Competition Winners

Best Rebranded Logo - Popular Choice

Designer: Laurent Hunziker

Location: Paris, France


Votes: 16,463

Inspiration for the idea:

"The silhouette shape comes from a very moving picture I saw of this poor bird in panic, glued in oil... His agony is a strong reflection of what is happening to our world with these tragic events. Placed in front of the BP logo, and it all looks like a fatal sunset for us..."

Best Rebranded Logo - Judges' Choice

Designer: Alexander Hettich

Location: Nuremberg, Germany


Votes: 4,193

Inspiration for the idea:

"It's the face of the BP sunset: the shining green brand - which suggests a clean ecological image - drowns in a pitch black, dirty, sticky, puddle of oil. This is an analogy to the Gulf of Mexico incident, where BP's "Deepwater Horizon" drilling platform caused an ecological disaster."

"The single drop of oil at the bottom of the logo symbolises BP's hunger for oil: exploiting almost every corner of the world, squeezing out even the last drop of oil while ignoring important safety issues."

Why the judges chose this logo:

"It's simple, clear and effective. It instantly shows what's really beneath BP's superficial green sunflower - the risky pursuit of every last drop of oil, which has resulted in one of the biggest environmental disasters in US history.

"The image of BP's sunflower disappearing into a sea of oil also communicates that the sun is going down on BP's dirty business. The greenwash hasn't worked and the decision to turn its back on the 'Beyond Petroleum' mantra has cost lives, caused an environmental catastrophe and led them to report the biggest quarterly corporate losses in UK history. BP is a company in crisis. Its strategy must change. New chief executive Bob Dudley has the chance to finally lead BP beyond oil, but if they don't, as our winning logo so clearly shows, BP will sink into total oblivion."

Best Illustrated Logo

Designer: Brian David Braun and Tara Tomlinson

Location: Sarasota, Florida, USA


Votes: 3,308

Inspiration for the idea:

"The inspiration for the series sprang forth because we are living right in the projected path of the spread of the oil spill, we wanted to call attention to plight we were about to be facing, not being nature photographers and not having access to the actual oil damaged coast we decided to do what we do best and stick with what we know. So we decided to use the way of life that Sarasota, Florida is known for, perfect beaches and beautiful people. We thought if we could combine our photography style with oil soaked beach goers it would really hit home and illustrate just how our way of life would be permanently altered and destroyed if that oil was allowed to hit here and we created some seriously powerful images.

"It's funny, when I was in college I used to go door to door canvasing for Greenpeace, handing out materials, talking to people about the environment and collecting donations. I never dreamed at that time that I could ever be a part of it by making art that helped out and we are truly honored and grateful that our images can be a part of calling attention to this global atrocity."

Best Wildlife Logo

Designer: Jessica Barnes

Location: Seattle, USA


Votes: 4,353

Inspiration for the idea:

"I have been devastated by the BP oil spill and have felt helpless over it. As a designer and a creative person I have found that making mock BP posters has been cathartic for me. [This] particular poster image... came together after the first gruesome images of wildlife covered in crude oil started to show up in the news. This was also around the time that British Petroleum CEO Tony Hayward was interviewed and said: "I want my life back." When I saw the horrific Associated Press photo of this dead bird floating in oil, Hayward's comment came to mind."

Best Slogan Logo

Designer: Radio Signals


Location: USA

Votes: 2,740

Inspiration for the idea:

"I was thinking of magazine ads. I went looking for old BP campaigns, and I found this one, "It's time to think outside the barrel", with the yellow highlighting. I thought this would be a great way to take their own words from the greenwashing campaign of a few years ago and use them in this context."

Best WTF?! Logo

Designer: Etcetera


Votes: 1,458

Inspiration for the idea:

"Just a couple of decades ago, it appeared that the whole world had embraced the values of love, peace and harmony with nature. And we were all convinced that our idols were the heralds of a new and better era in the spirit of "all you need is love". Today, we feel almost helpless in the face of growing environmental and social chaos. Apparently, imagination and creativity are now dedicated solely to the achievement of economic goals.

To an increasing extent, the lives of millions are influenced by business interests and the people who stand behind them - people who have lost all sense of responsibility for society and our environment. Unscrupulous greed for profit has driven the environment, nature and entire societies to the verge of an abyss. "Oil together now": unburdened by reason or responsibility, the executives of a global enterprise, evidently blinded by their preoccupation with oil, are ploughing the seas and appealing to everyone to join their song of self-praise. Self-immersed, rejoicing at the top of their lungs and pumping oil from every pipeline, they are celebrating the party of the century. When it comes to a really 'big deal', no holds are barred, and the possibility that a whole world may be immersed in darkness is evidently of no consequence whatsoever."

And thanks to...

... everyone who helped make this competition a huge success. Thanks to all the entrants who together submitted more than 2,000 logos. Thanks to all the visitors who generated more than 2,000,000 hits to the website and spread the competition around the globe. Thanks to the more than 25,000 people who voted.

Finally, thanks to you for helping to spread BP's new logo far and wide.


Spreading the logo...