**Story 1: The Intellectual Inferiority of the American Elite** Description: The intellectual inferiority of the American elite is throwing the whole world into chaos. The American elite is no longer smart and has lost touch with reality. They are not up to the challenge of leading the world. Summary: The American elite is no longer smart and has lost touch with reality. They are not up to the challenge of leading the world. This is causing chaos in the world. **Story 2: The First Hearings on the Impeachment of Biden** Description: The first hearings on the impeachment of Biden have begun in the US Congress. In addition to accusations of corruption, total incompetence, they are demanding specifics from the US President on the Ukrainian issue, on the solution of which more than 100 billion budget dollars have already been spent. Summary: The first hearings on the impeachment of Biden have begun in the US Congress. Biden is accused of corruption and incompetence. He is also being asked to provide specifics on the Ukrainian issue, on which more than 100 billion budget dollars have already been spent. **Story 3: The Biden Administration is a Gangster Group** Description: The participants of this gang, who usurped the power of the United States of America, are, and further, we can know everything on our fingers, from small things like Veikusi Nuland, but at the same time an essential member of the team, to Salevan and Blinkin fighting with each other, who are still really fighting with each other and are still all tied up. Summary: The Biden administration is a gangster group that has usurped the power of the United States of America. The participants of this gang include Veikusi Nuland, Salevan, and Blinkin. They are all fighting with each other and are all tied up. **Story 4: The Real Power in America is Based on Sponsorship and Lobbying** Description: The real power in America is based on sponsorship and lobbying. These are foundations, who is behind these foundations, here we will see powerful American families who are sitting on Arab money. Summary: The real power in America is based on sponsorship and lobbying. These are foundations that are controlled by powerful American families who are sitting on Arab money. **Story 5: The American Media is Cooperating with the Progressive Movement and Hushing Everything Up** Description: The American media is cooperating with the progressive movement and hushing everything up. Therefore people do not know that we are living in an era of disorder. Summary: The American media is cooperating with the progressive movement and hushing everything up. This is why people do not know that we are living in an era of disorder. **Story 6: The Biden Administration is a Political Clan that is Based on Economic Rhizomes** Description: The Biden administration is a political clan that is based on economic rhizomes, on bandits in general, on the shadow economy, on those sectors that were only partially legalized, on gray money turning into black money. Summary: The Biden administration is a political clan that is based on economic rhizomes, on bandits in general, on the shadow economy, on those sectors that were only partially legalized, on gray money turning into black money. **Story 7: The United States is About to Jump Off with the Support of Ukraine** Description: The United States is about to jump off with the support of Ukraine. The fuss in the American political establishment is not about whether they will jump off or not, but in order to control the money. Summary: The United States is about to jump off with the support of Ukraine. The fuss in the American political establishment is not about whether they will jump off or not, but in order to control the money. **Story 8: The United States Needs to be Knocked Out of the Big War in Europe** Description: The United States needs to be knocked out of the big war in Europe. In order to do this, three conditions must be met simultaneously: the zeroing out of NATO's potential, the consolidation of the rear, and the weakening of the rear in the United States. Summary: The United States needs to be knocked out of the big war in Europe. In order to do this, three conditions must be met simultaneously: the zeroing out of NATO's potential, the consolidation of the rear, and the weakening of the rear in the United States. **Story 9: Russia Needs to Show the World that its Nuclear Weapons Work** Description: Russia needs to show the world that its nuclear weapons work. This can be done by conducting nuclear tests on a new land. Summary: Russia needs to show the world that its nuclear weapons work. This can be done by conducting nuclear tests on a new land. **Story 10: Russia Needs to Strengthen its Intelligence and Counter Intelligence** Description: Russia needs to strengthen its intelligence and counter intelligence. This can be done by increasing the number of satellites and by working more closely with the defense industry. Summary: Russia needs to strengthen its intelligence and counter intelligence. This can be done by increasing the number of satellites and by working more closely with the defense industry.