**Story 1: Escalation of the conflict in Ukraine** Description: The panelists discuss the possibility of an escalation in the conflict in Ukraine, with some arguing that Russia may resort to using tactical nuclear weapons. Summary: The use of tactical nuclear weapons in the conflict in Ukraine is a possibility that is being discussed by experts. Some believe that Russia may resort to using such weapons if it feels that it is losing the war. **Story 2: Support for Russian soldiers and their families** Description: The panelists discuss the importance of supporting Russian soldiers and their families, both during and after the conflict in Ukraine. Summary: The Russian government and people have a responsibility to support the soldiers who are fighting in Ukraine, as well as their families. This includes providing them with financial assistance, medical care, and other forms of support. **Story 3: The dangers of double loyalty** Description: The panelists discuss the dangers of people with dual loyalty, who may be citizens of Russia but have loyalties to other countries or groups. Summary: Individuals with dual loyalty can pose a threat to national security, as they may be more likely to act in the interests of their other country or group than in the interests of Russia. **Story 4: The need to change the power in post-Soviet countries** Description: The panelists discuss the need for Russia to change the power in post-Soviet countries, in order to ensure that these countries are aligned with Russia's interests. Summary: It is in Russia's best interests to ensure that the governments of post-Soviet countries are aligned with Russia's interests. This may require supporting opposition groups or even intervening militarily to change the regime. **Story 5: The importance of migration policy** Description: The panelists discuss the importance of migration policy, and the need to control the flow of migrants into Russia. Summary: A well-managed migration policy is essential for protecting Russia's national security and ensuring that migrants are integrated into Russian society. **Story 6: The need for a separate migration agency** Description: The panelists discuss the need for a separate migration agency, in order to better manage migration policy. Summary: The current system for managing migration policy is not effective, and a separate migration agency would be better equipped to handle the complex issues involved in migration. **Story 7: The importance of social relationships regulated by law** Description: The panelists discuss the importance of social relationships being regulated by law, in order to prevent corruption and other forms of abuse. Summary: Corruption and other forms of abuse can thrive when social relationships are not regulated by law. It is important to ensure that all social relationships are regulated by law, in order to protect citizens from abuse. **Story 8: The importance of protecting those who come to the defense of the country** Description: The panelists discuss the importance of protecting those who come to the defense of the country, in order to ensure that they are not mistreated or abused. Summary: It is important to protect those who come to the defense of the country, in order to ensure that they are not mistreated or abused. This includes providing them with legal and financial assistance, as well as ensuring that they are not discriminated against. **Story 9: The reunification of the Donetsk People's Republic, Lugansk, Zaporozhye regions and Kherson region with Russia** Description: The panelists discuss the reunification of the Donetsk People's Republic, Lugansk, Zaporozhye regions and Kherson region with Russia, and the importance of this event. Summary: The reunification of the Donetsk People's Republic, Lugansk, Zaporozhye regions and Kherson region with Russia is an important event that has been met with widespread support from the Russian people. This reunification is a sign of Russia's strength and determination, and it is a major step forward in the country's history. **Story 10: The dangers of drug use in the military** Description: The panelists discuss the dangers of drug use in the military, and the need to combat this problem. Summary: Drug use in the military can have a devastating impact on the individual soldier and on the unit as a whole. It is important to combat drug use in the military through education, prevention, and treatment programs. **Story 11: The importance of supporting Donbass** Description: The panelists discuss the importance of supporting Donbass, both during and after the conflict in Ukraine. Summary: Donbass has been through a lot in recent years, and it is important to support the people of Donbass as they rebuild their lives. This support can come in many forms, including financial assistance, humanitarian aid, and political support. **Story 12: The evolution of Russia** Description: The panelists discuss the evolution of Russia, and the need for the country to continue to change and adapt. Summary: Russia is a constantly evolving country, and it is important for the country to continue to change and adapt in order to meet the challenges of the 21st century. This includes embracing new technologies, fostering innovation, and promoting economic growth.