[mIRCStats parser configuration file] // File information (these lines are shown in mIRCStats) [File Description] Addict script for mIRC [Author] Ave // Allowed variables are: // // Single-word variables: // %nick%, %nick2%, %addr%, %channelname%, %monthname%, %ampm%, %anyword% // // Numeric variables: // %hour%, %minute%, %second%, // %day%, %month%, %year%, %anynum% // // Multi-word variables (only one allowed per line): // %text%, %mode%, %anytext% // Main rules: // - Variables have to be delimited by some non-variable characters like [%hour%:%minute%] // (unless they are fixed length ones like %2hour% (2-digit numeric hour). // - You can only use one multi-word variable per line. // - Don't use the same variable multiple times on any line. // - Use "Test Parser" option to verify your new parsing rules ("Log parser"-settings page). // - Check mIRCStats help for more info ("Setting options/Log parser") // ----------------Parser configuration rules start here------------------------------- // timestamp parsing rules: [timestamp] [%hour%:%minute%] [%2hour%:%2minute%] [%hour% %minute%] // Parsing patterns in order of probability: [Normal line] 0-[ 00%nick%0 ]- 15%text% 0-[ 14%nick%0 ]- 15%text% 0-[ 10%nick%0 ]- 15%text% 0-[ 15%nick%0 ]- 15%text% [Join] 10----00 %nick%09 has joined channel 10---- [Part] 10----00 %nick%09 has left 00%channelname% 10---- [Quit] 10----00 %nick%09 has quit irc 0(09%text%0) 10---- [Mode change] * %nick% sets mode: %mode% *** %nick% sets mode: %mode% [Session Start] Session Start: %anyword% %monthname% %day% %hour%:%minute%:%second% %year% [Session Close] Session Close: %anyword% %monthname% %day% %hour%:%minute%:%second% %year% [Session Time] Session Time: %anyword% %monthname% %day% %hour%:%minute%:%second% %year% [Channelname] 10----09 Now talking in 00%channelname% 10---- Session Ident: %channelname% [Rename] 10---- 00%nick%09 is now known as 00%nick2% 10---- * %nick% is now known as %nick2% *** %nick% is now known as %nick2% [Topic change] 10---- 00%nick% 09changes topic to: 09%text% 10---- [Kick] 10----00 %nick%09 was kicked by 00%nick2% 0(09%text% 12‹%anynum%%anynum%›0) 10---- [Mode +o] 10=>00 %nick%09 has opped 00%text% 10<= [Mode -o] [Mode +v] 10=>09 You have been voiced by 00 %nick% 10<= 10=>09 You have been voiced by 00 Q 10<= [Mode -v] [Mode +b] 10=>00 %nick%09 has banned 00%text% 0(09%anyword%0) 09in 00%channelname% 10<= [Mode -b] 10=>00 %nick%09 has unbanned 00%text% 09in 00%channelname% 10<= [Action] * %nick% %text% // If you use %monthname% in your parser configuration // you need to define 12 month strings that are converted // into a month number here [Month names] Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec