We associate genetic tests or research with two things: either scientists in white aprons straight from science fiction movies, or on the ground level: with checking, for judicial purposes, whether a man is the child's genetic father. Meanwhile, a new category of services has appeared on the market - a simple and quick check of our genetic heritage.
This type of service is usually associated with a website that collects genealogy information. And in fact, genetic data can help find cousins unknown to us. After ordering the test service, we receive a set to collect a sample of genetic material. It sounds serious, but it involves ... spitting into the tube.
The basic information that this type of research provides is knowledge of our genetic heritage: where our ancestors came from, also in the perspective of thousands of years. Often (this is the case, for example, with tests offered by Ancestry DNA), we have the opportunity to contact - also anonymously - with related persons.
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