plan9-386 at 0ec7ceac032acbd44d2bc4e92fe27c9b7dcb9f94 :: Running /tmp/workdir/go/src/make.rc with args ["/tmp/workdir/go/src/make.rc"] and env ["terminal=generic /sys/src/9/pc/pccpuf" "cputype=386" "service=cpu" "bootfile=sd01!9fat!9pccpuf" "nobootprompt=local!#S/sd01/fossil" "bootargs=local!#S/sd01/fossil" "bootdisk=#S/sd01/fossil" "console=0 b115200" "debugboot=1" "dmamode=ask" "installurl=" "partition=new" "mouseport=ps2intellimouse" "monitor=vesa" "vgasize=1280x1024x32" "user=glenda" "sd01part=plan9 63 20964825/9fat 63 204863/nvram 204863 204864/fossil 204864 19916249/swap 19916249 20964825" "rootdir=/root" "objtype=386" "timezone=EST -18000 EDT -14400\n 9943200 25664400 41392800 57718800 73447200 89168400\n 104896800 120618000 126669600 152067600 162352800 183517200\n 199245600 215571600 230695200 247021200 262749600 278470800\n 294199200 309920400 325648800 341370000 357098400 372819600\n 388548000 404874000 419997600 436323600 452052000 467773200\n 483501600 499222800 514951200 530672400 544586400 562122000\n 576036000 594176400 607485600 625626000 638935200 657075600\n 670989600 688525200 702439200 719974800 733888800 752029200\n 765338400 783478800 796788000 814928400 828842400 846378000\n 860292000 877827600 891741600 909277200 923191200 941331600\n 954640800 972781200 986090400 1004230800 1018144800 1035680400\n1049594400 1067130000 1081044000 1099184400 1112493600 1130634000\n1143943200 1162083600 1173578400 1194141600 1205028000 1225591200\n1236477600 1257040800 1268532000 1289095200 1299981600 1320544800\n1331431200 1351994400 1362880800 1383444000 1394330400 1414893600\n1425780000 1446343200 1457834400 1478397600 1489284000 1509847200\n1520733600 1541296800 1552183200 1572746400 1583632800 1604196000\n1615687200 1636250400 1647136800 1667700000 1678586400 1699149600\n1710036000 1730599200 1741485600 1762048800 1772935200 1793498400\n1804989600 1825552800 1836439200 1857002400 1867888800 1888452000\n1899338400 1919901600 1930788000 1951351200 1962842400 1983405600\n1994292000 2014855200 2025741600 2046304800 2057191200 2077754400\n2088640800 2109204000 2120090400 2140653600\n" "home=/usr/glenda" "path=.\x00/bin" "*=" "rcname=cpurc" "pid=31" "ifs= \t\n" "prompt=helix# \x00\t" "status=" "fn#sigexit=" "cflag=" "0=/cfg/helix/cpustart" "boottime=Tue Jun 9 14:58:01 EDT 2015\n" "sysname=helix" "NPROC=1" "site=DOM.EXAMPLE.COM" "fileserver=kfs" "facedom=FACEDOM" "apid=101" "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/tmp/workdir/go1.4" "WORKDIR=/tmp/workdir"] in dir /tmp/workdir/go/src # Building Go bootstrap tool. cmd/dist ##### Building Go toolchain using /tmp/workdir/go1.4. bootstrap/internal/obj bootstrap/internal/obj/arm bootstrap/internal/obj/arm64 bootstrap/internal/obj/ppc64 bootstrap/internal/obj/x86 bootstrap/asm/internal/arch bootstrap/asm/internal/flags bootstrap/asm/internal/lex bootstrap/asm/internal/asm bootstrap/asm bootstrap/compile/internal/big bootstrap/internal/gcprog bootstrap/compile/internal/gc bootstrap/compile/internal/amd64 bootstrap/compile/internal/arm bootstrap/compile/internal/arm64 bootstrap/compile/internal/ppc64 bootstrap/compile/internal/x86 bootstrap/compile bootstrap/internal/asm bootstrap/link/internal/ld bootstrap/link/internal/amd64 bootstrap/link/internal/arm bootstrap/link/internal/arm64 bootstrap/link/internal/ppc64 bootstrap/link/internal/x86 bootstrap/link bootstrap/old5a bootstrap/old6a bootstrap/old8a bootstrap/old9a ##### Building compilers and go_bootstrap for host, plan9/386. runtime errors sync/atomic sync internal/singleflight io unicode unicode/utf8 unicode/utf16 bytes math strings strconv bufio sort container/heap encoding/base64 syscall internal/syscall/windows/registry time internal/syscall/windows os reflect fmt encoding encoding/binary encoding/json flag path/filepath path io/ioutil log regexp/syntax regexp go/token go/scanner go/ast go/parser os/exec os/signal net/url text/template/parse text/template go/doc go/build hash crypto crypto/sha1 debug/dwarf debug/elf cmd/go # Building packages and commands for plan9/386. runtime errors sync/atomic sync io unicode unicode/utf8 bytes bufio math strconv reflect encoding/binary syscall time os fmt sort flag log strings path/filepath cmd/internal/obj cmd/internal/goobj cmd/internal/ cmd/internal/ path debug/dwarf debug/elf debug/gosym debug/macho debug/pe debug/plan9obj regexp/syntax regexp text/tabwriter cmd/internal/objfile cmd/addr2line io/ioutil archive/tar compress/flate hash hash/crc32 archive/zip compress/bzip2 compress/gzip compress/lzw hash/adler32 compress/zlib container/heap container/list container/ring crypto crypto/subtle crypto/cipher crypto/aes crypto/des math/rand math/big crypto/dsa crypto/elliptic crypto/sha512 encoding/asn1 crypto/ecdsa crypto/hmac crypto/md5 crypto/rand crypto/rc4 crypto/rsa crypto/sha1 crypto/sha256 crypto/x509/pkix encoding/hex encoding/base64 encoding/pem internal/singleflight net crypto/x509 crypto/tls database/sql/driver database/sql encoding encoding/ascii85 encoding/base32 encoding/csv encoding/gob unicode/utf16 encoding/json encoding/xml mime mime/quotedprintable net/textproto mime/multipart net/http/internal net/url net/http expvar go/token go/scanner go/ast text/template/parse text/template go/doc go/parser go/build go/constant go/printer internal/format go/format go/types text/scanner go/internal/gcimporter go/importer hash/crc64 hash/fnv html html/template image/color image image/color/palette image/internal/imageutil image/draw image/gif image/jpeg image/png index/suffixarray os/exec internal/trace log/syslog math/cmplx net/http/cgi net/http/cookiejar net/http/fcgi net/http/httptest net/http/httputil runtime/pprof net/http/pprof net/internal/socktest net/mail net/rpc net/rpc/jsonrpc net/smtp os/signal os/user runtime/debug runtime/race testing testing/iotest testing/quick cmd/api cmd/internal/obj/arm cmd/internal/obj/arm64 cmd/internal/obj/ppc64 cmd/internal/obj/x86 cmd/asm/internal/arch cmd/asm/internal/flags cmd/asm/internal/lex cmd/asm/internal/asm cmd/asm cmd/cgo cmd/compile/internal/big cmd/internal/gcprog cmd/compile/internal/gc cmd/compile/internal/amd64 cmd/compile/internal/arm cmd/compile/internal/arm64 cmd/compile/internal/ppc64 cmd/compile/internal/x86 cmd/compile cmd/cover cmd/dist cmd/doc cmd/fix cmd/go cmd/gofmt cmd/internal/asm cmd/link/internal/ld cmd/link/internal/amd64 cmd/link/internal/arm cmd/link/internal/arm64 cmd/link/internal/ppc64 cmd/link/internal/x86 cmd/link cmd/newlink cmd/nm cmd/objdump cmd/old5a cmd/old6a cmd/old8a cmd/old9a cmd/pack cmd/pprof/internal/profile cmd/pprof/internal/plugin cmd/pprof/internal/report cmd/pprof/internal/svg cmd/pprof/internal/tempfile cmd/pprof/internal/commands cmd/pprof/internal/driver cmd/pprof/internal/fetch cmd/pprof/internal/symbolizer cmd/pprof/internal/symbolz cmd/pprof cmd/trace cmd/vet/whitelist cmd/vet cmd/yacc --- Installed Go for plan9/386 in /tmp/workdir/go Installed commands in /tmp/workdir/go/bin *** You need to bind /tmp/workdir/go/bin before /bin. ##### Testing packages. ok archive/tar 0.038s ok archive/zip 0.373s ok bufio 0.096s ok bytes 0.102s ok compress/bzip2 0.081s ok compress/flate 0.427s ok compress/gzip 0.033s ok compress/lzw 0.102s ok compress/zlib 0.879s ok container/heap 0.028s ok container/list 0.022s ok container/ring 0.030s ok crypto/aes 0.045s ok crypto/cipher 0.024s ok crypto/des 0.040s ok crypto/dsa 0.030s ok crypto/ecdsa 0.072s ok crypto/elliptic 0.066s ok crypto/hmac 0.031s ok crypto/md5 0.027s ok crypto/rand 0.072s ok crypto/rc4 0.167s ok crypto/rsa 0.169s ok crypto/sha1 0.030s ok crypto/sha256 0.030s ok crypto/sha512 0.024s ok crypto/subtle 0.029s ok crypto/tls 1.378s ok crypto/x509 1.604s ok database/sql 0.049s ok database/sql/driver 0.025s ok debug/dwarf 0.033s ok debug/elf 0.056s ok debug/gosym 0.024s ok debug/macho 0.027s ok debug/pe 0.081s ok debug/plan9obj 0.026s ok encoding/ascii85 0.025s ok encoding/asn1 0.025s ok encoding/base32 0.034s ok encoding/base64 0.027s ok encoding/binary 0.030s ok encoding/csv 0.028s ok encoding/gob 0.061s ok encoding/hex 0.030s ok encoding/json 0.178s ok encoding/pem 0.051s ok encoding/xml 0.032s ok errors 0.024s ok expvar 0.034s ok flag 0.027s ok fmt 0.051s ok go/ast 0.053s ok go/build 0.852s ok go/constant 0.031s ok go/doc 0.069s ok go/format 0.030s ok go/internal/gcimporter 0.039s ok go/parser 0.045s ok go/printer 0.224s ok go/scanner 0.030s ok go/token 0.044s ok go/types 3.057s ok hash/adler32 0.030s ok hash/crc32 0.027s ok hash/crc64 0.103s ok hash/fnv 0.022s ok html 0.027s ok html/template 0.090s ok image 0.151s ok image/color 0.108s ok image/draw 0.166s ok image/gif 0.129s ok image/jpeg 0.176s ok image/png 0.068s ok index/suffixarray 0.034s ok internal/singleflight 0.124s ok io 0.161s ok io/ioutil 0.028s ok log 0.024s ok math 0.027s ok math/cmplx 0.036s ok math/rand 0.429s ok mime 0.037s ok mime/multipart 0.117s ok mime/quotedprintable 0.239s ok math/big 1.038s ok net 4.027s ok net/http 18.875s ok net/http/cgi 0.202s ok net/http/cookiejar 0.030s ok net/http/fcgi 0.031s ok net/http/httptest 0.194s ok net/http/httputil 1.111s ok net/http/internal 0.025s ok net/mail 0.034s ok net/rpc 1.071s ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 0.043s ok net/smtp 0.127s ok net/textproto 0.029s ok net/url 0.042s ok os/user 0.030s ok path 0.025s ok path/filepath 0.380s ok os 0.698s ok os/exec 0.930s ok os/signal 0.190s ok reflect 0.096s ok regexp 0.162s ok regexp/syntax 0.309s ok runtime 18.305s ok runtime/debug 0.034s ok sort 0.078s ok runtime/pprof 2.166s ok strconv 0.259s ok strings 0.118s ok sync 0.181s ok sync/atomic 0.236s ok testing/quick 0.052s ok text/scanner 0.031s ok text/tabwriter 0.026s ok syscall 0.025s ok testing 1.318s ok text/template 0.053s ok text/template/parse 0.037s ok time 3.536s ok unicode 0.032s ok unicode/utf16 0.028s ok unicode/utf8 0.027s ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 0.023s ok cmd/addr2line 1.562s ok cmd/api 0.040s ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 0.043s ok cmd/compile/internal/big 6.609s ok cmd/cover 2.277s ok cmd/fix 0.045s --- FAIL: TestGoInstallCleansUpAfterGoBuild (0.61s) go_test.go:171: running testgo [build] go_test.go:171: running testgo [install] go_test.go:484: testgo install did not remove command binary error: stat mycmd: stat buffer too short --- FAIL: TestGoInstallRebuildsStalePackagesInOtherGOPATH (0.05s) go_test.go:171: running testgo [install p1] go_test.go:190: standard error: go_test.go:191: can't load package: package p1: cannot find package "p1" in any of: /tmp/workdir/go/src/p1 (from $GOROOT) /tmp/gotest000254269/d1:/tmp/gotest000254269/d2/src/p1 (from $GOPATH) go_test.go:200: go [install p1] failed unexpectedly: exit status: 'testgo 3051: 1' --- FAIL: TestSymlinksDoNotConfuseGoList (0.00s) go_test.go:1251: symlink /tmp/gotest826848288 /tmp/gotest826848288/src/dir1: not supported by plan 9 --- FAIL: TestBuildDashIInstallsDependencies (0.62s) go_test.go:171: running testgo [build -v -i x/y/bar] go_test.go:190: standard error: go_test.go:191: x/y/foo x/y/bar go_test.go:171: running testgo [build -v -i x/y/bar] go_test.go:190: standard error: go_test.go:191: x/y/bar go_test.go:171: running testgo [build -v -i x/y/bar] go_test.go:190: standard error: go_test.go:191: x/y/bar go_test.go:275: first build -i cmd did not build x/y/foo go_test.go:276: pattern x/y/foo not found in standard output or standard error FAIL FAIL cmd/go 87.539s 2015/06/09 15:06:21 Failed: exit status: 'go 2734: 1' Error: runTests failed: dist test failed: go_test:cmd/go: exit status: 'go 2719: 1'