1. Escalation of the conflict in Ukraine: Discussion about the potential consequences of escalating the conflict in Ukraine, including the use of tactical nuclear weapons. 2. Support for Russian soldiers and their families: Emphasis on the importance of supporting Russian soldiers and their families, both during and after their service. 3. Criticism of the West: Criticism of Western countries, particularly the United States, for their involvement in the conflict in Ukraine and their support for Ukraine. 4. The role of the Russian diaspora: Discussion about the role of the Russian diaspora in supporting Russia and its policies, and the need to protect them from aggression. 5. Concerns about internal security: Concerns about potential threats to internal security from within Russia, such as ethnic enclaves and dual loyalty individuals. 6. The need to change political regimes in post-Soviet countries: The argument that Russia needs to learn how to change political regimes in post-Soviet countries in order to protect its interests. 7. The importance of migration control: The importance of controlling migration and preventing illegal immigration, as well as the need to integrate migrants into Russian society. 8. The need to protect veterans: The need to protect veterans of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine and to ensure that they are not subject to aggression or discrimination. 9. The importance of patriotism and loyalty: The importance of patriotism and loyalty to Russia, and the need to promote these values among the population. 10. Criticism of the Russian government: Criticism of the Russian government for its handling of the conflict in Ukraine and its policies towards the West. 11. The need for economic and political reforms: The need for economic and political reforms in Russia in order to strengthen the country and protect its interests.