**Story 1: The Intellectual Inferiority of the American Elite** Description: The intellectual inferiority of the American elite is throwing the whole world into chaos. The American elite is characterized as being out of touch with reality and lacking in understanding of the world. This is leading to disastrous policies, such as the war in Ukraine, which is causing global instability. Summary: The American elite is intellectually inferior and this is causing global chaos. The war in Ukraine is an example of this, as it is a disastrous policy that is leading to global instability. **Story 2: The Biden Impeachment Hearings** Description: The first hearings on the impeachment of Biden have begun in the US Congress. In addition to accusations of corruption, total incompetence, the US President is being asked for specifics on the Ukrainian issue, on the solution of which more than 100 billion budget dollars have already been spent. Summary: The impeachment hearings against Biden have begun in the US Congress. Biden is being accused of corruption and incompetence, and is being asked to provide specifics on the Ukrainian issue. **Story 3: The Shadowy Power Structure of the United States** Description: The real power in the United States is held by a shadowy group of individuals who are not elected officials. This group is made up of people from various backgrounds, including the military-industrial complex, the financial sector, and the digital sector. They are working together to control the world and to enrich themselves. Summary: The real power in the United States is held by a shadowy group of individuals who are not elected officials. This group is working together to control the world and to enrich themselves. **Story 4: The Progressive Movement is Destroying America** Description: The progressive movement is destroying America. The movement is characterized by its support for open borders, mass immigration, and the defunding of the police. These policies are leading to chaos and disorder in American society. Summary: The progressive movement is destroying America through its support for open borders, mass immigration, and the defunding of the police. These policies are leading to chaos and disorder in American society. **Story 5: The War in Ukraine is a Geopolitical Necessity for Europe** Description: The war in Ukraine is a geopolitical necessity for Europe. Europe needs to control Ukraine in order to maintain its competitiveness in the world. This is because Ukraine has valuable resources, such as oil and gas. Summary: The war in Ukraine is a geopolitical necessity for Europe. Europe needs to control Ukraine in order to maintain its competitiveness in the world. **Story 6: The United States is on the Brink of Collapse** Description: The United States is on the brink of collapse. The country is facing a number of serious problems, including a declining economy, rising inflation, and political instability. These problems are likely to lead to the collapse of the United States in the near future. Summary: The United States is on the brink of collapse due to a number of serious problems, including a declining economy, rising inflation, and political instability. **Story 7: Russia Needs to Use Nuclear Weapons** Description: Russia needs to use nuclear weapons in order to defend itself against the United States and its allies. The United States and its allies are trying to destroy Russia, and Russia has no choice but to use nuclear weapons in order to survive. Summary: Russia needs to use nuclear weapons in order to defend itself against the United States and its allies. The United States and its allies are trying to destroy Russia, and Russia has no choice but to use nuclear weapons in order to survive.