1. Escalation in Ukraine: Discussion on the use of tactical nuclear weapons and the risks of further escalation in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. 2. Support for Russian Soldiers and Their Families: The importance of providing support for Russian soldiers who have been wounded or lost loved ones in the conflict, as well as their families. 3. Concerns about Migration and Citizenship: Discussion about the need to control migration and ensure that those who receive Russian citizenship are loyal to the country, and the potential dangers of mass migration. 4. Criticism of Western Influence: Discussion about the negative influence of Western countries on Russia and the need to resist this influence and maintain traditional Russian values. 5. The Need for Political Change in Post-Soviet Countries: The argument that Russia needs to learn to change political regimes in post-Soviet countries in order to protect its interests and ensure stability in the region. 6. The Importance of Law and Order: The need to establish a system of social relationships that are regulated by law and to combat corruption and other forms of lawlessness. 7. The Protection of Veterans: The importance of protecting veterans of the USSR and their families from aggression and ensuring that they are treated with respect and gratitude. 8. The Reunification of Russia with Donbass: The celebration of the reunification of the Donetsk People's Republic, Lugansk, Zaporozhye regions, and Kherson region with Russia, and the significance of this event in the history of the country. 9. The Use of Drugs in the Ukrainian Conflict: Discussion about the use of drugs by Ukrainian soldiers and the potential role of NATO and the CIA in the development and distribution of these drugs. 10. The Need for Russian Industry to Replace Foreign Suppliers: The importance of developing Russian industry and reducing reliance on foreign suppliers, and the challenges and opportunities in achieving this goal.