The Queen has selected you to be the Economic Minister in this [command economy]<command|. You have total control over the nation's resources.
(click: ?command)[ In a command economy the government makes all economic decisions as opposed to a free market economy.]
What are the other types of economies? [[economic systems]]{
(if: $resources's land is 0 or $resources's labor is 0 or $resources's capital is 0 or $resources's entrepreneurship is 0)[[[Go to the Queen now]]]
(else-if: $clothing is 3 and $education is 3 and $shelter is 3 and $food < 3 and $resources's entrepreneurship < 2)[[[Go to the Queen now]]]
(else-if: $clothing is 3 and $education <3 and $shelter is 3 and $food is 3 and $resources's labor < 2)[[[Go to the Queen now]]]
(else-if: $clothing is 3 and $education is 3 and $food is 3 and $shelter < 3 and $resources's land < 2)[[[Go to the Queen now]]]
(else-if: $clothing is 3 and $education is 3 and $food is 3 and $shelter < 3 and $resources's capital < 2)[[[Go to the Queen now]]]
(else:) (display: "Proceed")
(set: $fland to
(dm: "land", 1,
"labor", 1,
"capital", 1,
"entrepreneurship", 2))
1 Food costs: $fland
Your resources: (display: "resources")
(if: $fland's land <= $resources's land and $fland's labor <= $resources's labor and $fland's capital <= $resources's capital and $fland's entrepreneurship <= $resources's entrepreneurship)[[Produce Food]]
(if: $fland's land > $resources's land or $fland's labor > $resources's labor or $fland's capital > $resources's capital or $fland's entrepreneurship > $resources's entrepreneurship)(display: "not enough resources")
(link-goto: "Return to choices", "Check your resources"){
(set: $fland to
(dm: "land", 2,
"labor", 1,
"capital", 2,
"entrepreneurship", 1))
1 Shelter costs:$fland
Your resources: (display: "resources")
(if: $fland's land <= $resources's land and $fland's labor <= $resources's labor and $fland's capital <= $resources's capital and $fland's entrepreneurship <= $resources's entrepreneurship)[[Produce Shelter]]
(if: $fland's land > $resources's land or $fland's labor > $resources's labor or $fland's capital > $resources's capital or $fland's entrepreneurship > $resources's entrepreneurship)(display: "not enough resources")
(link-goto: "Go back", "Check your resources"){
(set: $fland to
(dm: "land", 1,
"labor", 2,
"capital", 1,
"entrepreneurship", 1))
1 Education costs:$fland
Your resources: (display: "resources")
(if: $fland's land <= $resources's land and $fland's labor <= $resources's labor and $fland's capital <= $resources's capital and $fland's entrepreneurship <= $resources's entrepreneurship)[[Produce Education]]
(if: $fland's land > $resources's land or $fland's labor > $resources's labor or $fland's capital > $resources's capital or $fland's entrepreneurship > $resources's entrepreneurship)(display: "not enough resources")
(link-goto: "Go back", "Check your resources")**You have the following:**
$food Food, $shelter Shelter, $clothing Clothing, $education Education
Remember you need **3 units** of each good.{
(set: $food to $food +1)
(set: $resources's land to $resources's land -$fland's land)
(set: $resources's labor to $resources's labor -$fland's labor)
(set: $resources's capital to $resources's capital -$fland's capital)
(set: $resources's entrepreneurship to $resources's entrepreneurship - $fland's entrepreneurship)
You have produced 1 unit of food!
(if: $food >=3 and $shelter >=3 and $clothing >= 3 and $education >= 3)[[[The Queen is calling you.|success]]]
(else-if: $food is 1 and $trade is "no")[[[The trade minister knocks on your door.|Trade Food]]]
(else-if: $food is 2 and $trade is "no")[[[The trade minister knocks on your door.|Trade Food]]]
(else-if: $food is 1 and $trade is "yes")[[[Answer your ringing phone|event]]]
(else:) (link-goto: "Check your resources")
######//[(link:"go back to start")[(goto: "castle")]]//
(enchant: "exit",(text-color: blue + white)){
(set: $education to $education +1)
(set: $resources's land to $resources's land -$fland's land)
(set: $resources's labor to $resources's labor -$fland's labor)
(set: $resources's capital to $resources's capital -$fland's capital)
(set: $resources's entrepreneurship to $resources's entrepreneurship - $fland's entrepreneurship)
You have produced 1 unit of education!
(if: $shelter < 3 and $clothing < 1 and $food < 2 and $education > 0)[[[Take urgent call from education minister! |Happy]]]
(else-if: $food >= 3 and $shelter >= 3 and $clothing is >= 3 and $education >= 3)[[[The Queen is calling you.|success]]]
(else:) (link-goto: "Check your resources")
######//[(link:"go back to start")[(goto: "castle")]]//
(enchant: "exit",(text-color: blue + white)){
(set: $fland to
(dm: "land", 1,
"labor", 1,
"capital", 1,
"entrepreneurship", 1))
1 Clothing costs:$fland
Your resources: (display: "resources")
(if: $fland's land <= $resources's land and $fland's labor <= $resources's labor and $fland's capital <= $resources's capital and $fland's entrepreneurship <= $resources's entrepreneurship)[[Produce Clothing]]
(if: $fland's land > $resources's land or $fland's labor > $resources's labor or $fland's capital > $resources's capital or $fland's entrepreneurship > $resources's entrepreneurship)(display: "not enough resources")
(link-goto: "Return to choices", "Check your resources"){
(set: $shelter to $shelter +1)
(set: $resources's land to $resources's land -$fland's land)
(set: $resources's labor to $resources's labor -$fland's labor)
(set: $resources's capital to $resources's capital -$fland's capital)
(set: $resources's entrepreneurship to $resources's entrepreneurship - $fland's entrepreneurship)
You have produced 1 unit of shelter!
(if: $shelter is 2)[[[The Queen wishes to see you immediately|See Queen 2]]]
(else-if: $food >= 3 and $shelter >= 3 and $clothing >= 3 and $education >= 3)[[[The Queen is calling you.|success]]]
(else:) (link-goto: "Check your resources")
######//[(link:"go back to start")[(goto: "castle")]]//
(enchant: "exit",(text-color: blue + white)){
(set: $clothing to $clothing +1)
(set: $resources's land to $resources's land -$fland's land)
(set: $resources's labor to $resources's labor -$fland's labor)
(set: $resources's capital to $resources's capital -$fland's capital)
(set: $resources's entrepreneurship to $resources's entrepreneurship - $fland's entrepreneurship)
You have produced 1 unit of clothing!
(if: $clothing is 1)[[[The Queen is calling you.|Answer Queen's Call]]]
(else-if: $clothing is 2)[[[See the Queen Now!]]]
(else-if: $food >=3 and $shelter >=3 and $clothing >= 3 and $education >= 3)[[[The Queen is calling you.|success]]]
(else:) (link-goto: "Check your resources")
######//[(link:"go back to start")[(goto: "castle")]]//
(enchant: "exit",(text-color: blue + white))$resourcesMore educated workers open more new businesses. Your entrepreneurship resource has grown by 2 units!
(set: $resources's entrepreneurship to $resources's entrepreneurship +2)
[(link-goto: "Go back to work!", "Check your resources")]
Your highly educated workers developed resources for more efficient mining! Your land resources have increased by 1.
(set: $resources's land to $resources's land + 1)
[(link-goto: "Go back to work!", "Check your resources")]A more educated workforce is more efficient in production. Your smart education choices have increased labor resources by 2 units!
(set: $resources's labor to $resources's labor + 2)
[(link-goto: "Go back to work!", "Check your resources")]
(if: $agresearch is "no")[[Speak with the Agricultural Minister]]
[[Speak with the Education Minister]]
(if: $trade is "no")[[Speak with the Trade Minister]]
(if: $refinery is "no")[[Speak with the Energy Minister]]
(if: $medicine is "no")[[Speak with the Health Minister]]
[[Speak with the Queen]]
[[Skip the advice|Check your resources]]
######//[(link:"go back to start")[(goto: "castle")]]//
(enchant: "exit",(text-color: blue + white))There has been a significant oil discovery in the northern area of the nation. The nation is celebrating!
(if: $refinery is "no")[You do not have the oil capabilities to take advantage of this discovery. The Queen is very annoyed. You could have picked up 2 units of land. You crawl back to work.]
(if: $refinery is "yes")[[good oil news]]
(if: $refinery is "no")[(link-goto: "Return to choices", "Check your resources")]A terrible drought means that food cannot be grown in some areas of the nation.
(if: $agresearch is "yes")[You are very glad you followed the fat Agricultural Minister's advice! He developed a low-water farming method so you will not lose any production. The Queen is very happy!]}
(if: $agresearch is "no")(display: "lost land resources")
[(link-goto: "Go back to work.", "Check your resources")]Unexpected breakthroughs in production technology increase your labor resources by 2.
(set: $resources's labor to $resources's labor +2)
(link-goto: "Check your resources")A new manufacturing process has improved capital. Your capital is increased by 1.
(set: $resources's capital to $resources's capital +1)
[(link-goto: "Go back to work.", "Check your resources")]The illness the agricultural minister warned you about has appeared in one of your cities.
(if: $medicine is "yes")[You quickly call the health minister who deploys the vaccine you so wisely funded.]
(if: $medicine is "no")(display: "Plague")
[(link-goto: "Go back to work.", "Check your resources")]A hungry neighboring country is willing to trade 2 units of shelter for 1 unit of your food.
(display: "goods produced")
[[Make the Trade]]
(link-goto: "Return to production choices", "Check your resources"){(set: $food to $food - 1)
(set: $shelter to $shelter +2)
(set: $trade to "yes")}
You made the trade!
(link-goto: "Return to production choices", "Check your resources")
######//[(link:"go back to start")[(goto: "castle")]]//
(enchant: "exit",(text-color: blue + white)){
(if: $queenmin is 0)[The Queen is too busy to speak with you.]
(if: $queenmin is > 0)[Please stop bothering the Queen!]
(set: $queenmin to $queenmin +1)
[(link-goto: "Get back to work", "Check your resources")]
[(link-goto: "Seek more advice", "Advice")]{
(set: $resources's entrepreneurship to $resources's entrepreneurship -1)
(set: $resources's capital to $resources's capital -1)
(set: $refinery to "yes")
The energy minister picks up the phone and starts yelling at people to get to work.
[(link-goto: "Get back to work", "Check your resources")]
[(link-goto: "Seek more advice", "Advice")](set: $agresearch to "yes")
(set: $resources's entrepreneurship to $resources's entrepreneurship - 2)
The minister thanks you for your help and goes to the refrigerator to get some chocolate chip ice cream.
(link-goto: "Go back to work", "Check your resources")
[(link-goto: "Seek more advice", "Advice")][[Fund the project|Agricultural Research]]You do not have enough resources.
(set: $nogo to $nogo + 1)You have lost 2 units of your land resources. The agriculture minister had a solution but you didn't listen. The Queen is very unhappy.
(set: $resources's land to $resources's land -2)[[Approve this request|Medical Research]]
[(link-goto: "Not now - Go back to work", "Check your resources")]
[(link-goto: "Seek more advice", "Advice")]{
(set: $medicine to "yes")
(set: $resources's capital to $resources's capital- 1)
(set: $resources's labor to $resources's labor - 1)
The health minister thanks you and begins to make some phone calls.
(link-goto: "Go back to work", "Check your resources")
[(link-goto: "Seek more advice", "Advice")]Workers are fearful of becoming ill and are staying home. You have lost 1 unit of labor.
(set: $resources's labor to $resources's labor - 1)(if: $education <= 3)(display: (either: "educationEntreprenuership", "educationCapital", "educationLabor"))
(if: $education is > 3)(display: "Enough Education")(display: "event1")You call the oil minister and thank him for increasing the nation's oil capacity. Land resources have increased by 2 units.
(set: $resources's land to $resources's land +2)
[(link-goto: "Go back to work.", "Check your resources")]{
(set: $agmin to 1)
You enter the office of the agricultural minister and find him finishing off a large bowl of ice cream. He says "Our farms are doing great. We have some of the world's most productive land. I would like to introduce some water efficient farming techniques. It will only cost 2 units of entrepreneurship to develop"
He does not offer you any ice cream.
(if: $resources's entrepreneurship >= 2)[(Display: "agresearch choice")]
(if: $resources's entrepreneurship <2)[(Display: "not enough resources")]}
[(link-goto: "Ignore him and return to production", "Check your resources")]
[(link-goto: "Seek advice from someone else", "Advice")]The education minister encourages you to make education your first choice for production. "If we improve our nation's education system, our citizens will be more productive. This will lead to more efficient labor, more inventions and more entrepreneurship. Resources will grow with education!"
The minister goes on and on about [human capital]<human|.
(click: ?human)[Human capital is the training and education of the workforce.]
[(link-goto: "Go back to work", "Check your resources")]
[(link-goto: "Seek more advice", "Advice")]
(set: $energymin to 1)
The energy minister is jumping up and down and shouting!
"We are on the brink of a major oil discovery. I need to upgrade the oil refinery. We must be ready to take full advantage of the discovery. It will only cost you 1 unit of capital and 1 unit of entrepreneurship. Fund this immediately!"
[[Fund the project|Yes]]
[(link-goto: "Not now - he might be crazy", "Check your resources")]
[(link-goto: "Seek more advice", "Advice")]{
(set: $healthmin to 1)
The health minister is worried about a new disease that has devastated a neighboring country. She begs you to consider increasing production of the available cure. It will cost 1 unit of labor and 1 unit of capital. "Bad things might happen if you wait!"
(if: $resources's labor >= 1 and $resources's capital >= 1)[(Display: "medicine choice")]
(if: $resources's labor or $resources's capital < 1)[(Display: "not enough resources")]The Trade Minister says: "We are incredibly efficient in producing food, but our neighbors to the south are having trouble. If we focus immediately on producing food, we can trade it for shelter. I can make a great deal!"
The Trade Minister has a strong argument. [Comparative Advantage]<compadvantage| should always be considered when using scarce resources.
(click: ?compadvantage)[Comparative advantage means a country has lower opportunity costs than its trading partner.]
[(link-goto: "Get back to work", "Check your resources")]
[(link-goto: "Seek more advice", "Advice")]Enough education!
[(link-goto: "Go back to work!", "Check your resources")] [[Go to the palace.|Go to the Queen]] [[Go to the Queen now]]Success! The nation applauds you!
[[Play again?|castle]]
<audio src="" autoplay>You are fired!
Play again? [[Enter the Castle|castle]]**Here are the resources you have been given:
(display: "resources")**
Produce 3 units each: Food, Shelter, Clothing and Education!
Important people are willing to give you advice.
(display: "Advice")<img src=""width="100%" height="100%">
[[Enter the Kingdom|enter]]
(set: $resources to
(dm: "land", (random: 12, 13),
"labor", (random: 13, 15),
"capital", (random: 13, 15),
"entrepreneurship", (random: 13,15)))
(set: $food to 0)
(set: $shelter to 0)
(set: $clothing to 0)
(set: $education to 0)
(set: $advice to 0)
(set: $agresearch to "no")
(set: $medicine to "no")
(set: $trade to "no")
(set: $refinery to "no")
(set: $agmin to 0)
(set: $educmin to 0)
(set: $energymin to 0)
(set: $healthmin to 0)
(set: $trademin to 0)
(set: $queenmin to 0)
(set: $nogo to 0)
**Each nation asks these questions:**
What to produce?
How to organize production?
How to allocate what is produced?
(click-replace: "allocate")[distribute]}
**Command Economy**
Government makes all decisions.
**Free Market Economy**
Consumers and Producers choose.
**Mixed Economy**
Governments and Markets make decisions.
[[See the Queen|Scarcity]]
######//[(link:"go back to start")[(goto: "castle")]]//
(enchant: "exit",(text-color: blue + white))The Economic Minister controls all 4 resources.
(link: "Land")[Land resources are natural resources such as oil, minerals, farmland.]
(link: "Labor")[Labor resources include the working-age population. Job training and education improve labor resources.]
(link: "Capital")[Capital means physical capital *not* money. Tools used to make goods and services such as computers, factory equipment.]
(link: "Entrepreneurship")[Entrepreneurship includes risk taking activities that build businesses, make discoveries, develop new products and technologies.]
[[Your job]]To stay in power you will need to make the Queen happy. She has directed you to produce **3 units each **of the essential goods and services: food, shelter, clothing and education.
It is time for you to go to work.
[[next]]You wait a long time for the Queen, and when she arrives she whispers only one word to you - ["scarcity".]<scarcity|
(click: ?scarcity)[You understand immediately. The nation has very limited resources. Wants and needs are unlimited. You must use these resources wisely.]
[[more info]]**Your resources are:** (display: "resources")
Click to produce:
(display: "goods produced")
[[Would you like some advice?|Advice]]
New inventions allow for an upgrade to the country's [infrastructure]<infrastructure|.
Your capital resources are increased by 2 units.
(click-replace: ?infrastructure)[roads, bridges, airports]
(set: $resources's capital to $resources's capital +2)
[(link-goto: "Go back to work.", "Check your resources")]
The queen has some news.
(display: (either: "event4", "event6"))You do not have enough resources.
(set: $nogo to $nogo +1)
(if: $resources's labor is 1 and $education < 3)(display: "failure")
(if: $resources's entrepreneurship is 1 and $food < 3)(display: "failure")
(if: $resources's land is 1 and $shelter < 3)(display: "failure")
(if: $resource's capital is 1 and $shelter < 3)(display: "failure")Good News! The [labor force participation rate]<rate| has gone up. You have gained 1 labor resource.
(click: ?rate)[More citizens have entered the work force and others are delaying retirement.]
(set: $resources's labor to $resources's labor + 1)
(link-goto: "Check your resources")(display: (either: "event 7", "event 3"))You do not have enough resources.
The Queen has fired you.
Play again?
[[Enter the Castle|castle]] [[Go to the Queen now]]You do not have enough resources to meet the Queen's goals.
You are fired!
Play again?
[[Enter the Castle|castle]]The queen has some news.
(display: (either: "event2", "event5"))The queen has some news.
(display: (either: "event2", "event5"))The queen has some news.
(display: (either: "event2", "event5"))The queen has some news.
(display: (either: "event2", "event5"))