linux-386 at d6a6f193f163bc386f3ea59dd28172bba2818cf5 :: Running /workdir/go/src/make.bash with args ["/workdir/go/src/make.bash"] and env ["PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" "HOSTNAME=buildlet-linux-jessie-rn147ada4" "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive" "HOME=/root" "USER=root" "GO_STAGE0_NET_DELAY=12s" "GO_STAGE0_DL_DELAY=100ms" "WORKDIR=/workdir" "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/workdir/go1.4" "GO_BUILDER_NAME=linux-386" "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4" "GOARCH=386" "GOHOSTARCH=386" "GO_DISABLE_OUTBOUND_NETWORK=1" "GOBIN=" "TMPDIR=/workdir/tmp" "GOCACHE=/workdir/gocache"] in dir /workdir/go/src Building Go cmd/dist using /go1.4. (go1.4 linux/amd64) Building Go toolchain1 using /go1.4. Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1. Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1. Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2. Building packages and commands for linux/386. --- Installed Go for linux/386 in /workdir/go Installed commands in /workdir/go/bin ##### Testing packages. ok archive/tar 0.033s ok archive/zip 0.218s ok bufio 0.141s ok bytes 2.035s ok compress/bzip2 0.076s ok compress/flate 0.585s ok compress/gzip 0.099s ok compress/lzw 0.086s ok compress/zlib 0.665s ok container/heap 0.011s ok container/list 0.007s ok container/ring 0.013s ok context 0.975s ok crypto 0.016s ok crypto/aes 0.046s ok crypto/cipher 0.005s ok crypto/des 0.023s ok crypto/dsa 0.009s ok crypto/ecdsa 0.207s ok crypto/ed25519 0.185s ok crypto/elliptic 0.029s ok crypto/hmac 0.003s ok crypto/internal/subtle 0.003s ok crypto/md5 0.004s ok crypto/rand 0.011s ok crypto/rc4 0.070s ok crypto/rsa 0.102s ok crypto/sha1 0.005s ok crypto/sha256 0.004s ok crypto/sha512 0.013s ok crypto/subtle 0.016s ok crypto/tls 1.151s ok crypto/x509 0.994s ok database/sql 0.550s ok database/sql/driver 0.005s ok debug/dwarf 0.009s ok debug/elf 0.026s ok debug/gosym 0.010s ok debug/macho 0.005s ok debug/pe 0.005s ok debug/plan9obj 0.005s ok encoding/ascii85 0.008s ok encoding/asn1 0.004s ok encoding/base32 0.016s ok encoding/base64 0.007s ok encoding/binary 0.004s ok encoding/csv 0.007s ok encoding/gob 0.021s ok encoding/hex 0.041s ok encoding/json 0.061s ok encoding/pem 0.011s ok encoding/xml 0.016s ok errors 0.004s ok expvar 0.021s ok flag 0.017s ok fmt 0.061s ok go/ast 0.007s ok go/build 0.110s ok go/constant 0.006s ok go/doc 0.035s ok go/format 0.024s ok go/importer 0.060s ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 0.011s ok go/internal/gcimporter 1.534s ok go/internal/srcimporter 2.104s ok go/parser 0.023s ok go/printer 0.239s ok go/scanner 0.009s ok go/token 0.028s ok go/types 0.835s ok hash 0.016s ok hash/adler32 0.013s ok hash/crc32 0.006s ok hash/crc64 0.004s ok hash/fnv 0.010s ok hash/maphash 0.063s ok html 0.004s ok html/template 0.036s ok image 0.059s ok image/color 0.040s ok image/draw 0.059s ok image/gif 0.256s ok image/jpeg 0.214s ok image/png 0.042s ok index/suffixarray 0.417s ok internal/cpu 0.009s ok internal/fmtsort 0.016s ok internal/poll 0.197s ok internal/reflectlite 0.035s ok internal/singleflight 0.015s ok internal/trace 0.038s ok internal/xcoff 0.010s ok io 0.026s ok io/ioutil 0.004s ok log 0.020s ok log/syslog 1.217s ok math 0.007s ok math/big 1.300s ok math/bits 0.007s ok math/cmplx 0.009s ok math/rand 0.643s ok mime 0.012s ok mime/multipart 0.140s ok mime/quotedprintable 0.008s ok net 8.168s ok net/http 7.881s ok net/http/cgi 0.231s ok net/http/cookiejar 0.007s ok net/http/fcgi 0.006s ok net/http/httptest 0.099s ok net/http/httptrace 0.004s ok net/http/httputil 0.043s ok net/http/internal 0.005s ok net/http/pprof 2.009s ok net/internal/socktest 0.016s ok net/mail 0.012s ok net/rpc 0.025s ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 0.008s ok net/smtp 0.064s ok net/textproto 0.006s ok net/url 0.018s ok os 0.651s ok os/exec 0.503s ok os/signal 4.524s ok os/user 0.004s ok path 0.013s ok path/filepath 0.015s ok plugin 0.004s ok regexp 0.072s ok regexp/syntax 0.368s ok reflect 0.089s ok runtime 24.748s ok runtime/debug 0.015s ok runtime/internal/atomic 0.013s ok runtime/internal/math 0.003s ok runtime/internal/sys 0.002s ok runtime/pprof 4.494s ok runtime/pprof/internal/profile 0.025s ok runtime/trace 0.834s ok sort 0.058s ok strconv 0.346s ok strings 1.298s ok sync 0.256s ok sync/atomic 0.031s ok syscall 0.028s ok testing 0.064s ok testing/iotest 0.021s ok testing/quick 0.073s ok text/scanner 0.023s ok text/tabwriter 0.004s ok text/template 0.025s ok text/template/parse 0.009s ok unicode 0.008s ok unicode/utf16 0.004s ok time 1.609s ok unicode/utf8 0.007s ok cmd/api 0.013s ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 0.472s ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 0.003s ok cmd/addr2line 0.993s ok cmd/compile 4.237s ok cmd/compile/internal/gc 10.269s ok cmd/compile/internal/logopt 0.020s ok cmd/compile/internal/ssa 0.318s ok cmd/compile/internal/syntax 0.008s ok cmd/compile/internal/test 0.021s [no tests to run] ok cmd/compile/internal/types 0.014s ok cmd/doc 0.038s ok cmd/cover 1.706s ok cmd/fix 1.032s ok cmd/go 35.868s ok cmd/go/internal/auth 0.016s ok cmd/go/internal/cache 0.103s ok cmd/go/internal/imports 0.006s ok cmd/go/internal/load 0.009s ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile 0.075s ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelock 0.031s ok cmd/go/internal/generate 0.010s ok cmd/go/internal/get 0.011s ok cmd/go/internal/modconv 0.009s ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch 0.011s ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost 0.004s ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/zip_sum_test 0.009s ok cmd/go/internal/modload 0.009s ok cmd/go/internal/mvs 0.025s ok cmd/go/internal/par 0.033s ok cmd/go/internal/renameio 0.049s ok cmd/go/internal/search 0.005s ok cmd/go/internal/txtar 0.003s ok cmd/gofmt 0.024s ok cmd/go/internal/web 0.003s ok cmd/go/internal/work 0.010s ok cmd/internal/buildid 0.178s ok cmd/internal/dwarf 0.004s ok cmd/internal/edit 0.004s ok cmd/internal/objabi 0.002s ok cmd/internal/goobj 0.296s ok cmd/internal/obj 0.003s ok cmd/internal/obj/arm64 0.009s ok cmd/internal/obj/x86 0.184s ok cmd/internal/src 0.003s ok cmd/internal/test2json 0.067s ok cmd/link 5.666s ok cmd/link/internal/ld 2.038s ok cmd/link/internal/sym 0.002s ok cmd/nm 1.415s ok cmd/objdump 1.080s ok cmd/pack 0.717s ok cmd/trace 0.017s ok cmd/vet 9.196s ##### os/user with tag osusergo ok os/user 0.003s ##### GOMAXPROCS=2 runtime -cpu=1,2,4 -quick ok runtime 47.492s ##### cmd/go terminal test skipping terminal test; stdout/stderr not terminals ##### moved GOROOT ok fmt 0.052s ##### Testing without libgcc. ok crypto/x509 0.856s ok net 0.008s ok os/user 0.004s ##### sync -cpu=10 ok sync 0.258s ##### ../misc/cgo/stdio PASS ##### ../misc/cgo/life PASS ##### ../misc/cgo/fortran # runtime/cgo /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/ when searching for -lgcc_s /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/ when searching for -lgcc_s # misc/cgo/fortran /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/ when searching for -lgfortran /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/libgfortran.a when searching for -lgfortran /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/ when searching for -lgcc_s /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/ when searching for -lgcc_s # misc/cgo/fortran.test /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/ when searching for -lgfortran /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/libgfortran.a when searching for -lgfortran /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/ when searching for -lgfortran /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/libgfortran.a when searching for -lgfortran /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/ when searching for -lgcc_s /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/ when searching for -lgcc_s /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/ when searching for -lgcc_s /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/ when searching for -lgcc_s PASS ok misc/cgo/fortran 0.003s ##### ../misc/cgo/test PASS ok misc/cgo/test 5.179s PASS ok misc/cgo/test 5.247s PASS ok misc/cgo/test 5.612s PASS ok misc/cgo/testtls 0.023s PASS ok misc/cgo/testtls 0.010s PASS ok misc/cgo/testtls 0.020s PASS ok misc/cgo/nocgo 0.009s PASS ok misc/cgo/nocgo 0.016s PASS ok misc/cgo/nocgo 0.005s PASS ok misc/cgo/test 8.537s PASS ok misc/cgo/test 6.641s PASS ok misc/cgo/test 3.600s PASS ok misc/cgo/testtls 0.017s PASS ok misc/cgo/nocgo 0.004s ##### ../misc/cgo/testgodefs PASS ##### ../misc/cgo/testso ok misc/cgo/testso 0.515s ##### ../misc/cgo/testsovar ok misc/cgo/testsovar 0.633s ##### ../misc/cgo/testcarchive PASS ##### ../misc/cgo/testcshared PASS ##### ../misc/cgo/testshared ok misc/cgo/testshared 28.535s ##### ../misc/cgo/testplugin ok misc/cgo/testplugin 14.064s ##### ../misc/cgo/errors PASS ##### ../misc/cgo/testsigfwd ok testsigfwd ##### ../doc/progs ok run 5.684s ##### ../doc/articles/wiki ok doc/articles/wiki 0.970s ##### ../doc/codewalk ok command-line-arguments 1.475s ##### ../test/bench/go1 ##### API check +pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 = 52393 +pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 uint16 +pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 = 52392 +pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 uint16 +pkg crypto/tls, func CipherSuiteName(uint16) string +pkg crypto/tls, func CipherSuites() []*CipherSuite +pkg crypto/tls, func InsecureCipherSuites() []*CipherSuite +pkg crypto/tls, method (*CertificateRequestInfo) SupportsCertificate(*Certificate) error +pkg crypto/tls, method (*ClientHelloInfo) SupportsCertificate(*Certificate) error +pkg crypto/tls, type Certificate struct, SupportedSignatureAlgorithms []SignatureScheme +pkg crypto/tls, type CertificateRequestInfo struct, Version uint16 +pkg crypto/tls, type CipherSuite struct +pkg crypto/tls, type CipherSuite struct, ID uint16 +pkg crypto/tls, type CipherSuite struct, Insecure bool +pkg crypto/tls, type CipherSuite struct, Name string +pkg crypto/tls, type CipherSuite struct, SupportedVersions []uint16 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrAddrBase = 115 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrAddrBase Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrAlignment = 136 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrAlignment Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrBinaryScale = 91 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrBinaryScale Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallAllCalls = 122 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallAllCalls Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallAllSourceCalls = 123 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallAllSourceCalls Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallAllTailCalls = 124 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallAllTailCalls Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallDataLocation = 133 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallDataLocation Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallDataValue = 134 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallDataValue Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallOrigin = 127 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallOrigin Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallPC = 129 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallPC Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallParameter = 128 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallParameter Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallReturnPC = 125 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallReturnPC Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallTailCall = 130 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallTailCall Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallTarget = 131 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallTarget Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallTargetClobbered = 132 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallTargetClobbered Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallValue = 126 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrCallValue Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrConstExpr = 108 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrConstExpr Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrDataBitOffset = 107 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrDataBitOffset Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrDecimalScale = 92 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrDecimalScale Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrDecimalSign = 94 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrDecimalSign Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrDefaulted = 139 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrDefaulted Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrDeleted = 138 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrDeleted Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrDigitCount = 95 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrDigitCount Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrDwoName = 118 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrDwoName Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrElemental = 102 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrElemental Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrEndianity = 101 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrEndianity Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrEnumClass = 109 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrEnumClass Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrExplicit = 99 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrExplicit Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrExportSymbols = 137 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrExportSymbols Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrLinkageName = 110 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrLinkageName Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrLoclistsBase = 140 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrLoclistsBase Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrMacros = 121 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrMacros Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrMainSubprogram = 106 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrMainSubprogram Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrMutable = 97 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrMutable Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrNoreturn = 135 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrNoreturn Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrObjectPointer = 100 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrObjectPointer Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrPictureString = 96 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrPictureString Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrPure = 103 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrPure Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrRank = 113 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrRank Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrRecursive = 104 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrRecursive Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrReference = 119 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrReference Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrRnglistsBase = 116 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrRnglistsBase Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrRvalueReference = 120 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrRvalueReference Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrSignature = 105 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrSignature Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrSmall = 93 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrSmall Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrStrOffsetsBase = 114 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrStrOffsetsBase Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrStringLengthBitSize = 111 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrStringLengthBitSize Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrStringLengthByteSize = 112 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrStringLengthByteSize Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrThreadsScaled = 98 +pkg debug/dwarf, const AttrThreadsScaled Attr +pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassAddrPtr = 15 +pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassAddrPtr Class +pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassLocList = 16 +pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassLocList Class +pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassRngList = 17 +pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassRngList Class +pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassRngListsPtr = 18 +pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassRngListsPtr Class +pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassStrOffsetsPtr = 19 +pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassStrOffsetsPtr Class +pkg debug/dwarf, const TagAtomicType = 71 +pkg debug/dwarf, const TagAtomicType Tag +pkg debug/dwarf, const TagCallSite = 72 +pkg debug/dwarf, const TagCallSite Tag +pkg debug/dwarf, const TagCallSiteParameter = 73 +pkg debug/dwarf, const TagCallSiteParameter Tag +pkg debug/dwarf, const TagCoarrayType = 68 +pkg debug/dwarf, const TagCoarrayType Tag +pkg debug/dwarf, const TagDynamicType = 70 +pkg debug/dwarf, const TagDynamicType Tag +pkg debug/dwarf, const TagGenericSubrange = 69 +pkg debug/dwarf, const TagGenericSubrange Tag +pkg debug/dwarf, const TagImmutableType = 75 +pkg debug/dwarf, const TagImmutableType Tag +pkg debug/dwarf, const TagSkeletonUnit = 74 +pkg debug/dwarf, const TagSkeletonUnit Tag +pkg debug/dwarf, method (*Data) AddSection(string, []uint8) error +pkg debug/dwarf, method (*LineReader) Files() []*LineFile +pkg debug/dwarf, method (*Reader) ByteOrder() binary.ByteOrder +pkg encoding/asn1, const TagBMPString = 30 +pkg encoding/asn1, const TagBMPString ideal-int +pkg encoding/json, method (*Decoder) InputOffset() int64 +pkg go/build, type Context struct, WorkingDir string +pkg go/doc, func NewFromFiles(*token.FileSet, []*ast.File, string, ...interface{}) (*Package, error) +pkg go/doc, type Example struct, Suffix string +pkg go/doc, type Func struct, Examples []*Example +pkg go/doc, type Package struct, Examples []*Example +pkg go/doc, type Type struct, Examples []*Example +pkg go/types, method (*Checker) LookupFieldOrMethod(Type, bool, *Package, string) (Object, []int, bool) +pkg hash/maphash, func MakeSeed() Seed +pkg hash/maphash, method (*Hash) BlockSize() int +pkg hash/maphash, method (*Hash) Reset() +pkg hash/maphash, method (*Hash) Seed() Seed +pkg hash/maphash, method (*Hash) SetSeed(Seed) +pkg hash/maphash, method (*Hash) Size() int +pkg hash/maphash, method (*Hash) Sum([]uint8) []uint8 +pkg hash/maphash, method (*Hash) Sum64() uint64 +pkg hash/maphash, method (*Hash) Write([]uint8) (int, error) +pkg hash/maphash, method (*Hash) WriteByte(uint8) error +pkg hash/maphash, method (*Hash) WriteString(string) (int, error) +pkg hash/maphash, type Hash struct +pkg hash/maphash, type Seed struct +pkg log, const Lmsgprefix = 64 +pkg log, const Lmsgprefix ideal-int +pkg math, func FMA(float64, float64, float64) float64 +pkg math/bits, func Rem(uint, uint, uint) uint +pkg math/bits, func Rem32(uint32, uint32, uint32) uint32 +pkg math/bits, func Rem64(uint64, uint64, uint64) uint64 +pkg mime/multipart, method (*Reader) NextRawPart() (*Part, error) +pkg net/http, method (Header) Values(string) []string +pkg net/http, type Transport struct, DialTLSContext func(context.Context, string, string) (net.Conn, error) +pkg net/http/httptest, type Server struct, EnableHTTP2 bool +pkg net/textproto, method (MIMEHeader) Values(string) []string +pkg strconv, method (*NumError) Unwrap() error +pkg syscall (windows-386), const CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT = 2 +pkg syscall (windows-386), const CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT ideal-int +pkg syscall (windows-386), const CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT = 5 +pkg syscall (windows-386), const CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT ideal-int +pkg syscall (windows-386), const CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT = 6 +pkg syscall (windows-386), const CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT ideal-int +pkg syscall (windows-amd64), const CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT = 2 +pkg syscall (windows-amd64), const CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT ideal-int +pkg syscall (windows-amd64), const CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT = 5 +pkg syscall (windows-amd64), const CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT ideal-int +pkg syscall (windows-amd64), const CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT = 6 +pkg syscall (windows-amd64), const CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT ideal-int +pkg testing, method (*B) Cleanup(func()) +pkg testing, method (*T) Cleanup(func()) +pkg testing, type TB interface, Cleanup(func()) All tests passed.