Are Budgies Easy to Take Care Of?

Budgies may be easier to care for than larger parrots, but still require plenty of attention and love. A clean cage, toys, and a daily bath session will keep your budgie happy and content.

Reptiles enjoy warm temperatures, so for optimal care it is recommended to provide them with either a heated cage or fan. They should also receive daily physical therapy sessions from an animal-care specialist and should spend at least an hour every week out of their cage with you as part of supervised free playtime.

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Budgies (Bourke's parakeets) make great pets for people who cannot devote enough time and attention to larger parrot species like macaws or cockatoos.

An adequate cage is an integral component of a budgie's habitat, providing ample room for them to play and exercise while providing access to toys, levels, and perches that encourage chewing and climbing.

Food should be of high quality and varied for healthy budgies to thrive, including pellets, leafy greens and fresh fruit in moderation as part of their daily diet. Any changes should be introduced gradually so as to avoid digestive issues.


Budgies are natural foragers and require a balanced diet consisting of pellets, seeds, fresh vegetables and fruits. As these birds may become intimidated by new foods introduced too quickly or too suddenly, introduction should take place gradually to avoid stressing out or stressing out frightened birds.

Seeds should form only part of their daily diet, supplemented by fresh vegetables, leafy greens, berries and fruits. A specially formulated pellet mix may also be beneficial.

Budgies love eating fresh fruit that grows naturally in their habitats and this provides both a nutritional treat and reinforces foraging behavior. Certain fruit, such as avocados, should be avoided and other items should be washed to remove pesticides before offering. As many budgies will go through moulting periods they may need extra protein supplements (soft egg-based supplement or conditioning food).


Budgies require plenty of clean, refreshing water for bathing and drinking purposes. Ensuring their habitat meets this standard is paramount to their overall wellbeing.

Animals without urethras must convert their urine to uric acid that combines with feces before exiting through their anus, so they need plenty of water to wash away waste and stay clean.

Budgies in the wild use water to groom and care for their feathers. An occasional gentle spray from a bottle can replicate this behavior and benefit your bird in many ways.

Most people find that shallow dishes work best for budgies to bathe and drink from. However, some birds can be skittish and prefer alternative types of water dishes.


Budgies (or parakeets) are active, intelligent creatures who require plenty of mental and physical stimulation. Offering toys keeps their mind active and prevents boredom-inducing behavior such as mischief-making in their cage.

Most budgie toys are small and don't take up much room in a cage, while still providing fun for your birds. Some toys encourage foraging or chewing while others provide entertainment value through movement.

Popcorn strings provide an ideal outlet for chewing. Simply spear ten to fifteen pieces of plain popcorn onto a long piece of cotton thread and tie off and hang in your cage. Budgies love talking to their mirrors and laughing at them; some will even bonk them with their beaks and "feed" from it like one owner reported.


Budgies living in dry environments may become filthy with dander and should be encouraged to bathe daily to waterproof their feathers and promote better grooming habits. Bathing also demonstrates proper behavior from them when grooming is involved!

They need time out of their cage as flying is part of their natural behavior and getting out provides exercise and socialization opportunities.

Specially-formulated pellets provide the primary source of nutrition for budgies, though supplementing it with some steamed vegetables and thumbnail-sized pieces of fruit per day (preferably wild varieties as they offer greater nutritional benefits than their domesticated counterparts).

Spending plenty of time with your budgie allows you to teach it many tricks. They are extremely intelligent creatures who can be trained to whistle tunes and communicate.