Several effective ways to activate autophagy, i.e. how to turn on an automatic cleaner that will clean your body

As you probably already know, the autophagy process is a breakthrough in the medical field that can help you in many ways.
This article explains how to enable the autophagy process and what you can do to make it even more effective.

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Intermittent Fasting

The use of periodic fasting activates the autophagy process most strongly.
Fasting is a biological stress factor that triggers metabolic processes to promote overall health.
Reintroducing food deprivation into everyday life and by imitating the eating habits of our ancestors who did not have constant access to food, you restore the body to a state in which you can take place many beneficial processes.
Studies of contemporary hunter-gatherer communities that regularly experience ketosis and fasting cycles show that ailments such as heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Crohn's disease, and cancer are unknown among these people.

Ketogenic Diet

A ketogenic diet, i.e. a high fat diet, is a very powerful autophagy inducer because it puts the body into a state of ketosis.
When cells burn ketones as fuel, much less reactive oxygen species are produced than when cells burn glucose. Essentially, ketones are a much "cleaner" source of energy than glucose, meaning less mitochondrial damage is as a result than when the fuel is glucose.
When you switch your body to burn fat (including ketones), you reduce the amount of sugar available to cancer cells. You also reduce the reactive oxygen species that cells are exposed to, thus lowering the likelihood of cancer developing.
Ketones are structurally similar to branched chain amino acids (the body prefers the former), allowing your body to conserve protein and allow you to eat less protein while retaining or even building muscle mass.
Research suggests that an important benefit of ketones is that it protects brain cells that are exposed to hydrogen peroxide - often found in the brains of people with neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
Ketones upregulate (intensify) the mitochondrial biogenesis of the brain - this means that they help the body increase its ability to produce more energy by increasing the number of mitochondria.
One of the most interesting features of ketones is that they use signaling abilities, including the ability to induce gene expression, i.e. activate some genes and deactivate others. This is extremely important because it can change the way cells respond to factors of internal or external origin that affect our health. The activation of certain genes may increase resistance to stress, unexpectedly accelerate metabolism, support self-regeneration mechanisms, stimulate the production of antioxidants, and even extend life.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that in some people fasting or switching to a low-carb diet produces a mild feeling of euphoria, suggesting that ketones play an important role in experiencing well-being.
Fortunately, in the 21st century, many scientific studies have been published confirming the metabolic benefits of nutritional ketosis. They have started to clear up the misunderstanding, along with the accounts of people experiencing these benefits, so that more therapists and even conventional medicine practitioners - until now completely unfamiliar with nutrition - are opening up to the benefits of this dietary intervention.

Intensive Exercise

Scientific research clearly confirms that intense physical exercise enhances the autophagy process.
Additionally, intense physical activity helps flush toxins out of the body through sweat, which is considered the basis of an effective detoxification program.

Coconut oil

Most of the beneficial properties of coconut oil come from the medium-chain triglycerides, also known as MCT, contained in it.
According to Dr. Bruce Fife, MCT oil allows you to quickly reach a state of intense ketosis that initiates the process of autophagy.