Receipts Scanner


Using the app

Touch the 'Scan' button which will activate the device's camera. Position the receipt within the viewfinder and touch the circle button to start the scan. Use the controls to crop the scanned image. Touch the 'Keep Scan' button, or choose to re-take the scan if preferred. You can repeat this multiple times, if you want to scan more receipts. When finished, touch the 'Save' button. The app will display the saved images.

Touching an image will display it full screen, allowing you to zoom in further. Alternatively, a long press will bring up a menu of options for sharing the image. The 'Select' option can be used to select multiple images.

Upgrade via in-app purchase

The functionality to share receipts requires an upgrade, which can be purchased in the app by touching the shopping cart button and selecting the 'Full functionality' purchase.


If you have any questions about using this app or experience any bugs, please contact us.