Score typography & beautifying

Music typesetting software enables the creation of music notation on Mac and PC. PerformingEditions has used Sibelius™ software since its 1999 release for Mac OS. Our company has over thirty years of combined professional experience as music copyists and typesetters, both manually (pen and ink) and digitally.

Sibelius™ does a great job of basic music typesetting, even with its default settings. Click to load the beginning of Rossini's aria Una voce poco fa entered without any modifications.

It's not bad, although it needs a fair bit of further work. The staves (6mm in the original) are too large for an orchestral score, the default text font is boring, and there are many collisions between notes and other markings such as dynamics. The precise re-spacing of notes and re-positioning of graphical elements will help to transform the quality of this score.

Click to examine a beautified version.

That is professional standard music typesetting. And it makes a practical difference: music notation needs to be elegant and unambiguous, because it is read at speed. This is our mission at PerformingEditions: to produce music typesetting which is not only legible but beautiful.

If you have scores which need graphical refinement, please contact the PerformingEditions print shop for a quote. We will be happy to help.

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