**Title:** Russia's Next Moves in Ukraine **Description:** The transcript of a Russian television news program discusses Russia's possible next moves in Ukraine, including the use of tactical nuclear weapons. **Summary:** The transcript of a Russian television news program discusses Russia's possible next moves in Ukraine, including the use of tactical nuclear weapons. The program features a panel of experts who debate the pros and cons of using tactical nuclear weapons, as well as the potential consequences of such an action. The program also includes interviews with Russian citizens who express their views on the war in Ukraine and the possibility of nuclear war. **Title:** Support for Russian Soldiers **Description:** The transcript of a Russian television news program discusses the importance of supporting Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine. **Summary:** The transcript of a Russian television news program discusses the importance of supporting Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine. The program features a panel of experts who discuss the challenges facing Russian soldiers, as well as the ways in which the Russian government and society can support them. The program also includes interviews with Russian soldiers who share their experiences of fighting in Ukraine. **Title:** The Threat of "Diasporas" **Description:** The transcript of a Russian television news program discusses the threat posed by "diasporas" to Russian society. **Summary:** The transcript of a Russian television news program discusses the threat posed by "diasporas" to Russian society. The program features a panel of experts who discuss the ways in which "diasporas" can undermine Russian sovereignty and security. The program also includes interviews with Russian citizens who express their concerns about the influence of "diasporas" in Russia. **Title:** Changing Political Regimes in Post-Soviet States **Description:** The transcript of a Russian television news program discusses the need for Russia to change political regimes in post-Soviet states. **Summary:** The transcript of a Russian television news program discusses the need for Russia to change political regimes in post-Soviet states. The program features a panel of experts who discuss the ways in which Russia can influence political change in these countries. The program also includes interviews with Russian citizens who express their views on Russia's role in the post-Soviet space. **Title:** The West's "Unhinged" Behavior **Description:** The transcript of a Russian television news program discusses the "unhinged" behavior of the West. **Summary:** The transcript of a Russian television news program discusses the "unhinged" behavior of the West. The program features a panel of experts who discuss the ways in which the West is undermining global stability and security. The program also includes interviews with Russian citizens who express their concerns about the West's behavior.