
How to Get a Cleaning Contract for Office

How to Get a Cleaning Contract for Office

How to Get a Cleaning Contract for Office

Posted by Suji Siv @Clean Group on 2023-04-18

How to Get a Cleaning Contract for Office

When it comes to cleaning contracts for office spaces, competition can be fierce. However, there are steps you can take to increase your chances of securing contracts and becoming a trusted cleaning company.

  1. Get Certified and Insured

One of the first things that businesses look for when hiring a cleaning company is certification and insurance. Certification can provide proof of your knowledge and skills in the cleaning industry, while insurance can protect both you and your clients in case of accidents or damages.

There are several certifications available, including the Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS) and the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC). Look into which certifications would be most valuable for your business and invest in them.

  1. Build a Strong Brand

A strong brand can help set your cleaning company apart from the competition. Consider your company's name, logo, and messaging. Make sure they are consistent across all marketing materials and online platforms.

Building a strong brand also means having a professional website and social media presence. Potential clients are likely to do their research online, so make sure your online presence is up-to-date and showcases your company's strengths.

  1. Provide Excellent Customer Service

Good customer service can go a long way in building trust with clients. Be responsive to client inquiries and concerns, and make sure your cleaning staff is professional and friendly. Encourage feedback and take it seriously to continuously improve your services.

  1. Offer Specialized Cleaning Services

In addition to basic cleaning services, offering specialized services can make your company stand out. For example, offering eco-friendly cleaning options or COVID-19 disinfecting services can attract clients looking for specific services.

Be sure to invest in the proper training and equipment for any specialized services you offer.

  1. Network and Build Relationships

Networking is key to growing your business and finding new clients. Attend industry events, join local business groups, and connect with potential clients on social media.

Building relationships with clients and other businesses can also lead to new opportunities. Consider offering discounts or referral bonuses to clients who refer your services to others.

  1. Provide Accurate Quotes

Providing accurate quotes is essential to securing cleaning contracts. Make sure you understand the scope of the work required and provide a detailed quote that outlines all services and costs.

  1. Follow up with Clients

Following up with clients after cleaning services are complete can help build long-term relationships and lead to repeat business. Check in with clients to make sure they are satisfied with your services and address any concerns or issues promptly.

In conclusion, securing cleaning contracts for office spaces requires a combination of certifications, branding, customer service, specialized services, networking, accurate quotes, and follow-up. By taking these steps and continuously improving your services, you can become a trusted cleaning company in the industry.


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