  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.commons.cli;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

 * Represents list of arguments parsed against a {@link Options} descriptor.
 * <p>
 * It allows querying of a boolean {@link #hasOption(String opt)}, in addition to retrieving the
 * {@link #getOptionValue(String opt)} for options requiring arguments.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Additionally, any left-over or unrecognized arguments, are available for further processing.
 * </p>
public class CommandLine implements Serializable {

     * A nested builder class to create {@code CommandLine} instance using descriptive methods.
     * @since 1.4
    public static final class Builder {

         * Prints an Option to {@link System#out}.
        static final Consumer<Option> DEPRECATED_HANDLER = o -> System.out.println(o.toDeprecatedString());

        /** The unrecognized options/arguments */
        private final List<String> args = new LinkedList<>();

        /** The processed options */
        private final List<Option> options = new ArrayList<>();

         * Deprecated Option handler.
        private Consumer<Option> deprecatedHandler = DEPRECATED_HANDLER;

         * Adds left-over unrecognized option/argument.
         * @param arg the unrecognized option/argument.
         * @return this Builder instance for method chaining.
        public Builder addArg(final String arg) {
            if (arg != null) {
            return this;

         * Adds an option to the command line. The values of the option are stored.
         * @param opt the processed option.
         * @return this Builder instance for method chaining.
        public Builder addOption(final Option opt) {
            if (opt != null) {
            return this;

         * Creates the new instance.
         * @return the new instance.
        public CommandLine build() {
            return new CommandLine(args, options, deprecatedHandler);

         * Sets the deprecated option handler.
         * @param deprecatedHandler the deprecated option handler.
         * @return {@code this} instance.
         * @since 1.7.0
        public Builder setDeprecatedHandler(final Consumer<Option> deprecatedHandler) {
            this.deprecatedHandler = deprecatedHandler;
            return this;

    /** The serial version UID. */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

     * Creates a new builder.
     * @return a new builder.
     * @since 1.7.0
    public static Builder builder() {
        return new Builder();

    /** The unrecognized options/arguments */
    private final List<String> args;

    /** The processed options */
    private final List<Option> options;

     * The deprecated option handler.
     * <p>
     * If you want to serialize this field, use a serialization proxy.
     * </p>
    private final transient Consumer<Option> deprecatedHandler;

     * Creates a command line.
    protected CommandLine() {
        this(new LinkedList<>(), new ArrayList<>(), Builder.DEPRECATED_HANDLER);

     * Creates a command line.
    private CommandLine(final List<String> args, final List<Option> options, final Consumer<Option> deprecatedHandler) {
        this.args = Objects.requireNonNull(args, "args");
        this.options = Objects.requireNonNull(options, "options");
        this.deprecatedHandler = deprecatedHandler;

     * Adds left-over unrecognized option/argument.
     * @param arg the unrecognized option/argument.
    protected void addArg(final String arg) {
        if (arg != null) {

     * Adds an option to the command line. The values of the option are stored.
     * @param opt the processed option.
    protected void addOption(final Option opt) {
        if (opt != null) {

    private <T> T get(final Supplier<T> supplier) {
        return supplier == null ? null : supplier.get();

     * Gets any left-over non-recognized options and arguments
     * @return remaining items passed in but not parsed as a {@code List}.
    public List<String> getArgList() {
        return args;

     * Gets any left-over non-recognized options and arguments
     * @return remaining items passed in but not parsed as an array.
    public String[] getArgs() {
        return args.toArray(Util.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY);

     * Gets the {@code Object} type of this {@code Option}.
     * @deprecated due to System.err message. Instead use getParsedOptionValue(char)
     * @param opt the name of the option.
     * @return the type of opt.
    public Object getOptionObject(final char opt) {
        return getOptionObject(String.valueOf(opt));

     * Gets the {@code Object} type of this {@code Option}.
     * @param opt the name of the option.
     * @return the type of this {@code Option}.
     * @deprecated due to System.err message. Instead use getParsedOptionValue(String)
    public Object getOptionObject(final String opt) {
        try {
            return getParsedOptionValue(opt);
        } catch (final ParseException pe) {
            System.err.println("Exception found converting " + opt + " to desired type: " + pe.getMessage());
            return null;

     * Gets the map of values associated to the option. This is convenient for options specifying Java properties like
     * <code>-Dparam1=value1
     * -Dparam2=value2</code>. All odd numbered values are property keys
     * and even numbered values are property values.  If there are an odd number of values
     * the last value is assumed to be a boolean flag and the value is "true".
     * @param option name of the option.
     * @return The Properties mapped by the option, never {@code null} even if the option doesn't exists.
     * @since 1.5.0
    public Properties getOptionProperties(final Option option) {
        final Properties props = new Properties();
        for (final Option processedOption : options) {
            if (processedOption.equals(option)) {
                processPropertiesFromValues(props, processedOption.getValuesList());
        return props;

     * Gets the map of values associated to the option. This is convenient for options specifying Java properties like
     * <code>-Dparam1=value1
     * -Dparam2=value2</code>. The first argument of the option is the key, and the 2nd argument is the value. If the option
     * has only one argument ({@code -Dfoo}) it is considered as a boolean flag and the value is {@code "true"}.
     * @param opt name of the option.
     * @return The Properties mapped by the option, never {@code null} even if the option doesn't exists.
     * @since 1.2
    public Properties getOptionProperties(final String opt) {
        final Properties props = new Properties();
        for (final Option option : options) {
            if (opt.equals(option.getOpt()) || opt.equals(option.getLongOpt())) {
                processPropertiesFromValues(props, option.getValuesList());
        return props;

     * Gets an array of the processed {@link Option}s.
     * @return an array of the processed {@link Option}s.
    public Option[] getOptions() {
        return options.toArray(Option.EMPTY_ARRAY);

     * Gets the first argument, if any, of this option.
     * @param opt the character name of the option.
     * @return Value of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise null.
    public String getOptionValue(final char opt) {
        return getOptionValue(String.valueOf(opt));

     * Gets the argument, if any, of an option.
     * @param opt character name of the option
     * @param defaultValue is the default value to be returned if the option is not specified.
     * @return Value of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise {@code defaultValue}.
    public String getOptionValue(final char opt, final String defaultValue) {
        return getOptionValue(String.valueOf(opt), () -> defaultValue);

     * Gets the argument, if any, of an option.
     * @param opt character name of the option
     * @param defaultValue is a supplier for the default value to be returned if the option is not specified.
     * @return Value of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise {@code defaultValue}.
     * @since 1.7.0
    public String getOptionValue(final char opt, final Supplier<String> defaultValue) {
        return getOptionValue(String.valueOf(opt), defaultValue);

     * Gets the first argument, if any, of this option.
     * @param option the option.
     * @return Value of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise null.
     * @since 1.5.0
    public String getOptionValue(final Option option) {
        final String[] values = getOptionValues(option);
        return values == null ? null : values[0];

     * Gets the first argument, if any, of an option.
     * @param option the option.
     * @param defaultValue is the default value to be returned if the option is not specified.
     * @return Value of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise {@code defaultValue}.
     * @since 1.5.0
    public String getOptionValue(final Option option, final String defaultValue) {
        return getOptionValue(option, () -> defaultValue);

     * Gets the first argument, if any, of an option.
     * @param option the option.
     * @param defaultValue is a supplier for the default value to be returned if the option is not specified.
     * @return Value of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise {@code defaultValue}.
     * @since 1.7.0
    public String getOptionValue(final Option option, final Supplier<String> defaultValue) {
        final String answer = getOptionValue(option);
        return answer != null ? answer : get(defaultValue);

     * Gets the first argument, if any, of this option group.
     * @param optionGroup the option group.
     * @return Value of the argument if option group is selected, and has an argument, otherwise null.
     * @since 1.9.0
    public String getOptionValue(final OptionGroup optionGroup) {
        final String[] values = getOptionValues(optionGroup);
        return values == null ? null : values[0];

     * Gets the first argument, if any, of an option group.
     * @param optionGroup the option group.
     * @param defaultValue is the default value to be returned if the option group is not selected.
     * @return Value of the argument if option group is selected, and has an argument, otherwise {@code defaultValue}.
     * @since 1.9.0
    public String getOptionValue(final OptionGroup optionGroup, final String defaultValue) {
        return getOptionValue(optionGroup, () -> defaultValue);

     * Gets the first argument, if any, of an option group.
     * @param optionGroup the option group.
     * @param defaultValue is a supplier for the default value to be returned if the option group is not selected.
     * @return Value of the argument if option group is selected, and has an argument, otherwise {@code defaultValue}.
     * @since 1.9.0
    public String getOptionValue(final OptionGroup optionGroup, final Supplier<String> defaultValue) {
        final String answer = getOptionValue(optionGroup);
        return answer != null ? answer : get(defaultValue);

     * Gets the first argument, if any, of this option.
     * @param opt the name of the option.
     * @return Value of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise null.
    public String getOptionValue(final String opt) {
        return getOptionValue(resolveOption(opt));

     * Gets the first argument, if any, of an option.
     * @param opt name of the option.
     * @param defaultValue is the default value to be returned if the option is not specified.
     * @return Value of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise {@code defaultValue}.
    public String getOptionValue(final String opt, final String defaultValue) {
        return getOptionValue(resolveOption(opt), () -> defaultValue);

     * Gets the first argument, if any, of an option.
     * @param opt name of the option.
     * @param defaultValue is a supplier for the default value to be returned if the option is not specified.
     * @return Value of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise {@code defaultValue}.
     * @since 1.7.0
    public String getOptionValue(final String opt, final Supplier<String> defaultValue) {
        return getOptionValue(resolveOption(opt), defaultValue);

     * Gets the array of values, if any, of an option.
     * @param opt character name of the option.
     * @return Values of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise null.
    public String[] getOptionValues(final char opt) {
        return getOptionValues(String.valueOf(opt));

     * Gets the array of values, if any, of an option.
     * @param option the option.
     * @return Values of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise null.
     * @since 1.5.0
    public String[] getOptionValues(final Option option) {
        if (option == null) {
            return null;
        final List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final Option processedOption : options) {
            if (processedOption.equals(option)) {
                if (option.isDeprecated()) {
        return values.isEmpty() ? null : values.toArray(Util.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY);

     * Gets the array of values, if any, of an option group.
     * @param optionGroup the option group.
     * @return Values of the argument if option group is selected, and has an argument, otherwise null.
     * @since 1.9.0
    public String[] getOptionValues(final OptionGroup optionGroup) {
        if (optionGroup == null || !optionGroup.isSelected()) {
            return null;
        return getOptionValues(optionGroup.getSelected());

     * Gets the array of values, if any, of an option.
     * @param opt string name of the option.
     * @return Values of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise null.
    public String[] getOptionValues(final String opt) {
        return getOptionValues(resolveOption(opt));

     * Gets a version of this {@code Option} converted to a particular type.
     * @param opt the name of the option.
     * @param <T> The return type for the method.
     * @return the value parsed into a particular object.
     * @throws ParseException if there are problems turning the option value into the desired type
     * @see PatternOptionBuilder
     * @since 1.5.0
    public <T> T getParsedOptionValue(final char opt) throws ParseException {
        return getParsedOptionValue(String.valueOf(opt));

     * Gets a version of this {@code Option} converted to a particular type.
     * @param opt the name of the option.
     * @param defaultValue the default value to return if opt is not set.
     * @param <T> The return type for the method.
     * @return the value parsed into a particular object.
     * @throws ParseException if there are problems turning the option value into the desired type
     * @see PatternOptionBuilder
     * @since 1.7.0
    public <T> T getParsedOptionValue(final char opt, final Supplier<T> defaultValue) throws ParseException {
        return getParsedOptionValue(String.valueOf(opt), defaultValue);

     * Gets a version of this {@code Option} converted to a particular type.
     * @param opt the name of the option.
     * @param defaultValue the default value to return if opt is not set.
     * @param <T> The return type for the method.
     * @return the value parsed into a particular object.
     * @throws ParseException if there are problems turning the option value into the desired type
     * @see PatternOptionBuilder
     * @since 1.7.0
    public <T> T getParsedOptionValue(final char opt, final T defaultValue) throws ParseException {
        return getParsedOptionValue(String.valueOf(opt), defaultValue);

     * Gets a version of this {@code Option} converted to a particular type.
     * @param option the option.
     * @param <T> The return type for the method.
     * @return the value parsed into a particular object.
     * @throws ParseException if there are problems turning the option value into the desired type
     * @see PatternOptionBuilder
     * @since 1.5.0
    public <T> T getParsedOptionValue(final Option option) throws ParseException {
        return getParsedOptionValue(option, () -> null);

     * Gets a version of this {@code Option} converted to a particular type.
     * @param option the option.
     * @param defaultValue the default value to return if opt is not set.
     * @param <T> The return type for the method.
     * @return the value parsed into a particular object.
     * @throws ParseException if there are problems turning the option value into the desired type
     * @see PatternOptionBuilder
     * @since 1.7.0
    public <T> T getParsedOptionValue(final Option option, final Supplier<T> defaultValue) throws ParseException {
        if (option == null) {
            return get(defaultValue);
        final String res = getOptionValue(option);
        try {
            if (res == null) {
                return get(defaultValue);
            return (T) option.getConverter().apply(res);
        } catch (final Throwable e) {
            throw ParseException.wrap(e);

     * Gets a version of this {@code Option} converted to a particular type.
     * @param option the option.
     * @param defaultValue the default value to return if opt is not set.
     * @param <T> The return type for the method.
     * @return the value parsed into a particular object.
     * @throws ParseException if there are problems turning the option value into the desired type
     * @see PatternOptionBuilder
     * @since 1.7.0
    public <T> T getParsedOptionValue(final Option option, final T defaultValue) throws ParseException {
        return getParsedOptionValue(option, () -> defaultValue);

     * Gets a version of this {@code OptionGroup} converted to a particular type.
     * @param optionGroup the option group.
     * @param <T> The return type for the method.
     * @return the value parsed into a particular object.
     * @throws ParseException if there are problems turning the selected option value into the desired type
     * @see PatternOptionBuilder
     * @since 1.9.0
    public <T> T getParsedOptionValue(final OptionGroup optionGroup) throws ParseException {
        return getParsedOptionValue(optionGroup, () -> null);

     * Gets a version of this {@code OptionGroup} converted to a particular type.
     * @param optionGroup the option group.
     * @param defaultValue the default value to return if opt is not set.
     * @param <T> The return type for the method.
     * @return the value parsed into a particular object.
     * @throws ParseException if there are problems turning the selected option value into the desired type
     * @see PatternOptionBuilder
     * @since 1.9.0
    public <T> T getParsedOptionValue(final OptionGroup optionGroup, final Supplier<T> defaultValue) throws ParseException {
        if (optionGroup == null || !optionGroup.isSelected()) {
            return get(defaultValue);
        return getParsedOptionValue(optionGroup.getSelected(), defaultValue);

     * Gets a version of this {@code OptionGroup} converted to a particular type.
     * @param optionGroup the option group.
     * @param defaultValue the default value to return if an option is not selected.
     * @param <T> The return type for the method.
     * @return the value parsed into a particular object.
     * @throws ParseException if there are problems turning the option value into the desired type
     * @see PatternOptionBuilder
     * @since 1.9.0
    public <T> T getParsedOptionValue(final OptionGroup optionGroup, final T defaultValue) throws ParseException {
        return getParsedOptionValue(optionGroup, () -> defaultValue);

     * Gets a version of this {@code Option} converted to a particular type.
     * @param opt the name of the option.
     * @param <T> The return type for the method.
     * @return the value parsed into a particular object.
     * @throws ParseException if there are problems turning the option value into the desired type
     * @see PatternOptionBuilder
     * @since 1.2
    public <T> T getParsedOptionValue(final String opt) throws ParseException {
        return getParsedOptionValue(resolveOption(opt));

     * Gets a version of this {@code Option} converted to a particular type.
     * @param opt the name of the option.
     * @param defaultValue the default value to return if opt is not set.
     * @param <T> The return type for the method.
     * @return the value parsed into a particular object.
     * @throws ParseException if there are problems turning the option value into the desired type
     * @see PatternOptionBuilder
     * @since 1.7.0
    public <T> T getParsedOptionValue(final String opt, final Supplier<T> defaultValue) throws ParseException {
        return getParsedOptionValue(resolveOption(opt), defaultValue);

     * Gets a version of this {@code Option} converted to a particular type.
     * @param opt the name of the option.
     * @param defaultValue the default value to return if opt is not set.
     * @param <T> The return type for the method.
     * @return the value parsed into a particular object.
     * @throws ParseException if there are problems turning the option value into the desired type
     * @see PatternOptionBuilder
     * @since 1.7.0
    public <T> T getParsedOptionValue(final String opt, final T defaultValue) throws ParseException {
        return getParsedOptionValue(resolveOption(opt), defaultValue);

     * Handles deprecated options.
     * @param option a deprecated option.
    private void handleDeprecated(final Option option) {
        if (deprecatedHandler != null) {

     * jkeyes - commented out until it is implemented properly
     * <p>
     * Dump state, suitable for debugging.
     * </p>
     * @return Stringified form of this object.

     * public String toString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
     * buf.append("[ CommandLine: [ options: "); buf.append(options.toString()); buf.append(" ] [ args: ");
     * buf.append(args.toString()); buf.append(" ] ]");
     * return buf.toString(); }

     * Tests to see if an option has been set.
     * @param opt character name of the option.
     * @return true if set, false if not.
    public boolean hasOption(final char opt) {
        return hasOption(String.valueOf(opt));

     * Tests to see if an option has been set.
     * @param opt the option to check.
     * @return true if set, false if not.
     * @since 1.5.0
    public boolean hasOption(final Option opt) {
        final boolean result = options.contains(opt);
        if (result && opt.isDeprecated()) {
        return result;

     * Tests to see if an option has been set.
     * @param optionGroup the option group to check.
     * @return true if set, false if not.
     * @since 1.9.0
    public boolean hasOption(final OptionGroup optionGroup) {
        if (optionGroup == null || !optionGroup.isSelected()) {
            return false;
        return hasOption(optionGroup.getSelected());

     * Tests to see if an option has been set.
     * @param opt Short name of the option.
     * @return true if set, false if not.
    public boolean hasOption(final String opt) {
        return hasOption(resolveOption(opt));

     * Returns an iterator over the Option members of CommandLine.
     * @return an {@code Iterator} over the processed {@link Option} members of this {@link CommandLine}.
    public Iterator<Option> iterator() {
        return options.iterator();

     * Parses a list of values as properties.  All odd numbered values are property keys
     * and even numbered values are property values.  If there are an odd number of values
     * the last value is assumed to be a boolean with a value of "true".
     * @param props the properties to update.
     * @param values the list of values to parse.
    private void processPropertiesFromValues(final Properties props, final List<String> values) {
        for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i += 2) {
            if (i + 1 < values.size()) {
                props.put(values.get(i), values.get(i + 1));
            } else {
                props.put(values.get(i), "true");

     * Retrieves the option object given the long or short option as a String
     * @param opt short or long name of the option, may be null.
     * @return Canonicalized option.
    private Option resolveOption(final String opt) {
        final String actual = Util.stripLeadingHyphens(opt);
        if (actual != null) {
            for (final Option option : options) {
                if (actual.equals(option.getOpt()) || actual.equals(option.getLongOpt())) {
                    return option;
        return null;