update: 12-04-2018

Why hire a professional HVAC person for your Heating

In-Floor Heating Calgary - Radiant Heating - DHL Mechanical

DHL Mechanical with our advanced technology and experienced plumbers, we can repair your water heating system , provide quality products and services at the most competitive costs. Our specialization includes any installation, repairs, emergency repairs, and seasonal and preventive maintenance.

hot water heating systems are highly complex in the design and construction. They have a boiler and a storage system, inlet and outlet pipes, network of the insulated piping system, radiant panels, and the sensors and controllers in every room. The boilers use the gas, oil, or the electric power for heating the water. Such complex systems require installation, customization, maintenance and repair procedures from the initial stages through the working of the system. The professional HVAC person will have the expertise and the experience of working with the various sizes and capacities of the boilers and the network. The Hydronic systems are commonly used for their design and performance efficiency. The other systems use forced air and steam. .

Professional HVAC – Planning Procedures

Planning is the primary procedure for the efficient heating system installation. It includes material requirement, manpower, project schedule, task allocation, and monitoring. The professional HVAC expert works in a team of technicians and the workmen. They can simplify the procedures from the start to the completion.

Material Planning

Material planning helps in procuring all the required materials before the installation. It avoids waste and saves you money. An experienced HVAC person can select the most efficient and durable materials which work under harsh climatic conditions.

Equipment Planning

The machinery and the equipment required for the installation and configuration of the heating system will vary depending on the project volume and type. The professional HVAC person will have access to the latest technology based equipment and tools. He can accomplish the tasks within the schedule deadlines by the efficient coordination between the team members. He can assign the individual tasks to the team members based on their efficiency and limitations.

Project Execution

An efficient HVAC person can monitor the project progress from the start to the completion according to the prepared plan. He will be able to device the troubleshooting procedures in case of any unforeseen problems. He can split the project execution into many manageable steps. Analysis and progress tracking during each stage will eliminate the probability of errors. The approach also increases the output efficiency and help in the project completion within the planned budget. Feasibility analysis at every stage of the project helps in optimizing the material resources, while increasing the installation and configuration efficiency.

Professional HVAC – Technical Expertise

The professional HVAC person has the technical expertise of handling the customization of the installation procedures. Safety is one of the key parameters handled by the expert. He takes care of choosing the right material and methods for the installation support and configuration.

Fuel Efficiency

The manufacturers may claim their products to be highly fuel efficient while hating. But the wrong configuration of the boiler with the outlet pipes and the heating network can automatically increase the fuel consumption rate. It is due to the faster cooling of the heated water that circulates through the Hydronic network and returns to the boiler. An experienced HVAC professional can design the network from the boiler to the radiant panels in an efficient manner. The PEX pipes can preserve the heat within the pipes and extend the heat retention period considerably. At the same time, the insulation used on the exterior pipes also plays an important role in the conservation of heat. The seamless connectivity between the venting, fuel supply piping, and the rest of the internal connections also play an important role in the efficient functionality of the heating system. The customization of these systems for homes and commercial establishments requires the knowledge of the plumbing, electrical works, and the fuel efficiency management. Only the experienced HVAC professional will have the knowledge and the skill for performing the complex tasks without risks.

Efficient Heating Mechanism

The HVAC professional can install the piping and the panels in the rooms to effect maximum heating within the shortest time. It is because he understands the way in which the radiant heating system works in various climatic conditions. Positioning of the panels within the rooms plays an important role in the efficient heating. For example, the bedroom with too much wooden furniture may require the panels to be installed at the center. The drawing room on the other hand requires well spread out design for the panel installation. The heating system may not work as efficiently as expectations, even when there are no obstacles in the room. It is because there are no heat-absorbing and retention objects. In such cases the HVAC professional may recommend the carpeting of the floor with the woolen or synthetic material. In some cases he may suggest the layout of flooring over the existing floor for increasing the heating efficiency. In such cases the radiant heating panels will be installed between the old flooring and the new flooring. Besides improving the heating efficiency, the system will also make it simp0le for the post installation maintenance. An experienced HVAC professional will consider all these parameters during the installation and configuration.

Piping Design

The piping material and the distance between the boiler and the radiant panels determine how fast the room gets heated. The retention of the heat load by the flowing water will also vary based on the distance. If the piping is on the same floor, the expert can calculate the shortest possible distances and install the system accordingly. Even in such cases he has to consider the possibility of heat loss due to the proximity from the water supply pipes, sewage lines, and the other plumbing works. An experienced HVAC expert will know how to lay out the pipes away from the existing lines. Extension of the radiant heating pipes into the first floor and above is a challenging task for the experienced professionals also. They have to analyze the flooring architecture in each case and make changes to the piping design. Moreover, the design may also vary for each floor. An efficient HVAC expert will know the most efficient piping design which can save you on the material costs, besides devising the methods for increasing the heating efficiency.