Our tar sands campaign

This is what you think BP should look like

Our rebranding of the company

Our climbers scaled the front of BP's corporate headquarters in London to brand them with a logo that better suits their dirty business. We think their logo needs a makeover to better suit a company that invests in tar sands and other unconventional oil sources like deep water oil.

We reckon a company that invests in frontier oil like tar sands and deepwater drilling needs something other than a nice green flower as their brand identity.

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Why is getting oil from the tar sands so bad?

The tar sands are bad in so many different ways, it's difficult to know where to start. The oil companies are set to destroy an area of wilderness the size of England, poisoning the water supply, displacing indigenous people, and driving carbon emissions sky high.

The bottom line is that the tar sands industry is too dirty, too dangerous and too environmentally expensive for all of us. Read more...

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