Ukrainian counteroffensive is running out of steam as Russian forces continue to advance in the north. * The New York Times reports that the Ukrainian counteroffensive has made minimal gains and has been costly. * The US is concerned about the cost of the counteroffensive and is considering scaling back its support. **Ukrainian Tactics Ineffective Against Russian Defenses** * Ukrainian forces are resorting to human wave attacks, which are ineffective against Russian defenses. * The Russian army has been able to destroy large amounts of Ukrainian armor and equipment. * Ukrainian forces are suffering heavy casualties and are unable to make significant gains. **Russia Destroys Ukrainian Grain Storage Facility** * Russian forces have destroyed a grain storage facility in the Kherson region. * Ukraine claims that the facility was not being used for military purposes. * Russia claims that the facility was being used to store weapons and ammunition. **Trudeau Apologizes for Honoring Ukrainian Nazi** * Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for applauding Ukrainian Nazi Yaroslav Gunka. * Trudeau claims that he was unaware of Gunka's background. * Critics say that Trudeau's apology is insincere and that he should have known about Gunka's background. **Ukrainian Homemade Artillery** * Ukrainian forces are using homemade artillery in an attempt to slow the Russian advance. * The homemade artillery is made from old anti-aircraft guns mounted on trucks. * The homemade artillery is often self-destructing, causing more damage to Ukrainian forces than to Russian forces. **Former Finnish Prime Minister Signs with Casting Agency** * Former Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin has signed with a casting agency. * Marin has been criticized for her dancing and partying. * Marin's supporters say that she is a strong and independent woman who should be able to do whatever she wants. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_193000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Karabakh Armenians Face Uncertain Future** The future of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh is uncertain, with analysts predicting that there will be none left in the region soon. This is despite statements from the Armenian Prime Minister on September 21 that there was no threat to Armenians from Azerbaijan. The situation is further complicated by the arrest of former Karabakh government head Ruben Vardanyan, who was detained in the Lachin corridor and taken to Baku, where a court ordered his arrest on charges of financing terrorism. If convicted, he could face up to 14 years in prison. Another official, presidential adviser David Babayan, has made the difficult decision to surrender to Azerbaijani authorities, adding that those close to him will understand. The situation in the republic remains difficult, with a catastrophic shortage of fuel and transportation making people hostages to the situation. Many are unable to leave Karabakh, and more than 500 civilians, including nearly 300 children, are sheltering in the Russian peacekeeping contingent, where they are being provided with food and medicine. Russian helicopter crews have also been evacuating the wounded to Stepanakert. Humanitarian aid is being sent from all over the republic to the border, where refugees are now mainly located. It is being collected in Yerevan and sent by the ton to the displaced persons. Volunteers are taking on the responsibility of caring for them. People who are now leaving their homes need all kinds of help. Volunteers say that anything can be brought, such as cereals, hygiene products, and warm clothing. The Russian House in Yerevan has sent clothes and diapers for children, warm blankets, and other items to the city of Goris, where the situation is close to catastrophic. **Story 2: Ukrainian Officials Resort to Desperate Measures** Ukrainian officials are resorting to desperate measures in an attempt to boost the morale of their troops and give the impression of a strong and capable military. A recent video shows Ukrainian soldiers attempting to turn an old Soviet anti-aircraft gun into a mobile artillery piece, in line with the standards of NATO. However, the reality is that the weapons being used by Ukrainian forces are often outdated and unreliable, leading to serious doubts about the effectiveness of their military strategy. The situation is further complicated by the fact that Western countries are becoming increasingly hesitant to provide Ukraine with additional military support, as they question the effectiveness of such aid. **Story 3: Kyiv Hosts Scaled-Down Ramstein Format Meeting** Kyiv recently hosted a scaled-down version of the Ramstein format meeting, with the participation of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. The meeting focused on discussions of further support for Ukraine, with Western officials acknowledging that Ukraine's membership in NATO would be mutually beneficial. However, there is growing skepticism among Western countries about the effectiveness of continued support for Ukraine, as the war drags on and the costs mount. Military experts have noted that Ukrainian forces are wary of using heavy NATO armored vehicles due to significant losses, opting instead for infantry attacks with the support of armored personnel carriers. Analysts from the New York Times suggest that this slowdown in the pace of advancement creates new risks for the Ukrainian command, as time is running out for a successful counteroffensive before the onset of heavy rains next month. **Story 4: US House of Representatives Holds Impeachment Hearings Against Biden** Impeachment hearings against US President Joe Biden have begun in the House of Representatives, with the White House accusing the opposition of engaging in frivolous activities. However, the Republicans are determined to pursue the matter and secure victory for their candidate in the upcoming elections. The identity of this candidate remains unclear, with former President Donald Trump skipping the recent party debates. **Story 5: Former Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin Signs with Casting Agency** Former Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin has signed a contract with a casting agency in Beverly Hills, signaling her transition from politics to show business. The move has raised questions about her motivations and future prospects, with some suggesting that she lacks the necessary skills and experience for a successful career in the entertainment industry. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_200000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Russian regions take another important step towards integration into the country's legal framework.** * Vladimir Putin met with the winners of the recent regional elections. * He noted that the elections were held in a number of regions, including for the first time under Russian law, in the so-called new, or more precisely, historical lands of Donbass and Novorossiya. * Putin said that this is an important step towards their integration into a single, including legal, space of the country. 2. **Russian military in the Donetsk People's Republic shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft.** * The Ministry of Defense also reported that over the past day, Russian troops have destroyed 26 drones. * The latest data on the progress of the special operation from our correspondent Denis Alekseev. 3. **At least three people were killed in two shooting incidents in Rotterdam.** * The perpetrator opened fire first in a residential building and then in the auditorium of the medical center at Erasmus University. * As a result, the 39-year-old neighbor of the shooter, her 14-year-old daughter and a teacher were killed. * The identity of the suspect has been established, he is a student at this university, but the motive for the crime has not yet been established. 4. **Russian President Vladimir Putin visited a festive concert dedicated to the centenary of Rasul Gamzatov.** * The President noted that the people's poet of Dagestan remains the brightest star of Russian culture, and his work still carries the light of goodness, creation and love. 5. **Russian passport was presented to Yan Taksyur, a writer who is also known for his principled support of the canonical UOC.** * In the spring, the Kyiv regime found him guilty of alleged high treason. * Prior to that, Taksyur spent almost six months in a Ukrainian pre-trial detention center, where he was placed despite serious health problems. * The writer was released and included in the lists for the exchange of prisoners of war with the active assistance of the Russian Orthodox Church. 6. **Vladimir Putin congratulated the workers of the nuclear industry on their professional holiday.** * He separately noted the merits of the Rosatom State Corporation team, which works in a variety of areas, from energy and nuclear medicine to the space sector and the modernization of the icebreaker fleet. 7. **The Atom pavilion is preparing to open at VDNKh as part of the international exhibition of the Russia Forum.** * There are no more secrets in the Atom pavilion, a scientific and educational center at VDNKh. * As part of the international exhibition of the Russia Forum, you can find almost everything about one of the most closed industries. 8. **Heavy rain hit Turkey, some streets turned into lakes, shops and metro flooded.** * Firefighters evacuate children from schools. 9. **More than 3,000 projects of the grant competition of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives were evaluated by the expert council.** * The works were evaluated by 142 professionals from various industries: music, theater, exhibition and others. * The competition was held in five thematic areas. 10. **The Russian Leonardo booking system was attacked by hackers from abroad.** * The failure was short-term, of the unpleasant consequences - only queues for registration. 11. **Nizhny Novgorod has been declared the cultural capital of Russia in 2024.** * The results of the competition were summed up in Moscow. * The honorary title is awarded annually to one of the cities of our country with a population of more than 2500 inhabitants. 12. **Police in the English county of North Vimberland have announced the arrest of a 16-year-old teenager who may be linked to an act of vandalism.** * On the eve of the unknown cut down the tree-gude from ... the landmark of Great Britain. * The plant was several hundred years old. 13. **Peaceful Atom is advanced technologies, special people who devote their whole lives to their work, creative, responsible and confident in the significance of a huge industry that makes Russia a leading nuclear power.** * On the Day of the Atomic Industry Worker, a special report. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_203000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Rosatom: A Nuclear Dynasty** * Description: A family of nuclear workers in Russia, the Bogdanovs, talk about their work and their pride in the Russian nuclear industry. * Summary: The Bogdanovs are a family of nuclear workers in Russia. They are proud of their work and the Russian nuclear industry. 2. **First Turkish Woman Turbine Operator** * Description: Sibel Kutlu is the first woman in Turkey to become a turbine operator at a nuclear power plant. She talks about her experience and her hopes for the future of nuclear energy in Turkey. * Summary: Sibel Kutlu is the first woman in Turkey to become a turbine operator at a nuclear power plant. She is excited about the future of nuclear energy in Turkey. 3. **New Composite Materials** * Description: Anton Shumakov is a young engineer who is developing new composite materials. He talks about his work and the potential applications of these materials. * Summary: Anton Shumakov is a young engineer who is developing new composite materials. These materials have a wide range of potential applications, including in the aerospace, automotive, and construction industries. 4. **Akuyu Nuclear Power Plant** * Description: The Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey is under construction. It is the first nuclear power plant in Turkey and is being built by Rosatom, the Russian state-owned nuclear company. * Summary: The Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey is under construction. It is the first nuclear power plant in Turkey and is being built by Rosatom, the Russian state-owned nuclear company. 5. **New Social Infrastructure** * Description: A new town is being built to house the workers who will operate the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant. The town will have all the necessary infrastructure, including schools, hospitals, and shops. * Summary: A new town is being built to house the workers who will operate the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant. The town will have all the necessary infrastructure, including schools, hospitals, and shops. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_210000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Putin meets with elected regional leaders** * Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin met with regional leaders who were recently elected in September. * Summary: Putin congratulated the leaders on their victories and discussed the challenges they face. He emphasized the importance of supporting the regions and ensuring that they are integrated into the Russian legal system. **New Russian regions take steps towards integration** * Description: The new Russian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, as well as Zaporizhzhia and Kherson, have taken steps towards integration into the Russian legal system. * Summary: Putin emphasized the importance of this process and said that it is a key step in the regions' full integration into Russia. He also discussed the challenges they face and the need for support from the federal government. **Putin meets with Libyan National Army commander** * Description: Putin met with Libyan National Army commander Khalifa Haftar to discuss the situation in Libya and regional issues. * Summary: The meeting was held in Moscow and the two leaders discussed the ongoing conflict in Libya and the need for a political solution. **Russian Defense Minister presents state awards to special operation participants** * Description: Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu presented state awards to six servicemen and 10 medical specialists who participated in the special operation in Ukraine. * Summary: The awards were given for bravery and courage during the operation. Shoigu praised the soldiers for their professionalism and dedication. **Leader of unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh signs decree to dissolve republic** * Description: The leader of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Arayik Harutyunyan, signed a decree to dissolve the republic and hand over power to Azerbaijan. * Summary: The move comes after a peace deal was reached between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which resulted in the return of some territories to Azerbaijan. The decree calls for the dissolution of all state institutions and organizations in Nagorno-Karabakh. **Thousands of refugees flee Nagorno-Karabakh as Armenian forces withdraw** * Description: Thousands of refugees are fleeing Nagorno-Karabakh as Armenian forces withdraw from the region. * Summary: The exodus is taking place through the narrow Lachin corridor, with people using cars, buses, and trucks to leave. The refugees are concerned about their safety and the future of the region under Azerbaijani control. **Russian peacekeepers help evacuate civilians from Nagorno-Karabakh** * Description: Russian peacekeepers have helped evacuate civilians from Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia. * Summary: The peacekeepers have been providing humanitarian assistance and ensuring the safety of civilians during the withdrawal of Armenian forces. **Humanitarian aid sent to refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh** * Description: Humanitarian aid is being sent to refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh who are arriving in Armenia. * Summary: The aid is being collected in Yerevan and sent to the refugees in tons. Volunteers are playing a key role in providing assistance to the refugees. **Experts discuss the history of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict** * Description: Experts discuss the history of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the recent developments in the region. * Summary: The conflict has been ongoing for decades and has resulted in the deaths of thousands of people. The experts discuss the reasons for the conflict and the challenges to achieving a peaceful resolution. **Russian nuclear industry celebrates professional day** * Description: Russia celebrates the professional day of the nuclear industry, marking the achievements of scientists and engineers in the field. * Summary: President Putin congratulated the workers on their contributions to the country's defense and economic security. He also visited an exhibition dedicated to the history of the nuclear industry in Russia. **Financial forum discusses development of Russian economy** * Description: The 7th Financial Forum is taking place in Moscow, with a focus on the development of the Russian economy in the face of global transformation. * Summary: Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin addressed the opening session and highlighted the importance of adapting to new challenges and ensuring economic growth. The forum is discussing the future of the ruble, exchange rate policy, and attracting foreign investment. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_213000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Russian Economy Minister Says 20% Interest Rate Would Be "Very Serious Blow"** * Russian Economy Minister Maxim Reshetnikov warns that raising interest rates to 20% would be a "very serious blow" to the Russian economy. * He says that traditional methods will not be enough to achieve the goals set by the central bank and government. * Reshetnikov suggests either changing the targets, such as lowering the inflation target from 4% to 6.5%, or introducing additional measures, such as limited administrative measures or increasing the sale of foreign currency. **2. Russian Presidential Aide Says Economic Transformation Is Painful But Successful** * Russian Presidential Aide Maxim Morskikh calls the ongoing transformation of the Russian economy "painful but successful." * He says that the Russian economy is now more resilient and able to solve the tasks at hand due to its reorientation towards the "healthy part of the global economy." * Morskikh criticizes the West for not wanting to share technologies with Russia and says that Russia should focus on developing its own technologies. **3. Russian Finance Minister Says There Is Enough Money for Planned Spending** * Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov says that there is enough money for planned spending, despite the challenging economic situation. * He acknowledges that many people feel that they do not have enough money, but insists that there is enough for what has been planned. * Siluanov says that the government is working to develop new financial instruments to help citizens preserve and grow their capital, such as investment diamonds. **4. New Short-Term Auto Insurance Policies to Be Introduced in Russia** * A new type of short-term auto insurance policy will be introduced in Russia from the second quarter of next year. * The new policies will be available for periods ranging from one day to three months. * The aim of the new policies is to make auto insurance more affordable for drivers who use their cars infrequently. * The cost of the new policies will be higher than the cost of annual policies, but the exact rates have not yet been set. **5. Russian Furniture Manufacturer Sees Sales Increase Despite Economic Challenges** * A Russian furniture manufacturer has seen its sales increase by 15% despite the challenging economic situation. * The company's owner says that he was able to increase sales by switching from producing furniture for a Swedish retailer to producing furniture for Russian retailers. * He says that the departure of foreign companies from the Russian market has created opportunities for Russian businesses to expand their market share. **6. Russian Government Support for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses** * The Russian government has implemented a number of measures to support small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), including a digital platform, tax breaks, and loan programs. * The digital platform provides SMBs with access to information about government support programs, training, and consulting services. * The tax breaks and loan programs are designed to help SMBs reduce their costs and access capital. **7. Russian Animation Studio Develops New Software to Replace Foreign Tools** * A Russian animation studio has developed new software to replace foreign tools that were no longer available due to sanctions. * The new software allows the studio to continue producing animated content, including family films and teen мультсериалы. * The studio is also exploring new export opportunities for its content. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_220000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. New regions of Russia take another important step towards integration into the country's legal framework** * **Description:** Vladimir Putin spoke with those who won the recent elections for regional heads. * **Summary:** The head of state gave a positive assessment of the work of the elected officials and noted that they had received a high level of trust from voters. Putin also stressed the importance of fulfilling citizens' expectations for positive changes in the social sphere and the economy. **2. The situation in the new regions of the Russian Federation is special, but people feel the support of the whole country** * **Description:** The President reminded the participants of the meeting that elections were held in a number of regions, including for the first time according to Russian laws, in the so-called new, or rather historical, lands of Donbass and Novorossiya. * **Summary:** Putin noted that this is an important step towards their integration into a single legal space of the country. He also emphasized that the situation in these regions is special, but people feel the support of the whole of Russia. **3. High voter turnout and support for the elected heads of regions is an indicator of trust** * **Description:** The President noted that the high level of voter turnout and support for the elected heads of regions is not only a great honor, but also a great responsibility. * **Summary:** Putin urged the officials to justify the hopes of citizens for positive changes in the social sphere and the economy. He also stressed the importance of developing regional economies, strengthening their personnel, educational, and technological bases, and creating new jobs. **4. New times mean new challenges and new opportunities** * **Description:** Putin noted that new times mean new challenges and new opportunities. * **Summary:** He emphasized that the key factor for the well-being of Russian families, increasing their incomes, and solving demographic and social problems is the development of regional economies, strengthening their personnel, educational, and technological bases, and creating new jobs. Putin also noted that, contrary to the plans of those who wanted to strangle Russia with sanctions, external pressure has become a powerful stimulus for the growth of domestic production and the disclosure of its own potential in various spheres. **5. It is necessary to provide the necessary support to companies and enterprises that are ready to occupy the vacated niches** * **Description:** The President urged the government, federal and municipal authorities to provide the necessary support to companies and enterprises that are ready to occupy the vacated niches and offer projects for solving problems, including those of a high-tech nature, that are in demand by the economy and meet national goals and priorities. * **Summary:** Putin noted that in the current conditions, it is important not only to implement regional powers, which the heads of regions exercise constantly, but also to do everything possible to help the country during the special military operation. This includes not only social support for servicemen and their families, but also for the economy, the defense industry complex, and those who are fighting on the front lines. **6. The elections in the new regions had a special significance** * **Description:** Putin noted that the elections in the new regions, which are now on the front lines, were of particular importance, as they essentially confirmed the correctness of the course chosen by the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well as Zaporozhye and Kherson, already as part of Russia. * **Summary:** The head of the DPR noted that when it became known about the high turnout of voters in the elections, he heard the phrase "Donbass never ceases to amaze." However, for those within the region, this is absolutely logical, and it has become another confirmation of the correctness of the choice and reunification with the Russian Federation. **7. There are many issues to be addressed by the elected heads of regions** * **Description:** Putin noted that there are many issues to be addressed by the elected heads of regions, and he emphasized that all the necessary resources are available to solve them. * **Summary:** The President urged the officials to use these resources wisely and noted that the level of turnout and support indicates that people trust them and their lives and destinies to a large extent. Putin also stressed that the economy is gaining momentum, industry is working as it has not worked for a long time, and agriculture is setting new records. He noted that there are all the conditions for effectively following the chosen path and strengthening the country, but its overall results will largely depend on how the officials work in the regions. **8. Russian military awards participants of the special operation** * **Description:** In Rostov-on-Don, at a military hospital, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu presented state awards to participants of the special operation. * **Summary:** Six servicemen and 10 medical specialists, who showed courage, professionalism, and resilience during the performance of their tasks, were awarded medals for bravery, courage, and the Order of Crimea. **9. Russian Armed Forces shoot down Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft in the Donetsk People's Republic** * **Description:** The Russian Defense Ministry reported that Russian military shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft in the Donetsk People's Republic. * **Summary:** Over the past day, Russian troops also destroyed 26 drones. **10. Ukrainian military, under pressure from the Russian army, surrender en masse** * **Description:** Recent footage from the area where the Kiev command continues to try to launch a counteroffensive at the cost of several hundred soldiers every day shows that Ukrainian servicemen, unable to withstand the pressure, are surrendering en masse. * **Summary:** The footage shows Ukrainian prisoners of war giving detailed accounts of the situation in their units. They note that Western equipment is failing and that commanders do not hesitate to threaten reprisals for failure to comply with orders to go to certain death. **11. Russian artillery prevents the Armed Forces of Ukraine from launching an attack near Kleshcheyevka** * **Description:** Russian artillery of the Southern group prevented the Armed Forces of Ukraine from launching an attack near Kleshcheyevka on the Donetsk front near Artemovsk. * **Summary:** As a result of the fierce battle, 30 militants and equipment were destroyed. In total, the Armed Forces of Ukraine failed at least two attacks in this sector over the past day, losing about 200 people and a significant amount of equipment. **12. Russian troops improve their positions on the southern Donetsk front** * **Description:** Units of the Vostok group of forces, in cooperation with assault and army aviation, improved their positions on the southern Donetsk front. * **Summary:** The group repelled two attacks by AFU assault groups near Priyutnoye. The enemy's losses amounted to 105 servicemen, two armored fighting vehicles, and five vehicles. The activities of a sabotage and reconnaissance group of the 110th brigade of the AFU territorial defense were suppressed. **13. Russian Aerospace Forces destroy foreign equipment and ammunition depots** * **Description:** Recent footage shows the destruction of foreign equipment by a precision strike. Another hit was recorded at a strong point in Severodonetsk. * **Summary:** On the Kupyansk sector, the militants have significantly reduced their counteroffensive activity. Losses have not been as high for several days, but reserves are not unlimited. The defense of Kupyansk rests on the Oskol River, and Russian troops are confidently pressing the AFU from the east. Counterbattery warfare is also not... Russian missile launchers have successfully attacked field depots. The day before, an ammunition depot of the 1st Special Forces Brigade was destroyed in the Kharkiv region. An ammunition depot in the Kirovograd region was also destroyed by Russian pilots, who sent a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft to the scrapyard. **14. The Russian Air Force receives a new batch of Su-35 and Su-57 fighters** * **Description:** The Russian Air Force has received another batch of Su-35 and Su-57 fighters. * **Summary:** All aircraft have completed a full cycle of factory tests, have been tested in various modes, and are ready to perform tasks. It is important to note that the Su-57 is a fifth-generation fighter, and the tasks for the pilots of these aircraft will be even more complex. The increase in the number of Su-57s in the skies over the front lines is very good news for the Russian army and very bad, if not terrible, news for the Kiev command, given that even now the AFU's air superiority is... zero. **15. The leader of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh signs a decree: on January 1, the republic will cease to exist** * **Description:** The leader of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh has signed a decree stating that on January 1, the republic will cease to exist. * **Summary:** The authorities will be dissolved, and armed groups will surrender their weapons. More than 78,000 people have already left Karabakh for neighboring Armenia, despite Azerbaijan's calls for integration. **16. Historical events in Karabakh** * **Description:** The unrecognized republic is leaving Karabakh through a narrow Lachin corridor. * **Summary:** More than 120,000 people are leaving, and more than half have already crossed the border. However, this forced return to their historical homeland is not welcomed by everyone. Those who put us in this situation, they are the ones who should answer for everything. Everyone is thinking about their own pockets. I don't trust any of them. Yerevan, for 30 years, did not recognize the small republic, and today it is gone. The decree on the abolition of Nagorno-Karabakh has already been signed. To dissolve all state institutions and organizations under their departmental subordination by January 1, 2024, and the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh Orkh ceases to exist. Representatives of Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan have already held two meetings on the issue of reintegration, but Yerevan is confident that the Armenians on their native land, which has suddenly become a different state, will only face repression. In Baku, on the contrary, they promise to finally put an end to the feud. During the movement of the inhabitants of the People's Karabakh to Armenia at the checkpoints and its passage, the Azerbaijani side arbitrarily detains citizens. Our state structures must take steps to protect them, their rights must be protected on... the statement of the Prime Minister of Armenia on September 21 about the absence of a threat to the Armenian population from Azerbaijan, also undermines Azerbaijan's efforts towards humanitarian support and reintegration, undermines the possible prospects for peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia. The arrest of a former official has undermined faith in a common and happy future. Baku, where the court today remanded him in custody, is accused of financing terrorism. Under this article, he could spend 14 years behind bars. Another official, adviser to the President of the Republic David Babayan, made a difficult decision to surrender to the Azerbaijani authorities voluntarily, adding that his loved ones would understand him. Many are unable to leave Karabakh. More than 500 civilians, including nearly 300 children, are in the location of the Russian peacekeeping contingent. They were provided with food and medicine, and Russian helicopter crews completed the evacuation of the wounded to Stepanakert. By the efforts of the aviation group of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, the transportation of civilians from the city of Stepanakert to medical institutions of the Republic of Armenia was carried out. The task set before the army aviation and the Russian peacekeeping contingent was fulfilled in full. From all over the Republic to the border. Now there are mainly refugees, humanitarian aid is being collected in Yerevan and sent in tons to the forced переселенцам, забота о них практически всецело легла на плечи волонтёров. Люди, которые сегодня покидают свои дома, нуждаются в любой помощи, на вопрос волонтёра, что именно можно приносить, отвечают просто всё, это крупы, это средство гигиены и безусловно тёплая одежда. The Russian House in Yerevan sent clothes and diapers to Goris and Vay, where the situation is now close to catastrophic. for children, warm blankets, and this cargo will definitely not be the last. We conducted monitoring in the hotels of Garis, where refugees are currently staying, there is a great need for children's shoes, thirty-seventh-thirty-eighth size, warm sweaters, electric kettles, small coffee makers, clothes five, for girls and boys 5-6 years old and slippers for children 35, 36 size, as well as warm blankets, warm blankets are simply swept away, in the near future... A plane with humanitarian cargo will arrive in Gyumri, another 10 tons from the Dr. Lisa Foundation, essential items will also be delivered to Vnikalya Solovyova Ilya Novikov, Vesti Armenia. **17. The reasons for the current situation in Karabakh** * **Description:** Karabakh - one of the versions of the translation of the black garden - is the black cat of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations. * **Summary:** Both sides consider the region to be theirs, referring to different periods of history. They prefer to call this part of the Transcaucasus Artsakh, after the name of the region that existed during the period of the ancient Armenian state. When the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was formed in 1918, Karabakh ended up in its составе together with all the Armenians who lived there. The first three presidents of Armenia built their careers largely on the fact that they were participants in the Karabakh war, which was victorious for Yerevan. They inscribed this in the context of international actions and international peacekeeping negotiations, in which not only Russia, but also Western countries took part, and against this background wanted to maintain such solidity, good manners, and did not dare to go all the way. Having come to power, Nikol Pashinyan, in fact, did nothing to peacefully resolve this issue, while the West all the time pushed the leadership of Armenia to ensure that Yerevan broke off relations with Russia as soon as possible. Too many people wanted to use Karabakh for this. The concept that Karabakh should be surrendered and live peacefully and quietly, he propagandized this concept even before coming to power, so we have an expert opinion, which says that all this is нарошно done, everything is intentionally done, in the fall of 2020 there was a so-called forty-four-day war, during which Azerbaijan recaptured significant territories, including the city of Shusha. Moscow then seated the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia at the negotiating table, but the signing of a peace treaty was constantly postponed. The parties accused each other of violating the agreements reached at the meeting with Vladimir Putin, and only Russian peacekeepers prevented the conflict from flaring up again. As a result, Pashinyan did not fight for the region and recognized in Prague the so-called Almaty declaration, which clearly states that Karabakh is part of Azerbaijan. And since Armenia has essentially отказалась from the unrecognized Republic, Azerbaijan has begun, as stated in Baku, to restore constitutional order. The fighting lasted a day, the authorities of the unrecognized Republic. spoke about a ceasefire. The main thing is that those who made such a decision were provided with normal living conditions, that is, the purely humanitarian aspect of this problem is what worries us most of all. The Azerbaijani authorities say they are ready to deal with the reintegration of the Armenian population. In any case, Karabakh will no longer be the same as it has been seen for the past 30 years. **18. Impeachment of Biden. The first hearing on this case is being conducted by the oversight committee of the US House of Representatives** * **Description:** The members of the committee are trying to find out whether or not the president benefited from the business operations of his son Hunter. * **Summary:** Republicans with accusations, Democrats with posters, journalists on the floor. This is how the first meeting of the American House of Representatives on the impeachment of Biden from the presidency went. Party senators to the last. according to which we have no right to get personal when talking about the president. Well, if you remember that the topic of today's meeting is the violation of Joe Biden, then I think he and his services are aware that we will repeatedly mention them. section chapter seventy, let me remind you, it says that if the president has committed a crime or something illegal, this topic should not be covered in the framework of parliamentary sessions, you have no right to say what you say and are going to say, they accused the head of the White House, of cooperating with a Ukrainian gas company, taking bribes from Chinese businessmen, and... a reference to Trump's policy, they said, Biden does not have a wall that would allow filtering what and in what status the American leader is engaged in? for years, President Biden has lied to Americans about his family's involvement in corruption schemes, at least 10 times President Biden has lied about business contracts, he has repeatedly lied about his ability to separate his duties as a politician from In response, the Democrats literally blamed everything on former US President Donald Trump. Allegedly, Burisma existed and interacted with American sources even during his cabinet. And therefore, all subsequent events are the result of Trump's policy. They went through the family of the Republican leader, brought out posters with photos of his children, accused them of working for the White House during their father's presidency, and, according to the Democrats, a mirror situation in the family. Even before any intelligible evidence of innocence had time to appear, the Republicans deliberately worsened the scale of what had happened, this is amazing, the Republicans constantly talk about some companies of Joe Biden, in fact, these companies belong to Hunter Biden, the Republican media specifically write companies of the Biden family, and this is a direct distortion of the facts, there is no proven connection between the activities of the president and his son. In fact... The connection, of course, exists, it's just that now it's too inconvenient for the Oval Office. Hunter Biden was hired by a gas company. He was unfit for the position he held, he himself said so, as he said that he ended up in this company because of his family's brand. Then Burisma asks Hunter for help, to put pressure on the Ukrainian regulator. And then Joe Biden flies to Ukraine and solves all the problems. There is a connection between Hunter's and Joe Biden's financial machinations. it is undeniable. The Republicans themselves called Joe Biden a brand throughout the meeting, access to which the politician's son was selling. However, despite all this evidence, as a result of this particular meeting, Joe Biden will not be removed from office, but only his reputation will be tarnished. Therefore, the Republicans have a process ahead of them, which will most likely drag on very much. **19. On the development of the Russian economy in the conditions of global transformation** * **Description:** The seventh financial forum was held in the Manege, the key event was a plenary session with the participation of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. * **Summary:** The main statements by Anna Lazareva. The Russian economy has smoothly adapted to the new challenges and quickly returned to growth. More than 2.5% in this area, about two in the next 3 years. This is also the merit of the financial and economic bloc. Such dynamics became possible thanks to the implementation of the order. the president, flexible and prompt actions of the government in coordination with the Bank of Russia, they allowed to level many challenges: to support basic industries, small and medium... business, system-forming enterprises, and of course, most importantly, our citizens, an important role was played by a responsible approach to financial policy. At the plenary session, there was a debate about the ruble and exchange rate policy. Are traditional instruments sufficient, or do difficult times require a more flexible approach? There are proposals, how to make the exchange rate more stable, including through the introduction of additional... currency restrictions, we are having discussions, it seems to me, our experience, our personal experience, the experience of other countries shows that administrative measures are very quickly circumvented and do not give a significant effect, economic incentives are needed, the attractiveness of ruble savings is needed, the head of VTB, Andrei Kostin, spoke in favor of expanding the arsenal of actions of the monetary authorities. According to him, if the rate reaches 20%, it will be a very serious blow to the economy, the situation today is extraordinary. we live in conditions of global, as it was said here, the collapse of the old world economic system, yes, we live in conditions, a huge number of sanctions from the West, this is in this regard, it seems to me, that simply traditional methods, which we traditionally used, they will be insufficient to achieve the goals that the central bank and the government set for themselves, another discussion unfolded around the transformation process that the Russian economy is going through, the assistant... the president, Maxim Oreshkin, called it painful, but successful, but the mayor of Moscow disagreed. But the eastern markets, we must understand that they are even more rigid and today we are faced with and absolutely see with the preferences of the eastern countries, which give their producers, in fact, dumping, and no one wants to give us technology, it is now much more important for us, simply the Chinese economy accelerated in the second quarter to 6.5%, there simply the Indian economy 7.8%, that in the markets of our main goods there is a deficit, which pushes prices up. A frank conversation and discussions, often in raised tones, on the most acute topics concerning the Russian and world economies, this is perhaps what distinguishes the Moscow Financial Forum from the others, but perhaps the truth is born in the dispute. A. Zabbarov, Vesti. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_223000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_230000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Biden's Corruption and Incompetence:** The first story discusses the allegations of corruption and incompetence against US President Joe Biden. It claims that Biden is mentally unfit and has no understanding of what he is doing, and that he is controlled by a group of progressive elites who are using him to enrich themselves. The story also criticizes Biden's open borders policy, which it claims has led to a surge in crime and the destruction of cities like El Paso. 2. **The Downfall of American Democracy:** The second story argues that American democracy is in decline and that the country is now in a state of chaos. It blames this on the progressive movement and claims that Biden is not mentally capable of leading the country. The story also criticizes the Biden administration's policies, such as the open borders policy and the Green New Deal, which it claims are destroying the country. 3. **The Shadowy Power Structure of American Politics:** The third story discusses the shadowy power structure of American politics and claims that the country is controlled by a network of economic and political elites who are not accountable to the people. It argues that this power structure is responsible for the decline of American democracy and that it must be dismantled in order to restore the country to its former glory. 4. **The Geopolitical Implications of the War in Ukraine:** The fourth story discusses the geopolitical implications of the war in Ukraine and argues that the conflict is a turning point for European integration. It claims that the war has demonstrated the need for EU expansion and that Europe must control Ukraine and its resources in order to remain competitive in the future. 5. **The US-Russia Standoff:** The fifth story discusses the US-Russia standoff and argues that the US is unlikely to withdraw its support for Ukraine. It claims that the real issue at stake is who will control the money, and that the US will not allow Russia to gain the upper hand. The story also argues that the US must continue to support Ukraine in order to weaken Russia and prevent it from starting a world war. 6. **The Need for a Strong Russian Military:** The sixth story argues that Russia needs to strengthen its military in order to deter aggression from the US and its allies. It claims that the US and its allies are planning to attack Russia and that Russia must be prepared to defend itself. The story also argues that Russia should conduct nuclear tests and demonstrate its nuclear capability in order to deter its enemies. =========================================== ./RUN3/RUSSIA24_20230928_233000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Title**: Russia's Next Moves in Ukraine **Description**: Russia is considering escalating the war in Ukraine by using tactical nuclear weapons. Some experts believe that Russia is not ready for such an escalation, while others argue that it is necessary to protect Russian soldiers and civilians in Ukraine. **Summary**: The use of tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine would be a significant escalation of the conflict and could lead to a wider war. Russia is considering this option, but it is not clear whether it is ready to take such a step. **Title**: Support for Russian Soldiers and Their Families **Description**: The Russian president has called for increased support for Russian soldiers and their families, including those who have been injured or killed in the war in Ukraine. He has also called for the creation of a fund to help these families. **Summary**: The Russian government is committed to providing support for Russian soldiers and their families. This support includes financial assistance, medical care, and other services. **Title**: The Need for Regime Change in Post-Soviet Countries **Description**: Russia needs to learn how to change political regimes in post-Soviet countries in order to protect its interests. The current approach of soft diplomacy has not been effective, and Russia has not been able to establish sufficient influence in these countries. **Summary**: Russia needs to adopt a more assertive foreign policy in order to protect its interests in the post-Soviet space. This may involve supporting regime change in some countries in order to install governments that are more favorable to Russia. **Title**: The Problem of Illegal Migration **Description**: The Russian government needs to address the problem of illegal migration. Currently, many migrants from Tajikistan are entering Russia illegally and working in the country without proper documentation. This is leading to an increase in crime and social problems. **Summary**: The Russian government needs to take steps to control illegal migration. This may involve increasing border security, cracking down on employers who hire illegal migrants, and providing more resources for legal migration. **Title**: The Importance of Patriotism and Loyalty **Description**: Russia needs to promote patriotism and loyalty among its citizens. This is especially important in light of the war in Ukraine, which has highlighted the need for a strong sense of national identity. **Summary**: The Russian government needs to do more to promote patriotism and loyalty among its citizens. This can be done through education, public awareness campaigns, and other measures. **Title**: The West's Hostility Towards Russia **Description**: The West is becoming increasingly hostile towards Russia, and Russia needs to be prepared to respond to this hostility. The West is trying to isolate Russia and undermine its economy, and Russia needs to find ways to counter these efforts. **Summary**: The West is becoming increasingly hostile towards Russia, and Russia needs to be prepared to respond to this hostility. Russia needs to strengthen its economy and military, and it needs to build alliances with other countries in order to counter Western pressure.