/*jshint esversion: 6 */ // ! Drop Down Menu function for Cart let dropDownCartStatus = false; let toggleNavStatus = false; // ! For updating cart items let $clickedBtn; let $clickedForm; let $clickedFormTag; let quickBuy = false; // For My Account Tab let dropDownStatus2 = false; let itemFormSubmission; // Translations let $submittedForm; let updateText; let updateCart; let cartLoad = false; let currencyLang = $('meta[name=currency]').attr("content"); let path; let sumItems; let outOfStock = "Out of stock"; let free = "Free"; let getDimensions; let q8Currency; if ($('html').attr("lang") === "ar") { path = "/"; q8Currency = "دينار"; } else { path = window.location.origin + "/en/"; q8Currency = "KWD"; } $(document).on("click", '.prev-card, .next-card', function (e) { if ($(this).hasClass("prev-card")) { $(this).parent().find('.cards-slider').animate({ scrollLeft: "-=775px" }, 700); } else { $(this).parent().find('.cards-slider').animate({ scrollLeft: "+=775px" }, 700); } }); // ! Sync Quantity and Price let syncPriceQuantity = function () { sumPrice = 0.0; sumQuantity = 0; $('.cart-price-overlay').each(function () { sumPrice += Number(parseFloat($(this).text())); }); $('.cart-form-overlay .quantity-input').each(function () { sumQuantity += Number(parseInt($(this).val())); }); $(".cart-items-number-overlay").text(sumQuantity); $(".total_price-overlay .totals").text(sumPrice.toFixed(3) + " " + currencyLang); }; syncPriceQuantity(); // ! Active Anchor const checkActiveMenu = function () { let menu = document.querySelectorAll('.nav_menu li a'); for (let i = menu.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (menu[i].href == document.URL) { menu[i].setAttribute("class", "active-anchor"); } if (menu[i].href != document.URL) { menu[i].setAttribute("class", ""); } } }; // {# Recaptcha function #} function reloadRecaptcha(pageName) { grecaptcha.ready(function () { grecaptcha.execute($('meta[name=recaptcha]').attr("content"), { action: pageName }).then(function (token) { var recaptchaResponse = document.getElementsByClassName('recaptcha_response'); var i; for (i = 0; i < recaptchaResponse.length; i++) { recaptchaResponse[i].value = token; } }); }); } $(document).ready(function () { // {# Google Analytics #} window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag() { dataLayer.push(arguments); } gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', $('meta[name=analytics]').attr("content")); // // {# Reload page if back button pressed #} // window.addEventListener("pageshow", function (event) { // var historyTraversal = event.persisted || // (typeof window.performance != "undefined" && // window.performance.navigation.type === 2); // if (historyTraversal) { // // Handle page restore. // window.location.reload(); // } // }); function ulDropDown(data, open) { if ($(data).next().height() > 0) { $(data).children().removeClass("animate_arrow").addClass("animate_arrow_up"); $(data).next().css({ "visibility": "hidden", "height": "0" }); } else { if (open) { $(data).next().css({ "visibility": "visible", "height": "250px" }); $(data).children().removeClass("animate_arrow_up").addClass("animate_arrow"); } } } $(document).mouseup(function (e) { let container = $(".menu, .menu2"); let searchContainer = $(".search-div"); // if the target of the click isn't the container nor a descendant of the container if (!container.is(e.target) && container.has(e.target).length === 0 && e.target.id != "cart-img" && e.target.id != "toggle_icon") { if (dropDownCartStatus === true) { $("#cart-img").trigger("click"); } if (toggleNavStatus === true) { $("#toggle_icon").trigger("click"); } $('.account_desktop>a').each(function () { ulDropDown(this, false); }); } if (!searchContainer.is(e.target) && searchContainer.has(e.target).length === 0) { $(".search-result").css("display", "none"); } }); if ($('html').attr("lang") === "ar") { free = "مجاناً"; outOfStock = "غير متوفر"; } $(".stock-check").each(function () { stockCheck = (parseInt($(this).attr("stock"))) if (stockCheck <= 0) { $(this).parent().parent().parent().append("" + outOfStock + ""); $(this).parent().parent().remove(); } }); // ! Currency Tab $(document).on("click", '.currencies', function () { if ($(".currencies ul").height() === 0) { $(".currencies ul").css("height", "190px"); $(".currencies .fas").removeClass("animate_arrow_up").addClass("animate_arrow"); } else { $(".currencies ul").css("height", "0"); $(".currencies .fas").removeClass("animate_arrow").addClass("animate_arrow_up"); } }); $(document).on("click", '.currencies ul li', function () { $(".currencies>li").appendTo(".currencies>ul"); $(this).appendTo(".currencies"); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: path + "currency/", data: { currency: $(this).children("img").attr('id'), csrfmiddlewaretoken: $('meta[name=csrfmiddlewaretoken]').attr("content") }, success: function () { window.location.reload(); } }); }); // ! Search bar $(document).on("input", '.search-input', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($(this).val().length > 1) { $(".search-result").empty().append("").css("display", "grid"); search_form = $(this).parent(); search_url = search_form.attr('action'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: search_url, data: search_form.serialize(), dataType: 'html', success: function (html) { $(".search-result").empty().append(html); } }); } else { $(".search-result").css("display", "none"); } }); $(document).on("click", '#cart-img', function () { // Does not work on Cart and Checkout pages if (document.location.href.indexOf('checkout') === -1 && document.location.href.indexOf('cart') === -1) { // Show or Hide side bar if (dropDownCartStatus === false) { // Close Mobile toggle menu case opened if (toggleNavStatus === true) { $("#toggle_icon").trigger("click"); } if ($('html').attr("lang") === "ar") { // Cart css $("#cart-img").css({ 'transform': 'scaleX(1) rotate(20deg)' }); $(".cart-items-number-overlay").css({ "right": "-13px", "top": "-26px" }); } else { // Cart css $("#cart-img").css({ 'transform': 'scaleX(-1) rotate(20deg)' }); $(".cart-items-number-overlay").css({ "right": "20px", "top": "-26px" }); } $(".nav_sidebar .menu2").css({ "visibility": "visible", "width": "272px" }); $(".cart-form-overlay").css("opacity", "1"); dropDownCartStatus = true; } else if (dropDownCartStatus === true) { if ($('html').attr("lang") === "ar") { // Cart css $("#cart-img").css({ 'transform': 'scaleX(1) rotate(00deg)' }); $(".cart-items-number-overlay").css({ "right": "2px", "top": "-30px" }); } else { // Cart css $("#cart-img").css({ 'transform': 'scaleX(-1) rotate(0deg)' }); $(".cart-items-number-overlay").css({ "right": "3px", "top": "-30px" }); } $(".nav_sidebar .menu2").css({ "visibility": "hidden", "width": "0" }); dropDownCartStatus = false; } } }); // ! update add to cart sum let addToCart = $(".product_page .secondary_btn").text() + " " sumItems = function () { sumItem = 0.0; itemQuantity = $(".product_page .quantity").val(); itemPrice = Number(parseFloat($(".product_page .red-color").text())); addOnsPrice = 0.0 $($("#id_product_add_on input:checkbox:checked")).each(function () { addOnsPrice += Number(parseFloat($(this).parent().attr("pricing"))); }); sumItem += itemQuantity * (itemPrice + addOnsPrice) if (!isNaN(sumItem)) { $(".product_page .secondary_btn").text(addToCart + sumItem.toFixed(3) + " " + currencyLang) } } $(document).on("click", '.product_page .quantity-div, .container #id_product_add_on input', function () { sumItems(); }); sumItems(); // ! Sync cart items // Increment and decrement clicks $(document).on("click", '.operator', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); // Operator value to get button clicked let $operator = $(this).attr('name').split(" ")[0]; // Display Update Button $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.cart-btns .update:first').css({ "display": "unset", "visibility": "visible" }); // Get Button Clicked let $getValue; if ($operator == "add") { // Get input value $getValue = parseInt($(this).prev().val()); // Set New input value $(this).prev().val($getValue + 1); } else if ($operator == "remove") { // Get input value $getValue = parseInt($(this).next().val()); if ($getValue === 1) { return; } // Set New input value $(this).next().val($getValue - 1); } }); $(document).on("click", '.item_form .update-button', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); // Get button clicked $clickedBtn = $(this).attr('name').split(" ")[0]; $clickedForm = $(this).parent().parent().parent().attr('class').split(' ')[1]; $clickedFormTag = $(this); // Starts animation $(this).empty().append(""); $(this).parent().parent().find(".operator").val($clickedBtn); // Get Form and its data $submittedForm = $(this).parent().parent().parent(); $getFormData = $submittedForm.serializeArray(); updateCart = true; if ($(this).parent().hasClass("cart_items")) { cartLoad = true; } // Run Form Submission Function itemFormSubmission($getFormData); }); $(document).on("click", '.as_ref', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); window.location.href = $(this).closest(".product-img").attr("href"); }); $(document).on("submit", '.item_form', function (event) { // Starts form submission and continue in other function event.preventDefault(); itemFormSubmission($(this).serializeArray()); }); let loadVariablesOnce = false; itemFormSubmission = function ($getData) { $(".error").remove(); $("input, select, .code-color").removeClass("red-border"); if (loadVariablesOnce === false) { addProduct = ""; if ($('html').attr("lang") === "ar") { updateText = "تحديث"; buyNow = "شراء سريع"; } else if ($('html').attr("lang") === "en") { updateText = "Update"; buyNow = "Buy Now"; } } if (updateCart === true) { cartURL = path + "update_cart/"; } else { cartURL = path + "cart/" } $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: cartURL, data: $getData, dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { updateCart = false; if (data.success) { if (cartLoad === true) { $(".cart-items").load(path + "cart-items/", function () { if ($('.cart-items').children().length < 1) { window.location.reload(); } }); } else { $(".cart-form-overlay").load(path + "cart-overlay/", function () { // Change cart quantity number syncPriceQuantity(); }); } cartLoad = false; // Display cart if (dropDownCartStatus === false) { $("#cart-img").trigger("click"); } // Show success animation for Update/Remove buttons $($submittedForm).find(".update").empty().append("").css({ "min-width": "110px", "background": "var(--success-color)" }).delay(800).queue( function () { // Return to previous css state $(this).css({ "background": "rgb(42 162 117)", "visibility": "hidden", "display": "none", }).text(updateText) $(".operator").attr("disabled", false); $(this).dequeue(); }); if (quickBuy === true) { window.location.href = path + 'checkout/'; } } else { let json; let headerHeight = $("header").height(); $.each(data, function (key, item) { json = $.parseJSON(item); if (!json.hasOwnProperty('__all__') && !json.hasOwnProperty('sku')) { // Add-ons input error $($clickedFormTag).after( "* " + json[Object.keys(json)[0]][0].message + ""); $($clickedFormTag).parent().find('[name=' + Object.keys(json)[0] + ']').addClass("red-border"); } }); if ($($clickedFormTag).parent().hasClass("item_form") && !$($clickedFormTag).parent().hasClass("quick-add")) { $([document.documentElement, document.body]).animate({ scrollTop: $(".container").offset().top - (headerHeight) }, 1000); } // Form error if (json.hasOwnProperty('__all__')) { $($clickedFormTag).after( "* " + json .__all__[0] .message + ""); } // Product color or size error if (json.hasOwnProperty('sku')) { $($clickedFormTag).after( "* " + json .sku[0] .message + ""); // Red borders for empty selections if ($($clickedFormTag).parent().find(".variant_size").val() === null) { $($clickedFormTag).parent().find(".variant_size").addClass("red-border"); } if ($($clickedFormTag).parent().find("#variant-color").val() === "") { $($clickedFormTag).parent().find(".code-color").addClass("red-border"); } } // Show success animation for Update/Remove button $($submittedForm).find(".update").empty().append("").css({ "min-width": "110px", "background": "var(--error-color)" }).delay(800).queue( function () { // Return to previous css state $(this).css({ "background": "rgb(42 162 117)", "visibility": "hidden", "display": "none", }).text(updateText); $(".operator").attr("disabled", false); $(this).dequeue(); }); quickBuy = false; } $(".add-to-cart i").removeClass('fa-spinner fa-spin').addClass('fa-cart-plus'); $(".add-product").prop("disabled", false).html(addProduct); $("#buy_now").text(buyNow); sumItems(); } }); }; // ! Scroll effect // Upon Scroll key $(window).scroll(function () { let st = $(this).scrollTop(); // Scroll down if (st > 0) { // Header $('header').css({ "background-color": "#fff" }); } // If at very top if (st === 0) { // Header $('header').css({ "background-color": "#fff" }); } }); // ! Check active anchor checkActiveMenu(); // ! Toggle Menu function / Mobile $(document).on("click", '#toggle_icon', function () { if (toggleNavStatus === false) { // Close Cart if opened if (dropDownCartStatus === true) { $("#cart-img").trigger("click"); } // Menu css $(".nav_sidebar .menu").css({ "visibility": "visible", "width": "272px" }); $("#toggle_icon").css({ "transform": "rotate(360deg)", "color": "var(--error-color)" }).removeClass("fa-bars").addClass("fa-times"); $('.divider-long').css({ "opacity": "1" }); toggleNavStatus = true; } else if (toggleNavStatus === true) { $('.divider-long').css({ "opacity": "0" }); $("#toggle_icon").css({ "transform": "rotate(0deg)", "color": "#373737" }).removeClass("fa-times").addClass("fa-bars"); $(".nav_sidebar .menu").css({ "visibility": "hidden", "width": "0" }); toggleNavStatus = false; } }) // ! Drop Down Menu function / Desktop $(document).on("click", '.account_desktop>a', function () { // Show or Hide side bar ulDropDown(this, true); }); $(document).on("click", '.discount_btn', function () { $(".inside-input").remove(); $(".id_code").css("border-color", ""); $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: path + "discount_view/", data: { code: $(this).parent().find(".id_code").val(), csrfmiddlewaretoken: $('meta[name=csrfmiddlewaretoken]').attr("content") }, dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { if (data.success) { window.location.replace(path + "cart/"); } else { $.each(data, function (key, item) { json = $.parseJSON(item); }); if (json.hasOwnProperty('__all__')) { $(".as_flex").prepend( ""); } $(".id_code").css("border-color", "red").val(""); } } }); }); let checkResize = function () { if (getDimensions != window.innerWidth) { getDimensions = window.innerWidth; if (window.innerWidth >= 1051) { $(".nav_menu").appendTo(".lower"); $(".product--blue").css({ "flex": "" }); $(".view-controls .fa-th").removeClass("active-view-control"); $(".view-controls .fa-square").addClass("active-view-control"); $(".lang").prependTo(".upper"); $(".currencies").insertAfter(".upper .lang"); } else { $(".nav_menu").appendTo(".sub-menu"); $(".fa-th").trigger("click"); $(".lang").appendTo(".sub-menu"); $(".currencies").appendTo(".sub-menu"); } } } checkResize(); $(window).resize(function () { checkResize(); }); $(window).scroll(function (event) { var scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); if (scroll > 600) { $(".go-up").css("opacity", 1); } else { $(".go-up").css("opacity", 0); } }); $(document).on("click", '.go-up', function () { $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'slow'); }); // ! Subscribe form $(document).on("submit", '#subscribe_form', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $("#subscribe_button").html(""); $(".error").remove(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: $(this).attr("action"), data: $(this).serialize(), dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { if (data.success) { $("#subscribe_form input").remove() $("#subscribe_button").html("").css({ "background": "green", "color": "#fff", "font-size": "26px" }).prop("disabled", true); } if (data.message) { $.each(data, function (key, item) { json = $.parseJSON(item); // Add-ons input error $("#subscribe_form label").after( "* " + json[Object.keys(json)[0]][0].message + ""); $("#subscribe_form label").parent().find('[name=' + Object.keys(json)[0] + ']').addClass("red-border"); }); $("#subscribe_button").html(""); } } }); }); $(document).on("click", '.popup i', function () { $(this).parent().remove(); }); $(document).on("click", '.cookie-consent button', function () { $(this).parent().remove(); Cookies.set('consent', '1', { expires: 14 }) }); // ! 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