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package org.apache.bcel.generic;

import org.apache.bcel.classfile.CodeException;

 * This class represents an exception handler, i.e., specifies the region where a handler is active and an instruction
 * where the actual handling is done. pool as parameters. Opposed to the JVM specification the end of the handled region
 * is set to be inclusive, i.e. all instructions between start and end are protected including the start and end
 * instructions (handles) themselves. The end of the region is automatically mapped to be exclusive when calling
 * getCodeException(), i.e., there is no difference semantically.
 * @see MethodGen
 * @see CodeException
 * @see InstructionHandle
public final class CodeExceptionGen implements InstructionTargeter, Cloneable {

    static final CodeExceptionGen[] EMPTY_ARRAY = {};

    private InstructionHandle startPc;
    private InstructionHandle endPc;
    private InstructionHandle handlerPc;
    private ObjectType catchType;

     * Add an exception handler, i.e., specify region where a handler is active and an instruction where the actual handling
     * is done.
     * @param startPc Start of handled region (inclusive)
     * @param endPc End of handled region (inclusive)
     * @param handlerPc Where handling is done
     * @param catchType which exception is handled, null for ANY
    public CodeExceptionGen(final InstructionHandle startPc, final InstructionHandle endPc, final InstructionHandle handlerPc, final ObjectType catchType) {
        this.catchType = catchType;

    public Object clone() {
        try {
            return super.clone();
        } catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Clone Not Supported", e); // never happens

     * @return true, if ih is target of this handler
    public boolean containsTarget(final InstructionHandle ih) {
        return startPc == ih || endPc == ih || handlerPc == ih;

    /** Gets the type of the Exception to catch, 'null' for ANY. */
    public ObjectType getCatchType() {
        return catchType;

     * Gets CodeException object.<BR>
     * This relies on that the instruction list has already been dumped to byte code or that the 'setPositions' methods
     * has been called for the instruction list.
     * @param cp constant pool
    public CodeException getCodeException(final ConstantPoolGen cp) {
        return new CodeException(startPc.getPosition(), endPc.getPosition() + endPc.getInstruction().getLength(), handlerPc.getPosition(),
            catchType == null ? 0 : cp.addClass(catchType));

     * @return end of handled region (inclusive)
    public InstructionHandle getEndPC() {
        return endPc;

     * @return start of handler
    public InstructionHandle getHandlerPC() {
        return handlerPc;

     * @return start of handled region (inclusive)
    public InstructionHandle getStartPC() {
        return startPc;

    /** Sets the type of the Exception to catch. Set 'null' for ANY. */
    public void setCatchType(final ObjectType catchType) {
        this.catchType = catchType;

     * Sets end of handler
     * @param endPc End of handled region (inclusive)
    public void setEndPC(final InstructionHandle endPc) { // TODO could be package-protected?
        BranchInstruction.notifyTarget(this.endPc, endPc, this);
        this.endPc = endPc;

     * Sets handler code
     * @param handlerPc Start of handler
    public void setHandlerPC(final InstructionHandle handlerPc) { // TODO could be package-protected?
        BranchInstruction.notifyTarget(this.handlerPc, handlerPc, this);
        this.handlerPc = handlerPc;

     * Sets start of handler
     * @param startPc Start of handled region (inclusive)
    public void setStartPC(final InstructionHandle startPc) { // TODO could be package-protected?
        BranchInstruction.notifyTarget(this.startPc, startPc, this);
        this.startPc = startPc;

    public String toString() {
        return "CodeExceptionGen(" + startPc + ", " + endPc + ", " + handlerPc + ")";

     * @param oldIh old target, either start or end
     * @param newIh new target
    public void updateTarget(final InstructionHandle oldIh, final InstructionHandle newIh) {
        boolean targeted = false;
        if (startPc == oldIh) {
            targeted = true;
        if (endPc == oldIh) {
            targeted = true;
        if (handlerPc == oldIh) {
            targeted = true;
        if (!targeted) {
            throw new ClassGenException("Not targeting " + oldIh + ", but {" + startPc + ", " + endPc + ", " + handlerPc + "}");