// ! If input label click $('.input-label:not(.mobile)').click(function () { $(this).children('input').trigger('focus'); }); $(document).ready(function () { reloadRecaptcha("contact"); // {# Profile Form Ajax #} const $contactForm = $(".contact_form") $contactForm.submit(function (event) { event.preventDefault() const $contactForm_data = $(this).serialize() // {# Remove repeated icon and text #} if ($('html').attr("lang") === "ar") { h1Message = "استلمنا رسالتك"; displayMessage = "
شكر لتواصلك معنا سيتم الرد عليك في اقرب وقت.
" } else { h1Message = "We received your message!"; displayMessage = "
Thank you for contacting us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
" } $("#submit_contact_request").attr("disabled", true).append('').css("background", "#ffc67c"); $(".error").remove(); $('input').css("border", ""); $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "", data: $contactForm_data, dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { $('#submit_contact_request .fa-spin').remove(); $("#submit_contact_request").css( "background", "").attr("disabled", false); if (data.message == 'Success') { setTimeout(function () { // {# Fade out form and show success message #} $(".contact_form").fadeOut(500, function () { $(".contact_form .input-label,#id_message, #submit_contact_request, .info") .remove(); $(".contact_form h1").text( h1Message ); $('.contact_form') .append( displayMessage ); $(".contact_form").fadeIn(500); }); }, 1000) } else { let json; $.each(data, function (key, item) { json = $.parseJSON(item); }); if (json.hasOwnProperty('first_name')) { $('.contact_form .input-label:eq(0) .label-inside') .after( "* " + json .first_name[0] .message + ""); $('.contact_form .input-label:eq(0) input').css( "border", "1px solid red"); } if (json.hasOwnProperty('last_name')) { $('.contact_form .input-label:eq(1) .label-inside') .after( "* " + json .last_name[ 0] .message + ""); $('.contact_form .input-label:eq(1) input').css( "border", "1px solid red"); } if (json.hasOwnProperty('phone')) { $('.contact_form .input-label:eq(2) .label-inside') .after( "* " + json .phone[0] .message + ""); $('.contact_form .input-label:eq(2) input').css( "border", "1px solid red"); } if (json.hasOwnProperty('message')) { $('.contact_form #id_message') .before( "* " + json .message[0] .message + ""); } if (json.hasOwnProperty('contact_recaptcha')) { $('.contact_form #id_message') .after( "* " + json .contact_recaptcha[0] .message + ""); } reloadRecaptcha("contact"); } } }) }) })