gobuild@ns ~/go/src $ ./all.bash # Building C bootstrap tool. cmd/dist # Building compilers and Go bootstrap tool for host, linux/arm. lib9 libbio libmach misc/pprof cmd/addr2line cmd/cov cmd/nm cmd/objdump cmd/pack cmd/prof cmd/cc cmd/gc cmd/5l cmd/5a cmd/5c cmd/5g pkg/runtime pkg/errors pkg/sync/atomic pkg/sync pkg/io pkg/unicode pkg/unicode/utf8 pkg/unicode/utf16 pkg/bytes pkg/math pkg/strings pkg/strconv pkg/bufio pkg/sort pkg/container/heap pkg/encoding/base64 pkg/syscall pkg/time pkg/os pkg/reflect pkg/fmt pkg/encoding/json pkg/flag pkg/path/filepath pkg/path pkg/io/ioutil pkg/log pkg/regexp/syntax pkg/regexp pkg/go/token pkg/go/scanner pkg/go/ast pkg/go/parser pkg/os/exec pkg/net/url pkg/text/template/parse pkg/text/template pkg/go/doc pkg/go/build cmd/go SIGILL: illegal instruction PC=0x6bfcc math.init·1() /home/gobuild/go/src/pkg/math/pow10.go:34 +0x28 math.init() /home/gobuild/go/src/pkg/math/unsafe.go:21 +0x70 strconv.init() /home/gobuild/go/src/pkg/strconv/quote.go:441 +0x70 go/parser.init() /home/gobuild/go/src/pkg/go/parser/parser.go:2344 +0x78 main.init() /home/gobuild/go/src/cmd/go/vet.go:37 +0x78 goroutine 2 [runnable]: created by runtime.main /home/gobuild/go/src/pkg/runtime/proc.c:220 trap 0x6 error 0x0 oldmask 0x0 r0 0x6c88a8 r1 0x0 r2 0x0 r3 0x40213e58 r4 0x40213e50 r5 0x4 r6 0x40213e58 r7 0x191b68 r8 0x191b28 r9 0x2ba9f0 r10 0x10837000 fp 0x6c8512 ip 0x1ae2f8 sp 0x40213e30 lr 0x6c114 pc 0x6bfcc cpsr 0x20000010 fault 0x0 gobuild@ns ~/go/src $ GOARM=5 ./all.bash # Building C bootstrap tool. cmd/dist # Building compilers and Go bootstrap tool for host, linux/arm. lib9 libbio libmach misc/pprof cmd/addr2line cmd/cov cmd/nm cmd/objdump cmd/pack cmd/prof cmd/cc cmd/gc cmd/5l cmd/5a cmd/5c cmd/5g pkg/runtime pkg/errors pkg/sync/atomic pkg/sync pkg/io pkg/unicode pkg/unicode/utf8 pkg/unicode/utf16 pkg/bytes pkg/math pkg/strings pkg/strconv pkg/bufio pkg/sort pkg/container/heap pkg/encoding/base64 pkg/syscall pkg/time pkg/os pkg/reflect pkg/fmt pkg/encoding/json pkg/flag pkg/path/filepath pkg/path pkg/io/ioutil pkg/log pkg/regexp/syntax pkg/regexp pkg/go/token pkg/go/scanner pkg/go/ast pkg/go/parser pkg/os/exec pkg/net/url pkg/text/template/parse pkg/text/template pkg/go/doc pkg/go/build cmd/go # Building packages and commands for linux/arm. runtime errors sync/atomic sync io unicode unicode/utf8 bytes bufio math syscall time os strconv reflect fmt sort flag go/token strings path/filepath go/scanner go/ast regexp/syntax regexp io/ioutil net/url text/template/parse text/template go/doc go/parser log path go/build text/tabwriter go/printer os/exec cmd/api hash crypto crypto/md5 encoding/binary debug/dwarf debug/elf debug/macho debug/pe cmd/cgo cmd/fix container/heap encoding/base64 unicode/utf16 encoding/json encoding/xml compress/flate hash/crc32 compress/gzip crypto/cipher crypto/aes crypto/des math/rand math/big crypto/elliptic crypto/hmac crypto/rand crypto/rc4 crypto/subtle crypto/rsa crypto/sha1 crypto/dsa crypto/ecdsa encoding/asn1 crypto/x509/pkix encoding/pem crypto/x509 runtime/cgo net crypto/tls mime net/textproto mime/multipart runtime/debug net/http cmd/go archive/zip encoding/gob expvar index/suffixarray html html/template runtime/pprof net/http/pprof text/scanner cmd/godoc cmd/gofmt cmd/vet cmd/yacc archive/tar compress/bzip2 compress/lzw hash/adler32 compress/zlib container/list container/ring crypto/sha256 crypto/sha512 database/sql/driver database/sql debug/gosym encoding/ascii85 encoding/base32 encoding/csv encoding/hex exp/ebnf exp/ebnflint exp/types exp/gotype exp/html/atom exp/html exp/inotify exp/norm exp/locale/collate hash/fnv exp/locale/collate/build exp/proxy exp/utf8string hash/crc64 image/color image image/draw image/gif image/jpeg image/png log/syslog math/cmplx net/http/cgi net/http/fcgi net/http/httptest net/http/httputil net/mail net/rpc net/rpc/jsonrpc net/smtp old/netchan os/signal os/user testing testing/iotest testing/quick # Testing packages. ok cmd/api 0.269s ? cmd/cgo [no test files] ok cmd/fix 38.407s ok cmd/go 0.365s ? cmd/godoc [no test files] ok cmd/gofmt 1.088s ? cmd/vet [no test files] ? cmd/yacc [no test files] ok archive/tar 0.152s ok archive/zip 1.285s ok bufio 4.094s ok bytes 1.926s ok compress/bzip2 1.508s ok compress/flate 16.262s ok compress/gzip 0.424s ok compress/lzw 2.459s ok compress/zlib 39.586s ok container/heap 0.134s ok container/list 0.267s ok container/ring 0.805s ? crypto [no test files] ok crypto/aes 0.335s ok crypto/cipher 0.140s ok crypto/des 0.819s ok crypto/dsa 0.594s ok crypto/ecdsa 0.923s ok crypto/elliptic 0.309s ok crypto/hmac 0.152s ok crypto/md5 0.172s ok crypto/rand 0.569s ok crypto/rc4 0.121s ok crypto/rsa 7.447s ok crypto/sha1 0.173s ok crypto/sha256 0.187s ok crypto/sha512 0.214s ok crypto/subtle 0.275s ok crypto/tls 6.364s ok crypto/x509 34.903s ? crypto/x509/pkix [no test files] ok database/sql 0.345s ok database/sql/driver 0.249s ok debug/dwarf 0.302s ok debug/elf 0.290s ok debug/gosym 0.271s ok debug/macho 0.158s ok debug/pe 0.147s ok encoding/ascii85 0.171s ok encoding/asn1 0.172s ok encoding/base32 0.175s ok encoding/base64 0.175s ok encoding/binary 0.183s ok encoding/csv 0.174s throw: runtime: out of memory goroutine 25 [running]: encoding/gob.(*Decoder).readMessage(0x107b78c0, 0x1000cf66, 0x107933c0) /home/gobuild/go/src/pkg/encoding/gob/decoder.go:92 +0x70 encoding/gob.(*Decoder).recvMessage(0x107b78c0, 0xa1028, 0x0) /home/gobuild/go/src/pkg/encoding/gob/decoder.go:84 +0x130 encoding/gob.(*Decoder).decodeTypeSequence(0x107b78c0, 0x1079e300, 0x160, 0x0) /home/gobuild/go/src/pkg/encoding/gob/decoder.go:142 +0x68 encoding/gob.(*Decoder).DecodeValue(0x107b78c0, 0x115208, 0x1079e358, 0x160, 0x0, ...) /home/gobuild/go/src/pkg/encoding/gob/decoder.go:206 +0x174 encoding/gob.(*Decoder).Decode(0x107b78c0, 0x115200, 0x1079e358, 0x107b4ae0, 0x1076e1e0, ...) /home/gobuild/go/src/pkg/encoding/gob/decoder.go:185 +0x284 encoding/gob.encFuzzDec(0x1079ef38, 0x114f40, 0x1079ef10, 0x1072a3e0, 0x107361b0, ...) /home/gobuild/go/src/pkg/encoding/gob/codec_test.go:1429 +0x358 encoding/gob.testFuzz(0x107a3fc0, 0x994c53f0, 0x126fc084, 0x64, 0x400e4f98, ...) /home/gobuild/go/src/pkg/encoding/gob/codec_test.go:1468 +0x290 encoding/gob.TestFuzzRegressions(0x107a3fc0, 0xe) /home/gobuild/go/src/pkg/encoding/gob/codec_test.go:1457 +0xd0 testing.tRunner(0x107a3fc0, 0x205bcc, 0x0) /home/gobuild/go/src/pkg/testing/testing.go:273 +0xac created by testing.RunTests /home/gobuild/go/src/pkg/testing/testing.go:349 +0x768 goroutine 1 [chan receive]: testing.RunTests(0x10c00, 0x205ad0, 0x4d, 0x4d, 0x31901, ...) /home/gobuild/go/src/pkg/testing/testing.go:350 +0x788 testing.Main(0x10c00, 0x205ad0, 0x4d, 0x4d, 0x2025e8, ...) /home/gobuild/go/src/pkg/testing/testing.go:285 +0x70 main.main() /tmp/go-build487525967/encoding/gob/_test/_testmain.go:199 +0x88 goroutine 2 [syscall]: created by runtime.main /home/gobuild/go/src/pkg/runtime/proc.c:220 goroutine 3 [syscall]: created by addtimer /home/gobuild/go/src/pkg/runtime/ztime_linux_arm.c:72 FAIL encoding/gob 0.425s ok encoding/hex 0.265s ok encoding/json 6.009s ok encoding/pem 0.412s ok encoding/xml 0.634s ok errors 0.127s ok exp/ebnf 0.263s ok exp/ebnflint 0.266s ok exp/gotype 12.835s ok exp/html 5.445s ok exp/html/atom 0.125s ok exp/inotify 1.166s ok exp/locale/collate 0.713s ok exp/locale/collate/build 0.204s ok exp/norm 30.122s ok exp/proxy 0.154s ok exp/types 5.008s ok exp/utf8string 0.134s ok expvar 0.285s ok flag 0.130s ok fmt 1.162s ok go/ast 0.202s ok go/build 8.075s ok go/doc 1.962s ok go/parser 1.119s ok go/printer 21.677s ok go/scanner 0.408s ok go/token 1.651s ? hash [no test files] ok hash/adler32 0.661s ok hash/crc32 0.121s ok hash/crc64 0.122s ok hash/fnv 0.123s ok html 0.279s ok html/template 1.365s ok image 2.187s ok image/color 0.217s ok image/draw 0.707s ? image/gif [no test files] ok image/jpeg 1.417s ok image/png 1.339s ok index/suffixarray 0.507s ok io 0.294s ok io/ioutil 0.474s ok log 0.284s ok log/syslog 0.416s ok math 1.108s ok math/big 6.476s ok math/cmplx 0.420s ok math/rand 15.654s ok mime 0.138s ok mime/multipart 2.845s ok net 2.778s ok net/http 39.633s ok net/http/cgi 5.068s ok net/http/fcgi 0.236s ok net/http/httptest 0.199s ok net/http/httputil 0.385s ? net/http/pprof [no test files] ok net/mail 0.152s ok net/rpc 0.993s ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 0.267s ok net/smtp 0.165s ok net/textproto 0.185s ok net/url 0.219s ok old/netchan 0.439s ok os 0.943s ok os/exec 3.724s ok os/signal 0.120s ok os/user 0.242s ok path 0.216s ok path/filepath 5.961s ok reflect 0.213s ok regexp 3.425s ok regexp/syntax 40.986s ok runtime 64.786s ? runtime/cgo [no test files] ok runtime/debug 0.169s ok runtime/pprof 4.985s ok sort 1.604s ok strconv 21.867s ok strings 0.283s ok sync 1.010s ok sync/atomic 0.353s ok syscall 0.292s ? testing [no test files] ? testing/iotest [no test files] ok testing/quick 0.934s ok text/scanner 0.216s ok text/tabwriter 0.201s ok text/template 0.532s ok text/template/parse 0.254s ok time 17.687s ok unicode 0.138s ok unicode/utf16 0.122s ok unicode/utf8 0.323s ? unsafe [no test files] gobuild@ns ~/go/src $