$ xcodebuild -version Xcode 5.0 Build version 5A11365x $ time ./all.bash # Building C bootstrap tool. cmd/dist # Building compilers and Go bootstrap tool for host, darwin/amd64. lib9 libbio libmach misc/pprof cmd/addr2line cmd/nm cmd/objdump cmd/pack cmd/prof cmd/cc cmd/gc cmd/6l cmd/6a cmd/6c cmd/6g pkg/runtime pkg/errors pkg/sync/atomic pkg/sync pkg/io pkg/unicode pkg/unicode/utf8 pkg/unicode/utf16 pkg/bytes pkg/math pkg/strings pkg/strconv pkg/bufio pkg/sort pkg/container/heap pkg/encoding/base64 pkg/syscall pkg/time pkg/os pkg/reflect pkg/fmt pkg/encoding pkg/encoding/json pkg/flag pkg/path/filepath pkg/path pkg/io/ioutil pkg/log pkg/regexp/syntax pkg/regexp pkg/go/token pkg/go/scanner pkg/go/ast pkg/go/parser pkg/os/exec pkg/os/signal pkg/net/url pkg/text/template/parse pkg/text/template pkg/go/doc pkg/go/build cmd/go # Building packages and commands for darwin/amd64. runtime errors sync/atomic sync io unicode unicode/utf8 bytes hash math strconv crypto crypto/md5 reflect encoding/binary debug/dwarf syscall time os fmt debug/elf debug/macho debug/pe sort flag go/token strings path/filepath go/scanner go/ast io/ioutil go/parser text/tabwriter go/printer os/exec cmd/cgo go/format path cmd/fix bufio container/heap encoding encoding/base64 unicode/utf16 encoding/json encoding/xml regexp/syntax regexp net/url text/template/parse text/template go/doc log go/build compress/flate hash/crc32 compress/gzip crypto/subtle crypto/cipher crypto/aes crypto/des math/rand math/big crypto/elliptic crypto/ecdsa crypto/hmac crypto/rand crypto/rc4 crypto/rsa crypto/sha1 crypto/sha256 crypto/dsa encoding/asn1 crypto/x509/pkix encoding/hex encoding/pem runtime/cgo net crypto/x509 crypto/tls mime net/textproto mime/multipart net/http os/signal cmd/go runtime/pprof cmd/gofmt cmd/yacc archive/tar archive/zip compress/bzip2 compress/lzw hash/adler32 compress/zlib container/list container/ring crypto/sha512 database/sql/driver database/sql debug/gosym encoding/ascii85 encoding/base32 encoding/csv encoding/gob expvar hash/crc64 hash/fnv html html/template image/color image image/color/palette image/draw image/gif image/jpeg image/png index/suffixarray log/syslog math/cmplx net/http/cgi net/http/cookiejar net/http/fcgi net/http/httptest net/http/httputil net/http/pprof net/mail net/rpc net/rpc/jsonrpc net/smtp os/user runtime/debug runtime/race testing testing/iotest testing/quick text/scanner # Testing packages. ? cmd/cgo [no test files] ok cmd/fix 0.033s ok cmd/go 0.064s ok cmd/gofmt 0.038s ? cmd/yacc [no test files] ok archive/tar 0.037s ok archive/zip 0.305s ok bufio 0.056s ok bytes 0.080s ok compress/bzip2 0.051s ok compress/flate 0.328s ok compress/gzip 0.011s ok compress/lzw 0.063s ok compress/zlib 0.682s ok container/heap 0.004s ok container/list 0.005s ok container/ring 0.012s ? crypto [no test files] ok crypto/aes 0.022s ok crypto/cipher 0.005s ok crypto/des 0.009s ok crypto/dsa 0.010s ok crypto/ecdsa 0.016s ok crypto/elliptic 0.028s ok crypto/hmac 0.006s ok crypto/md5 0.005s ok crypto/rand 0.017s ok crypto/rc4 0.039s ok crypto/rsa 0.100s ok crypto/sha1 0.010s ok crypto/sha256 0.005s ok crypto/sha512 0.005s ok crypto/subtle 0.006s ok crypto/tls 0.591s ok crypto/x509 0.476s ? crypto/x509/pkix [no test files] ok database/sql 0.017s ok database/sql/driver 0.004s ok debug/dwarf 0.007s ok debug/elf 0.015s ok debug/gosym 0.090s ok debug/macho 0.006s ok debug/pe 0.008s ? encoding [no test files] ok encoding/ascii85 0.004s ok encoding/asn1 0.005s ok encoding/base32 0.005s ok encoding/base64 0.005s ok encoding/binary 0.005s ok encoding/csv 0.005s ok encoding/gob 0.014s ok encoding/hex 0.004s ok encoding/json 0.089s ok encoding/pem 0.005s ok encoding/xml 0.011s ok errors 0.004s ok expvar 0.007s ok flag 0.005s ok fmt 0.024s ok go/ast 0.006s ok go/build 0.133s ok go/doc 0.043s ok go/format 0.008s ok go/parser 0.029s ok go/printer 0.280s ok go/scanner 0.005s ok go/token 0.031s ? hash [no test files] ok hash/adler32 0.010s ok hash/crc32 0.004s ok hash/crc64 0.005s ok hash/fnv 0.004s ok html 0.005s ok html/template 0.025s ok image 0.048s ok image/color 0.008s ? image/color/palette [no test files] ok image/draw 0.041s ok image/gif 0.029s ok image/jpeg 0.118s ok image/png 0.023s ok index/suffixarray 0.008s ok io 0.024s ok io/ioutil 0.005s ok log 0.005s ok log/syslog 2.056s ok math 0.005s ok math/big 0.132s ok math/cmplx 0.004s ok math/rand 0.017s ok mime 0.005s ok mime/multipart 0.200s ok net 2.929s ok net/http 4.900s ok net/http/cgi 0.801s ok net/http/cookiejar 0.015s ok net/http/fcgi 0.009s ok net/http/httptest 0.027s ok net/http/httputil 0.014s ? net/http/pprof [no test files] ok net/mail 0.006s ok net/rpc 0.014s ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 0.009s ok net/smtp 0.008s ok net/textproto 0.006s ok net/url 0.005s ok os 0.514s ok os/exec 0.377s ok os/signal 0.477s ok os/user 0.008s ok path 0.042s ok path/filepath 0.065s ok reflect 0.036s ok regexp 0.089s ok regexp/syntax 0.432s ok runtime 5.717s ? runtime/cgo [no test files] ok runtime/debug 0.006s ok runtime/pprof 1.793s ? runtime/race [no test files] ok sort 0.083s ok strconv 0.231s ok strings 0.077s ok sync 0.018s ok sync/atomic 0.017s ok syscall 0.010s ok testing 0.086s ? testing/iotest [no test files] ok testing/quick 0.019s ok text/scanner 0.006s ok text/tabwriter 0.005s ok text/template 0.018s ok text/template/parse 0.007s ok time 2.374s ok unicode 0.005s ok unicode/utf16 0.004s ok unicode/utf8 0.006s ? unsafe [no test files] real 1m42.281s user 1m8.457s sys 0m14.540s # GOMAXPROCS=2 runtime -cpu=1,2,4 ok runtime 17.489s # sync -cpu=10 ok sync 0.020s # Testing race detector. ok runtime/race 1.420s ok flag 1.011s # ../misc/cgo/stdio # ../misc/cgo/life # ../misc/cgo/test scatter = 0x4001640 hello from C PASS ok _/Users/aam/go/misc/cgo/test 1.156s scatter = 0x10d925 hello from C PASS ok _/Users/aam/go/misc/cgo/test 1.089s scatter = 0x4001a80 hello from C PASS ok _/Users/aam/go/misc/cgo/test 1.105s # ../misc/cgo/testso # ../misc/cgo/errors # ../doc/progs real 0m18.738s user 0m7.811s sys 0m2.053s # ../doc/articles/wiki rm -f srcextract.bin htmlify.bin get.bin PASS # ../doc/codewalk real 0m1.658s user 0m1.348s sys 0m0.199s # ../misc/goplay # ../test/bench/shootout fasta reverse-complement nbody binary-tree binary-tree-freelist fannkuch fannkuch-parallel regex-dna regex-dna-parallel spectral-norm k-nucleotide k-nucleotide-parallel mandelbrot meteor-contest pidigits threadring chameneosredux # ../test/bench/go1 ok _/Users/aam/go/test/bench/go1 1.950s # ../test real 1m21.468s user 0m54.794s sys 0m16.782s # Checking API compatibility. Skipping cmd/api checks; hg codereview extension not available and GO_FORCE_API_CHECK not set real 0m2.443s user 0m0.748s sys 0m0.279s ALL TESTS PASSED --- Installed Go for darwin/amd64 in /Users/aam/go Installed commands in /Users/aam/go/bin *** You need to add /Users/aam/go/bin to your PATH. real 5m24.184s user 3m26.728s sys 0m52.005s