Santa Clara, CA, USA Hexathlon

Welcome to the Santa Clara, CA, USA Hexathlon!

To complete the Hexathlon, you will need to complete six challenges during the active period (15:15 - 16:45):

  1. Walk 3 km.
  2. Deploy 30 resonators (note: upgrades do not count).
  3. Make 36 successful portal hacks.
  4. Gain 30 glyph hack points.
  5. Deploy 12 mods.
  6. Collect 6 media artifacts, hacked from specific nearby portals.

Those who complete all six challenges will receive the Hexathlon in-app medal.

If you complete all six challenges and are in the top 10 percent of any one of the leaderboards, you will instead receive the elite Hexathlon medal.

In addition, each challenge will have a personal leaderboard in-app and a global leaderboard for your city, which will be updated every 5 minutes during the event.
To access your personal leaderboard, click your menu in the scanner, then click the events logo. On the events listing, click the Field Test event, then click 'Current Progress' to see your personal leaderboard.
Good luck, Agent!