About the privacy policy that applies to the applications users.

Developer (Nobuyuki Yamamoto) abbreviated as A.

Users abbreviated as B.

1.  (general rule). We are subject to the Personal Information Protection Law and related protection laws.

This privacy policy applies to the applications provided by A.

2.  Basically, our applications could collect/share user's data of the installed devices. About the information that the applications provided by us may obtain.

B 's

o   Full name

o   mail address

o   SNS account name

o   Terminal information

o   Etc.

These must/will be used only for the purpose of improving the function and quality of the applications.


If a module is incorporated into the applications provided by A, it is possible to collect and share the following data types automatically for advertising, analytics, and fraud prevention purposes. All of the collected user data is encrypted in transit using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol.

o   IP address, including app launch, taps, and video views.

o   Diagnostic information related to the performance of your app and the SDK, including crash logs, app launch time, hang rate, and energy usage.

o   Device and Account identifiers including Android advertising (ad) ID, app set ID, and, if applicable, other identifiers related to signed-in accounts on the device.


3.  We will take all possible measures to manage the information acquired by the applications.


4.  Any changes to this policy will be posted on our website.


If you have any questions, please contact nyamamoto721@gmail.com.

End of the policy

dated June 2, 2022