package main import ( "database/sql" "fmt" "strings" ) import _ "" // NOTE: This application won't work because of a deadlock bug in Go's database/sql: // func main() { fmt.Println("Processing USGS data in the database...") if db, err := sql.Open("postgres", "user=postgres dbname=hauntings sslmode=disable"); err == nil { defer db.Close() if tx, err := db.Begin(); err == nil { // If we throw an error, we'll just panic and roll everything back defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { fmt.Println("Failed to migrate NOAA cities:", err) tx.Rollback() } }() checkCommunity, _ := tx.Prepare("select * from community_gnis where gnis = $1") createCommunity, _ := tx.Prepare(` insert into communities (name, longitude, latitude, center) values ($1, $2, $3, st_setsrid(st_makepoint($4, $5), 4326)) returning id`) createCommunityGnis, _ := tx.Prepare("insert into community_gnis values ($1, $2)") if cities, err := tx.Query("select name, state, id, lon, lat from noaa.cities where id is not null"); err == nil { var name, state, gnis string var longitude, latitude float32 var communityId uint for cities.Next() { if err = cities.Scan(&name, &state, &gnis, &longitude, &latitude); err == nil { // Make sure we don't already have this city as a community if existing, err := checkCommunity.Query(gnis); err == nil { if !existing.Next() { // The name of the community is the name of the city, the full name of the state communityName := strings.Title(fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", strings.ToLower(name), strings.ToLower(state))) fmt.Println("Creating", communityName) // Create the community, then associate it with a GNIS community := createCommunity.QueryRow(communityName, longitude, latitude, longitude, latitude) if err = community.Scan(&communityId); err == nil { fmt.Println("Created community", communityId) if _, err = createCommunityGnis.Exec(communityId, gnis); err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to link community %d to GNIS %d: %s", communityId, gnis, err.Error())) } } else { panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to create community \"%s\": %s", communityName, err.Error())) } } } else { panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to check for community %d: %s", gnis, err.Error())) } } else { fmt.Println("Failed:", err.Error()) } } } if err = tx.Commit(); err != nil { fmt.Println("Failed to commit changes to the database:", err.Error()) } } else { fmt.Println("Failed to start a transaction:", err.Error()) } } else { fmt.Println("Unable to open a connection to the database:", err.Error()) } }