Kubernetes 24-Hour Test Report


Passed Failed Avg Time (s) Test
31 1 29 [k8s.io] Security Context when creating a pod in the host network namespace should listen on same port in the host network containers
64 0 88 [k8s.io] Projected optional updates should be reflected in volume [Conformance] [Volume]
64 0 29 [k8s.io] Projected should be consumable from pods in volume [Conformance] [Volume]
64 0 30 [k8s.io] Projected should be consumable from pods in volume with defaultMode set [Conformance] [Volume]
64 0 28 [k8s.io] Projected should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 31 [k8s.io] AppArmor [Feature:AppArmor] when running with AppArmor should enforce a permissive profile
32 0 29 [k8s.io] AppArmor [Feature:AppArmor] when running with AppArmor should enforce a profile blocking writes
32 0 52 [k8s.io] AppArmor [Feature:AppArmor] when running with AppArmor should reject an unloaded profile
32 0 77 [k8s.io] ConfigMap optional updates should be reflected in volume [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with defaultMode and fsGroup set [Feature:FSGroup] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with FSGroup [Feature:FSGroup] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with defaultMode set [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 31 [k8s.io] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 28 [k8s.io] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings and Item mode set[Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings as non-root [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 28 [k8s.io] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings as non-root with FSGroup [Feature:FSGroup] [Volume]
32 0 27 [k8s.io] ConfigMap should be consumable in multiple volumes in the same pod [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] ConfigMap should be consumable via environment variable [Conformance]
32 0 27 [k8s.io] ConfigMap should be consumable via the environment [Conformance]
32 0 83 [k8s.io] ConfigMap updates should be reflected in volume [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 82 [k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart exec hook properly [Conformance]
32 0 71 [k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart http hook properly [Conformance]
32 0 83 [k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop exec hook properly [Conformance]
32 0 67 [k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop http hook properly [Conformance]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Container Runtime Conformance Test container runtime conformance blackbox test when running a container with a new image should be able to pull from private registry with secret [Conformance]
32 0 28 [k8s.io] Container Runtime Conformance Test container runtime conformance blackbox test when running a container with a new image should be able to pull image from docker hub [Conformance]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Container Runtime Conformance Test container runtime conformance blackbox test when running a container with a new image should be able to pull image from gcr.io [Conformance]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Container Runtime Conformance Test container runtime conformance blackbox test when running a container with a new image should not be able to pull from private registry without secret [Conformance]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] Container Runtime Conformance Test container runtime conformance blackbox test when running a container with a new image should not be able to pull image from invalid registry [Conformance]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Container Runtime Conformance Test container runtime conformance blackbox test when running a container with a new image should not be able to pull non-existing image from gcr.io [Conformance]
32 0 48 [k8s.io] Container Runtime Conformance Test container runtime conformance blackbox test when starting a container that exits it should run with the expected status [Conformance]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Container Runtime Conformance Test container runtime conformance blackbox test when starting a container that exits should report termination message as empty when pod succeeds and TerminationMessagePolicy FallbackToLogOnError is set
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Container Runtime Conformance Test container runtime conformance blackbox test when starting a container that exits should report termination message from file when pod succeeds and TerminationMessagePolicy FallbackToLogOnError is set [Conformance]
32 0 27 [k8s.io] Container Runtime Conformance Test container runtime conformance blackbox test when starting a container that exits should report termination message from log output if TerminationMessagePolicy FallbackToLogOnError is set [Conformance]
32 0 28 [k8s.io] Container Runtime Conformance Test container runtime conformance blackbox test when starting a container that exits should report termination message if TerminationMessagePath is set [Conformance]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] Container Runtime Conformance Test container runtime conformance blackbox test when starting a container that exits should report termination message if TerminationMessagePath is set as non-root user and at a non-default path [Conformance]
32 0 32 [k8s.io] ContainerLogPath Pod with a container printed log to stdout should print log to correct log path
32 0 28 [k8s.io] Docker Containers should be able to override the image's default arguments (docker cmd) [Conformance]
32 0 26 [k8s.io] Docker Containers should be able to override the image's default command and arguments [Conformance]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Docker Containers should be able to override the image's default commmand (docker entrypoint) [Conformance]
32 0 27 [k8s.io] Docker Containers should use the image defaults if command and args are blank [Conformance]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Downward API should provide container's limits.cpu/memory and requests.cpu/memory as env vars [Conformance]
32 0 28 [k8s.io] Downward API should provide default limits.cpu/memory from node allocatable [Conformance]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] Downward API should provide pod and host IP as an env var [Conformance]
32 0 28 [k8s.io] Downward API should provide pod name and namespace as env vars [Conformance]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Downward API volume should provide container's cpu limit [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Downward API volume should provide container's cpu request [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] Downward API volume should provide container's memory limit [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 28 [k8s.io] Downward API volume should provide container's memory request [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 28 [k8s.io] Downward API volume should provide node allocatable (cpu) as default cpu limit if the limit is not set [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] Downward API volume should provide node allocatable (memory) as default memory limit if the limit is not set [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 28 [k8s.io] Downward API volume should provide podname as non-root with fsgroup [Feature:FSGroup] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] Downward API volume should provide podname as non-root with fsgroup and defaultMode [Feature:FSGroup] [Volume]
32 0 28 [k8s.io] Downward API volume should provide podname only [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] Downward API volume should set DefaultMode on files [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Downward API volume should set mode on item file [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 95 [k8s.io] Downward API volume should update annotations on modification [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 91 [k8s.io] Downward API volume should update labels on modification [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0644,default) [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0644,tmpfs) [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0666,default) [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0666,tmpfs) [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 26 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0777,default) [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0777,tmpfs) [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0644,default) [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 28 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0644,tmpfs) [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0666,default) [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0666,tmpfs) [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 27 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0777,default) [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 31 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0777,tmpfs) [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 28 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes volume on default medium should have the correct mode [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes volume on tmpfs should have the correct mode [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [Feature:FSGroup] files with FSGroup ownership should support (root,0644,tmpfs) [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [Feature:FSGroup] new files should be created with FSGroup ownership when container is non-root [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [Feature:FSGroup] new files should be created with FSGroup ownership when container is root [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [Feature:FSGroup] nonexistent volume subPath should have the correct mode and owner using FSGroup [Volume]
32 0 28 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [Feature:FSGroup] volume on default medium should have the correct mode using FSGroup [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [Feature:FSGroup] volume on tmpfs should have the correct mode using FSGroup [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] HostPath should give a volume the correct mode [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] HostPath should support r/w [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] HostPath should support subPath [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] ImageID should be set to the manifest digest (from RepoDigests) when available
32 0 64 [k8s.io] InitContainer should invoke init containers on a RestartAlways pod
32 0 31 [k8s.io] InitContainer should invoke init containers on a RestartNever pod
32 0 30 [k8s.io] InitContainer should not start app containers and fail the pod if init containers fail on a RestartNever pod
32 0 152 [k8s.io] InitContainer should not start app containers if init containers fail on a RestartAlways pod
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Kubelet Cgroup Manager Pod containers On scheduling a BestEffort Pod Pod containers should have been created under the BestEffort cgroup
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Kubelet Cgroup Manager Pod containers On scheduling a Burstable Pod Pod containers should have been created under the Burstable cgroup
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Kubelet Cgroup Manager Pod containers On scheduling a Guaranteed Pod Pod containers should have been created under the cgroup-root
32 0 27 [k8s.io] Kubelet Cgroup Manager QOS containers On enabling QOS cgroup hierarchy Top level QoS containers should have been created
32 0 31 [k8s.io] Kubelet Volume Manager Volume Manager On terminatation of pod with memory backed volume should remove the volume from the node
32 0 76 [k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox command in a pod it should print the output to logs [Conformance]
32 0 27 [k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox command that always fails in a pod should be possible to delete
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox command that always fails in a pod should have an error terminated reason
32 0 77 [k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox Pod with hostAliases it should write entries to /etc/hosts
32 0 75 [k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a read only busybox container it should not write to root filesystem [Conformance]
32 0 77 [k8s.io] KubeletManagedEtcHosts should test kubelet managed /etc/hosts file [Conformance]
32 0 40 [k8s.io] MirrorPod when create a mirror pod should be recreated when mirror pod forcibly deleted [Conformance]
32 0 39 [k8s.io] MirrorPod when create a mirror pod should be recreated when mirror pod gracefully deleted [Conformance]
32 0 36 [k8s.io] MirrorPod when create a mirror pod should be updated when static pod updated [Conformance]
32 0 74 [k8s.io] Networking [k8s.io] Granular Checks: Pods should function for intra-pod communication: http [Conformance]
32 0 75 [k8s.io] Networking [k8s.io] Granular Checks: Pods should function for intra-pod communication: udp [Conformance]
32 0 74 [k8s.io] Networking [k8s.io] Granular Checks: Pods should function for node-pod communication: http [Conformance]
32 0 76 [k8s.io] Networking [k8s.io] Granular Checks: Pods should function for node-pod communication: udp [Conformance]
32 0 107 [k8s.io] NodeProblemDetector [k8s.io] SystemLogMonitor should generate node condition and events for corresponding errors
32 0 33 [k8s.io] Pods should allow activeDeadlineSeconds to be updated [Conformance]
32 0 34 [k8s.io] Pods should be submitted and removed [Conformance]
32 0 63 [k8s.io] Pods should be updated [Conformance]
32 0 1649 [k8s.io] Pods should cap back-off at MaxContainerBackOff [Slow]
32 0 61 [k8s.io] Pods should contain environment variables for services [Conformance]
32 0 57 [k8s.io] Pods should get a host IP [Conformance]
32 0 458 [k8s.io] Pods should have their auto-restart back-off timer reset on image update [Slow]
32 0 76 [k8s.io] Pods should support remote command execution over websockets
32 0 77 [k8s.io] Pods should support retrieving logs from the container over websockets
32 0 72 [k8s.io] PrivilegedPod should enable privileged commands
32 0 145 [k8s.io] Probing container should *not* be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe [Conformance]
32 0 147 [k8s.io] Probing container should *not* be restarted with a exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe [Conformance]
32 0 46 [k8s.io] Probing container should be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe [Conformance]
32 0 76 [k8s.io] Probing container should be restarted with a exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe [Conformance]
32 0 165 [k8s.io] Probing container should have monotonically increasing restart count [Conformance] [Slow]
32 0 78 [k8s.io] Probing container with readiness probe should not be ready before initial delay and never restart [Conformance]
32 0 116 [k8s.io] Probing container with readiness probe that fails should never be ready and never restart [Conformance]
32 0 60 [k8s.io] Projected should be able to mount in a volume regardless of a different secret existing with same name in different namespace [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] Projected should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Projected should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with defaultMode and fsGroup set [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] Projected should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with defaultMode and fsGroup set [Feature:FSGroup] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Projected should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with FSGroup [Feature:FSGroup] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Projected should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings and Item Mode set [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 28 [k8s.io] Projected should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings and Item mode set[Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 28 [k8s.io] Projected should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings as non-root [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Projected should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings as non-root with FSGroup [Feature:FSGroup] [Volume]
32 0 28 [k8s.io] Projected should be consumable in multiple volumes in a pod [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Projected should be consumable in multiple volumes in the same pod [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 28 [k8s.io] Projected should project all components that make up the projection API [Conformance] [Volume] [Projection]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Projected should provide container's cpu limit [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Projected should provide container's cpu request [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 27 [k8s.io] Projected should provide container's memory limit [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Projected should provide container's memory request [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] Projected should provide node allocatable (cpu) as default cpu limit if the limit is not set [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 28 [k8s.io] Projected should provide node allocatable (memory) as default memory limit if the limit is not set [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 28 [k8s.io] Projected should provide podname as non-root with fsgroup [Feature:FSGroup] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] Projected should provide podname as non-root with fsgroup and defaultMode [Feature:FSGroup] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] Projected should provide podname only [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] Projected should set DefaultMode on files [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] Projected should set mode on item file [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 95 [k8s.io] Projected should update annotations on modification [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 89 [k8s.io] Projected should update labels on modification [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 86 [k8s.io] Projected updates should be reflected in volume [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 93 [k8s.io] Secrets optional updates should be reflected in volume [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 56 [k8s.io] Secrets should be able to mount in a volume regardless of a different secret existing with same name in different namespace [Volume]
32 0 31 [k8s.io] Secrets should be consumable from pods in env vars [Conformance]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with defaultMode and fsGroup set [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume with defaultMode set [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 31 [k8s.io] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings and Item Mode set [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Secrets should be consumable in multiple volumes in a pod [Conformance] [Volume]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Secrets should be consumable via the environment [Conformance]
32 0 26 [k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsUser should run the container with uid 0
32 0 27 [k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsUser should run the container with uid 65534
32 0 30 [k8s.io] Security Context when creating a pod in the host IPC namespace should not show the shared memory ID in the non-hostIPC containers
32 0 30 [k8s.io] Security Context when creating a pod in the host IPC namespace should show the shared memory ID in the host IPC containers
32 0 31 [k8s.io] Security Context when creating a pod in the host network namespace shouldn't show the same port in the non-hostnetwork containers
32 0 62 [k8s.io] Security Context when creating a pod in the host PID namespace should not show its pid in the non-hostpid containers
32 0 61 [k8s.io] Security Context when creating a pod in the host PID namespace should show its pid in the host PID namespace
32 0 64 [k8s.io] SimpleMount should be able to mount an emptydir on a container
32 0 131 [k8s.io] Summary API when querying /stats/summary should report resource usage through the stats api
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Sysctls should not launch unsafe, but not explicitly enabled sysctls on the node
32 0 27 [k8s.io] Sysctls should reject invalid sysctls
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Sysctls should support sysctls
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Sysctls should support unsafe sysctls which are actually whitelisted
32 0 28 [k8s.io] Variable Expansion should allow composing env vars into new env vars [Conformance]
32 0 30 [k8s.io] Variable Expansion should allow substituting values in a container's args [Conformance]
32 0 29 [k8s.io] Variable Expansion should allow substituting values in a container's command [Conformance]