linux-amd64-race at f48ca822d4d8ec8713b5c67c89fbc91baeb80a49 :: Running /tmp/workdir/go/src/make.bash with args ["/tmp/workdir/go/src/make.bash"] and env ["PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" "HOSTNAME=buildlet-linux-amd64-race-rn2ed348c" "IN_KUBERNETES=1" "META_BUILDLET_BINARY_URL=" "META_BUILDER_TYPE=linux-amd64-race" "KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT=443" "KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR=" "KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST=" "KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT=443" "KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS=443" "KUBERNETES_PORT=tcp://" "KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP=tcp://" "KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO=tcp" "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive" "HOME=/root" "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4" "WORKDIR=/tmp/workdir" "GO_BUILDER_NAME=linux-amd64-race" "GOBIN="] in dir /tmp/workdir/go/src ##### Building Go bootstrap tool. cmd/dist ##### Building Go toolchain using /go1.4. bootstrap/internal/sys bootstrap/asm/internal/flags bootstrap/internal/bio bootstrap/compile/internal/big bootstrap/internal/gcprog bootstrap/internal/obj bootstrap/internal/obj/arm bootstrap/internal/obj/arm64 bootstrap/internal/obj/mips bootstrap/internal/obj/ppc64 bootstrap/internal/obj/s390x bootstrap/internal/obj/x86 bootstrap/asm/internal/lex bootstrap/link/internal/ld bootstrap/compile/internal/ssa bootstrap/asm/internal/arch bootstrap/asm/internal/asm bootstrap/asm bootstrap/link/internal/amd64 bootstrap/link/internal/arm bootstrap/link/internal/arm64 bootstrap/link/internal/mips64 bootstrap/link/internal/ppc64 bootstrap/link/internal/s390x bootstrap/link/internal/x86 bootstrap/link bootstrap/compile/internal/gc bootstrap/compile/internal/amd64 bootstrap/compile/internal/arm bootstrap/compile/internal/arm64 bootstrap/compile/internal/mips64 bootstrap/compile/internal/ppc64 bootstrap/compile/internal/s390x bootstrap/compile/internal/x86 bootstrap/compile ##### Building go_bootstrap for host, linux/amd64. runtime/internal/sys runtime/internal/atomic runtime encoding errors internal/race internal/syscall/windows/sysdll math sort sync/atomic unicode unicode/utf16 unicode/utf8 sync container/heap internal/singleflight io syscall hash hash/adler32 bytes strings strconv bufio path reflect encoding/base64 crypto regexp/syntax crypto/sha1 internal/syscall/windows internal/syscall/windows/registry time regexp os os/signal path/filepath io/ioutil encoding/binary fmt context flag go/token log net/url text/template/parse compress/flate encoding/json debug/dwarf os/exec go/scanner go/ast compress/zlib text/template debug/macho debug/elf go/parser go/doc go/build cmd/go ##### Building packages and commands for linux/amd64. runtime/internal/sys runtime/internal/atomic runtime internal/race errors sync/atomic unicode container/ring sort container/list math unicode/utf8 crypto/subtle internal/nettrace encoding unicode/utf16 image/color internal/syscall/windows/sysdll runtime/race cmd/compile/internal/test cmd/vet/internal/whitelist sync image/color/palette container/heap io syscall internal/singleflight hash crypto/cipher runtime/trace hash/adler32 hash/crc32 crypto/hmac hash/crc64 hash/fnv bytes strings bufio text/tabwriter strconv math/rand math/cmplx path vendor/ html compress/bzip2 time internal/syscall/unix regexp/syntax reflect crypto crypto/aes crypto/rc4 encoding/base64 encoding/ascii85 encoding/base32 image crypto/sha512 crypto/md5 crypto/sha1 crypto/sha256 encoding/pem image/internal/imageutil image/draw image/jpeg regexp os path/filepath runtime/debug os/signal cmd/internal/pprof/svg io/ioutil encoding/binary fmt cmd/internal/sys crypto/des index/suffixarray flag log debug/dwarf compress/flate debug/gosym debug/plan9obj cmd/vendor/ cmd/vendor/ archive/tar compress/lzw context math/big encoding/hex go/token database/sql/driver encoding/csv encoding/gob encoding/json encoding/xml vendor/ mime mime/quotedprintable net/http/internal net/url text/template/parse text/scanner runtime/pprof net/internal/socktest cmd/compile/internal/big cmd/internal/gcprog cmd/internal/pprof/tempfile testing/iotest cmd/internal/bio cmd/pack image/gif go/scanner database/sql os/exec cmd/internal/obj testing/quick cmd/asm/internal/flags testing go/ast internal/trace compress/zlib archive/zip compress/gzip image/png cmd/internal/pprof/profile internal/testenv debug/elf debug/macho debug/pe text/template cmd/dist cmd/internal/goobj cmd/internal/obj/arm cmd/internal/obj/arm64 cmd/internal/obj/ppc64 cmd/internal/obj/mips cmd/internal/obj/s390x cmd/internal/obj/x86 cmd/asm/internal/lex crypto/dsa crypto/elliptic encoding/asn1 crypto/rand go/constant go/parser go/printer cmd/link/internal/ld crypto/rsa cmd/internal/pprof/plugin cmd/internal/pprof/symbolz cmd/internal/objfile go/doc html/template crypto/x509/pkix cmd/internal/pprof/symbolizer crypto/ecdsa cmd/addr2line cmd/nm cmd/objdump cmd/compile/internal/ssa go/types cmd/cgo go/format cmd/gofmt cmd/fix cmd/yacc cmd/internal/pprof/report go/build cmd/cover cmd/doc cmd/internal/pprof/commands cmd/internal/pprof/driver cmd/asm/internal/arch cmd/asm/internal/asm go/internal/gccgoimporter go/internal/gcimporter cmd/api runtime/cgo cmd/asm go/importer cmd/vet net os/user cmd/link/internal/amd64 cmd/link/internal/arm cmd/link/internal/arm64 cmd/link/internal/mips64 cmd/link/internal/ppc64 cmd/link/internal/s390x cmd/link/internal/x86 cmd/link cmd/compile/internal/gc net/textproto crypto/x509 net/http/httptrace log/syslog mime/multipart net/mail crypto/tls net/http net/smtp expvar net/http/cgi net/http/cookiejar net/http/httptest net/http/httputil net/http/pprof net/rpc cmd/go cmd/internal/pprof/fetch cmd/trace cmd/pprof net/http/fcgi net/rpc/jsonrpc cmd/compile/internal/amd64 cmd/compile/internal/arm cmd/compile/internal/arm64 cmd/compile/internal/mips64 cmd/compile/internal/ppc64 cmd/compile/internal/s390x cmd/compile/internal/x86 cmd/compile --- Installed Go for linux/amd64 in /tmp/workdir/go Installed commands in /tmp/workdir/go/bin :: Running /tmp/workdir/go/bin/go with args ["/tmp/workdir/go/bin/go" "install" "-race" "std"] and env ["PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" "HOSTNAME=buildlet-linux-amd64-race-rn2ed348c" "IN_KUBERNETES=1" "META_BUILDLET_BINARY_URL=" "META_BUILDER_TYPE=linux-amd64-race" "KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT=443" "KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR=" "KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST=" "KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT=443" "KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS=443" "KUBERNETES_PORT=tcp://" "KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP=tcp://" "KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO=tcp" "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive" "HOME=/root" "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4" "WORKDIR=/tmp/workdir" "GO_BUILDER_NAME=linux-amd64-race" "GOBIN="] in dir /tmp/workdir/go/bin ##### Testing packages. ok archive/tar 1.118s ok archive/zip 3.661s ok bufio 1.593s ok bytes 2.046s ok compress/bzip2 1.940s ok compress/flate 14.601s ok compress/gzip 1.244s ok compress/lzw 1.925s ok compress/zlib 8.474s ok container/heap 1.015s ok container/list 1.012s ok container/ring 1.117s ok context 1.961s ok crypto/aes 1.089s ok crypto/cipher 1.019s ok crypto/des 1.095s ok crypto/dsa 1.019s ok crypto/ecdsa 1.718s ok crypto/elliptic 1.102s ok crypto/hmac 1.015s ok crypto/md5 1.022s ok crypto/rand 1.162s ok crypto/rc4 1.950s ok crypto/rsa 1.397s ok crypto/sha1 1.015s ok crypto/sha256 1.016s ok crypto/sha512 1.017s ok crypto/subtle 1.031s ok crypto/tls 3.483s ok crypto/x509 2.237s ok database/sql 1.114s ok database/sql/driver 1.010s ok debug/dwarf 1.042s ok debug/elf 1.096s ok debug/gosym 1.346s ok debug/macho 1.016s ok debug/pe 1.053s ok debug/plan9obj 1.012s ok encoding/ascii85 1.024s ok encoding/asn1 1.020s ok encoding/base32 1.024s ok encoding/base64 1.022s ok encoding/binary 1.018s ok encoding/csv 1.018s ok encoding/gob 1.170s ok encoding/hex 1.021s ok encoding/json 2.150s ok encoding/pem 1.127s ok encoding/xml 1.070s ok errors 1.030s ok expvar 1.014s ok flag 1.015s ok fmt 2.300s ok go/ast 1.024s ok go/build 1.452s ok go/constant 1.020s ok go/doc 1.226s ok go/format 1.053s ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 1.017s ok go/internal/gcimporter 2.628s ok go/parser 1.209s ok go/printer 4.008s ok go/scanner 1.025s ok go/token 1.235s ok go/types 5.300s ok hash/adler32 1.044s ok hash/crc32 1.010s ok hash/crc64 1.014s ok hash/fnv 1.011s ok html 1.015s ok html/template 1.214s ok image 1.986s ok image/color 1.091s ok image/draw 1.577s ok image/gif 1.572s ok image/jpeg 2.634s ok image/png 1.459s ok index/suffixarray 1.083s ok internal/singleflight 1.034s ok internal/trace 1.143s ok io 1.069s ok io/ioutil 1.044s ok log 1.024s ok math 1.039s ok math/cmplx 1.022s ok math/rand 5.611s ok log/syslog 3.042s ok math/big 3.319s ok mime 1.041s ok mime/multipart 3.354s ok mime/quotedprintable 1.605s ok net 3.481s ok net/http 20.739s ok net/http/cgi 6.333s ok net/http/cookiejar 1.030s ok net/http/fcgi 1.022s ok net/http/httptest 1.034s ok net/http/httptrace 1.013s ok net/http/httputil 1.146s ok net/http/internal 1.029s ok net/internal/socktest 1.014s ok net/mail 1.021s ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 1.038s ok net/smtp 1.078s ok net/textproto 1.020s ok net/rpc 1.053s ok net/url 1.021s ok os/user 1.010s ok path 1.012s ok path/filepath 1.053s ok os 7.355s ok os/exec 19.416s ok os/signal 7.311s ok reflect 1.450s ok regexp 1.912s ok regexp/syntax 5.217s ok runtime 43.764s ok runtime/debug 1.046s ok runtime/internal/atomic 1.201s ok runtime/internal/sys 1.009s ok runtime/race 9.037s ok runtime/trace 17.525s ok runtime/pprof 6.770s ok sort 1.627s ok sync 3.477s ok testing/quick 1.198s ok text/scanner 1.027s ok text/tabwriter 1.015s ok strconv 6.049s ok strings 2.424s ok sync/atomic 3.929s ok syscall 3.108s ok testing 2.922s ok text/template 2.176s ok text/template/parse 1.073s ok time 4.211s ok unicode 1.016s ok unicode/utf16 1.008s ok unicode/utf8 1.022s ok vendor/ 1.031s ok vendor/ 1.008s ##### Running benchmarks briefly. PASS ok archive/tar 1.010s BenchmarkCompressedZipGarbage-4 1 965972947 ns/op 2448760 B/op 106 allocs/op BenchmarkZip64Test-4 1 4098580249 ns/op PASS ok archive/zip 7.084s BenchmarkReaderCopyOptimal-4 100000 1167 ns/op BenchmarkReaderCopyUnoptimal-4 100000 1628 ns/op BenchmarkReaderCopyNoWriteTo-4 5000 29704 ns/op BenchmarkReaderWriteToOptimal-4 5000 20847 ns/op BenchmarkWriterCopyOptimal-4 200000 1106 ns/op BenchmarkWriterCopyUnoptimal-4 100000 1183 ns/op BenchmarkWriterCopyNoReadFrom-4 5000 27330 ns/op BenchmarkReaderEmpty-4 30000 4308 ns/op 4225 B/op 3 allocs/op BenchmarkWriterEmpty-4 20000 6368 ns/op 4096 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkWriterFlush-4 500000 366 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok bufio 2.693s BenchmarkReadString-4 2000 67068 ns/op 488.57 MB/s BenchmarkBufferNotEmptyWriteRead-4 20 9530405 ns/op BenchmarkBufferFullSmallReads-4 50 2720254 ns/op BenchmarkIndexByte10-4 10000000 17.7 ns/op 563.98 MB/s BenchmarkIndexByte32-4 10000000 17.6 ns/op 1822.45 MB/s BenchmarkIndexByte4K-4 500000 285 ns/op 14332.22 MB/s BenchmarkIndexByte4M-4 500 293359 ns/op 14297.49 MB/s BenchmarkIndexByte64M-4 1 166429397 ns/op 403.23 MB/s BenchmarkIndexBytePortable10-4 500000 281 ns/op 35.54 MB/s BenchmarkIndexBytePortable32-4 200000 928 ns/op 34.47 MB/s BenchmarkIndexBytePortable4K-4 2000 111270 ns/op 36.81 MB/s BenchmarkIndexBytePortable4M-4 1 106791013 ns/op 39.28 MB/s BenchmarkIndexBytePortable64M-4 1 1622015761 ns/op 41.37 MB/s BenchmarkEqual0-4 10000000 16.4 ns/op BenchmarkEqual1-4 10000000 18.1 ns/op 55.31 MB/s BenchmarkEqual6-4 10000000 18.0 ns/op 332.78 MB/s BenchmarkEqual9-4 10000000 18.3 ns/op 492.24 MB/s BenchmarkEqual15-4 10000000 18.3 ns/op 821.22 MB/s BenchmarkEqual16-4 10000000 18.3 ns/op 875.34 MB/s BenchmarkEqual20-4 10000000 19.2 ns/op 1040.35 MB/s BenchmarkEqual32-4 10000000 20.6 ns/op 1556.39 MB/s BenchmarkEqual4K-4 1000000 153 ns/op 26724.05 MB/s BenchmarkEqual4M-4 500 354863 ns/op 11819.47 MB/s BenchmarkEqual64M-4 1 284940654 ns/op 235.52 MB/s BenchmarkEqualPort1-4 2000000 64.6 ns/op 15.47 MB/s BenchmarkEqualPort6-4 500000 288 ns/op 20.81 MB/s BenchmarkEqualPort32-4 100000 1509 ns/op 21.19 MB/s BenchmarkEqualPort4K-4 1000 180531 ns/op 22.69 MB/s BenchmarkEqualPortable4M-4 1 204910614 ns/op 20.47 MB/s BenchmarkEqualPortable64M-4 1 3277964592 ns/op 20.47 MB/s BenchmarkIndex32-4 200000 882 ns/op 36.24 MB/s BenchmarkIndex4K-4 1000 141125 ns/op 29.02 MB/s BenchmarkIndex4M-4 1 145540318 ns/op 28.82 MB/s BenchmarkIndex64M-4 1 2367552383 ns/op 28.35 MB/s BenchmarkIndexEasy32-4 2000000 74.8 ns/op 427.97 MB/s BenchmarkIndexEasy4K-4 500000 342 ns/op 11969.73 MB/s BenchmarkIndexEasy4M-4 500 294618 ns/op 14236.37 MB/s BenchmarkIndexEasy64M-4 20 9911566 ns/op 6770.76 MB/s BenchmarkCount32-4 200000 960 ns/op 33.32 MB/s BenchmarkCount4K-4 1000 149266 ns/op 27.44 MB/s BenchmarkCount4M-4 1 159182526 ns/op 26.35 MB/s BenchmarkCount64M-4 1 2553032085 ns/op 26.29 MB/s BenchmarkCountEasy32-4 2000000 79.3 ns/op 403.77 MB/s BenchmarkCountEasy4K-4 500000 352 ns/op 11630.26 MB/s BenchmarkCountEasy4M-4 500 293266 ns/op 14302.02 MB/s BenchmarkCountEasy64M-4 20 9595076 ns/op 6994.09 MB/s BenchmarkFields-4 1 234182978 ns/op 4.48 MB/s BenchmarkFieldsFunc-4 1 230377727 ns/op 4.55 MB/s BenchmarkTrimSpace-4 300000 418 ns/op BenchmarkRepeat-4 200000 1162 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare1-4 10000000 18.1 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare2-4 10000000 17.5 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare4-4 10000000 17.9 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare8-4 10000000 16.6 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare16-4 10000000 17.8 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare32-4 10000000 18.4 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare64-4 10000000 20.4 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare128-4 10000000 23.9 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare256-4 5000000 31.7 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare512-4 3000000 40.8 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare1024-4 2000000 62.0 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare2048-4 1000000 106 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesEqual-4 10000000 18.3 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesToNil-4 10000000 16.7 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesEmpty-4 10000000 16.9 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesIdentical-4 10000000 16.9 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesSameLength-4 10000000 18.5 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesDifferentLength-4 10000000 18.1 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesBigUnaligned-4 2000 101038 ns/op 10378.04 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBig-4 2000 93548 ns/op 11209.03 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigIdentical-4 10000000 16.6 ns/op 63057226.67 MB/s PASS ok bytes 24.952s BenchmarkDecodeDigits-4 1 137656340 ns/op 0.73 MB/s 3621936 B/op 50 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeTwain-4 1 432814036 ns/op 0.90 MB/s 3632544 B/op 40 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeRand-4 3 47326213 ns/op 0.35 MB/s 3651104 B/op 40 allocs/op PASS ok compress/bzip2 2.583s BenchmarkDecodeDigitsHuffman1e4-4 30 3903050 ns/op 2.56 MB/s 48368 B/op 7 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeDigitsHuffman1e5-4 3 38649840 ns/op 2.59 MB/s 48368 B/op 7 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeDigitsHuffman1e6-4 1 375432970 ns/op 2.66 MB/s 48368 B/op 7 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeDigitsSpeed1e4-4 50 3762070 ns/op 2.66 MB/s 48448 B/op 10 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeDigitsSpeed1e5-4 3 37796209 ns/op 2.65 MB/s 48720 B/op 13 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeDigitsSpeed1e6-4 1 379035319 ns/op 2.64 MB/s 51984 B/op 72 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeDigitsDefault1e4-4 50 3783225 ns/op 2.64 MB/s 48416 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeDigitsDefault1e5-4 3 36753001 ns/op 2.72 MB/s 48656 B/op 15 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeDigitsDefault1e6-4 1 352306379 ns/op 2.84 MB/s 52544 B/op 81 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeDigitsCompress1e4-4 50 3785706 ns/op 2.64 MB/s 48416 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeDigitsCompress1e5-4 3 36754595 ns/op 2.72 MB/s 48656 B/op 15 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeDigitsCompress1e6-4 1 352899828 ns/op 2.83 MB/s 52544 B/op 81 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeTwainHuffman1e4-4 30 4245561 ns/op 2.36 MB/s 49744 B/op 17 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeTwainHuffman1e5-4 3 41198843 ns/op 2.43 MB/s 51248 B/op 22 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeTwainHuffman1e6-4 1 415078930 ns/op 2.41 MB/s 79344 B/op 136 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeTwainSpeed1e4-4 50 3596628 ns/op 2.78 MB/s 49008 B/op 19 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeTwainSpeed1e5-4 3 34468339 ns/op 2.90 MB/s 52314 B/op 32 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeTwainSpeed1e6-4 1 338358029 ns/op 2.96 MB/s 84432 B/op 199 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeTwainDefault1e4-4 50 3466244 ns/op 2.88 MB/s 49008 B/op 19 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeTwainDefault1e5-4 5 29226958 ns/op 3.42 MB/s 52073 B/op 30 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeTwainDefault1e6-4 1 281733907 ns/op 3.55 MB/s 78672 B/op 201 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeTwainCompress1e4-4 50 3393514 ns/op 2.95 MB/s 49008 B/op 19 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeTwainCompress1e5-4 5 29188693 ns/op 3.43 MB/s 51049 B/op 30 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeTwainCompress1e6-4 1 283015724 ns/op 3.53 MB/s 76896 B/op 198 allocs/op BenchmarkEncodeDigitsHuffman1e4-4 50 2826501 ns/op 3.54 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeDigitsHuffman1e5-4 5 26486600 ns/op 3.78 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeDigitsHuffman1e6-4 1 263269308 ns/op 3.80 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeDigitsSpeed1e4-4 30 4361578 ns/op 2.29 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeDigitsSpeed1e5-4 3 37537162 ns/op 2.66 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeDigitsSpeed1e6-4 1 364896311 ns/op 2.74 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeDigitsDefault1e4-4 10 11776475 ns/op 0.85 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeDigitsDefault1e5-4 1 133314361 ns/op 0.75 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeDigitsDefault1e6-4 1 1385980807 ns/op 0.72 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeDigitsCompress1e4-4 10 11671705 ns/op 0.86 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeDigitsCompress1e5-4 1 137502952 ns/op 0.73 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeDigitsCompress1e6-4 1 1409894031 ns/op 0.71 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeTwainHuffman1e4-4 50 3010484 ns/op 3.32 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeTwainHuffman1e5-4 5 25960399 ns/op 3.85 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeTwainHuffman1e6-4 1 259322360 ns/op 3.86 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeTwainSpeed1e4-4 30 4592377 ns/op 2.18 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeTwainSpeed1e5-4 3 34729011 ns/op 2.88 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeTwainSpeed1e6-4 1 330612808 ns/op 3.02 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeTwainDefault1e4-4 10 12837232 ns/op 0.78 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeTwainDefault1e5-4 1 151884176 ns/op 0.66 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeTwainDefault1e6-4 1 1439363212 ns/op 0.69 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeTwainCompress1e4-4 10 12162268 ns/op 0.82 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeTwainCompress1e5-4 1 142538719 ns/op 0.70 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeTwainCompress1e6-4 1 1473332660 ns/op 0.68 MB/s PASS ok compress/flate 26.120s PASS ok compress/gzip 1.009s BenchmarkDecoder1e4-4 50 3915414 ns/op 2.55 MB/s BenchmarkDecoder1e5-4 3 37700168 ns/op 2.65 MB/s BenchmarkDecoder1e6-4 1 372898379 ns/op 2.68 MB/s BenchmarkEncoder1e4-4 50 3515556 ns/op 2.84 MB/s BenchmarkEncoder1e5-4 5 31841157 ns/op 3.14 MB/s BenchmarkEncoder1e6-4 1 320375498 ns/op 3.12 MB/s PASS ok compress/lzw 3.060s PASS ok compress/zlib 1.009s BenchmarkDup-4 20 8581031 ns/op PASS ok container/heap 1.195s PASS ok container/list 1.010s PASS ok container/ring 1.009s PASS ok context 1.009s BenchmarkEncrypt-4 2000000 99.1 ns/op 161.37 MB/s BenchmarkDecrypt-4 2000000 98.5 ns/op 162.50 MB/s BenchmarkExpand-4 1000000 120 ns/op PASS ok crypto/aes 1.736s BenchmarkAESGCMSeal1K-4 100000 1313 ns/op 779.37 MB/s BenchmarkAESGCMOpen1K-4 100000 1995 ns/op 513.22 MB/s BenchmarkAESGCMSeal8K-4 20000 7984 ns/op 1025.96 MB/s BenchmarkAESGCMOpen8K-4 20000 8570 ns/op 955.78 MB/s BenchmarkAESCFBEncrypt1K-4 3000 43763 ns/op 23.28 MB/s BenchmarkAESCFBDecrypt1K-4 3000 45391 ns/op 22.45 MB/s BenchmarkAESOFB1K-4 5000 26891 ns/op 37.89 MB/s BenchmarkAESCTR1K-4 5000 21411 ns/op 47.59 MB/s BenchmarkAESCBCEncrypt1K-4 10000 23021 ns/op 44.48 MB/s BenchmarkAESCBCDecrypt1K-4 10000 18278 ns/op 56.02 MB/s PASS ok crypto/cipher 2.845s BenchmarkEncrypt-4 50000 3626 ns/op 2.21 MB/s BenchmarkDecrypt-4 50000 3648 ns/op 2.19 MB/s PASS ok crypto/des 1.454s PASS ok crypto/dsa 1.009s BenchmarkSignP256-4 2000 94894 ns/op BenchmarkVerifyP256-4 1000 159252 ns/op BenchmarkKeyGeneration-4 3000 43983 ns/op PASS ok crypto/ecdsa 1.557s BenchmarkBaseMult-4 5 32776595 ns/op BenchmarkBaseMultP256-4 5000 33253 ns/op BenchmarkScalarMultP256-4 2000 111208 ns/op PASS ok crypto/elliptic 1.825s BenchmarkHMACSHA256_1K-4 10000 10645 ns/op 96.19 MB/s BenchmarkHMACSHA256_32-4 30000 4498 ns/op 7.11 MB/s PASS ok crypto/hmac 1.303s BenchmarkHash8Bytes-4 100000 1194 ns/op 6.70 MB/s BenchmarkHash1K-4 50000 2835 ns/op 361.08 MB/s BenchmarkHash8K-4 10000 15096 ns/op 542.64 MB/s BenchmarkHash8BytesUnaligned-4 100000 1269 ns/op 6.30 MB/s BenchmarkHash1KUnaligned-4 50000 2781 ns/op 368.12 MB/s BenchmarkHash8KUnaligned-4 10000 15257 ns/op 536.92 MB/s PASS ok crypto/md5 1.943s PASS ok crypto/rand 1.010s BenchmarkRC4_128-4 500000 263 ns/op 485.94 MB/s BenchmarkRC4_1K-4 100000 1738 ns/op 588.89 MB/s BenchmarkRC4_8K-4 10000 12916 ns/op 626.79 MB/s PASS ok crypto/rc4 1.473s BenchmarkRSA2048Decrypt-4 10 11425972 ns/op BenchmarkRSA2048Sign-4 10 17524708 ns/op Benchmark3PrimeRSA2048Decrypt-4 20 7158799 ns/op PASS ok crypto/rsa 1.497s BenchmarkHash8Bytes-4 100000 1544 ns/op 5.18 MB/s BenchmarkHash320Bytes-4 100000 2116 ns/op 151.21 MB/s BenchmarkHash1K-4 50000 3696 ns/op 277.00 MB/s BenchmarkHash8K-4 10000 19788 ns/op 413.97 MB/s PASS ok crypto/sha1 1.847s BenchmarkHash8Bytes-4 100000 1624 ns/op 4.92 MB/s BenchmarkHash1K-4 20000 7645 ns/op 133.93 MB/s BenchmarkHash8K-4 3000 49782 ns/op 164.56 MB/s PASS ok crypto/sha256 1.581s BenchmarkHash8Bytes-4 100000 1993 ns/op 4.01 MB/s BenchmarkHash1K-4 30000 5497 ns/op 186.26 MB/s BenchmarkHash8K-4 5000 30693 ns/op 266.89 MB/s PASS ok crypto/sha512 1.617s PASS ok crypto/subtle 1.009s PASS ok crypto/tls 1.013s PASS ok crypto/x509 1.012s BenchmarkConcurrentDBExec-4 30 4317190 ns/op 246629 B/op 1750 allocs/op BenchmarkConcurrentStmtQuery-4 30 5264625 ns/op 262703 B/op 1730 allocs/op BenchmarkConcurrentStmtExec-4 30 4223397 ns/op 210211 B/op 889 allocs/op BenchmarkConcurrentTxQuery-4 30 4503019 ns/op 259888 B/op 1805 allocs/op BenchmarkConcurrentTxExec-4 50 3506021 ns/op 77359 B/op 1591 allocs/op BenchmarkConcurrentTxStmtQuery-4 50 2663263 ns/op 84624 B/op 1537 allocs/op BenchmarkConcurrentTxStmtExec-4 50 2351054 ns/op 34684 B/op 465 allocs/op BenchmarkConcurrentRandom-4 30 4131629 ns/op 211168 B/op 1660 allocs/op BenchmarkManyConcurrentQueries-4 2000 73414 ns/op 4616 B/op 26 allocs/op PASS ok database/sql 2.490s PASS ok database/sql/driver 1.009s PASS ok debug/dwarf 1.009s PASS ok debug/elf 1.009s PASS ok debug/gosym 1.009s PASS ok debug/macho 1.009s PASS ok debug/pe 1.010s PASS ok debug/plan9obj 1.009s PASS ok encoding/ascii85 1.009s PASS ok encoding/asn1 1.010s BenchmarkEncodeToString-4 200 934230 ns/op 8.77 MB/s BenchmarkDecodeString-4 100 1250106 ns/op 10.49 MB/s PASS ok encoding/base32 1.431s BenchmarkEncodeToString-4 200 721892 ns/op 11.35 MB/s BenchmarkDecodeString-4 100 1168459 ns/op 9.35 MB/s PASS ok encoding/base64 1.355s BenchmarkReadSlice1000Int32s-4 1000 166224 ns/op 24.06 MB/s BenchmarkReadStruct-4 10000 12038 ns/op 5.81 MB/s BenchmarkReadInts-4 30000 5207 ns/op 5.76 MB/s BenchmarkWriteInts-4 20000 6482 ns/op 4.63 MB/s BenchmarkWriteSlice1000Int32s-4 1000 184161 ns/op 21.72 MB/s BenchmarkPutUvarint32-4 300000 417 ns/op 9.58 MB/s BenchmarkPutUvarint64-4 100000 1297 ns/op 6.17 MB/s PASS ok encoding/binary 2.233s BenchmarkRead-4 2000 72890 ns/op PASS ok encoding/csv 1.167s BenchmarkEndToEndPipe-4 10000 12665 ns/op BenchmarkEndToEndByteBuffer-4 10000 11060 ns/op BenchmarkEndToEndSliceByteBuffer-4 200 852154 ns/op BenchmarkEncodeComplex128Slice-4 100 1318837 ns/op BenchmarkEncodeFloat64Slice-4 500 388081 ns/op BenchmarkEncodeInt32Slice-4 500 334700 ns/op BenchmarkEncodeStringSlice-4 500 398003 ns/op BenchmarkEncodeInterfaceSlice-4 20 8068709 ns/op BenchmarkDecodeComplex128Slice-4 100 1329996 ns/op BenchmarkDecodeFloat64Slice-4 200 679546 ns/op BenchmarkDecodeInt32Slice-4 200 626017 ns/op BenchmarkDecodeStringSlice-4 100 1279573 ns/op BenchmarkDecodeInterfaceSlice-4 20 8190411 ns/op PASS ok encoding/gob 3.420s PASS ok encoding/hex 1.009s BenchmarkCodeEncoder-4 1 273516851 ns/op 7.09 MB/s BenchmarkCodeMarshal-4 1 277544614 ns/op 6.99 MB/s BenchmarkCodeDecoder-4 1 1067187903 ns/op 1.82 MB/s BenchmarkDecoderStream-4 20000 5311 ns/op BenchmarkCodeUnmarshal-4 1 1030345371 ns/op 1.88 MB/s BenchmarkCodeUnmarshalReuse-4 1 1055393697 ns/op BenchmarkUnmarshalString-4 20000 7409 ns/op BenchmarkUnmarshalFloat64-4 30000 5127 ns/op BenchmarkUnmarshalInt64-4 50000 3832 ns/op BenchmarkIssue10335-4 20000 7754 ns/op 272 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkNumberIsValid-4 2000000 60.7 ns/op BenchmarkNumberIsValidRegexp-4 10000 11508 ns/op BenchmarkSkipValue-4 100 1730476 ns/op 10.51 MB/s BenchmarkEncoderEncode-4 20000 7898 ns/op 184 B/op 2 allocs/op PASS ok encoding/json 9.137s BenchmarkEncode-4 20 5526405 ns/op 11.86 MB/s BenchmarkDecode-4 10 14245496 ns/op 6.23 MB/s PASS ok encoding/pem 1.303s BenchmarkMarshal-4 1000 234299 ns/op 5778 B/op 23 allocs/op BenchmarkUnmarshal-4 200 734893 ns/op 9090 B/op 186 allocs/op PASS ok encoding/xml 1.501s PASS ok errors 1.010s BenchmarkIntAdd-4 300000 453 ns/op BenchmarkIntSet-4 500000 293 ns/op BenchmarkFloatAdd-4 100000 2597 ns/op BenchmarkFloatSet-4 200000 612 ns/op BenchmarkStringSet-4 200000 1008 ns/op BenchmarkMapSet-4 100000 1394 ns/op BenchmarkMapAddSame-4 10000 12427 ns/op BenchmarkMapAddDifferent-4 5000 25028 ns/op BenchmarkRealworldExpvarUsage-4 20000 8219 ns/op PASS ok expvar 2.631s PASS ok flag 1.009s BenchmarkSprintfPadding-4 100000 1619 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfEmpty-4 500000 223 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfString-4 200000 542 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfTruncateString-4 200000 609 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfQuoteString-4 50000 3168 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfInt-4 300000 534 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfIntInt-4 200000 762 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfPrefixedInt-4 200000 777 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfFloat-4 100000 1375 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfComplex-4 50000 3364 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfBoolean-4 300000 464 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfHexString-4 100000 1650 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfHexBytes-4 100000 2239 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfBytes-4 50000 3822 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfStringer-4 100000 1566 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfStructure-4 30000 4119 ns/op BenchmarkManyArgs-4 50000 2730 ns/op BenchmarkFprintInt-4 50000 2358 ns/op BenchmarkFprintfBytes-4 100000 2419 ns/op BenchmarkFprintIntNoAlloc-4 100000 2329 ns/op BenchmarkScanInts-4 20 5836619 ns/op BenchmarkScanRecursiveInt-4 1 638990459 ns/op BenchmarkScanRecursiveIntReaderWrapper-4 1 659195718 ns/op PASS ok fmt 6.126s PASS ok go/ast 1.010s PASS ok go/build 1.012s PASS ok go/constant 1.010s PASS ok go/doc 1.023s PASS ok go/format 1.010s PASS ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 1.011s PASS ok go/internal/gcimporter 1.012s BenchmarkParse-4 3 44889944 ns/op 1.42 MB/s PASS ok go/parser 1.290s BenchmarkPrint-4 1 200458751 ns/op PASS ok go/printer 1.213s BenchmarkScan-4 200 667729 ns/op BenchmarkScanFile-4 20 6991657 ns/op 2.52 MB/s PASS ok go/scanner 1.363s PASS ok go/token 1.011s PASS ok go/types 1.013s BenchmarkAdler32KB-4 5000 27894 ns/op 36.71 MB/s PASS ok hash/adler32 1.159s BenchmarkIEEECrc40B-4 100000 1930 ns/op 20.72 MB/s BenchmarkIEEECrc1KB-4 200000 667 ns/op 1534.53 MB/s BenchmarkIEEECrc4KB-4 100000 1801 ns/op 2273.33 MB/s BenchmarkIEEECrc32KB-4 10000 12502 ns/op 2621.02 MB/s BenchmarkCastagnoliCrc40B-4 500000 273 ns/op 146.26 MB/s BenchmarkCastagnoliCrc1KB-4 500000 391 ns/op 2618.78 MB/s BenchmarkCastagnoliCrc4KB-4 200000 773 ns/op 5297.02 MB/s BenchmarkCastagnoliCrc32KB-4 30000 4410 ns/op 7430.21 MB/s PASS ok hash/crc32 2.397s BenchmarkCrc64/ISO64KB-4 50 2455790 ns/op 26.69 MB/s BenchmarkCrc64/ISO4KB-4 1000 155211 ns/op 26.39 MB/s BenchmarkCrc64/ISO1KB-4 3000 39773 ns/op 25.75 MB/s BenchmarkCrc64/ECMA64KB-4 50 2475556 ns/op 26.47 MB/s BenchmarkCrc64/Random64KB-4 50 2565527 ns/op 25.54 MB/s BenchmarkCrc64/Random16KB-4 200 638945 ns/op 25.64 MB/s PASS ok hash/crc64 1.903s BenchmarkFnv32KB-4 5000 29088 ns/op 35.20 MB/s BenchmarkFnv32aKB-4 5000 28589 ns/op 35.82 MB/s BenchmarkFnv64KB-4 5000 29614 ns/op 34.58 MB/s BenchmarkFnv64aKB-4 5000 28567 ns/op 35.85 MB/s PASS ok hash/fnv 1.614s BenchmarkEscape-4 500 369606 ns/op BenchmarkEscapeNone-4 3000 60822 ns/op BenchmarkUnescape-4 500 275567 ns/op BenchmarkUnescapeNone-4 500000 315 ns/op BenchmarkUnescapeSparse-4 10000 22528 ns/op BenchmarkUnescapeDense-4 1000 164753 ns/op PASS ok html 2.181s BenchmarkCSSEscaper-4 5000 29166 ns/op BenchmarkCSSEscaperNoSpecials-4 30000 4807 ns/op BenchmarkDecodeCSS-4 20000 8306 ns/op BenchmarkDecodeCSSNoSpecials-4 3000000 44.6 ns/op BenchmarkCSSValueFilter-4 50000 2404 ns/op BenchmarkCSSValueFilterOk-4 50000 3793 ns/op BenchmarkEscapedExecute-4 3000 40839 ns/op BenchmarkHTMLNospaceEscaper-4 5000 25339 ns/op BenchmarkHTMLNospaceEscaperNoSpecials-4 50000 3298 ns/op BenchmarkStripTags-4 10000 14943 ns/op BenchmarkStripTagsNoSpecials-4 200000 1122 ns/op BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithNum-4 20000 10028 ns/op BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithStr-4 5000 37606 ns/op BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithStrNoSpecials-4 20000 8923 ns/op BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithObj-4 3000 45573 ns/op BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithObjNoSpecials-4 10000 14292 ns/op BenchmarkJSStrEscaperNoSpecials-4 50000 3122 ns/op BenchmarkJSStrEscaper-4 5000 22293 ns/op BenchmarkJSRegexpEscaperNoSpecials-4 50000 3637 ns/op BenchmarkJSRegexpEscaper-4 5000 23654 ns/op BenchmarkTemplateSpecialTags-4 30 4538224 ns/op BenchmarkURLEscaper-4 3000 40956 ns/op BenchmarkURLEscaperNoSpecials-4 200000 818 ns/op BenchmarkURLNormalizer-4 5000 30992 ns/op BenchmarkURLNormalizerNoSpecials-4 200000 873 ns/op PASS ok html/template 5.606s PASS ok image 1.010s BenchmarkYCbCrToRGB/0-4 2000000 72.7 ns/op BenchmarkYCbCrToRGB/128-4 2000000 75.4 ns/op BenchmarkYCbCrToRGB/255-4 2000000 75.3 ns/op BenchmarkRGBToYCbCr/0-4 2000000 72.0 ns/op BenchmarkRGBToYCbCr/Cb-4 2000000 72.2 ns/op BenchmarkRGBToYCbCr/Cr-4 2000000 72.6 ns/op PASS ok image/color 2.361s BenchmarkFillOver-4 2 65485894 ns/op BenchmarkFillSrc-4 200 689584 ns/op BenchmarkCopyOver-4 5 32431319 ns/op BenchmarkCopySrc-4 300 416564 ns/op BenchmarkNRGBAOver-4 3 37819158 ns/op BenchmarkNRGBASrc-4 5 25277904 ns/op BenchmarkYCbCr-4 5 28631154 ns/op BenchmarkGray-4 10 16591407 ns/op BenchmarkCMYK-4 5 25969518 ns/op BenchmarkGlyphOver-4 10 12897487 ns/op BenchmarkRGBA-4 2 100730503 ns/op BenchmarkPaletted-4 2 74523415 ns/op BenchmarkGenericOver-4 1 249605876 ns/op BenchmarkGenericMaskOver-4 1 109784906 ns/op BenchmarkGenericSrc-4 1 134619926 ns/op BenchmarkGenericMaskSrc-4 1 158840716 ns/op PASS ok image/draw 7.741s BenchmarkEncode-4 1 209638444 ns/op 5.86 MB/s BenchmarkQuantizedEncode-4 1 3033055358 ns/op 0.41 MB/s PASS ok image/gif 10.056s BenchmarkFDCT-4 3000 53451 ns/op BenchmarkIDCT-4 3000 49809 ns/op BenchmarkDecodeBaseline-4 5 20693013 ns/op 2.99 MB/s BenchmarkDecodeProgressive-4 5 28322427 ns/op 2.18 MB/s BenchmarkEncode-4 1 291189459 ns/op 4.22 MB/s PASS ok image/jpeg 2.391s BenchmarkPaeth-4 3000000 44.8 ns/op BenchmarkDecodeGray-4 10 18480272 ns/op 3.55 MB/s BenchmarkDecodeNRGBAGradient-4 2 78673329 ns/op 3.33 MB/s BenchmarkDecodeNRGBAOpaque-4 2 63935607 ns/op 4.10 MB/s BenchmarkDecodePaletted-4 10 13100300 ns/op 5.00 MB/s BenchmarkDecodeRGB-4 2 64433634 ns/op 4.07 MB/s BenchmarkDecodeInterlacing-4 2 83904553 ns/op 3.12 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeGray-4 1 149811769 ns/op 2.05 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeNRGBOpaque-4 1 506756806 ns/op 2.42 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeNRGBA-4 1 535178690 ns/op 2.30 MB/s BenchmarkEncodePaletted-4 1 144410913 ns/op 2.13 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeRGBOpaque-4 1 503773328 ns/op 2.44 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeRGBA-4 1 797721360 ns/op 1.54 MB/s PASS ok image/png 5.399s BenchmarkNewIndexRandom-4 1 4190605987 ns/op BenchmarkNewIndexRepeat-4 1 11976621890 ns/op BenchmarkSaveRestore-4 1 161052446 ns/op 25.95 MB/s PASS ok index/suffixarray 23.076s PASS ok internal/singleflight 1.009s PASS ok internal/trace 1.009s PASS ok io 1.009s PASS ok io/ioutil 1.010s BenchmarkItoa-4 100000 1404 ns/op BenchmarkPrintln-4 20000 7350 ns/op PASS ok log 1.400s PASS ok log/syslog 1.011s BenchmarkAcos-4 2000000 94.4 ns/op BenchmarkAcosh-4 1000000 111 ns/op BenchmarkAsin-4 2000000 76.0 ns/op BenchmarkAsinh-4 1000000 117 ns/op BenchmarkAtan-4 2000000 66.7 ns/op BenchmarkAtanh-4 1000000 108 ns/op BenchmarkAtan2-4 2000000 107 ns/op BenchmarkCbrt-4 1000000 122 ns/op BenchmarkCeil-4 10000000 16.2 ns/op BenchmarkCopysign-4 3000000 63.2 ns/op BenchmarkCos-4 1000000 155 ns/op BenchmarkCosh-4 1000000 115 ns/op BenchmarkErf-4 3000000 54.1 ns/op BenchmarkErfc-4 3000000 51.5 ns/op BenchmarkExp-4 5000000 33.9 ns/op BenchmarkExpGo-4 1000000 139 ns/op BenchmarkExpm1-4 2000000 65.3 ns/op BenchmarkExp2-4 1000000 124 ns/op BenchmarkExp2Go-4 1000000 134 ns/op BenchmarkAbs-4 10000000 15.1 ns/op BenchmarkDim-4 10000000 17.9 ns/op BenchmarkFloor-4 10000000 14.2 ns/op BenchmarkMax-4 10000000 15.1 ns/op BenchmarkMin-4 10000000 15.4 ns/op BenchmarkMod-4 500000 306 ns/op BenchmarkFrexp-4 2000000 63.7 ns/op BenchmarkGamma-4 500000 245 ns/op BenchmarkHypot-4 10000000 17.3 ns/op BenchmarkHypotGo-4 3000000 53.8 ns/op BenchmarkIlogb-4 3000000 47.9 ns/op BenchmarkJ0-4 500000 387 ns/op BenchmarkJ1-4 300000 386 ns/op BenchmarkJn-4 200000 800 ns/op BenchmarkLdexp-4 2000000 65.4 ns/op BenchmarkLgamma-4 1000000 200 ns/op BenchmarkLog-4 5000000 27.0 ns/op BenchmarkLogb-4 3000000 47.8 ns/op BenchmarkLog1p-4 2000000 85.6 ns/op BenchmarkLog10-4 3000000 59.4 ns/op BenchmarkLog2-4 2000000 82.2 ns/op BenchmarkModf-4 2000000 60.3 ns/op BenchmarkNextafter32-4 2000000 66.9 ns/op BenchmarkNextafter64-4 3000000 58.3 ns/op BenchmarkPowInt-4 1000000 191 ns/op BenchmarkPowFrac-4 500000 282 ns/op BenchmarkPow10Pos-4 300000 446 ns/op BenchmarkPow10Neg-4 300000 475 ns/op BenchmarkRemainder-4 1000000 223 ns/op BenchmarkSignbit-4 10000000 22.3 ns/op BenchmarkSin-4 1000000 117 ns/op BenchmarkSincos-4 5000000 37.3 ns/op BenchmarkSinh-4 2000000 83.4 ns/op BenchmarkSqrt-4 10000000 16.1 ns/op BenchmarkSqrtIndirect-4 10000000 17.5 ns/op BenchmarkSqrtGo-4 1000000 130 ns/op BenchmarkSqrtPrime-4 50000 3886 ns/op BenchmarkTan-4 1000000 123 ns/op BenchmarkTanh-4 2000000 82.8 ns/op BenchmarkTrunc-4 10000000 15.3 ns/op BenchmarkY0-4 300000 390 ns/op BenchmarkY1-4 300000 399 ns/op BenchmarkYn-4 200000 818 ns/op PASS ok math 12.544s BenchmarkAddVV_1-4 10000000 21.4 ns/op 2997.36 MB/s BenchmarkAddVV_2-4 10000000 21.1 ns/op 6069.98 MB/s BenchmarkAddVV_3-4 10000000 25.6 ns/op 7508.28 MB/s BenchmarkAddVV_4-4 10000000 25.6 ns/op 9982.17 MB/s BenchmarkAddVV_5-4 5000000 24.0 ns/op 13314.55 MB/s BenchmarkAddVV_1e1-4 5000000 27.6 ns/op 23196.08 MB/s BenchmarkAddVV_1e2-4 1000000 107 ns/op 59390.98 MB/s BenchmarkAddVV_1e3-4 200000 857 ns/op 74664.28 MB/s BenchmarkAddVV_1e4-4 20000 10609 ns/op 60323.26 MB/s BenchmarkAddVV_1e5-4 1000 138459 ns/op 46223.02 MB/s BenchmarkAddVW_1-4 10000000 19.5 ns/op 409.38 MB/s BenchmarkAddVW_2-4 10000000 20.4 ns/op 784.82 MB/s BenchmarkAddVW_3-4 10000000 21.7 ns/op 1108.45 MB/s BenchmarkAddVW_4-4 5000000 28.4 ns/op 1128.24 MB/s BenchmarkAddVW_5-4 5000000 28.2 ns/op 1417.58 MB/s BenchmarkAddVW_1e1-4 5000000 28.1 ns/op 2844.37 MB/s BenchmarkAddVW_1e2-4 2000000 77.9 ns/op 10266.75 MB/s BenchmarkAddVW_1e3-4 200000 626 ns/op 12764.96 MB/s BenchmarkAddVW_1e4-4 20000 5836 ns/op 13706.01 MB/s BenchmarkAddVW_1e5-4 2000 88739 ns/op 9015.19 MB/s BenchmarkAddMulVVW_1-4 10000000 18.8 ns/op 3408.33 MB/s BenchmarkAddMulVVW_2-4 10000000 20.8 ns/op 6165.37 MB/s BenchmarkAddMulVVW_3-4 5000000 26.4 ns/op 7272.26 MB/s BenchmarkAddMulVVW_4-4 5000000 28.2 ns/op 9064.95 MB/s BenchmarkAddMulVVW_5-4 5000000 30.2 ns/op 10612.55 MB/s BenchmarkAddMulVVW_1e1-4 5000000 33.6 ns/op 19041.99 MB/s BenchmarkAddMulVVW_1e2-4 1000000 194 ns/op 32958.98 MB/s BenchmarkAddMulVVW_1e3-4 100000 1476 ns/op 43349.50 MB/s BenchmarkAddMulVVW_1e4-4 10000 14125 ns/op 45307.22 MB/s BenchmarkAddMulVVW_1e5-4 1000 155370 ns/op 41191.80 MB/s BenchmarkBitLen0-4 10000000 16.7 ns/op BenchmarkBitLen1-4 10000000 16.7 ns/op BenchmarkBitLen2-4 10000000 19.0 ns/op BenchmarkBitLen3-4 10000000 19.7 ns/op BenchmarkBitLen4-4 10000000 18.4 ns/op BenchmarkBitLen5-4 10000000 20.3 ns/op BenchmarkBitLen8-4 10000000 22.0 ns/op BenchmarkBitLen9-4 5000000 23.4 ns/op BenchmarkBitLen16-4 10000000 22.1 ns/op BenchmarkBitLen17-4 10000000 19.7 ns/op BenchmarkBitLen31-4 10000000 17.0 ns/op BenchmarkDecimalConversion-4 100 1371135 ns/op BenchmarkParseFloatSmallExp-4 1000 118357 ns/op BenchmarkParseFloatLargeExp-4 300 493409 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10x10/WithoutXY-4 10000 10203 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10x10/WithXY-4 10000 14062 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10x100/WithoutXY-4 20000 10923 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10x100/WithXY-4 5000 24448 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10x1000/WithoutXY-4 10000 16253 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10x1000/WithXY-4 3000 43862 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10x10000/WithoutXY-4 10000 21761 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10x10000/WithXY-4 3000 64782 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10x100000/WithoutXY-4 2000 80285 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10x100000/WithXY-4 500 342410 ns/op BenchmarkGCD100x100/WithoutXY-4 3000 53431 ns/op BenchmarkGCD100x100/WithXY-4 1000 196161 ns/op BenchmarkGCD100x1000/WithoutXY-4 2000 63451 ns/op BenchmarkGCD100x1000/WithXY-4 1000 909414 ns/op BenchmarkGCD100x10000/WithoutXY-4 2000 110184 ns/op BenchmarkGCD100x10000/WithXY-4 300 422532 ns/op BenchmarkGCD100x100000/WithoutXY-4 300 502665 ns/op BenchmarkGCD100x100000/WithXY-4 100 1942886 ns/op BenchmarkGCD1000x1000/WithoutXY-4 300 575200 ns/op BenchmarkGCD1000x1000/WithXY-4 50 2873407 ns/op BenchmarkGCD1000x10000/WithoutXY-4 200 617709 ns/op BenchmarkGCD1000x10000/WithXY-4 50 3370154 ns/op BenchmarkGCD1000x100000/WithoutXY-4 100 1058735 ns/op BenchmarkGCD1000x100000/WithXY-4 10 15474023 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10000x10000/WithoutXY-4 20 6875056 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10000x10000/WithXY-4 2 55968456 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10000x100000/WithoutXY-4 20 8056364 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10000x100000/WithXY-4 1 149667487 ns/op BenchmarkGCD100000x100000/WithoutXY-4 1 181446963 ns/op BenchmarkGCD100000x100000/WithXY-4 1 3616762971 ns/op BenchmarkHilbert-4 5 20502705 ns/op BenchmarkBinomial-4 20000 9499 ns/op BenchmarkBitset-4 500000 337 ns/op BenchmarkBitsetNeg-4 200000 560 ns/op BenchmarkBitsetOrig-4 100000 1276 ns/op BenchmarkBitsetNegOrig-4 100000 2002 ns/op BenchmarkModSqrt225_Tonelli-4 30 7577675 ns/op BenchmarkModSqrt224_3Mod4-4 100 1146996 ns/op BenchmarkModSqrt5430_Tonelli-4 1 6477156800 ns/op BenchmarkModSqrt5430_3Mod4-4 1 4010103863 ns/op BenchmarkMul-4 3 40502809 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power0x10-4 100000 1878 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power0x40-4 100000 1771 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power0x100-4 50000 2723 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power0x400-4 20000 6083 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power0x1000-4 5000 26602 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power0x4000-4 1000 220471 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power0x10000-4 100 1783163 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power0x40000-4 10 15268933 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power0x100000-4 1 120508421 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power0x400000-4 1 1077803107 ns/op BenchmarkFibo-4 2 60223303 ns/op BenchmarkScanPi-4 200 1000366 ns/op BenchmarkStringPiParallel-4 500 228486 ns/op BenchmarkScan10Base2-4 20000 7891 ns/op BenchmarkScan100Base2-4 2000 60757 ns/op BenchmarkScan1000Base2-4 300 528785 ns/op BenchmarkScan10000Base2-4 30 5230991 ns/op BenchmarkScan100000Base2-4 2 68170347 ns/op BenchmarkScan10Base8-4 100000 2192 ns/op BenchmarkScan100Base8-4 10000 16363 ns/op BenchmarkScan1000Base8-4 1000 169451 ns/op BenchmarkScan10000Base8-4 100 1747951 ns/op BenchmarkScan100000Base8-4 5 31450360 ns/op BenchmarkScan10Base10-4 100000 1945 ns/op BenchmarkScan100Base10-4 10000 15083 ns/op BenchmarkScan1000Base10-4 1000 147958 ns/op BenchmarkScan10000Base10-4 100 1599723 ns/op BenchmarkScan100000Base10-4 5 30144602 ns/op BenchmarkScan10Base16-4 100000 2149 ns/op BenchmarkScan100Base16-4 10000 15458 ns/op BenchmarkScan1000Base16-4 1000 125431 ns/op BenchmarkScan10000Base16-4 100 1380704 ns/op BenchmarkScan100000Base16-4 5 28619135 ns/op BenchmarkString10Base2-4 200000 1144 ns/op BenchmarkString100Base2-4 20000 8653 ns/op BenchmarkString1000Base2-4 2000 81221 ns/op BenchmarkString10000Base2-4 200 834382 ns/op BenchmarkString100000Base2-4 20 8511500 ns/op BenchmarkString10Base8-4 200000 610 ns/op BenchmarkString100Base8-4 50000 3286 ns/op BenchmarkString1000Base8-4 5000 29239 ns/op BenchmarkString10000Base8-4 500 288241 ns/op BenchmarkString100000Base8-4 50 2913556 ns/op BenchmarkString10Base10-4 200000 1035 ns/op BenchmarkString100Base10-4 30000 4216 ns/op BenchmarkString1000Base10-4 3000 39980 ns/op BenchmarkString10000Base10-4 500 295394 ns/op BenchmarkString100000Base10-4 10 11894801 ns/op BenchmarkString10Base16-4 300000 518 ns/op BenchmarkString100Base16-4 50000 2475 ns/op BenchmarkString1000Base16-4 10000 21901 ns/op BenchmarkString10000Base16-4 1000 221973 ns/op BenchmarkString100000Base16-4 100 2138836 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize0-4 50 3481084 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize1-4 500 345753 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize2-4 500 341157 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize3-4 300 511447 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize4-4 500 348015 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize5-4 300 531231 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize6-4 300 464713 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize7-4 300 415181 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize8-4 500 344716 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize9-4 300 590767 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize10-4 300 551117 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize11-4 300 530227 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize12-4 300 472619 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize13-4 300 466274 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize14-4 300 416041 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize15-4 500 420349 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize16-4 500 336094 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize32-4 500 344255 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize64-4 500 362890 ns/op PASS ok math/big 145.065s BenchmarkAbs-4 3000000 50.4 ns/op BenchmarkAcos-4 500000 332 ns/op BenchmarkAcosh-4 500000 350 ns/op BenchmarkAsin-4 500000 301 ns/op BenchmarkAsinh-4 500000 352 ns/op BenchmarkAtan-4 500000 226 ns/op BenchmarkAtanh-4 500000 272 ns/op BenchmarkConj-4 10000000 18.2 ns/op BenchmarkCos-4 1000000 183 ns/op BenchmarkCosh-4 1000000 173 ns/op BenchmarkExp-4 1000000 120 ns/op BenchmarkLog-4 500000 254 ns/op BenchmarkLog10-4 500000 290 ns/op BenchmarkPhase-4 1000000 131 ns/op BenchmarkPolar-4 500000 217 ns/op BenchmarkPow-4 200000 682 ns/op BenchmarkRect-4 2000000 78.5 ns/op BenchmarkSin-4 1000000 133 ns/op BenchmarkSinh-4 1000000 128 ns/op BenchmarkSqrt-4 2000000 72.8 ns/op BenchmarkTan-4 500000 398 ns/op BenchmarkTanh-4 300000 402 ns/op PASS ok math/cmplx 4.647s BenchmarkInt63Threadsafe-4 100000 1133 ns/op BenchmarkInt63Unthreadsafe-4 500000 330 ns/op BenchmarkIntn1000-4 300000 432 ns/op BenchmarkInt63n1000-4 300000 412 ns/op BenchmarkInt31n1000-4 300000 501 ns/op BenchmarkFloat32-4 300000 412 ns/op BenchmarkFloat64-4 500000 356 ns/op BenchmarkPerm3-4 100000 2031 ns/op BenchmarkPerm30-4 10000 15961 ns/op BenchmarkRead3-4 500000 358 ns/op BenchmarkRead64-4 30000 5207 ns/op BenchmarkRead1000-4 2000 68534 ns/op PASS ok math/rand 3.077s BenchmarkQEncodeWord-4 20000 7941 ns/op BenchmarkQDecodeWord-4 50000 2885 ns/op BenchmarkQDecodeHeader-4 50000 3089 ns/op PASS ok mime 1.655s PASS ok mime/multipart 1.021s BenchmarkWriter-4 500 329761 ns/op PASS ok mime/quotedprintable 1.214s BenchmarkGoLookupIP-4 10 15613011 ns/op BenchmarkGoLookupIPNoSuchHost-4 10 22587400 ns/op BenchmarkGoLookupIPWithBrokenNameServer-4 1 5001635354 ns/op BenchmarkDNSName-4 100000 1287 ns/op BenchmarkInterfaces-4 1000 114700 ns/op BenchmarkInterfaceByIndex-4 2000 82077 ns/op BenchmarkInterfaceByName-4 2000 107089 ns/op BenchmarkInterfaceAddrs-4 1000 150391 ns/op BenchmarkInterfacesAndAddrs-4 3000 48839 ns/op BenchmarkInterfacesAndMulticastAddrs-4 1000 117643 ns/op BenchmarkParseIP-4 10000 14096 ns/op BenchmarkIPString-4 5000 31887 ns/op BenchmarkIPMaskString-4 30000 6534 ns/op BenchmarkTCP4OneShot-4 500 231315 ns/op BenchmarkTCP4OneShotTimeout-4 500 227923 ns/op BenchmarkTCP4Persistent-4 10000 12054 ns/op BenchmarkTCP4PersistentTimeout-4 10000 12275 ns/op BenchmarkTCP6OneShot-4 500 226054 ns/op BenchmarkTCP6OneShotTimeout-4 1000 223882 ns/op BenchmarkTCP6Persistent-4 20000 11708 ns/op BenchmarkTCP6PersistentTimeout-4 10000 13398 ns/op BenchmarkTCP4ConcurrentReadWrite-4 20000 6227 ns/op BenchmarkTCP6ConcurrentReadWrite-4 20000 5147 ns/op PASS ok net 10.205s BenchmarkHeaderWriteSubset-4 10000 34747 ns/op 192 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkReadRequestChrome-4 2000 99557 ns/op 6.14 MB/s 1712 B/op 16 allocs/op BenchmarkReadRequestCurl-4 5000 40946 ns/op 1.90 MB/s 928 B/op 11 allocs/op BenchmarkReadRequestApachebench-4 3000 40041 ns/op 2.05 MB/s 931 B/op 11 allocs/op BenchmarkReadRequestSiege-4 2000 52075 ns/op 2.90 MB/s 1029 B/op 13 allocs/op BenchmarkReadRequestWrk-4 5000 26378 ns/op 1.52 MB/s 896 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkClientServer-4 200 1141584 ns/op 7851 B/op 77 allocs/op BenchmarkClientServerParallel4-4 500 221679 ns/op 8454 B/op 78 allocs/op BenchmarkClientServerParallel64-4 100 1087752 ns/op 13583 B/op 96 allocs/op BenchmarkClientServerParallelTLS4-4 200 551055 ns/op 28376 B/op 326 allocs/op BenchmarkClientServerParallelTLS64-4 ================== WARNING: DATA RACE Read at 0x00c42054ce20 by goroutine 148: net/http.(*Client).doFollowingRedirects() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:440 +0x8c net/http.(*Client).Get() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:418 +0xd0 net/http_test.benchmarkClientServerParallel.func2() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4235 +0x243 testing.(*B).RunParallel.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:598 +0x150 Previous write at 0x00c42054ce20 by goroutine 235: net/http.readRequest() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/request.go:827 +0x402 net/http.(*conn).readRequest() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:765 +0x233 net/http.(*conn).serve() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:1508 +0x3ff Goroutine 148 (running) created at: testing.(*B).RunParallel() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:599 +0x270 net/http_test.benchmarkClientServerParallel() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4251 +0x165 net/http_test.BenchmarkClientServerParallelTLS64() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4210 +0x3c testing.(*B).runN() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:139 +0xec testing.(*B).launch() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:277 +0x1a2 Goroutine 235 (finished) created at: net/http.(*Server).Serve() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:2239 +0x526 net/http/httptest.(*Server).goServe.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/httptest/server.go:235 +0x98 ================== ================== WARNING: DATA RACE Read at 0x00c42054cec8 by goroutine 148: net/http.send() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:221 +0x84 net/http.(*Client).send() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:146 +0x1b7 net/http.(*Client).doFollowingRedirects() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:528 +0x3a5 net/http.(*Client).Get() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:418 +0xd0 net/http_test.benchmarkClientServerParallel.func2() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4235 +0x243 testing.(*B).RunParallel.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:598 +0x150 Previous write at 0x00c42054cec8 by goroutine 235: net/http.readRequest() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/request.go:804 +0x1f8 net/http.(*conn).readRequest() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:765 +0x233 net/http.(*conn).serve() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:1508 +0x3ff Goroutine 148 (running) created at: testing.(*B).RunParallel() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:599 +0x270 net/http_test.benchmarkClientServerParallel() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4251 +0x165 net/http_test.BenchmarkClientServerParallelTLS64() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4210 +0x3c testing.(*B).runN() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:139 +0xec testing.(*B).launch() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:277 +0x1a2 Goroutine 235 (finished) created at: net/http.(*Server).Serve() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:2239 +0x526 net/http/httptest.(*Server).goServe.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/httptest/server.go:235 +0x98 ================== ================== WARNING: DATA RACE Read at 0x00c42054ce50 by goroutine 148: net/http.(*Request).closeBody() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/request.go:1163 +0x3a net/http.send() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:222 +0xa5 net/http.(*Client).send() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:146 +0x1b7 net/http.(*Client).doFollowingRedirects() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:528 +0x3a5 net/http.(*Client).Get() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:418 +0xd0 net/http_test.benchmarkClientServerParallel.func2() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4235 +0x243 testing.(*B).RunParallel.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:598 +0x150 Previous write at 0x00c42054ce50 by goroutine 235: net/http.readTransfer() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/transfer.go:411 +0x7ef net/http.readRequest() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/request.go:862 +0x71b net/http.(*conn).readRequest() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:765 +0x233 net/http.(*conn).serve() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:1508 +0x3ff Goroutine 148 (running) created at: testing.(*B).RunParallel() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:599 +0x270 net/http_test.benchmarkClientServerParallel() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4251 +0x165 net/http_test.BenchmarkClientServerParallelTLS64() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4210 +0x3c testing.(*B).runN() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:139 +0xec testing.(*B).launch() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:277 +0x1a2 Goroutine 235 (finished) created at: net/http.(*Server).Serve() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:2239 +0x526 net/http/httptest.(*Server).goServe.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/httptest/server.go:235 +0x98 ================== ================== WARNING: DATA RACE Read at 0x00c42054ce10 by goroutine 148: net/http.(*Client).doFollowingRedirects.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:452 +0xd6 net/http.(*Client).doFollowingRedirects() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:535 +0x50b net/http.(*Client).Get() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:418 +0xd0 net/http_test.benchmarkClientServerParallel.func2() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4235 +0x243 testing.(*B).RunParallel.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:598 +0x150 Previous write at 0x00c42054ce10 by goroutine 235: net/http.readRequest() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/request.go:804 +0x1b7 net/http.(*conn).readRequest() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:765 +0x233 net/http.(*conn).serve() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:1508 +0x3ff Goroutine 148 (running) created at: testing.(*B).RunParallel() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:599 +0x270 net/http_test.benchmarkClientServerParallel() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4251 +0x165 net/http_test.BenchmarkClientServerParallelTLS64() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4210 +0x3c testing.(*B).runN() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:139 +0xec testing.(*B).launch() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:277 +0x1a2 Goroutine 235 (finished) created at: net/http.(*Server).Serve() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:2239 +0x526 net/http/httptest.(*Server).goServe.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/httptest/server.go:235 +0x98 ================== ================== WARNING: DATA RACE Read at 0x00c42041c900 by goroutine 148: net/url.(*URL).String() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/url/url.go:675 +0x75 net/http.(*Client).doFollowingRedirects.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:457 +0x171 net/http.(*Client).doFollowingRedirects() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:535 +0x50b net/http.(*Client).Get() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:418 +0xd0 net/http_test.benchmarkClientServerParallel.func2() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4235 +0x243 testing.(*B).RunParallel.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:598 +0x150 Previous write at 0x00c42041c900 by goroutine 235: net/url.parse() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/url/url.go:463 +0xee net/url.ParseRequestURI() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/url/url.go:440 +0x3d net/http.readRequest() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/request.go:827 +0x3c6 net/http.(*conn).readRequest() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:765 +0x233 net/http.(*conn).serve() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:1508 +0x3ff Goroutine 148 (running) created at: testing.(*B).RunParallel() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:599 +0x270 net/http_test.benchmarkClientServerParallel() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4251 +0x165 net/http_test.BenchmarkClientServerParallelTLS64() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4210 +0x3c testing.(*B).runN() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:139 +0xec testing.(*B).launch() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:277 +0x1a2 Goroutine 235 (finished) created at: net/http.(*Server).Serve() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:2239 +0x526 net/http/httptest.(*Server).goServe.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/httptest/server.go:235 +0x98 ================== ================== WARNING: DATA RACE Read at 0x00c42041c938 by goroutine 148: net/url.(*URL).EscapedPath() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/url/url.go:605 +0x65 net/url.(*URL).String() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/url/url.go:692 +0x36d net/http.(*Client).doFollowingRedirects.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:457 +0x171 net/http.(*Client).doFollowingRedirects() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:535 +0x50b net/http.(*Client).Get() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:418 +0xd0 net/http_test.benchmarkClientServerParallel.func2() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4235 +0x243 testing.(*B).RunParallel.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:598 +0x150 Previous write at 0x00c42041c938 by goroutine 235: net/url.parse() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/url/url.go:495 +0x624 net/url.ParseRequestURI() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/url/url.go:440 +0x3d net/http.readRequest() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/request.go:827 +0x3c6 net/http.(*conn).readRequest() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:765 +0x233 net/http.(*conn).serve() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:1508 +0x3ff Goroutine 148 (running) created at: testing.(*B).RunParallel() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:599 +0x270 net/http_test.benchmarkClientServerParallel() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4251 +0x165 net/http_test.BenchmarkClientServerParallelTLS64() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4210 +0x3c testing.(*B).runN() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:139 +0xec testing.(*B).launch() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:277 +0x1a2 Goroutine 235 (finished) created at: net/http.(*Server).Serve() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:2239 +0x526 net/http/httptest.(*Server).goServe.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/httptest/server.go:235 +0x98 ================== ================== WARNING: DATA RACE Read at 0x00c42041c960 by goroutine 148: net/url.(*URL).String() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/url/url.go:698 +0x2c5 net/http.(*Client).doFollowingRedirects.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:457 +0x171 net/http.(*Client).doFollowingRedirects() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:535 +0x50b net/http.(*Client).Get() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/client.go:418 +0xd0 net/http_test.benchmarkClientServerParallel.func2() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4235 +0x243 testing.(*B).RunParallel.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:598 +0x150 Previous write at 0x00c42041c960 by goroutine 235: net/url.parse() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/url/url.go:472 +0x3c0 net/url.ParseRequestURI() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/url/url.go:440 +0x3d net/http.readRequest() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/request.go:827 +0x3c6 net/http.(*conn).readRequest() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:765 +0x233 net/http.(*conn).serve() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:1508 +0x3ff Goroutine 148 (running) created at: testing.(*B).RunParallel() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:599 +0x270 net/http_test.benchmarkClientServerParallel() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4251 +0x165 net/http_test.BenchmarkClientServerParallelTLS64() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:4210 +0x3c testing.(*B).runN() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:139 +0xec testing.(*B).launch() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:277 +0x1a2 Goroutine 235 (finished) created at: net/http.(*Server).Serve() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/server.go:2239 +0x526 net/http/httptest.(*Server).goServe.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/net/http/httptest/server.go:235 +0x98 ================== 100 3472527 ns/op 202219 B/op 2418 allocs/op --- BENCH: BenchmarkClientServerParallelTLS64-4 serve_test.go:4237: Get: Get /: http: Request.RequestURI can't be set in client requests. BenchmarkServer-4 1 1045043496 ns/op 20656 B/op 151 allocs/op BenchmarkClient-4 200 1269607 ns/op 4013 B/op 55 allocs/op BenchmarkServerFakeConnNoKeepAlive-4 300 623346 ns/op 14536 B/op 51 allocs/op BenchmarkServerFakeConnWithKeepAlive-4 1000 169589 ns/op 4683 B/op 28 allocs/op BenchmarkServerFakeConnWithKeepAliveLite-4 1000 115235 ns/op 3466 B/op 17 allocs/op BenchmarkServerHandlerTypeLen-4 1000 130307 ns/op 4362 B/op 26 allocs/op BenchmarkServerHandlerNoLen-4 1000 143906 ns/op 4298 B/op 23 allocs/op BenchmarkServerHandlerNoType-4 1000 124317 ns/op 4298 B/op 24 allocs/op BenchmarkServerHandlerNoHeader-4 1000 107541 ns/op 3466 B/op 17 allocs/op BenchmarkServerHijack-4 500 450913 ns/op 17504 B/op 43 allocs/op BenchmarkCloseNotifier-4 100 1332759 ns/op 14233 B/op 70 allocs/op PASS Found 7 data race(s) exit status 66 FAIL net/http 10.843s 2016/05/20 21:03:56 Failed: exit status 1 Error: tests failed: dist test failed: go_test_bench:net/http: exit status 1