:: Running /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/nacltest.bash with args ["/tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/nacltest.bash"] and env ["PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" "PWD=/" "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go1.4" "WORKDIR=/tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171" "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/go1.4" "GOOS=nacl" "GOARCH=386" "GOHOSTOS=linux" "GOHOSTARCH=amd64"] in dir /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src ##### Building fake file system zip for nacl ##### Building Go bootstrap tool. cmd/dist ##### Building Go toolchain using /go1.4. bootstrap/internal/obj bootstrap/asm/internal/flags bootstrap/internal/gc bootstrap/internal/obj/arm bootstrap/internal/ld bootstrap/5l bootstrap/internal/obj/x86 bootstrap/6l bootstrap/internal/obj/arm64 bootstrap/7l bootstrap/8l bootstrap/5g bootstrap/6g bootstrap/7g bootstrap/8g bootstrap/internal/obj/ppc64 bootstrap/9l bootstrap/9g bootstrap/asm/internal/arch bootstrap/asm/internal/lex bootstrap/asm/internal/asm bootstrap/asm bootstrap/internal/asm bootstrap/old5a bootstrap/old6a bootstrap/old8a bootstrap/old9a ##### Building compilers and go_bootstrap for host, linux/amd64. runtime errors sync/atomic sync io unicode unicode/utf8 unicode/utf16 bytes math strings strconv bufio sort container/heap encoding/base64 syscall time internal/syscall/windows os reflect fmt encoding encoding/binary encoding/json flag path/filepath path io/ioutil log regexp/syntax regexp go/token go/scanner go/ast go/parser os/exec os/signal net/url text/template/parse text/template go/doc go/build cmd/go runtime (nacl/386) ##### Building packages and commands for host, linux/amd64. runtime errors sync/atomic unicode sync io unicode/utf8 math bytes bufio syscall time strconv os reflect sort strings path/filepath encoding/binary fmt hash crypto crypto/md5 math/rand path flag log math/big cmd/internal/obj text/tabwriter runtime/pprof cmd/internal/obj/arm cmd/internal/gc io/ioutil archive/tar compress/flate hash/crc32 archive/zip compress/bzip2 compress/gzip compress/lzw hash/adler32 compress/zlib container/heap container/list container/ring crypto/subtle crypto/cipher crypto/aes crypto/des crypto/dsa crypto/elliptic crypto/sha512 encoding/asn1 crypto/ecdsa crypto/hmac internal/syscall crypto/rand crypto/rc4 crypto/rsa crypto/sha1 crypto/sha256 crypto/x509/pkix encoding/hex encoding/base64 encoding/pem debug/dwarf debug/elf debug/macho debug/pe go/token go/scanner go/ast go/parser cmd/5g go/printer os/exec cmd/cgo database/sql/driver database/sql debug/gosym debug/plan9obj encoding encoding/ascii85 encoding/base32 encoding/csv encoding/gob runtime/cgo unicode/utf16 encoding/json encoding/xml net mime mime/quotedprintable net/http/internal net/url regexp/syntax regexp text/template/parse crypto/x509 net/textproto mime/multipart crypto/tls text/template go/doc net/http go/build go/format hash/crc64 hash/fnv html html/template expvar image/color image image/color/palette index/suffixarray image/internal/imageutil image/draw image/jpeg image/gif image/png internal/mime internal/trace log/syslog math/cmplx net/http/cgi net/http/cookiejar net/http/httptest net/http/fcgi net/http/httputil net/http/pprof net/internal/socktest net/mail net/rpc net/smtp os/signal os/user net/rpc/jsonrpc runtime/debug runtime/race testing testing/iotest testing/quick text/scanner cmd/internal/ld cmd/internal/obj/x86 cmd/6g cmd/5l cmd/6l cmd/internal/obj/arm64 cmd/7l cmd/7g cmd/8g cmd/8l cmd/internal/obj/ppc64 cmd/9l cmd/9g cmd/internal/goobj cmd/internal/rsc.io/arm/armasm cmd/internal/rsc.io/x86/x86asm cmd/internal/objfile cmd/asm/internal/arch cmd/asm/internal/flags cmd/asm/internal/lex cmd/addr2line cmd/asm/internal/asm cmd/asm cmd/dist cmd/fix cmd/go cmd/gofmt cmd/internal/asm cmd/link cmd/nm cmd/objdump cmd/old5a cmd/old6a cmd/old8a cmd/old9a cmd/pack cmd/pprof/internal/profile cmd/pprof/internal/svg cmd/pprof/internal/tempfile cmd/trace cmd/pprof/internal/plugin cmd/pprof/internal/report cmd/pprof/internal/commands cmd/pprof/internal/driver cmd/pprof/internal/fetch cmd/pprof/internal/symbolizer cmd/pprof/internal/symbolz cmd/pprof cmd/yacc ##### Building packages and commands for nacl/386. runtime errors sync/atomic unicode sync io unicode/utf8 math bytes bufio syscall strconv reflect time encoding/binary sort strings os hash crypto crypto/md5 math/rand path text/tabwriter fmt path/filepath io/ioutil hash/crc32 compress/bzip2 hash/adler32 container/heap container/list container/ring crypto/subtle crypto/cipher flag log math/big cmd/internal/obj runtime/pprof cmd/internal/obj/arm cmd/internal/gc archive/tar compress/flate archive/zip compress/gzip compress/lzw compress/zlib crypto/aes crypto/des crypto/dsa crypto/elliptic crypto/sha512 encoding/asn1 crypto/ecdsa crypto/hmac crypto/rand crypto/rc4 crypto/rsa crypto/sha1 crypto/sha256 crypto/x509/pkix encoding/hex encoding/base64 encoding/pem net crypto/x509 crypto/tls database/sql/driver database/sql debug/dwarf debug/elf debug/gosym debug/macho cmd/5g debug/pe debug/plan9obj encoding encoding/ascii85 encoding/base32 encoding/csv encoding/gob unicode/utf16 encoding/json encoding/xml mime mime/quotedprintable net/textproto net/http/internal mime/multipart net/url go/token net/http go/scanner go/ast regexp/syntax regexp expvar text/template/parse go/parser text/template go/printer go/doc go/format hash/crc64 hash/fnv html go/build html/template image/color image image/color/palette image/internal/imageutil image/draw image/jpeg image/gif image/png index/suffixarray internal/mime os/exec math/cmplx net/http/cookiejar internal/trace net/http/cgi net/http/httptest net/http/fcgi net/http/httputil net/http/pprof net/internal/socktest net/mail net/rpc net/smtp os/signal os/user runtime/debug net/rpc/jsonrpc runtime/race testing testing/iotest testing/quick text/scanner cmd/internal/ld cmd/internal/obj/x86 cmd/6g cmd/internal/obj/arm64 cmd/5l cmd/6l cmd/7g cmd/7l cmd/8g cmd/8l cmd/internal/obj/ppc64 cmd/9l cmd/9g cmd/internal/goobj cmd/internal/rsc.io/arm/armasm cmd/internal/rsc.io/x86/x86asm cmd/asm/internal/arch cmd/internal/objfile cmd/asm/internal/flags cmd/asm/internal/lex cmd/addr2line cmd/asm/internal/asm cmd/asm cmd/cgo cmd/dist cmd/fix cmd/go cmd/gofmt cmd/internal/asm cmd/link cmd/nm cmd/objdump cmd/old5a cmd/old6a cmd/old8a cmd/old9a cmd/pack cmd/pprof/internal/profile cmd/pprof/internal/svg cmd/pprof/internal/tempfile cmd/trace cmd/pprof/internal/plugin cmd/pprof/internal/report cmd/pprof/internal/commands cmd/pprof/internal/driver cmd/pprof/internal/fetch cmd/pprof/internal/symbolizer cmd/pprof/internal/symbolz cmd/yacc cmd/pprof ##### Testing packages. ok archive/tar 0.744s ok archive/zip 1.387s ok bufio 0.158s ok bytes 0.170s ok compress/bzip2 0.128s ok compress/flate 1.371s ok compress/gzip 0.638s ok compress/lzw 0.720s ok compress/zlib 2.163s ok container/heap 0.062s ok container/list 0.040s ok container/ring 0.062s ? crypto [no test files] ok crypto/aes 0.074s --- FAIL: ExampleNewCTR (0.00s) panic: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory [recovered] panic: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory goroutine 1 [running]: testing.runExample.func2(0xcca40d3c, 0xe, 0x328bbb1a, 0x648c60, 0x1081c260, 0x1081c0f0, 0x10c39180, 0x202bf8, 0xd, 0x244eb4, ...) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/testing/example.go:93 +0x420 crypto/cipher_test.ExampleNewCTR() /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/crypto/cipher/example_test.go:155 +0x260 testing.runExample(0x202bf8, 0xd, 0x244eb4, 0x206378, 0xf, 0x0) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/testing/example.go:98 +0x3e0 testing.RunExamples(0x244f08, 0x643920, 0x4, 0x4, 0x1) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/testing/example.go:36 +0x2a0 testing.(*M).Run(0x1083a120, 0x643920) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/testing/testing.go:491 +0x120 main.main() /tmp/go-build508432427/crypto/cipher/_test/_testmain.go:96 +0x200 FAIL crypto/cipher 0.626s ok crypto/des 0.060s --- FAIL: TestSignAndVerify (0.56s) dsa_test.go:17: 0: error signing: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory FAIL FAIL crypto/dsa 0.606s --- FAIL: TestKeyGeneration (0.56s) ecdsa_test.go:27: p224: error: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory --- FAIL: TestSignAndVerify (0.00s) panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [recovered] panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [signal 0xb code=0xffffffff addr=0x0 pc=0xa74a2] goroutine 8 [running]: testing.tRunner.func1(0x120fecc0) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/testing/testing.go:446 +0x1a0 crypto/ecdsa.Sign(0x3eec42f0, 0x1080a700, 0x0, 0x111c0350, 0x7, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/crypto/ecdsa/ecdsa.go:138 +0x7e2 crypto/ecdsa.testSignAndVerify(0x120fecc0, 0x3eec4390, 0x1085eb60, 0x21e2b8, 0x4) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/crypto/ecdsa/ecdsa_test.go:49 +0xe0 crypto/ecdsa.TestSignAndVerify(0x120fecc0) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/crypto/ecdsa/ecdsa_test.go:66 +0x80 testing.tRunner(0x120fecc0, 0x67418c) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/testing/testing.go:452 +0x100 created by testing.RunTests /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/testing/testing.go:560 +0xaa0 goroutine 1 [chan receive]: testing.RunTests(0x26fcdc, 0x674180, 0x5, 0x5, 0x0) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/testing/testing.go:561 +0xae0 testing.(*M).Run(0x1083a150, 0x68e620) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/testing/testing.go:490 +0xe0 main.main() /tmp/go-build508432427/crypto/ecdsa/_test/_testmain.go:62 +0x200 FAIL crypto/ecdsa 0.605s --- FAIL: TestMarshal (0.58s) elliptic_test.go:435: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory FAIL FAIL crypto/elliptic 0.693s ok crypto/hmac 0.064s ok crypto/md5 0.623s --- FAIL: TestRead (0.56s) rand_test.go:22: ReadFull(buf) = 0, open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory --- FAIL: TestReadEmpty (0.00s) rand_test.go:37: Read(make([]byte, 0)) = 0, open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory --- FAIL: TestPrimeSmall (0.00s) util_test.go:18: Can't generate 2-bit prime: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory --- FAIL: TestInt (0.00s) util_test.go:41: Can't generate random value: , open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory --- FAIL: ExampleRead (0.00s) got: error: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory want: false FAIL FAIL crypto/rand 0.608s ok crypto/rc4 0.247s --- FAIL: TestEncryptPKCS1v15 (0.66s) pkcs1v15_test.go:88: error encrypting: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory --- FAIL: TestEncryptPKCS1v15DecrypterSessionKey (0.00s) pkcs1v15_test.go:156: #0: error decrypting: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory --- FAIL: TestNonZeroRandomBytes (0.00s) pkcs1v15_test.go:174: returned error: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory pkcs1v15_test.go:178: Zero octet found --- FAIL: TestShortSessionKey (0.00s) pkcs1v15_test.go:262: Failed to encrypt short message: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory --- FAIL: TestPSSSigning (0.00s) pss_test.go:224: #0: error while signing: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory pss_test.go:224: #1: error while signing: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory pss_test.go:224: #2: error while signing: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory pss_test.go:224: #3: error while signing: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory pss_test.go:224: #4: error while signing: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory pss_test.go:224: #5: error while signing: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory --- FAIL: TestKeyGeneration (0.00s) rsa_test.go:22: failed to generate key panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [recovered] panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [signal 0xb code=0xffffffff addr=0x0 pc=0xb2f44] goroutine 23 [running]: testing.tRunner.func1(0x11211aa0) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/testing/testing.go:446 +0x1a0 crypto/rsa.TestKeyGeneration(0x11211aa0) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/crypto/rsa/rsa_test.go:24 +0xc4 testing.tRunner(0x11211aa0, 0x661f74) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/testing/testing.go:452 +0x100 created by testing.RunTests /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/testing/testing.go:560 +0xaa0 goroutine 1 [chan receive]: testing.RunTests(0x25c864, 0x661ec0, 0x16, 0x16, 0x0) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/testing/testing.go:561 +0xae0 testing.(*M).Run(0x1083a1e0, 0x67be60) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/testing/testing.go:490 +0xe0 main.main() /tmp/go-build508432427/crypto/rsa/_test/_testmain.go:100 +0x200 FAIL crypto/rsa 0.826s ok crypto/sha1 0.613s ok crypto/sha256 0.052s ok crypto/sha512 0.043s ok crypto/subtle 0.045s --- FAIL: TestClientResumption (0.00s) handshake_client_test.go:399: Handshake: handshake failed: remote error: internal error --- FAIL: TestVersion (0.00s) handshake_server_test.go:278: handshake failed: remote error: internal error --- FAIL: TestCipherSuitePreference (0.00s) handshake_server_test.go:297: handshake failed: remote error: internal error --- FAIL: TestFallbackSCSV (0.00s) handshake_server_test.go:478: TLSv11-FallbackSCSV #2: mismatch on read: got:15030200020250 want:15030200020256 handshake_server_test.go:441: Error from Server.Write: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory handshake_server_test.go:447: Error expected containing 'inappropriate protocol fallback' but got 'open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory' FAIL FAIL crypto/tls 3.363s --- FAIL: TestEncrypt (0.75s) pem_decrypt_test.go:42: test 0. 1 pem_decrypt_test.go:50: encrypt: x509: cannot generate IV: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory pem_decrypt_test.go:42: test 1. 2 pem_decrypt_test.go:50: encrypt: x509: cannot generate IV: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory pem_decrypt_test.go:42: test 2. 3 pem_decrypt_test.go:50: encrypt: x509: cannot generate IV: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory pem_decrypt_test.go:42: test 3. 4 pem_decrypt_test.go:50: encrypt: x509: cannot generate IV: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory pem_decrypt_test.go:42: test 4. 5 pem_decrypt_test.go:50: encrypt: x509: cannot generate IV: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory pem_decrypt_test.go:42: test 5. 3 pem_decrypt_test.go:50: encrypt: x509: cannot generate IV: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory --- FAIL: TestCreateSelfSignedCertificate (0.00s) x509_test.go:317: Failed to generate ECDSA key: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory --- FAIL: TestUnknownCriticalExtension (0.00s) x509_test.go:495: Failed to generate ECDSA key: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory --- FAIL: TestCRLCreation (0.00s) x509_test.go:759: error creating CRL: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory x509_test.go:764: error reparsing CRL: asn1: syntax error: sequence truncated --- FAIL: TestCreateCertificateRequest (0.00s) x509_test.go:858: Failed to generate ECDSA key: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory --- FAIL: TestCertificateRequestOverrides (0.00s) x509_test.go:929: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory --- FAIL: TestMaxPathLen (0.00s) x509_test.go:1069: failed to create certificate: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory FAIL FAIL crypto/x509 1.189s ? crypto/x509/pkix [no test files] ok database/sql 0.098s ok database/sql/driver 0.049s ok debug/dwarf 0.621s ok debug/elf 0.625s ok debug/gosym 0.042s ok debug/macho 0.609s ok debug/pe 0.658s ok debug/plan9obj 0.605s ? encoding [no test files] ok encoding/ascii85 0.044s ok encoding/asn1 0.645s ok encoding/base32 0.057s ok encoding/base64 0.043s ok encoding/binary 0.053s ok encoding/csv 0.041s ok encoding/gob 0.682s ok encoding/hex 0.054s ok encoding/json 0.308s ok encoding/pem 0.045s ok encoding/xml 0.656s ok errors 0.043s ok expvar 0.058s ok flag 0.042s ok fmt 0.097s ok go/ast 0.050s ok go/build 0.632s ok go/doc 0.689s ok go/format 0.618s ok go/parser 0.652s ok go/printer 1.176s ok go/scanner 0.068s ok go/token 0.095s ? hash [no test files] ok hash/adler32 0.061s ok hash/crc32 0.054s ok hash/crc64 0.043s ok hash/fnv 0.051s ok html 0.042s ok html/template 0.680s ok image 0.928s ok image/color 0.075s ? image/color/palette [no test files] ok image/draw 0.793s ok image/gif 0.728s ? image/internal/imageutil [no test files] ok image/jpeg 0.958s ok image/png 0.714s ok index/suffixarray 0.051s ? internal/mime [no test files] ? internal/trace [no test files] ok io 0.059s ok io/ioutil 0.618s ok log 0.608s ok math 0.042s ok math/big 0.825s ok math/cmplx 0.042s ok math/rand 0.533s ok mime 0.617s panic: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory goroutine 1 [running]: mime/multipart.randomBoundary(0x0, 0x0) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/mime/multipart/writer.go:75 +0x100 mime/multipart.NewWriter(0x3eec44b8, 0x109581e0, 0x6dbdac) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/mime/multipart/writer.go:29 +0x40 mime/multipart.roundTripParseTest(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/mime/multipart/multipart_test.go:619 +0xf80 mime/multipart.init() /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/mime/multipart/multipart_test.go:568 +0x10e0 main.init() /tmp/go-build508432427/mime/multipart/_test/_testmain.go:90 +0xe0 FAIL mime/multipart 0.653s ok mime/quotedprintable 0.276s ok net 2.228s --- FAIL: TestReadResponseCloseInMiddle (0.00s) response_test.go:466: on test chunked=true, compressed=true: rand.Reader ReadFull: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory --- FAIL: TestClientInsecureTransport (0.00s) client_test.go:595: insecure=true: got unexpected err=Get tls: short read from Rand: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory 2015/03/25 01:59:50 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: internal error --- FAIL: TestClientWithCorrectTLSServerName (0.00s) client_test.go:653: expected successful TLS connection, got error: Get tls: short read from Rand: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory --- FAIL: TestClientWithIncorrectTLSServerName (0.00s) client_test.go:672: wanted error mentioning and badserver; got error: Get tls: short read from Rand: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory 2015/03/25 01:59:50 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: internal error --- FAIL: TestTransportUsesTLSConfigServerName (0.00s) client_test.go:709: Get https://some-other-host.tld/: tls: short read from Rand: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory 2015/03/25 01:59:50 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: internal error --- FAIL: TestResponseSetsTLSConnectionState (0.00s) client_test.go:730: Get https://example.com/: tls: short read from Rand: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory 2015/03/25 01:59:50 http: panic serving open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory goroutine 165 [running]: net/http.(*conn).serve.func1(0x119bda40, 0x3eed8718, 0x10fc0798) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/net/http/server.go:1181 +0xe0 mime/multipart.randomBoundary(0x0, 0x0) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/mime/multipart/writer.go:75 +0x100 mime/multipart.NewWriter(0x3eed8e10, 0x11a249f0, 0x9d7724) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/mime/multipart/writer.go:29 +0x40 net/http.rangesMIMESize(0x119eda20, 0x2, 0x2, 0x4b86e8, 0x19, 0xb, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/net/http/fs.go:546 +0xa0 net/http.serveContent(0x3eed8840, 0x11325500, 0x114cb960, 0x11a249b9, 0x4, 0xcca40c7c, 0xe, 0x0, 0x9c1c60, 0x10c35d68, ...) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/net/http/fs.go:219 +0xe60 net/http.serveFile(0x3eed8840, 0x11325500, 0x114cb960, 0x3eed3090, 0x10fc0c98, 0x4961e1, 0x4, 0x10c35d00) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/net/http/fs.go:417 +0xaa0 net/http.ServeFile(0x3eed8840, 0x11325500, 0x114cb960, 0x4961d8, 0xd) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/net/http/fs.go:433 +0xe0 net/http_test.TestServeFile.func1(0x3eed8840, 0x11325500, 0x114cb960) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/net/http/fs_test.go:75 +0x60 net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP(0x538fe0, 0x3eed8840, 0x11325500, 0x114cb960) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/net/http/server.go:1316 +0x60 net/http/httptest.(*waitGroupHandler).ServeHTTP(0x11a07ad0, 0x3eed8840, 0x11325500, 0x114cb960) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/net/http/httptest/server.go:200 +0x100 net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP(0x11715d40, 0x3eed8840, 0x11325500, 0x114cb960) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/net/http/server.go:1754 +0x1a0 net/http.(*conn).serve(0x119bda40) /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/net/http/server.go:1255 +0xfa0 created by net/http.(*Server).Serve /tmp/buildlet-scatch347458171/go/src/net/http/server.go:1802 +0x420 --- FAIL: TestServeFile (0.00s) fs_test.go:861: range test "bytes=0-0,-2": for URL "", send error: Get EOF 2015/03/25 01:59:50 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: internal error --- FAIL: TestNextProtoUpgrade (0.00s) npn_test.go:49: Get tls: short read from Rand: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory --- FAIL: TestTLSServer (0.00s) serve_test.go:947: Get tls: short read from Rand: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory 2015/03/25 01:59:53 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: internal error --- FAIL: TestTLSServerClosesConnection (0.00s) transport_test.go:1966: Get tls: short read from Rand: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory 2015/03/25 01:59:53 http: TLS handshake error from use of closed network connection --- FAIL: TestTransportDialTLS (0.00s) transport_test.go:2176: Get tls: short read from Rand: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory FAIL FAIL net/http 4.109s ok net/http/cgi 0.542s ok net/http/cookiejar 0.064s ok net/http/fcgi 0.068s ok net/http/httptest 0.059s ok net/http/httputil 0.074s ok net/http/internal 0.042s ? net/http/pprof [no test files] ok net/internal/socktest 0.042s ok net/mail 0.634s ok net/rpc 0.691s ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 0.068s --- FAIL: TestTLSClient (0.56s) smtp_test.go:567: failed to handle connection: remote error: internal error --- FAIL: TestTLSConnState (0.00s) smtp_test.go:602: StartTLS: tls: short read from Rand: open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory smtp_test.go:588: server error: remote error: internal error FAIL FAIL net/smtp 0.622s ok net/textproto 0.041s ok net/url 0.056s ok os 0.616s ok os/exec 0.627s ok os/signal 0.050s ok os/user 0.040s ok path 0.040s ok path/filepath 0.634s ok reflect 0.168s ok regexp 0.805s ok regexp/syntax 1.105s ok runtime 7.468s ok runtime/debug 0.604s ok runtime/pprof 1.498s ? runtime/race [no test files] ok sort 0.154s ok strconv 1.643s ok strings 0.194s ok sync 0.178s ok sync/atomic 0.379s ok syscall 0.050s ok testing 1.928s ? testing/iotest [no test files] ok testing/quick 0.080s ok text/scanner 0.046s ok text/tabwriter 0.041s ok text/template 0.663s ok text/template/parse 0.048s ok time 3.782s ok unicode 0.040s ok unicode/utf16 0.038s ok unicode/utf8 0.075s ? unsafe [no test files] ? cmd/5g [no test files] ? cmd/5l [no test files] ? cmd/6g [no test files] ? cmd/6l [no test files] ? cmd/7g [no test files] ? cmd/7l [no test files] ? cmd/8g [no test files] ? cmd/8l [no test files] ? cmd/9g [no test files] ? cmd/9l [no test files] ok cmd/addr2line 0.038s ? cmd/asm [no test files] ? cmd/asm/internal/arch [no test files] ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 0.615s ? cmd/asm/internal/flags [no test files] ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 0.040s ? cmd/cgo [no test files] ? cmd/dist [no test files] ok cmd/fix 0.066s ok cmd/go 0.640s ok cmd/gofmt 0.679s ? cmd/internal/asm [no test files] ? cmd/internal/gc [no test files] ok cmd/internal/goobj 0.041s ? cmd/internal/ld [no test files] ok cmd/internal/obj 0.040s ? cmd/internal/obj/arm [no test files] ? cmd/internal/obj/arm64 [no test files] ? cmd/internal/obj/ppc64 [no test files] ? cmd/internal/obj/x86 [no test files] ? cmd/internal/objfile [no test files] ok cmd/internal/rsc.io/arm/armasm 0.631s ok cmd/internal/rsc.io/x86/x86asm 0.987s ok cmd/link 0.641s ok cmd/nm 0.043s ok cmd/objdump 0.044s ? cmd/old5a [no test files] ? cmd/old6a [no test files] ? cmd/old8a [no test files] ? cmd/old9a [no test files] ok cmd/pack 0.378s ? cmd/pprof [no test files] ? cmd/pprof/internal/commands [no test files] ? cmd/pprof/internal/driver [no test files] ? cmd/pprof/internal/fetch [no test files] ? cmd/pprof/internal/plugin [no test files] ? cmd/pprof/internal/profile [no test files] ? cmd/pprof/internal/report [no test files] ? cmd/pprof/internal/svg [no test files] ? cmd/pprof/internal/symbolizer [no test files] ? cmd/pprof/internal/symbolz [no test files] ? cmd/pprof/internal/tempfile [no test files] ? cmd/trace [no test files] ? cmd/yacc [no test files] 2015/03/25 02:01:06 Failed: exit status 1 Error: src/nacltest.bash failed: exit status 1