linux-386-longtest at 2229151e7e61e9d643417b74f29fe78f53b3abae :: Running /workdir/go/src/make.bash with args ["/workdir/go/src/make.bash"] and env ["PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" "HOSTNAME=buildlet-linux-stretch-morecpu-rn556f796" "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive" "HOME=/root" "USER=root" "GO_STAGE0_NET_DELAY=26.1s" "GO_STAGE0_DL_DELAY=200ms" "WORKDIR=/workdir" "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/workdir/go1.4" "GO_BUILDER_NAME=linux-386-longtest" "GO_TEST_SHORT=0" "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4" "GOARCH=386" "GOHOSTARCH=386" "GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=5" "GOBIN=" "TMPDIR=/workdir/tmp" "GOCACHE=/workdir/gocache"] in dir /workdir/go/src Building Go cmd/dist using /go1.4. (go1.4 linux/amd64) Building Go toolchain1 using /go1.4. Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1. Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1. Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2. Building packages and commands for linux/386. --- Installed Go for linux/386 in /workdir/go Installed commands in /workdir/go/bin ##### Testing packages. ok archive/tar 0.030s ok archive/zip 38.899s ok bufio 0.060s ok bytes 3.730s ok compress/bzip2 0.072s ok compress/flate 23.765s ok compress/gzip 0.080s ok compress/lzw 0.066s ok compress/zlib 0.860s ok container/heap 0.006s ok container/list 0.003s ok container/ring 0.003s ok context 2.342s ok crypto 0.003s ok crypto/aes 0.027s ok crypto/cipher 0.089s ok crypto/des 0.027s ok crypto/dsa 76.766s ok crypto/ecdsa 6.007s ok crypto/ed25519 0.201s ok crypto/elliptic 0.612s ok crypto/hmac 0.003s ok crypto/internal/subtle 0.003s ok crypto/md5 0.004s ok crypto/rand 0.181s ok crypto/rc4 0.055s ok crypto/rsa 0.637s ok crypto/sha1 0.003s ok crypto/sha256 0.004s ok crypto/sha512 0.006s ok crypto/subtle 0.005s ok crypto/tls 1.496s ok crypto/x509 1.783s ok database/sql 1.314s ok database/sql/driver 0.021s ok debug/dwarf 0.009s ok debug/elf 0.013s ok debug/gosym 0.007s ok debug/macho 0.005s ok debug/pe 0.006s ok debug/plan9obj 0.003s ok encoding/ascii85 0.005s ok encoding/asn1 0.004s ok encoding/base32 0.017s ok encoding/base64 0.006s ok encoding/binary 0.004s ok encoding/csv 0.008s ok encoding/gob 0.017s ok encoding/hex 0.007s ok encoding/json 1.061s ok encoding/pem 0.009s ok encoding/xml 0.015s ok errors 0.005s ok expvar 0.004s ok flag 0.005s ok fmt 0.067s ok go/ast 0.005s ok go/build 0.098s ok go/constant 0.006s ok go/doc 0.031s ok go/format 0.007s ok go/importer 0.055s ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 0.009s ok go/internal/gcimporter 1.079s ok go/internal/srcimporter 2.195s ok go/parser 0.029s ok go/printer 0.255s ok go/scanner 0.005s ok go/token 0.016s ok go/types 9.016s ok hash 0.003s ok hash/adler32 0.007s ok hash/crc32 0.006s ok hash/crc64 0.004s ok hash/fnv 0.003s ok hash/maphash 186.444s ok html 0.004s ok html/template 0.024s ok image 0.183s ok image/color 0.025s ok image/draw 0.045s ok image/gif 0.262s ok image/jpeg 0.183s ok image/png 0.122s ok index/suffixarray 81.244s ok internal/cpu 0.009s ok internal/fmtsort 0.003s ok internal/poll 2.673s ok internal/reflectlite 0.031s ok internal/singleflight 0.035s ok internal/trace 1.697s ok internal/xcoff 0.007s ok io 0.025s ok io/ioutil 0.004s ok log 0.004s ok log/syslog 1.210s ok math 0.007s ok math/big 3.306s ok math/bits 0.010s ok math/cmplx 0.003s ok math/rand 4.745s ok mime 0.007s ok mime/multipart 0.334s ok mime/quotedprintable 0.102s ok net 29.334s ok net/http 47.814s ok net/http/cgi 0.243s ok net/http/cookiejar 0.008s ok net/http/fcgi 0.005s ok net/http/httptest 0.056s ok net/http/httptrace 0.004s ok net/http/httputil 0.031s ok net/http/internal 0.006s ok net/http/pprof 2.010s ok net/internal/socktest 0.004s ok net/mail 0.005s ok net/rpc 0.024s ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 0.006s ok net/smtp 0.022s ok net/textproto 0.004s ok net/url 0.008s ok os 18.268s ok os/exec 0.519s ok os/signal 10.773s ok os/user 0.004s ok path 0.003s ok path/filepath 0.014s ok plugin 0.003s ok reflect 0.522s ok regexp 21.105s ok regexp/syntax 0.393s ok runtime 178.725s ok runtime/debug 0.051s ok runtime/internal/atomic 0.846s ok runtime/internal/math 0.003s ok runtime/internal/sys 0.003s ok runtime/pprof 48.191s ok runtime/pprof/internal/profile 0.003s ok runtime/trace 14.030s ok sort 0.810s ok strconv 3.494s ok strings 2.860s ok sync 3.749s ok sync/atomic 3.572s ok syscall 0.031s ok testing 0.895s ok testing/iotest 0.006s ok testing/quick 0.031s ok text/scanner 0.004s ok text/tabwriter 0.004s ok text/template 0.212s ok text/template/parse 0.018s ok time 7.110s ok unicode 0.004s ok unicode/utf16 0.003s ok unicode/utf8 0.006s ok cmd/addr2line 1.088s ok cmd/api 0.017s ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 0.491s ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 0.004s ok cmd/compile 4.558s ok cmd/compile/internal/gc 11.667s ok cmd/compile/internal/logopt 0.023s ok cmd/compile/internal/ssa 362.817s ok cmd/compile/internal/syntax 2.477s ok cmd/compile/internal/test 0.003s [no tests to run] ok cmd/compile/internal/types 0.003s ok cmd/cover 1.167s ok cmd/doc 0.138s ok cmd/fix 0.450s ok cmd/go 185.418s ok cmd/go/internal/auth 0.008s ok cmd/go/internal/cache 0.793s ok cmd/go/internal/generate 0.012s ok cmd/go/internal/get 4.172s ok cmd/go/internal/imports 0.004s ok cmd/go/internal/load 0.008s ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile 0.444s ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelock 0.031s ok cmd/go/internal/modconv 52.237s --- FAIL: TestCodeRepo (11.97s) --- FAIL: TestCodeRepo/parallel (0.00s) --- FAIL: TestCodeRepo/parallel/swtch.com_testmod/v1.0.0 (0.14s) coderepo_test.go:451: Lookup(""): unrecognized import path "": reading 503 Service Unavailable --- FAIL: TestCodeRepoVersions (1.58s) --- FAIL: TestCodeRepoVersions/parallel (0.00s) --- FAIL: TestCodeRepoVersions/parallel/swtch.com_testmod (0.00s) coderepo_test.go:690: Lookup(""): unrecognized import path "": reading 503 Service Unavailable --- FAIL: TestLatest (0.47s) --- FAIL: TestLatest/parallel (0.00s) --- FAIL: TestLatest/parallel/swtch.com_testmod (0.00s) coderepo_test.go:768: Lookup(""): unrecognized import path "": reading 503 Service Unavailable FAIL FAIL cmd/go/internal/modfetch 14.044s ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost 5.584s ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/zip_sum_test 0.011s FAIL go tool dist: Failed: exit status 1 Error: tests failed: dist test failed: go_test:cmd/go/internal/modfetch: exit status 1