What is a derma roller?

Dermaroller - a device that stimulates the skin to produce collagen and elastin, and thus activates skin self-healing. It looks like a small massage roller with a comfortable handle, but the roller is filled with needles (usually of titanium) from 0.2 up to 1 mm long. Using a spiky roller, the skin is punctured to stimulate regeneration and facilitate the absorption of nutrients from the serum, cream or other skin care cosmetics.


Derma roller - action

The derma roller treatment is effective because skin pricking is a way to achieve controlled inflammation. Controlled, i.e. safe and not threatening our health. Needed, because at this point the skin produces much more collagen, elastin and other substances responsible for regeneration processes.
On the other hand, a face dermaroller is a really great solution if you want to speed up the action of a cosmetic. Used correctly, it helps to introduce active substances into the deep layers of the skin through small holes (those that arise from thin needles). The ingredients go directly to the dermis, which is why the treatment is so effective.
It turns out that dermaroller is most often recommended for wrinkles or scars. These are not the only problems that can be fought with needles. 🙂

Derma roller - for whom?

I don't want to say that it is you, you and you who should reach for the dermaroller. The treatment is not the most pleasant and not everyone can afford it. Nevertheless, it is recommended to use derma roller if you want to intensively revitalize and brighten your skin. Works great on mature skin and all the problems mentioned above (wrinkles, cellulite, blackheads, discolorations, scars). It is worth using it if you want to get rid of the remnants of healed acne, e.g. ugly scars. Interestingly, a roller of the right size can be used as a way of bruising and bags under the eyes. In fact, everyone will find some benefit from using derma roller for themselves - be it the complexion or the skin of the entire body.
Of course, there is a group that is not recommended to use such devices. Contraindications to derma roller are: skin inflammation, skin allergies, untreated acne of all types, all types of skin diseases.
Read here: dermaroller cleaner and how to clean derma roller without alcohol

Use of derma roller

Although dermaroller for wrinkles and scars is really a very effective procedure, it is best to perform it under the supervision of a specialist. Why? This is a kind of interference in the external structures of the skin, so the wrong size / thickness of the needles, incorrect frequency or omission of certain contraindications can cause problems. I call for caution and prior consultation with a specialist who will qualify us for the procedure and help us match the derma roller to our needs.
Once we have the right derma roller (good quality, that's important!), We can apply it on the face or the whole body. How often should you use dermaroller? Do not do the procedure too often, because you can damage your skin. In fact, the frequency depends on the length of the needles, e.g. millimeter needles should not be used more often than every 4 weeks. So the procedure is performed sporadically, and the effects are really worth the slight discomfort from time to time. Micro ducts after derma rollers heal and disappear very quickly.
Probably everyone is curious about how to use dermaroller for face or body? The use of such a device should not cause a problem to any person, and it only takes a moment! My advice? Roll wrinkles at the beginning of the weekend, because the face after the procedure will be slightly red.