nacl-amd64p32 at 9875de36d979b30917f775f7fdebdeabad0ebabd :: Running /tmp/workdir/go/src/nacltest.bash with args ["/tmp/workdir/go/src/nacltest.bash"] and env ["PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" "PWD=/" "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4" "WORKDIR=/tmp/workdir" "GO_BUILDER_NAME=nacl-amd64p32" "GOOS=nacl" "GOARCH=amd64p32" "GOHOSTOS=linux" "GOHOSTARCH=amd64"] in dir /tmp/workdir/go/src ##### Building fake file system zip for nacl ##### Building Go bootstrap tool. cmd/dist ##### Building Go toolchain using /go1.4. bootstrap/internal/obj bootstrap/asm/internal/flags bootstrap/compile/internal/big bootstrap/internal/obj/arm bootstrap/internal/obj/arm64 bootstrap/internal/obj/mips bootstrap/internal/obj/ppc64 bootstrap/internal/obj/x86 bootstrap/asm/internal/lex bootstrap/internal/gcprog bootstrap/asm/internal/arch bootstrap/compile/internal/gc bootstrap/asm/internal/asm bootstrap/asm bootstrap/link/internal/ld bootstrap/link/internal/amd64 bootstrap/link/internal/arm bootstrap/link/internal/arm64 bootstrap/link/internal/mips64 bootstrap/link/internal/ppc64 bootstrap/link/internal/x86 bootstrap/link bootstrap/compile/internal/amd64 bootstrap/compile/internal/arm bootstrap/compile/internal/arm64 bootstrap/compile/internal/mips64 bootstrap/compile/internal/ppc64 bootstrap/compile/internal/x86 bootstrap/compile ##### Building go_bootstrap for host, linux/amd64. runtime/internal/sys runtime/internal/atomic runtime encoding errors internal/race math sort sync/atomic unicode unicode/utf16 unicode/utf8 sync container/heap internal/singleflight io syscall hash hash/adler32 strconv bytes strings bufio path internal/syscall/windows internal/syscall/windows/registry time reflect encoding/base64 crypto regexp/syntax crypto/sha1 os regexp encoding/binary fmt os/signal path/filepath io/ioutil os/exec flag go/token log net/url text/template/parse compress/flate encoding/json debug/dwarf go/scanner go/ast compress/zlib debug/macho debug/elf text/template go/parser go/doc go/build cmd/go runtime (nacl/amd64p32) ##### Building packages and commands for host, linux/amd64. runtime/internal/sys runtime/internal/atomic runtime errors internal/race sync/atomic unicode sync io unicode/utf8 math bytes bufio syscall strconv reflect time os encoding/binary sort fmt strings path/filepath hash flag log compress/flate cmd/internal/obj hash/adler32 compress/zlib path debug/dwarf cmd/internal/goobj debug/gosym debug/plan9obj debug/elf debug/macho debug/pe cmd/vendor/ cmd/vendor/ regexp/syntax text/tabwriter io/ioutil archive/tar regexp hash/crc32 archive/zip cmd/internal/objfile compress/bzip2 cmd/addr2line compress/gzip compress/lzw container/heap container/list container/ring crypto crypto/subtle crypto/cipher crypto/aes crypto/des math/rand math/big crypto/sha512 crypto/hmac crypto/md5 internal/syscall/unix crypto/rc4 crypto/sha1 crypto/sha256 encoding/hex encoding/base64 encoding/pem crypto/dsa crypto/elliptic encoding/asn1 crypto/rand crypto/ecdsa crypto/x509/pkix crypto/rsa internal/singleflight go/token go/scanner os/exec go/ast database/sql/driver database/sql go/parser go/printer encoding encoding/ascii85 encoding/base32 cmd/cgo encoding/csv encoding/gob unicode/utf16 encoding/json encoding/xml internal/ mime runtime/cgo mime/quotedprintable net/http/internal net/url text/template/parse net text/template go/doc go/build go/constant go/format go/types crypto/x509 crypto/tls net/textproto text/scanner mime/multipart go/internal/gccgoimporter net/http go/internal/gcimporter go/importer hash/crc64 hash/fnv html html/template image/color image image/color/palette image/internal/imageutil image/draw expvar image/gif image/jpeg image/png index/suffixarray runtime/debug runtime/pprof runtime/trace internal/trace testing log/syslog math/cmplx internal/testenv net/http/cgi net/http/cookiejar net/http/httptest net/http/fcgi net/http/httputil net/http/pprof net/internal/socktest net/mail net/rpc net/smtp os/signal os/user net/rpc/jsonrpc runtime/race testing/iotest testing/quick cmd/api cmd/internal/obj/arm cmd/internal/obj/arm64 cmd/internal/obj/mips cmd/internal/obj/ppc64 cmd/internal/obj/x86 cmd/asm/internal/flags cmd/asm/internal/arch cmd/asm/internal/lex cmd/compile/internal/big cmd/asm/internal/asm cmd/asm cmd/internal/gcprog cmd/compile/internal/gc cmd/cover cmd/dist cmd/doc cmd/fix cmd/compile/internal/amd64 cmd/compile/internal/arm cmd/compile/internal/arm64 cmd/compile/internal/mips64 cmd/compile/internal/ppc64 cmd/compile/internal/x86 cmd/go cmd/compile cmd/gofmt cmd/link/internal/ld cmd/newlink cmd/link/internal/amd64 cmd/link/internal/arm cmd/link/internal/arm64 cmd/link/internal/mips64 cmd/link/internal/ppc64 cmd/link/internal/x86 cmd/nm cmd/link cmd/objdump cmd/pack cmd/pprof/internal/profile cmd/pprof/internal/svg cmd/pprof/internal/tempfile cmd/trace cmd/pprof/internal/plugin cmd/pprof/internal/report cmd/pprof/internal/commands cmd/pprof/internal/driver cmd/pprof/internal/fetch cmd/pprof/internal/symbolizer cmd/pprof/internal/symbolz cmd/pprof cmd/vet/internal/whitelist cmd/vet cmd/yacc ##### Building packages and commands for nacl/amd64p32. runtime/internal/sys runtime/internal/atomic runtime errors internal/race sync/atomic unicode sync io unicode/utf8 math bytes bufio strconv syscall reflect encoding/binary sort strings hash hash/adler32 path regexp/syntax time regexp os text/tabwriter hash/crc32 compress/bzip2 fmt path/filepath io/ioutil container/heap container/list container/ring crypto crypto/subtle crypto/cipher flag log compress/flate cmd/internal/obj compress/zlib debug/dwarf cmd/internal/goobj debug/gosym debug/elf debug/macho debug/pe debug/plan9obj cmd/vendor/ cmd/vendor/ archive/tar cmd/internal/objfile archive/zip cmd/addr2line compress/gzip compress/lzw crypto/aes crypto/des math/rand math/big crypto/sha512 crypto/hmac crypto/md5 crypto/rc4 crypto/sha1 crypto/sha256 encoding/hex encoding/base64 encoding/pem internal/singleflight net crypto/dsa crypto/elliptic encoding/asn1 crypto/ecdsa crypto/rand crypto/rsa crypto/x509/pkix database/sql/driver crypto/x509 database/sql encoding encoding/ascii85 crypto/tls encoding/base32 encoding/csv encoding/gob unicode/utf16 encoding/xml encoding/json internal/ mime mime/quotedprintable net/textproto net/http/internal net/url mime/multipart go/token go/scanner net/http go/ast text/template/parse text/template go/doc go/parser expvar go/constant go/build go/printer go/types go/format os/exec text/scanner hash/crc64 hash/fnv html html/template image/color image go/internal/gccgoimporter go/internal/gcimporter image/color/palette image/internal/imageutil image/draw go/importer image/gif image/jpeg image/png index/suffixarray runtime/debug runtime/pprof runtime/trace internal/trace testing log/syslog math/cmplx net/http/cgi internal/testenv net/http/cookiejar net/http/fcgi net/http/httptest net/http/httputil net/http/pprof net/internal/socktest net/mail net/rpc net/smtp os/signal net/rpc/jsonrpc os/user runtime/race testing/iotest testing/quick cmd/api cmd/internal/obj/arm cmd/internal/obj/arm64 cmd/internal/obj/mips cmd/internal/obj/ppc64 cmd/internal/obj/x86 cmd/asm/internal/flags cmd/asm/internal/lex cmd/cgo cmd/asm/internal/arch cmd/asm/internal/asm cmd/asm cmd/compile/internal/big cmd/internal/gcprog cmd/cover cmd/compile/internal/gc cmd/dist cmd/doc cmd/fix cmd/go cmd/compile/internal/amd64 cmd/compile/internal/arm cmd/compile/internal/arm64 cmd/compile/internal/mips64 cmd/compile/internal/ppc64 cmd/compile/internal/x86 cmd/compile cmd/gofmt cmd/link/internal/ld cmd/newlink cmd/link/internal/amd64 cmd/link/internal/arm cmd/link/internal/arm64 cmd/link/internal/mips64 cmd/link/internal/ppc64 cmd/link/internal/x86 cmd/nm cmd/link cmd/objdump cmd/pack cmd/pprof/internal/profile cmd/pprof/internal/svg cmd/pprof/internal/tempfile cmd/trace cmd/pprof/internal/plugin cmd/pprof/internal/report cmd/pprof/internal/commands cmd/pprof/internal/driver cmd/pprof/internal/fetch cmd/pprof/internal/symbolizer cmd/pprof/internal/symbolz cmd/vet/internal/whitelist cmd/vet cmd/pprof cmd/yacc ##### Testing packages. ok archive/tar 0.522s ok archive/zip 0.639s ok bufio 0.157s ok bytes 0.204s ok compress/bzip2 0.183s ok compress/flate 0.280s ok compress/gzip 0.500s ok compress/lzw 0.497s ok compress/zlib 0.498s ok container/heap 0.090s ok container/list 0.050s ok container/ring 0.078s ok crypto/aes 0.119s ok crypto/cipher 0.552s ok crypto/des 0.069s ok crypto/dsa 0.568s ok crypto/ecdsa 0.562s ok crypto/elliptic 0.567s ok crypto/hmac 0.048s ok crypto/md5 0.513s ok crypto/rand 0.542s ok crypto/rc4 0.258s ok crypto/rsa 1.710s ok crypto/sha1 0.486s ok crypto/sha256 0.048s ok crypto/sha512 0.060s ok crypto/subtle 0.060s ok crypto/tls 11.073s ok crypto/x509 3.249s ok database/sql 0.134s ok database/sql/driver 0.054s ok debug/dwarf 0.505s ok debug/elf 0.527s ok debug/gosym 0.062s ok debug/macho 0.555s ok debug/pe 0.553s ok debug/plan9obj 0.491s ok encoding/ascii85 0.074s ok encoding/asn1 0.580s ok encoding/base32 0.072s ok encoding/base64 0.062s ok encoding/binary 0.055s ok encoding/csv 0.063s ok encoding/gob 0.561s ok encoding/hex 0.068s ok encoding/json 0.321s ok encoding/pem 0.079s ok encoding/xml 0.515s ok errors 0.055s ok expvar 0.090s ok flag 0.092s ok fmt 0.272s ok go/ast 0.073s ok go/build 0.547s ok go/constant 0.063s ok go/doc 0.562s ok go/format 0.513s ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 0.060s ok go/internal/gcimporter 0.065s ok go/parser 0.601s ok go/printer 1.094s ok go/scanner 0.050s ok go/token 0.092s ok go/types 0.575s ok hash/adler32 0.097s ok hash/crc32 0.054s ok hash/crc64 0.056s ok hash/fnv 0.062s ok html 0.060s ok html/template 0.575s ok image 0.715s ok image/color 0.169s ok image/draw 0.654s ok image/gif 0.648s ok image/jpeg 0.735s ok image/png 0.550s ok index/suffixarray 0.064s ok internal/ 0.073s ok internal/singleflight 0.067s ok internal/trace 0.057s ok io 0.091s ok io/ioutil 0.494s ok log 0.518s ok math 0.101s ok math/big 2.820s ok math/cmplx 0.067s ok math/rand 0.144s ok mime 0.517s ok mime/multipart 1.091s ok mime/quotedprintable 0.285s ok net 2.016s ok net/http 18.609s ok net/http/cgi 0.536s ok net/http/cookiejar 0.086s ok net/http/fcgi 0.089s ok net/http/httptest 0.067s ok net/http/httputil 0.120s ok net/http/internal 0.049s ok net/internal/socktest 0.040s ok net/mail 0.352s ok net/rpc 0.385s ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 0.104s ok net/smtp 0.621s ok net/textproto 0.054s ok net/url 0.107s ok os 0.513s ok os/exec 0.527s ok os/signal 0.110s ok os/user 0.054s ok path 0.064s ok path/filepath 0.527s ok reflect 0.204s ok regexp 0.694s ok regexp/syntax 0.706s ok runtime 6.440s ok runtime/debug 0.114s ok runtime/internal/atomic 0.125s ok runtime/pprof 0.090s ok runtime/trace 2.281s ok sort 0.193s ok strconv 1.415s ok strings 0.236s ok sync 0.201s ok sync/atomic 0.357s ok syscall 0.048s ok testing 1.653s ok testing/quick 0.115s ok text/scanner 0.058s ok text/tabwriter 0.065s ok text/template 0.535s ok text/template/parse 0.080s ok time 3.339s ok unicode 0.120s ok unicode/utf16 0.066s ok unicode/utf8 0.050s ok cmd/addr2line 0.043s ok cmd/api 0.588s ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 0.843s ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 0.059s ok cmd/compile/internal/big 2.642s ok cmd/compile/internal/gc 0.076s ok cmd/cover 0.114s ok cmd/doc 0.065s ok cmd/fix 0.086s ok cmd/go 0.670s ok cmd/gofmt 0.599s ok cmd/internal/goobj 0.077s ok cmd/internal/obj 0.055s ok cmd/internal/obj/x86 0.074s ok cmd/newlink 0.550s ok cmd/nm 0.063s ok cmd/objdump 0.062s ok cmd/pack 0.535s ok cmd/pprof/internal/profile 0.066s ok cmd/vendor/ 0.516s ok cmd/vendor/ 0.940s ok cmd/vet 0.349s ##### GOMAXPROCS=2 runtime -cpu=1,2,4 --- FAIL: TestGoroutineProfileTrivial (0.00s) runtime_test.go:320: GoroutineProfile(5) = 2, true, want 5, true FAIL FAIL runtime 12.613s 2016/02/02 15:12:09 Failed: exit status 1 ##### Testing without libgcc. ok crypto/x509 5.017s ok net 0.531s ok os/user 0.113s ##### sync -cpu=10 skipped due to earlier error ##### ../test/bench/go1 skipped due to earlier error ##### ../test skipped due to earlier error skipped due to earlier error skipped due to earlier error skipped due to earlier error skipped due to earlier error 2016/02/02 15:12:09 FAILED Error: all script failed: exit status 1