Privacy Statement & Consent for use of the Nutricia at Home - Nurse Connect App

Nutricia at Home - Nurse Connect App knows that you care how your personal data is used and we recognise the importance of protecting your privacy.

This Privacy Statement explains how Nutricia Australia Pty Limited, (ABN 99 076 246 752) and all its subsidiaries (“Nutricia”) collect and manage your personal data in the Nutricia at Home - Nurse Connect App (“App”). It contains information on what data we collect, how we use it, why we need it and how it can benefit you.

CONSENT - By ticking the ‘Read & Consent to Privacy Statement’ check box, before logging into the App you are confirming you have read and understood the contents of this statement, and consent to using the Nutricia at Home - Nurse Connect App. If you DO NOT tick the check box you are not consenting to using the App and will therefore not be able to login.

CONTACT US - If you have any queries or comments, or if you want to make a request regarding your data you can find more details including how to contact us at

or write to us at;

Privacy Officer, PO Box 1007, North Ryde BC, NSW1670, AUSTRALIA

This privacy statement was last updated on 18 December 2019.

Our Privacy Commitment

We will only collect, hold, use and otherwise handle your data in the App for the purposes set out in this Privacy Statement, and in our Privacy Policy located at, and at all times in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

CONSENT - By consenting to use the Nutricia at Home - Nurse Connect App you are explicitly consenting to the use of your personal data for the purposes of delivering the service to you in this way. If you choose not to share your personal data with us, you should not continue to use the App. Your further data rights are expressed later in this document.

Information We Collect & Why

We collect the information outlined in this Privacy Statement for the purposes of delivering the App and related services to you, and for any other purpose as set out in this Privacy Statement or our Privacy Policy.

Usage & Log Information

The App must receive or collect some information to operate, provide, improve, understand, customise, and support it, including when you install, access, or use the App. If this information is not provided to us, your interaction with the App will be limited and you may not experience the full functionality of the App.

We use third party software to provide this service, part of which will capture your usage of the App including information about your activity (how you use the App, how you interact with others using our App, and the time, frequency, and duration of your activities and interactions), log files, and diagnostic, crash, and performance logs and reports. This is for us to provide a better experience for our users. No personally identifiable information, images or text are recorded, other than if you choose to share this information within the App service, and then only as specified in this Privacy Statement.

CONSENT - Continued use of the Nutricia at Home - Nurse Connect App grants explicit consent for Danone to use your information in this way.

Personal Contact Details

The App does not collect your personal contact details, telephone number, email address or physical address.

Access to the Nutricia at Home - Nurse Connect App is by invitation only and is available only via an individual secure ID code, and a secure password. These will be given to you by your Nutricia Advanced Medical Nutrition Nurse. You must not share these with anyone else. You must tell us immediately if you suspect that someone else has unauthorized access to your private ID number, or password.

Nutricia Advanced Medical Nutrition Nurses may only access the Nutricia at Home - Nurse Connect App by invitation and access is granted via an individual commercial (ie non-personal) Nutricia email address and secure password. These will not be shared with anyone else so that you can be sure that you are speaking with a genuine Nutricia Advanced Medical Nutrition Nurse. If you suspect at any time that you are not speaking with a genuine Nutricia Advanced Medical Nutrition Nurse, you should end your call immediately and contact us on our Nutricia Customer Care Line on 1800 889 480.

Video Calls, Messages & Photos

Video calls, both sound and video content are not recorded in the Nutricia at Home - Nurse Connect App. Please do NOT share any images or text that you are not entirely comfortable sharing, or to which you do NOT consent to Danone holding and processing in this way. If in any doubt, please ask your Nutricia Advanced Medical Nutrition Nurse for more details.

CONSENT - By using the Nutricia at Home - Nurse Connect App you explicitly consent that any messages or photos which you choose to share are shared for the purposes of providing the service. Such messages and photos will not be shared externally, and will only be accessible to the Nutricia Advanced Medical Nutrition care team for the purposes of providing you the service through the Nutricia at Home - Nurse Connect App.

Sharing of Your Personal Data

If the App shares your personal data, only for providing App functionality, with affiliates and other organizations strictly limited to the third party listed below, we make sure we only do so with organizations that safeguard and protect your personal data and comply with applicable privacy laws in the same or similar way that we do. Some of these organizations may be located overseas including the United Kingdom.

Your personal data will only be shared with the following third parties for the purposes described:

Category of third parties: Data type: Purposes:
App Developers – Talking Medicines ID Number For the provision of secure connection service of Nutricia at Home - Nurse Connect App only. No personally identifiable information linking your ID number to you as an actual person is shared outside of Danone
App Developers - Talking Medicines Device Make, Model & Software Version For the provision of the Nutricia Homeward App service only as specified in this agreement

Your Rights

You are entitled to a number of rights and can exercise these rights at any point, including your right to access and seek correction of your personal information. An overview of these rights, how you can contact us to exercise these rights and how you can submit any complaints are outlined in our privacy policy located at