📚Easier Life for Students📚

"Everything you need to know about being a proper Student"
SMC Burj Moren
Are you that someone who's having hard time managing yourself along with your school works? Then this website is the perfect solution for your problem!

-Finishing Works on Time-

Deadlines are the time limit given to an individual for them to accomplish their tasks.

What can we do to avoid struggling and being late with deadlines?
As soon as the tasks are given to you, don't waste any time, start working on it immediately. You may not start doing it DIRECTLY,
but you may at least brainstorm on how will you do it and what are the things that you can do to make it better.
Plan for it and make time in your schedule in doing it. You may also adjust the deadline
yourself so that you can finish it earlier since you THINK that the deadline is nearer than you thought.

-Learning Technique-

Learning Techniques
These are the ways students do in order for them to understand the lessons better.
Everyone is unique so everyone has their own ways of learning.

What can we do to understand the lectures of the teacher better?
Some prefer to listen to the teacher attentively while some listen while taking notes.
Understanding the lessons better really depends on the students themselves. For them
to comprehend it deeply, they must find a way where listening and understanding becomes
comfortable for them. Whether it may be watching videos after classes or listening to
music while studying. Understanding the lessons better depends on YOU, as long as you
desire it the most. Here's one tip though, stop memorizing and start familiarizing.
Don't leave any details out, question EVERYTHING because if you do, you will have a wide range of knowledge about the topic.

-Easy Quiz-

Exams are formal tests of a person's knowledge or proficiency in a particular subject or skill.
This is where they get an assessment if the students really did learned something or not.

What can we do to avoid failing in our exams?
This is somehow related to the learning technique. First, find a technique suitable for yourself,
this will become the foundation for you to pass your exams. The strategy for passing
your exams is to understand the lessons DEEPLY. This way, even if you don't memorize the texts,
you can put everything in your own words. Memorization may be helpful for exams
but it's unreliable and temporary. The key to examinations is UNDERSTANDING.


Management is the process of dealing and controlling things properly.
As a student, the way you manage your time and self is really essential.

What can we do to ourselves and time better?
Stop slacking. That's all there is to it. Stop saying "5 more minutes" or "i'll just relax for a bit". The sooner you
finish your works, the sooner you get your freedom. Arrange a schedule for the things that you NEED and MUST
do, deadlines, and exams. Only rest if you really need to but besides that, finish your works first. It may sound very tiring
but this is the reality of students, finishing their works is the top priority. This aids in us not being overloaded
or burdened by MANY tasks.

-Healing Stage-

Rest is an instance or period of relaxing or ceasing to engage in strenuous or stressful activity.
Of course, as a student, you need some proper rest and sleep.

What can we do to give our body the proper rest it needs?
After all of the exams, the assignments, homeworks, and worksheets, our body can't help but feel so tired.
For a student to perform and excell, he/she needs a healthy and proper body. Resting properly helps
in building the body and mind of a student. Having the right sleeping schedule will help them improve
their role as a student. Don't even waste your time playing when your body is already screaming
that it needs some rest. Sleep when you have to, sleep when your tired, sleep when your exhausted.
Trust me, you need the energy for the next batch of hardships that we'll come to your life as a student.

Made by: B07-Moren, Burj Lorenzo M.
Grade 10-St. Magdalene of Canossa