Shabbat Interactive




Jewish Interactive proudly presents a fun, interactive multimedia learning environment on different aspects of Shabbat, for children aged 6 to 11 and their adult study partners.

Start Shabbat InterActive
To start Shabbat Interactive, click here.

Educator GuideFor guidance on deriving the most benefit from this unique programme, use the Educator Guide.

  • You can install the Adobe Acrobat Reader from the Adobe website.

  • You can install Adobe Flash Player from the Adobe website.
    After installation, restart your browser.

  • If a new window fails to open, you may have a 'pop-up blocker' in your browser. Try to enable the pop-ups. If a new window still does not open, click here.

This programme is for personal use only. Please do not distribute without prior consent.
Contact us on

Jewish Interactive

Version 1.0
System Requirements:

Windows or Mac
Internet Explorer 6+
Flash Player 8+
Resolution 1024x768+
Minimum RAM 500MB
Audio Capability