What You Can Expect From BDJ Fitness

Over the last 20 plus years our personal training programs have helped Fort Smith men and women just like you see amazing results. I could talk all day about our programs but I will let you hear straight from the people who have experienced these real results for themselves.  

BDJ Fitness Client Amazing Results

In April of 2015 I started working with Brian. I was concerned about the added cost and if I would be able to do the workouts. I was afraid I was going to embarrass myself. However Brian is a great motivator and tailors the workout to you. The difference now is night and day. I've went from struggling to complete a workout to now conquering every minute! If you have been considering training with Brian, let me tell you it is incredible. Just do it! He won't let you fail. — James Durham

Alejandra lost 20 pounds in 90 days

"My fitness journey began again in August of 2016. This wasn't my first time working out. I was a Professional Boxer and Certified Personal Trainer, Zumba and Yoga instructor. However, knowing what to do, and doing it are entirely different things. 

I knew the only way I was going to escape my depression, both physical and emotional, was to get back to working out and feeling confident about myself and my body. In August 2016 I went to my long time friend and trainer Brian Jones to get me in the best shape of my life. We went straight to work and it has been nothing but progress ever since." 

- Alejandra Lopez-Daniels 

Beau Fore Showing 80 pound weight loss

"I began working with Brian when I moved to Fort Smith in June of 2016. Although I was always active playing Rugby and working out I had put on lots of unwanted weight. 

Soon after I began competing in Strongman Competitions and have lost almost 80 pounds and massively increased my strength and conditioning. I have competed in over 5 Strongman Competition across the country and will train for many more." 

- Beau Fore

I Want To See Results Like This For Myself!
Elizabeth smiling about her dramatic health improvements

"Before I started training with Brian I was frustrated at my lack of energy, I didn’t sleep well, my clothes wouldn’t fit me and I could not lose any weight. Brian has been my son’s boxing trainer since he was 13 years old. He told me about Brian’s 14 Day Fat Annihilator Workout and Nutrition Plan. I started training with Brian in August of 2016. 

 I lost 11 pounds in the first 7 days and a total of 14 after the first month. The workouts are very structured; Brian makes it fun. No thinking required, all I have to do is show up, Brian tells me exactly what I need to do. My arthritis is gone and my metabolism is fired back up. I wish I had done this sooner. Hiring a personal trainer has given me the peace of mind that I am doing exercises correctly and following the right plan to reach my goals. At 51 years old I feel better than I did when I was in my forties. I can’t thank Brian enough for how he has changed my life and the way I look at food and how I feel in my clothes today.” Elizabeth Cooper  

"Before I started working with Brian I struggled to gain muscle. I became interested in training with Brian when I had seen the results of some of the other women he trained. I wasn't good at working out on my own. I needed positive motivation and that is exactly what I got with Brian. I was worried that I wasn't going to be able to lift some of the weight I saw the other women doing but I did. Brian gave me that confidence. Now I have a lot more energy and my body doesn’t ache as much. We do drills and exercises that are fun. You are having fun with a group of people, but the results are real. I love Brian and The Next Level. In my opinion there is no one better or more professional. If you are thinking about working with Brian, I promise you won’t regret it." -Mamie Banks  

Longtime BDJ Fitness Client Mamie Banks Doing Bicep Curls
BDJ Fitness Client Shane Morris On Monkey Bars

"I was looking for a new direction for my personal fitness goals. I wanted more intense workouts to become stronger and have more muscular definition. I now have more confidence in my ability to lift more and do more. Then environment is very comfortable for everyone; beginner or experienced. I tell everyone who asks this is a MUST TRY!!! Everyone is helpful and encouraging and offers lots of support whether you can lift 5 lbs or 500 lbs. We all work together in a very positive atmosphere." - Shane Morris

"This is a GREAT workout for getting FIT, FIT for 5 k’s, FIT for mud runs, FIT for backpacking. This class is for men and women who are looking for something that will give you results, if you are willing to give it 100%". - Phillip Weinsinger

Longtime BDJ Fitness Client Phillip Weinsinger doing High Pulls
Longtime BDJ Fitness Client Matt Seibenmorgen competing in Arkansas Strongest Man Competition

""I was never able to stay consistent with working out. I was staying just fit enough to not be out of shape. I've gotten so much stronger as a whole. I have a lot more self-confidence, and I'm improving on getting my eating habits under control. If you decide to train with Brian you won't regret it. It'll be the best decision you'll make. He figures out what works best for you, and makes it an enjoyable experience along the way." -Matt Siebenmorgen

"I'm leaner and stronger. Before I could never do pushups but now I can crank them out with no problem. I have also become a stronger runner. I have more endurance and can run at a faster pace. I've lost all of my pregnancy weight and an additional 10 pounds. I have more energy to keep up with my 2 year old toddler and my twin infants. If you are looking to get healthier and stronger in a positive environment definitely try it!" -Mary Cotta 

BDJ Fitness client Mary Cotta cleaning an axle bar

"I started working with Brian 4 years ago when I noticed that doing physical chores were getting harder, and felt like I was getting old too soon.

I didn't know if I could handle the workouts. Brian was patient and taught the correct way to workout so not to get hurt, and make steady gains. I have lost 28 pounds and my blood pressure and cholesterol is much better. Brian trains for everyday life, he works well with people, and is a no nonsense trainer."'

- Mark Bradley

BDJ Fitness Client Alex Lynch

"" I began in June 2016. I was a little overweight and had high blood pressure so I knew I had to make a healthy lifestyle change. I was tired all the time and had no energy. The workouts Brian does are not overwhelming. You can go at your own pace but at the same time he gives you direction and shows you the proper way to do each workout. Over the past 6 months I have lost 15 lbs. and my clothes fit better and I have more energy and self confidence. At first I was a little skeptical but after the first week working with Brian I knew it was all worth it." - Alex Lynch

" I began in March 2014 with a friend who talked me into to going. I knew it would be hard and I wasn’t sure about getting up so early in the morning.What I like the most is that in only 30 minutes a day I have lost weight, built stronger muscles and have lower cholesterol and normal blood pressure. Since I began training with Brian I am in better health, feel better about myself and move faster on the tennis court. Brian is very professional and has a vast amount of knowledge of proper exercise and nutrition. If you’ve been thinking about it I would just say suck it up and do it! - Sally Bracken 

"Brian keeps it fun and exciting while working to achieve whatever your personal goals may be. If you prefer a more one on one workout environment, BDJ Fitness and The Iron Warehouse are for you."

-Liz Gunsolus

Liz Pressing Log
Sherrie Deadlifting

"I love the workouts. Having Brian Jones as a personal trainer is the first step to success. A month in and I am still excited when it's training day. I always feel great and that I have accomplished something productive to my goal when I walk out the door."

-Sherrie Clem

These people are my real clients...not stock fitness photos. 

They were people who just like you, were nervous and unsure about getting started. They were nervous about being embarrassed to struggle in front of others. They were afraid they would look foolish if they weren't sure how to do something. The only difference between you and them is that they took ACTION!