Fast Forward — September 28, 2018

Artwork by Patrick Gunderson, Google Daydream UX Engineer

Get moving

Motion makes UIs expressive and easy to use, yet it’s one of the least understood design disciplines. Don’t fret! Motion design can and should be simple. On Medium, get a master class from motion designer Jonas Naimark on transition patterns and best practices.

👋 Ola

In the latest episode of Centered, design advocate Yasmine Evjen travels to Bangalore, India, to meet with Ola—the country’s largest ride-sharing company—and learn how they’re designing for the next billion users.

Kit out!

Confusing UI? Boring icons? Outdated buttons? Jump-start your UX designs with this free Material Design kit for Adobe XD. Simply download the sticker sheet and modify colors, typography, character styles, and symbols in the Assets Panel. Easy peasy!

Download: Material Design Kit

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