openbsd-amd64-64 at 8f9ad60ef51ba4bb6d71e27034b753d501e7b874 ##### Testing packages. ok archive/tar 0.060s ok archive/zip 0.436s ok bufio 0.120s ok bytes 1.167s ok compress/bzip2 0.182s ok compress/flate 3.080s ok compress/gzip 0.215s ok compress/lzw 0.275s ok compress/zlib 1.244s ok container/heap 0.062s ok container/list 0.029s ok container/ring 0.013s ok context 1.155s ok crypto 0.013s ok crypto/aes 0.044s ok crypto/cipher 0.019s ok crypto/des 0.020s ok crypto/dsa 0.014s ok crypto/ecdsa 0.210s ok crypto/ed25519 0.102s ok crypto/elliptic 0.061s ok crypto/hmac 0.013s ok crypto/internal/subtle 0.017s ok crypto/md5 0.014s ok crypto/rand 0.033s ok crypto/rc4 0.070s ok crypto/rsa 0.077s ok crypto/sha1 0.051s ok crypto/sha256 0.016s ok crypto/sha512 0.016s ok crypto/subtle 0.014s ok crypto/tls 1.235s ok crypto/x509 0.443s ok database/sql 0.740s ok database/sql/driver 0.015s ok debug/dwarf 0.052s ok debug/elf 0.075s ok debug/gosym 0.020s ok debug/macho 0.026s ok debug/pe 0.021s ok debug/plan9obj 0.018s ok encoding/ascii85 0.032s ok encoding/asn1 0.017s ok encoding/base32 0.051s ok encoding/base64 0.025s ok encoding/binary 0.015s ok encoding/csv 0.018s ok encoding/gob 0.046s ok encoding/hex 0.035s ok encoding/json 0.119s ok encoding/pem 0.031s ok encoding/xml 0.030s ok errors 0.016s ok expvar 0.038s ok flag 0.039s ok fmt 0.090s ok go/ast 0.028s ok go/build 0.457s ok go/constant 0.022s ok go/doc 0.061s ok go/format 0.032s ok go/importer 0.202s ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 0.024s ok go/internal/gcimporter 2.588s ok go/internal/srcimporter 2.970s ok go/parser 0.043s ok go/printer 0.473s ok go/scanner 0.033s ok go/token 0.026s ok go/types 1.169s ok hash 0.024s ok hash/adler32 0.025s ok hash/crc32 0.015s ok hash/crc64 0.017s ok hash/fnv 0.017s ok hash/maphash 0.199s ok html 0.013s ok html/template 0.082s ok image 0.079s ok image/color 0.036s ok image/draw 0.053s ok image/gif 0.679s ok image/jpeg 0.216s ok image/png 0.084s ok index/suffixarray 0.232s ok internal/cpu 0.022s ok internal/fmtsort 0.014s ok internal/poll 0.050s ok internal/reflectlite 0.070s ok internal/singleflight 0.059s ok internal/trace 0.129s ok internal/xcoff 0.022s ok io 0.360s ok io/ioutil 0.013s ok log 0.018s ok log/syslog 1.353s ok math 0.018s ok math/big 1.009s ok math/bits 0.031s ok math/cmplx 0.019s ok math/rand 0.357s ok mime 0.026s ok mime/multipart 0.288s ok mime/quotedprintable 0.023s ok net 42.335s ok net/http 10.173s ok net/http/cgi 0.715s ok net/http/cookiejar 0.070s ok net/http/fcgi 0.027s ok net/http/httptest 0.060s ok net/http/httptrace 0.020s ok net/http/httputil 0.127s ok net/http/internal 0.021s ok net/http/pprof 2.094s ok net/internal/socktest 0.013s ok net/mail 0.026s ok net/rpc 0.054s ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 0.052s ok net/smtp 0.050s ok net/textproto 0.058s ok net/url 0.039s ok os 0.909s ok os/exec 0.789s ok os/signal 5.301s ok os/user 0.014s ok path 0.033s ok path/filepath 0.040s ok plugin 0.011s ok reflect 0.257s ok regexp 0.098s ok regexp/syntax 0.315s ok runtime 37.141s ok runtime/debug 0.241s ok runtime/internal/atomic 0.042s ok runtime/internal/math 0.018s ok runtime/internal/sys 0.011s ok runtime/pprof 7.436s ok runtime/pprof/internal/profile 0.016s ok runtime/trace 1.628s ok sort 0.060s ok strconv 0.342s ok strings 0.849s ok sync 0.947s ok sync/atomic 0.078s ok syscall 0.173s ok testing 0.279s ok testing/iotest 0.013s ok testing/quick 0.087s ok text/scanner 0.018s ok text/tabwriter 0.014s ok text/template 0.101s ok text/template/parse 0.019s ok time 2.100s ok unicode 0.028s ok unicode/utf16 0.018s ok unicode/utf8 0.015s ok cmd/addr2line 2.141s ok cmd/api 0.036s ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 0.452s ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 0.013s ok cmd/compile 5.987s ok cmd/compile/internal/gc 13.626s ok cmd/compile/internal/logopt 0.069s ok cmd/compile/internal/ssa 0.508s ok cmd/compile/internal/syntax 0.030s ok cmd/compile/internal/test 0.011s [no tests to run] ok cmd/compile/internal/types 0.012s ok cmd/cover 3.186s ok cmd/doc 0.069s ok cmd/fix 7.367s ok cmd/go 76.652s ok cmd/go/internal/auth 0.022s ok cmd/go/internal/cache 0.228s ok cmd/go/internal/generate 0.036s ok cmd/go/internal/get 0.038s ok cmd/go/internal/imports 0.018s ok cmd/go/internal/load 0.023s ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile 0.475s ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelock 0.066s ok cmd/go/internal/modconv 0.055s ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch 0.037s ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost 0.022s ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/zip_sum_test 0.034s ok cmd/go/internal/modload 0.040s ok cmd/go/internal/mvs 0.014s ok cmd/go/internal/par 0.025s ok cmd/go/internal/renameio 0.078s ok cmd/go/internal/search 0.015s ok cmd/go/internal/txtar 0.011s ok cmd/go/internal/web 0.023s ok cmd/go/internal/work 0.030s ok cmd/gofmt 0.044s ok cmd/internal/buildid 0.155s ok cmd/internal/dwarf 0.017s ok cmd/internal/edit 0.010s ok cmd/internal/goobj 1.159s ok cmd/internal/obj 0.013s ok cmd/internal/obj/arm64 0.035s ok cmd/internal/obj/x86 0.368s ok cmd/internal/objabi 0.011s ok cmd/internal/src 0.011s ok cmd/internal/test2json 0.095s ok cmd/link 14.519s ok cmd/link/internal/ld 4.033s ok cmd/link/internal/sym 0.012s ok cmd/nm 3.611s ok cmd/objdump 2.398s ok cmd/pack 1.496s ok cmd/trace 0.170s ok cmd/vet 19.161s ##### os/user with tag osusergo ok os/user 0.014s ##### GOMAXPROCS=2 runtime -cpu=1,2,4 -quick ok runtime 37.535s ##### moved GOROOT ok fmt 0.092s ##### Testing without libgcc. ok crypto/x509 0.320s ok net 0.034s ok os/user 0.015s ##### sync -cpu=10 ok sync 1.165s ##### ../misc/cgo/stdio PASS ##### ../misc/cgo/life PASS ##### ../misc/cgo/test # misc/cgo/test /tmp/workdir/tmp/go-build589396599/b052/_x008.o: In function `testSendSIG': ./test.go:244: warning: rand() may return deterministic values, is that what you want? /tmp/workdir/tmp/go-build589396599/b052/_x008.o: In function `issue12030conv': ./test.go:615: warning: sprintf() is often misused, please use snprintf() # misc/cgo/test.test /tmp/workdir/tmp/go-link-107433797/000007.o: In function `testSendSIG': /tmp/workdir/go/misc/cgo/test/test.go:244: warning: rand() may return deterministic values, is that what you want? /tmp/workdir/tmp/go-link-107433797/000007.o: In function `issue12030conv': /tmp/workdir/go/misc/cgo/test/test.go:615: warning: sprintf() is often misused, please use snprintf() PASS ok misc/cgo/test 31.754s # misc/cgo/test /tmp/workdir/tmp/go-build188337275/b052/_x008.o: In function `testSendSIG': ./test.go:244: warning: rand() may return deterministic values, is that what you want? /tmp/workdir/tmp/go-build188337275/b052/_x008.o: In function `issue12030conv': ./test.go:615: warning: sprintf() is often misused, please use snprintf() PASS ok misc/cgo/test 31.291s # misc/cgo/test /tmp/workdir/tmp/go-build709207864/b053/_x008.o: In function `testSendSIG': ./test.go:244: warning: rand() may return deterministic values, is that what you want? /tmp/workdir/tmp/go-build709207864/b053/_x008.o: In function `issue12030conv': ./test.go:615: warning: sprintf() is often misused, please use snprintf() # misc/cgo/test.test /tmp/workdir/tmp/go-link-978861267/000007.o: In function `testSendSIG': /tmp/workdir/go/misc/cgo/test/test.go:244: warning: rand() may return deterministic values, is that what you want? /tmp/workdir/tmp/go-link-978861267/000007.o: In function `issue12030conv': /tmp/workdir/go/misc/cgo/test/test.go:615: warning: sprintf() is often misused, please use snprintf() PASS ok misc/cgo/test 31.316s # misc/cgo/test /tmp/workdir/tmp/go-build889306074/b053/_x008.o: In function `testSendSIG': ./test.go:244: warning: rand() may return deterministic values, is that what you want? /tmp/workdir/tmp/go-build889306074/b053/_x008.o: In function `issue12030conv': ./test.go:615: warning: sprintf() is often misused, please use snprintf() # misc/cgo/test.test /tmp/workdir/tmp/go-link-176804563/000007.o: In function `testSendSIG': /tmp/workdir/go/misc/cgo/test/test.go:244: warning: rand() may return deterministic values, is that what you want? /tmp/workdir/tmp/go-link-176804563/000007.o: In function `issue12030conv': /tmp/workdir/go/misc/cgo/test/test.go:615: warning: sprintf() is often misused, please use snprintf() PASS ok misc/cgo/test 32.039s ##### ../misc/cgo/testgodefs PASS ##### ../misc/cgo/testso ok misc/cgo/testso 1.723s ##### ../misc/cgo/testsovar ok misc/cgo/testsovar 2.072s ##### ../misc/cgo/errors PASS ##### ../doc/progs ok run 11.472s ##### ../doc/articles/wiki ok doc/articles/wiki 1.570s ##### ../doc/codewalk ok command-line-arguments 2.303s ##### ../test/bench/go1 ##### API check All tests passed.