Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Light Manager collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users (each, a "User") of the Light Manager mobile app ("App").

Personal identification information

Light Manager does not collect or use any personal identification information that may be used to identify or contact you. Light Manager does not collect or use names, email addresses, telephone numbers, credit card numbers, account numbers or other information that would enable Light Manager to identify you.

Non-personal identification information

Light Manager does allow third-party companies to collect certain non-personal identification information for the purposes of behavioral advertising. These companies may utilize cookies, pixels or other technologies to collect and use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., hashed data, click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your use of the app in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you.

We may also use certain non-personal identification information to internally analyze, develop and improve the app. We take seriously the security of all information associated with the app and take all reasonable precautions to protect this information.

Changes to this privacy policy

We have the discretion to update this privacy policy at any time. When we do, we will post a notification on the site. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications.

Your acceptance of these terms

By using this App, you signify your acceptance of this policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our App. Your continued use of the App following the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.