Kubernetes 24-Hour Test Report


Passed Failed Avg Time (s) Test
1 3 21721 Test
0 3 0 DiffResources
2 2 825 [k8s.io] Network Partition [Disruptive] [Slow] [k8s.io] [StatefulSet] should come back up if node goes down [Slow] [Disruptive]
2 2 186 [k8s.io] Restart [Disruptive] should restart all nodes and ensure all nodes and pods recover
1 2 449 [k8s.io] DNS horizontal autoscaling [Serial] [Slow] kube-dns-autoscaler should scale kube-dns pods when cluster size changed
4 1 1315 Up
3 1 421 [k8s.io] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: CPU) [k8s.io] [Serial] [Slow] Deployment Should scale from 5 pods to 3 pods and from 3 to 1
3 1 801 [k8s.io] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: CPU) [k8s.io] [Serial] [Slow] ReplicaSet Should scale from 1 pod to 3 pods and from 3 to 5
3 1 1319 [k8s.io] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: CPU) [k8s.io] [Serial] [Slow] ReplicationController Should scale from 1 pod to 3 pods and from 3 to 5 and verify decision stability
3 1 296 [k8s.io] Daemon set [Serial] Should adopt existing pods when creating a RollingUpdate DaemonSet regardless of templateGeneration
3 1 537 [k8s.io] EmptyDir wrapper volumes should not cause race condition when used for configmaps [Serial] [Slow] [Volume]
3 1 56 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl taint [Serial] should remove all the taints with the same key off a node
3 1 1491 [k8s.io] Kubelet [Serial] [Slow] [k8s.io] regular resource usage tracking resource tracking for 100 pods per node
3 1 99 [k8s.io] Network Partition [Disruptive] [Slow] [k8s.io] Pods should return to running and ready state after network partition is healed All pods on the unreachable node should be marked as NotReady upon the node turn NotReady AND all pods should be mark back to Ready when the node get back to Ready before pod eviction timeout
3 1 863 [k8s.io] Nodes [Disruptive] [k8s.io] Resize [Slow] should be able to delete nodes
3 1 1017 [k8s.io] NoExecuteTaintManager [Serial] evicts pods from tainted nodes
3 1 160 [k8s.io] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates resource limits of pods that are allowed to run [Conformance]
3 1 157 [k8s.io] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that embedding the JSON PodAffinity and PodAntiAffinity setting as a string in the annotation value work
3 1 158 [k8s.io] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that InterPodAffinity is respected if matching
3 1 1027 [k8s.io] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that NodeSelector is respected if matching [Conformance]
3 1 157 [k8s.io] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that required NodeAffinity setting is respected if matching
3 1 1028 [k8s.io] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that taints-tolerations is respected if matching
3 1 176 [k8s.io] SchedulerPriorities [Serial] Pod should avoid to schedule to node that have avoidPod annotation
3 1 168 [k8s.io] SchedulerPriorities [Serial] Pod should be prefer scheduled to node that satisify the NodeAffinity
3 1 169 [k8s.io] SchedulerPriorities [Serial] Pod should be schedule to node that don't match the PodAntiAffinity terms
3 1 169 [k8s.io] SchedulerPriorities [Serial] Pod should be schedule to node that satisify the PodAffinity
2 1 804 [k8s.io] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: CPU) [k8s.io] [Serial] [Slow] ReplicationController Should scale from 5 pods to 3 pods and from 3 to 1 and verify decision stability
2 1 166 [k8s.io] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that a pod with an invalid podAffinity is rejected because of the LabelSelectorRequirement is invalid
5 0 41 Deferred TearDown
5 0 15 Extract
5 0 7 ListResources Before
5 0 18 TearDown Previous
4 0 537 [k8s.io] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: CPU) [k8s.io] [Serial] [Slow] Deployment Should scale from 1 pod to 3 pods and from 3 to 5
4 0 620 [k8s.io] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: CPU) [k8s.io] [Serial] [Slow] ReplicaSet Should scale from 5 pods to 3 pods and from 3 to 1
4 0 24 [k8s.io] Daemon set [Serial] Should not update pod when spec was updated and update strategy is OnDelete
4 0 30 [k8s.io] Daemon set [Serial] should run and stop simple daemon
4 0 57 [k8s.io] Daemon set [Serial] Should update pod when spec was updated and update strategy is RollingUpdate
4 0 47 [k8s.io] DaemonRestart [Disruptive] Controller Manager should not create/delete replicas across restart
4 0 59 [k8s.io] DNS configMap federations should be able to change federation configuration [Slow][Serial]
4 0 62 [k8s.io] DNS configMap nameserver should be able to change stubDomain configuration [Slow][Serial]
4 0 307 [k8s.io] Dynamic Provisioning [k8s.io] DynamicProvisioner Default should be disabled by changing the default annotation[Slow] [Serial] [Disruptive] [Volume]
4 0 307 [k8s.io] Dynamic Provisioning [k8s.io] DynamicProvisioner Default should be disabled by removing the default annotation[Slow] [Serial] [Disruptive] [Volume]
4 0 163 [k8s.io] EmptyDir wrapper volumes should not cause race condition when used for git_repo [Serial] [Slow] [Volume]
4 0 54 [k8s.io] Etcd failure [Disruptive] should recover from SIGKILL
4 0 325 [k8s.io] Firewall rule [Slow] [Serial] should create valid firewall rules for LoadBalancer type service
4 0 11 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl taint [Serial] should update the taint on a node
4 0 1207 [k8s.io] Kubelet [Serial] [Slow] [k8s.io] regular resource usage tracking resource tracking for 0 pods per node
4 0 51 [k8s.io] Logging soak [Performance] [Slow] [Disruptive] should survive logging 1KB every 1s seconds, for a duration of 2m0s, scaling up to 1 pods per node
4 0 73 [k8s.io] Namespaces [Serial] should delete fast enough (90 percent of 100 namespaces in 150 seconds)
4 0 19 [k8s.io] Namespaces [Serial] should ensure that all services are removed when a namespace is deleted.
4 0 772 [k8s.io] Network Partition [Disruptive] [Slow] [k8s.io] [Job] should create new pods when node is partitioned
4 0 149 [k8s.io] NoExecuteTaintManager [Serial] doesn't evict pod with tolerations from tainted nodes
4 0 147 [k8s.io] NoExecuteTaintManager [Serial] eventually evict pod with finite tolerations from tainted nodes
4 0 158 [k8s.io] NoExecuteTaintManager [Serial] removing taint cancels eviction
4 0 223 [k8s.io] Pod Disks should be able to detach from a node which was deleted [Slow] [Disruptive] [Volume]
4 0 404 [k8s.io] Pod Disks should be able to detach from a node whose api object was deleted [Slow] [Disruptive] [Volume]
4 0 93 [k8s.io] Rescheduler [Serial] should ensure that critical pod is scheduled in case there is no resources available
4 0 66 [k8s.io] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that a pod with an invalid NodeAffinity is rejected
4 0 84 [k8s.io] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that Inter-pod-Affinity is respected if not matching
4 0 87 [k8s.io] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that InterPodAffinity is respected if matching with multiple Affinities
4 0 107 [k8s.io] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that InterPodAntiAffinity is respected if matching 2
4 0 83 [k8s.io] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that NodeAffinity is respected if not matching
4 0 80 [k8s.io] Services should work after restarting apiserver [Disruptive]
4 0 0 get kubeconfig
4 0 0 IsUp
4 0 0 kubectl version
4 0 0 list nodes
4 0 10 ListResources After
4 0 8 ListResources Down
4 0 9 ListResources Up
4 0 319 TearDown
3 0 34 [k8s.io] Daemon set [Serial] should retry creating failed daemon pods
3 0 39 [k8s.io] Daemon set [Serial] Should rollback without unnecessary restarts
3 0 20 [k8s.io] Daemon set [Serial] should run and stop complex daemon
3 0 26 [k8s.io] Daemon set [Serial] should run and stop complex daemon with node affinity
3 0 90 [k8s.io] DaemonRestart [Disruptive] Kubelet should not restart containers across restart
3 0 45 [k8s.io] DaemonRestart [Disruptive] Scheduler should continue assigning pods to nodes across restart
3 0 59 [k8s.io] Etcd failure [Disruptive] should recover from network partition with master
3 0 39 [k8s.io] Namespaces [Serial] should ensure that all pods are removed when a namespace is deleted.
3 0 745 [k8s.io] Network Partition [Disruptive] [Slow] [k8s.io] [ReplicationController] should eagerly create replacement pod during network partition when termination grace is non-zero
3 0 383 [k8s.io] Network Partition [Disruptive] [Slow] [k8s.io] [ReplicationController] should recreate pods scheduled on the unreachable node AND allow scheduling of pods on a node after it rejoins the cluster
3 0 766 [k8s.io] Network Partition [Disruptive] [Slow] [k8s.io] [StatefulSet] should not reschedule stateful pods if there is a network partition [Slow] [Disruptive]
3 0 850 [k8s.io] Nodes [Disruptive] [k8s.io] Resize [Slow] should be able to add nodes
3 0 253 [k8s.io] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates MaxPods limit number of pods that are allowed to run [Slow]
3 0 88 [k8s.io] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that InterPod Affinity and AntiAffinity is respected if matching
3 0 83 [k8s.io] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that NodeSelector is respected if not matching [Conformance]
3 0 89 [k8s.io] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that taints-tolerations is respected if not matching
3 0 104 [k8s.io] SchedulerPriorities [Serial] Pod should perfer to scheduled to nodes pod can tolerate
3 0 105 [k8s.io] Services should work after restarting kube-proxy [Disruptive]
3 0 55 DumpClusterLogs
1 0 90 DumpClusterLogs (--up failed)