Coverage for /pythoncovmergedfiles/medio/medio/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/black/ 73%

470 statements  

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1import itertools 

2import math 

3import sys 

4from dataclasses import dataclass, field 

5from typing import ( 

6 Callable, 

7 Dict, 

8 Iterator, 

9 List, 

10 Optional, 

11 Sequence, 

12 Tuple, 

13 TypeVar, 

14 Union, 

15 cast, 



18from black.brackets import COMMA_PRIORITY, DOT_PRIORITY, BracketTracker 

19from black.mode import Mode, Preview 

20from black.nodes import ( 






26 child_towards, 

27 is_import, 

28 is_multiline_string, 

29 is_one_sequence_between, 

30 is_type_comment, 

31 is_with_or_async_with_stmt, 

32 replace_child, 

33 syms, 

34 whitespace, 


36from black.strings import str_width 

37from blib2to3.pgen2 import token 

38from blib2to3.pytree import Leaf, Node 


40# types 

41T = TypeVar("T") 

42Index = int 

43LeafID = int 

44LN = Union[Leaf, Node] 




48class Line: 

49 """Holds leaves and comments. Can be printed with `str(line)`.""" 


51 mode: Mode 

52 depth: int = 0 

53 leaves: List[Leaf] = field(default_factory=list) 

54 # keys ordered like `leaves` 

55 comments: Dict[LeafID, List[Leaf]] = field(default_factory=dict) 

56 bracket_tracker: BracketTracker = field(default_factory=BracketTracker) 

57 inside_brackets: bool = False 

58 should_split_rhs: bool = False 

59 magic_trailing_comma: Optional[Leaf] = None 


61 def append( 

62 self, leaf: Leaf, preformatted: bool = False, track_bracket: bool = False 

63 ) -> None: 

64 """Add a new `leaf` to the end of the line. 


66 Unless `preformatted` is True, the `leaf` will receive a new consistent 

67 whitespace prefix and metadata applied by :class:`BracketTracker`. 

68 Trailing commas are maybe removed, unpacked for loop variables are 

69 demoted from being delimiters. 


71 Inline comments are put aside. 

72 """ 

73 has_value = leaf.type in BRACKETS or bool(leaf.value.strip()) 

74 if not has_value: 

75 return 


77 if token.COLON == leaf.type and self.is_class_paren_empty: 

78 del self.leaves[-2:] 

79 if self.leaves and not preformatted: 

80 # Note: at this point leaf.prefix should be empty except for 

81 # imports, for which we only preserve newlines. 

82 leaf.prefix += whitespace( 

83 leaf, complex_subscript=self.is_complex_subscript(leaf) 

84 ) 

85 if self.inside_brackets or not preformatted or track_bracket: 

86 self.bracket_tracker.mark(leaf) 

87 if self.mode.magic_trailing_comma: 

88 if self.has_magic_trailing_comma(leaf): 

89 self.magic_trailing_comma = leaf 

90 elif self.has_magic_trailing_comma(leaf, ensure_removable=True): 

91 self.remove_trailing_comma() 

92 if not self.append_comment(leaf): 

93 self.leaves.append(leaf) 


95 def append_safe(self, leaf: Leaf, preformatted: bool = False) -> None: 

96 """Like :func:`append()` but disallow invalid standalone comment structure. 


98 Raises ValueError when any `leaf` is appended after a standalone comment 

99 or when a standalone comment is not the first leaf on the line. 

100 """ 

101 if self.bracket_tracker.depth == 0: 

102 if self.is_comment: 

103 raise ValueError("cannot append to standalone comments") 


105 if self.leaves and leaf.type == STANDALONE_COMMENT: 

106 raise ValueError( 

107 "cannot append standalone comments to a populated line" 

108 ) 


110 self.append(leaf, preformatted=preformatted) 


112 @property 

113 def is_comment(self) -> bool: 

114 """Is this line a standalone comment?""" 

115 return len(self.leaves) == 1 and self.leaves[0].type == STANDALONE_COMMENT 


117 @property 

118 def is_decorator(self) -> bool: 

119 """Is this line a decorator?""" 

120 return bool(self) and self.leaves[0].type == token.AT 


122 @property 

123 def is_import(self) -> bool: 

124 """Is this an import line?""" 

125 return bool(self) and is_import(self.leaves[0]) 


127 @property 

128 def is_with_or_async_with_stmt(self) -> bool: 

129 """Is this a with_stmt line?""" 

130 return bool(self) and is_with_or_async_with_stmt(self.leaves[0]) 


132 @property 

133 def is_class(self) -> bool: 

134 """Is this line a class definition?""" 

135 return ( 

136 bool(self) 

137 and self.leaves[0].type == token.NAME 

138 and self.leaves[0].value == "class" 

139 ) 


141 @property 

142 def is_stub_class(self) -> bool: 

143 """Is this line a class definition with a body consisting only of "..."?""" 

144 return self.is_class and self.leaves[-3:] == [ 

145 Leaf(token.DOT, ".") for _ in range(3) 

146 ] 


148 @property 

149 def is_def(self) -> bool: 

150 """Is this a function definition? (Also returns True for async defs.)""" 

151 try: 

152 first_leaf = self.leaves[0] 

153 except IndexError: 

154 return False 


156 try: 

157 second_leaf: Optional[Leaf] = self.leaves[1] 

158 except IndexError: 

159 second_leaf = None 

160 return (first_leaf.type == token.NAME and first_leaf.value == "def") or ( 

161 first_leaf.type == token.ASYNC 

162 and second_leaf is not None 

163 and second_leaf.type == token.NAME 

164 and second_leaf.value == "def" 

165 ) 


167 @property 

168 def is_class_paren_empty(self) -> bool: 

169 """Is this a class with no base classes but using parentheses? 


171 Those are unnecessary and should be removed. 

172 """ 

173 return ( 

174 bool(self) 

175 and len(self.leaves) == 4 

176 and self.is_class 

177 and self.leaves[2].type == token.LPAR 

178 and self.leaves[2].value == "(" 

179 and self.leaves[3].type == token.RPAR 

180 and self.leaves[3].value == ")" 

181 ) 


183 @property 

184 def is_triple_quoted_string(self) -> bool: 

185 """Is the line a triple quoted string?""" 

186 return ( 

187 bool(self) 

188 and self.leaves[0].type == token.STRING 

189 and self.leaves[0].value.startswith(('"""', "'''")) 

190 ) 


192 @property 

193 def opens_block(self) -> bool: 

194 """Does this line open a new level of indentation.""" 

195 if len(self.leaves) == 0: 

196 return False 

197 return self.leaves[-1].type == token.COLON 


199 def is_fmt_pass_converted( 

200 self, *, first_leaf_matches: Optional[Callable[[Leaf], bool]] = None 

201 ) -> bool: 

202 """Is this line converted from fmt off/skip code? 


204 If first_leaf_matches is not None, it only returns True if the first 

205 leaf of converted code matches. 

206 """ 

207 if len(self.leaves) != 1: 

208 return False 

209 leaf = self.leaves[0] 

210 if ( 

211 leaf.type != STANDALONE_COMMENT 

212 or leaf.fmt_pass_converted_first_leaf is None 

213 ): 

214 return False 

215 return first_leaf_matches is None or first_leaf_matches( 

216 leaf.fmt_pass_converted_first_leaf 

217 ) 


219 def contains_standalone_comments(self, depth_limit: int = sys.maxsize) -> bool: 

220 """If so, needs to be split before emitting.""" 

221 for leaf in self.leaves: 

222 if leaf.type == STANDALONE_COMMENT and leaf.bracket_depth <= depth_limit: 

223 return True 


225 return False 


227 def contains_uncollapsable_type_comments(self) -> bool: 

228 ignored_ids = set() 

229 try: 

230 last_leaf = self.leaves[-1] 

231 ignored_ids.add(id(last_leaf)) 

232 if last_leaf.type == token.COMMA or ( 

233 last_leaf.type == token.RPAR and not last_leaf.value 

234 ): 

235 # When trailing commas or optional parens are inserted by Black for 

236 # consistency, comments after the previous last element are not moved 

237 # (they don't have to, rendering will still be correct). So we ignore 

238 # trailing commas and invisible. 

239 last_leaf = self.leaves[-2] 

240 ignored_ids.add(id(last_leaf)) 

241 except IndexError: 

242 return False 


244 # A type comment is uncollapsable if it is attached to a leaf 

245 # that isn't at the end of the line (since that could cause it 

246 # to get associated to a different argument) or if there are 

247 # comments before it (since that could cause it to get hidden 

248 # behind a comment. 

249 comment_seen = False 

250 for leaf_id, comments in self.comments.items(): 

251 for comment in comments: 

252 if is_type_comment(comment): 

253 if comment_seen or ( 

254 not is_type_comment(comment, " ignore") 

255 and leaf_id not in ignored_ids 

256 ): 

257 return True 


259 comment_seen = True 


261 return False 


263 def contains_unsplittable_type_ignore(self) -> bool: 

264 if not self.leaves: 

265 return False 


267 # If a 'type: ignore' is attached to the end of a line, we 

268 # can't split the line, because we can't know which of the 

269 # subexpressions the ignore was meant to apply to. 

270 # 

271 # We only want this to apply to actual physical lines from the 

272 # original source, though: we don't want the presence of a 

273 # 'type: ignore' at the end of a multiline expression to 

274 # justify pushing it all onto one line. Thus we 

275 # (unfortunately) need to check the actual source lines and 

276 # only report an unsplittable 'type: ignore' if this line was 

277 # one line in the original code. 


279 # Grab the first and last line numbers, skipping generated leaves 

280 first_line = next((leaf.lineno for leaf in self.leaves if leaf.lineno != 0), 0) 

281 last_line = next( 

282 (leaf.lineno for leaf in reversed(self.leaves) if leaf.lineno != 0), 0 

283 ) 


285 if first_line == last_line: 

286 # We look at the last two leaves since a comma or an 

287 # invisible paren could have been added at the end of the 

288 # line. 

289 for node in self.leaves[-2:]: 

290 for comment in self.comments.get(id(node), []): 

291 if is_type_comment(comment, " ignore"): 

292 return True 


294 return False 


296 def contains_multiline_strings(self) -> bool: 

297 return any(is_multiline_string(leaf) for leaf in self.leaves) 


299 def has_magic_trailing_comma( 

300 self, closing: Leaf, ensure_removable: bool = False 

301 ) -> bool: 

302 """Return True if we have a magic trailing comma, that is when: 

303 - there's a trailing comma here 

304 - it's not a one-tuple 

305 - it's not a single-element subscript 

306 Additionally, if ensure_removable: 

307 - it's not from square bracket indexing 

308 (specifically, single-element square bracket indexing) 

309 """ 

310 if not ( 

311 closing.type in CLOSING_BRACKETS 

312 and self.leaves 

313 and self.leaves[-1].type == token.COMMA 

314 ): 

315 return False 


317 if closing.type == token.RBRACE: 

318 return True 


320 if closing.type == token.RSQB: 

321 if ( 

322 closing.parent 

323 and closing.parent.type == syms.trailer 

324 and closing.opening_bracket 

325 and is_one_sequence_between( 

326 closing.opening_bracket, 

327 closing, 

328 self.leaves, 

329 brackets=(token.LSQB, token.RSQB), 

330 ) 

331 ): 

332 return False 


334 if not ensure_removable: 

335 return True 


337 comma = self.leaves[-1] 

338 if comma.parent is None: 

339 return False 

340 return ( 

341 comma.parent.type != syms.subscriptlist 

342 or closing.opening_bracket is None 

343 or not is_one_sequence_between( 

344 closing.opening_bracket, 

345 closing, 

346 self.leaves, 

347 brackets=(token.LSQB, token.RSQB), 

348 ) 

349 ) 


351 if self.is_import: 

352 return True 


354 if closing.opening_bracket is not None and not is_one_sequence_between( 

355 closing.opening_bracket, closing, self.leaves 

356 ): 

357 return True 


359 return False 


361 def append_comment(self, comment: Leaf) -> bool: 

362 """Add an inline or standalone comment to the line.""" 

363 if ( 

364 comment.type == STANDALONE_COMMENT 

365 and self.bracket_tracker.any_open_brackets() 

366 ): 

367 comment.prefix = "" 

368 return False 


370 if comment.type != token.COMMENT: 

371 return False 


373 if not self.leaves: 

374 comment.type = STANDALONE_COMMENT 

375 comment.prefix = "" 

376 return False 


378 last_leaf = self.leaves[-1] 

379 if ( 

380 last_leaf.type == token.RPAR 

381 and not last_leaf.value 

382 and last_leaf.parent 

383 and len(list(last_leaf.parent.leaves())) <= 3 

384 and not is_type_comment(comment) 

385 ): 

386 # Comments on an optional parens wrapping a single leaf should belong to 

387 # the wrapped node except if it's a type comment. Pinning the comment like 

388 # this avoids unstable formatting caused by comment migration. 

389 if len(self.leaves) < 2: 

390 comment.type = STANDALONE_COMMENT 

391 comment.prefix = "" 

392 return False 


394 last_leaf = self.leaves[-2] 

395 self.comments.setdefault(id(last_leaf), []).append(comment) 

396 return True 


398 def comments_after(self, leaf: Leaf) -> List[Leaf]: 

399 """Generate comments that should appear directly after `leaf`.""" 

400 return self.comments.get(id(leaf), []) 


402 def remove_trailing_comma(self) -> None: 

403 """Remove the trailing comma and moves the comments attached to it.""" 

404 trailing_comma = self.leaves.pop() 

405 trailing_comma_comments = self.comments.pop(id(trailing_comma), []) 

406 self.comments.setdefault(id(self.leaves[-1]), []).extend( 

407 trailing_comma_comments 

408 ) 


410 def is_complex_subscript(self, leaf: Leaf) -> bool: 

411 """Return True iff `leaf` is part of a slice with non-trivial exprs.""" 

412 open_lsqb = self.bracket_tracker.get_open_lsqb() 

413 if open_lsqb is None: 

414 return False 


416 subscript_start = open_lsqb.next_sibling 


418 if isinstance(subscript_start, Node): 

419 if subscript_start.type == syms.listmaker: 

420 return False 


422 if subscript_start.type == syms.subscriptlist: 

423 subscript_start = child_towards(subscript_start, leaf) 

424 return subscript_start is not None and any( 

425 n.type in TEST_DESCENDANTS for n in subscript_start.pre_order() 

426 ) 


428 def enumerate_with_length( 

429 self, reversed: bool = False 

430 ) -> Iterator[Tuple[Index, Leaf, int]]: 

431 """Return an enumeration of leaves with their length. 


433 Stops prematurely on multiline strings and standalone comments. 

434 """ 

435 op = cast( 

436 Callable[[Sequence[Leaf]], Iterator[Tuple[Index, Leaf]]], 

437 enumerate_reversed if reversed else enumerate, 

438 ) 

439 for index, leaf in op(self.leaves): 

440 length = len(leaf.prefix) + len(leaf.value) 

441 if "\n" in leaf.value: 

442 return # Multiline strings, we can't continue. 


444 for comment in self.comments_after(leaf): 

445 length += len(comment.value) 


447 yield index, leaf, length 


449 def clone(self) -> "Line": 

450 return Line( 

451 mode=self.mode, 

452 depth=self.depth, 

453 inside_brackets=self.inside_brackets, 

454 should_split_rhs=self.should_split_rhs, 

455 magic_trailing_comma=self.magic_trailing_comma, 

456 ) 


458 def __str__(self) -> str: 

459 """Render the line.""" 

460 if not self: 

461 return "\n" 


463 indent = " " * self.depth 

464 leaves = iter(self.leaves) 

465 first = next(leaves) 

466 res = f"{first.prefix}{indent}{first.value}" 

467 for leaf in leaves: 

468 res += str(leaf) 

469 for comment in itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.comments.values()): 

470 res += str(comment) 


472 return res + "\n" 


474 def __bool__(self) -> bool: 

475 """Return True if the line has leaves or comments.""" 

476 return bool(self.leaves or self.comments) 




480class RHSResult: 

481 """Intermediate split result from a right hand split.""" 


483 head: Line 

484 body: Line 

485 tail: Line 

486 opening_bracket: Leaf 

487 closing_bracket: Leaf 




491class LinesBlock: 

492 """Class that holds information about a block of formatted lines. 


494 This is introduced so that the EmptyLineTracker can look behind the standalone 

495 comments and adjust their empty lines for class or def lines. 

496 """ 


498 mode: Mode 

499 previous_block: Optional["LinesBlock"] 

500 original_line: Line 

501 before: int = 0 

502 content_lines: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) 

503 after: int = 0 


505 def all_lines(self) -> List[str]: 

506 empty_line = str(Line(mode=self.mode)) 

507 return ( 

508 [empty_line * self.before] + self.content_lines + [empty_line * self.after] 

509 ) 




513class EmptyLineTracker: 

514 """Provides a stateful method that returns the number of potential extra 

515 empty lines needed before and after the currently processed line. 


517 Note: this tracker works on lines that haven't been split yet. It assumes 

518 the prefix of the first leaf consists of optional newlines. Those newlines 

519 are consumed by `maybe_empty_lines()` and included in the computation. 

520 """ 


522 mode: Mode 

523 previous_line: Optional[Line] = None 

524 previous_block: Optional[LinesBlock] = None 

525 previous_defs: List[Line] = field(default_factory=list) 

526 semantic_leading_comment: Optional[LinesBlock] = None 


528 def maybe_empty_lines(self, current_line: Line) -> LinesBlock: 

529 """Return the number of extra empty lines before and after the `current_line`. 


531 This is for separating `def`, `async def` and `class` with extra empty 

532 lines (two on module-level). 

533 """ 

534 before, after = self._maybe_empty_lines(current_line) 

535 previous_after = self.previous_block.after if self.previous_block else 0 

536 before = ( 

537 # Black should not insert empty lines at the beginning 

538 # of the file 

539 0 

540 if self.previous_line is None 

541 else before - previous_after 

542 ) 

543 block = LinesBlock( 

544 mode=self.mode, 

545 previous_block=self.previous_block, 

546 original_line=current_line, 

547 before=before, 

548 after=after, 

549 ) 


551 # Maintain the semantic_leading_comment state. 

552 if current_line.is_comment: 

553 if self.previous_line is None or ( 

554 not self.previous_line.is_decorator 

555 # `or before` means this comment already has an empty line before 

556 and (not self.previous_line.is_comment or before) 

557 and (self.semantic_leading_comment is None or before) 

558 ): 

559 self.semantic_leading_comment = block 

560 # `or before` means this decorator already has an empty line before 

561 elif not current_line.is_decorator or before: 

562 self.semantic_leading_comment = None 


564 self.previous_line = current_line 

565 self.previous_block = block 

566 return block 


568 def _maybe_empty_lines(self, current_line: Line) -> Tuple[int, int]: 

569 max_allowed = 1 

570 if current_line.depth == 0: 

571 max_allowed = 1 if self.mode.is_pyi else 2 

572 if current_line.leaves: 

573 # Consume the first leaf's extra newlines. 

574 first_leaf = current_line.leaves[0] 

575 before = first_leaf.prefix.count("\n") 

576 before = min(before, max_allowed) 

577 first_leaf.prefix = "" 

578 else: 

579 before = 0 

580 depth = current_line.depth 

581 while self.previous_defs and self.previous_defs[-1].depth >= depth: 

582 if self.mode.is_pyi: 

583 assert self.previous_line is not None 

584 if depth and not current_line.is_def and self.previous_line.is_def: 

585 # Empty lines between attributes and methods should be preserved. 

586 before = min(1, before) 

587 elif ( 

588 Preview.blank_line_after_nested_stub_class in self.mode 

589 and self.previous_defs[-1].is_class 

590 and not self.previous_defs[-1].is_stub_class 

591 ): 

592 before = 1 

593 elif depth: 

594 before = 0 

595 else: 

596 before = 1 

597 else: 

598 if depth: 

599 before = 1 

600 elif ( 

601 not depth 

602 and self.previous_defs[-1].depth 

603 and current_line.leaves[-1].type == token.COLON 

604 and ( 

605 current_line.leaves[0].value 

606 not in ("with", "try", "for", "while", "if", "match") 

607 ) 

608 ): 

609 # We shouldn't add two newlines between an indented function and 

610 # a dependent non-indented clause. This is to avoid issues with 

611 # conditional function definitions that are technically top-level 

612 # and therefore get two trailing newlines, but look weird and 

613 # inconsistent when they're followed by elif, else, etc. This is 

614 # worse because these functions only get *one* preceding newline 

615 # already. 

616 before = 1 

617 else: 

618 before = 2 

619 self.previous_defs.pop() 

620 if current_line.is_decorator or current_line.is_def or current_line.is_class: 

621 return self._maybe_empty_lines_for_class_or_def(current_line, before) 


623 if ( 

624 self.previous_line 

625 and self.previous_line.is_import 

626 and not current_line.is_import 

627 and not current_line.is_fmt_pass_converted(first_leaf_matches=is_import) 

628 and depth == self.previous_line.depth 

629 ): 

630 return (before or 1), 0 


632 if ( 

633 self.previous_line 

634 and self.previous_line.is_class 

635 and current_line.is_triple_quoted_string 

636 ): 

637 if Preview.no_blank_line_before_class_docstring in current_line.mode: 

638 return 0, 1 

639 return before, 1 


641 if self.previous_line and self.previous_line.opens_block: 

642 return 0, 0 

643 return before, 0 


645 def _maybe_empty_lines_for_class_or_def( 

646 self, current_line: Line, before: int 

647 ) -> Tuple[int, int]: 

648 if not current_line.is_decorator: 

649 self.previous_defs.append(current_line) 

650 if self.previous_line is None: 

651 # Don't insert empty lines before the first line in the file. 

652 return 0, 0 


654 if self.previous_line.is_decorator: 

655 if self.mode.is_pyi and current_line.is_stub_class: 

656 # Insert an empty line after a decorated stub class 

657 return 0, 1 


659 return 0, 0 


661 if self.previous_line.depth < current_line.depth and ( 

662 self.previous_line.is_class or self.previous_line.is_def 

663 ): 

664 return 0, 0 


666 comment_to_add_newlines: Optional[LinesBlock] = None 

667 if ( 

668 self.previous_line.is_comment 

669 and self.previous_line.depth == current_line.depth 

670 and before == 0 

671 ): 

672 slc = self.semantic_leading_comment 

673 if ( 

674 slc is not None 

675 and slc.previous_block is not None 

676 and not slc.previous_block.original_line.is_class 

677 and not slc.previous_block.original_line.opens_block 

678 and slc.before <= 1 

679 ): 

680 comment_to_add_newlines = slc 

681 else: 

682 return 0, 0 


684 if self.mode.is_pyi: 

685 if current_line.is_class or self.previous_line.is_class: 

686 if self.previous_line.depth < current_line.depth: 

687 newlines = 0 

688 elif self.previous_line.depth > current_line.depth: 

689 newlines = 1 

690 elif current_line.is_stub_class and self.previous_line.is_stub_class: 

691 # No blank line between classes with an empty body 

692 newlines = 0 

693 else: 

694 newlines = 1 

695 elif ( 

696 current_line.is_def or current_line.is_decorator 

697 ) and not self.previous_line.is_def: 

698 if current_line.depth: 

699 # In classes empty lines between attributes and methods should 

700 # be preserved. 

701 newlines = min(1, before) 

702 else: 

703 # Blank line between a block of functions (maybe with preceding 

704 # decorators) and a block of non-functions 

705 newlines = 1 

706 elif self.previous_line.depth > current_line.depth: 

707 newlines = 1 

708 else: 

709 newlines = 0 

710 else: 

711 newlines = 1 if current_line.depth else 2 

712 if comment_to_add_newlines is not None: 

713 previous_block = comment_to_add_newlines.previous_block 

714 if previous_block is not None: 

715 comment_to_add_newlines.before = ( 

716 max(comment_to_add_newlines.before, newlines) - previous_block.after 

717 ) 

718 newlines = 0 

719 return newlines, 0 



722def enumerate_reversed(sequence: Sequence[T]) -> Iterator[Tuple[Index, T]]: 

723 """Like `reversed(enumerate(sequence))` if that were possible.""" 

724 index = len(sequence) - 1 

725 for element in reversed(sequence): 

726 yield (index, element) 

727 index -= 1 



730def append_leaves( 

731 new_line: Line, old_line: Line, leaves: List[Leaf], preformatted: bool = False 

732) -> None: 

733 """ 

734 Append leaves (taken from @old_line) to @new_line, making sure to fix the 

735 underlying Node structure where appropriate. 


737 All of the leaves in @leaves are duplicated. The duplicates are then 

738 appended to @new_line and used to replace their originals in the underlying 

739 Node structure. Any comments attached to the old leaves are reattached to 

740 the new leaves. 


742 Pre-conditions: 

743 set(@leaves) is a subset of set(@old_line.leaves). 

744 """ 

745 for old_leaf in leaves: 

746 new_leaf = Leaf(old_leaf.type, old_leaf.value) 

747 replace_child(old_leaf, new_leaf) 

748 new_line.append(new_leaf, preformatted=preformatted) 


750 for comment_leaf in old_line.comments_after(old_leaf): 

751 new_line.append(comment_leaf, preformatted=True) 



754def is_line_short_enough( # noqa: C901 

755 line: Line, *, mode: Mode, line_str: str = "" 

756) -> bool: 

757 """For non-multiline strings, return True if `line` is no longer than `line_length`. 

758 For multiline strings, looks at the context around `line` to determine 

759 if it should be inlined or split up. 

760 Uses the provided `line_str` rendering, if any, otherwise computes a new one. 

761 """ 

762 if not line_str: 

763 line_str = line_to_string(line) 


765 width = str_width if mode.preview else len 


767 if Preview.multiline_string_handling not in mode: 

768 return ( 

769 width(line_str) <= mode.line_length 

770 and "\n" not in line_str # multiline strings 

771 and not line.contains_standalone_comments() 

772 ) 


774 if line.contains_standalone_comments(): 

775 return False 

776 if "\n" not in line_str: 

777 # No multiline strings (MLS) present 

778 return width(line_str) <= mode.line_length 


780 first, *_, last = line_str.split("\n") 

781 if width(first) > mode.line_length or width(last) > mode.line_length: 

782 return False 


784 # Traverse the AST to examine the context of the multiline string (MLS), 

785 # tracking aspects such as depth and comma existence, 

786 # to determine whether to split the MLS or keep it together. 

787 # Depth (which is based on the existing bracket_depth concept) 

788 # is needed to determine nesting level of the MLS. 

789 # Includes special case for trailing commas. 

790 commas: List[int] = [] # tracks number of commas per depth level 

791 multiline_string: Optional[Leaf] = None 

792 # store the leaves that contain parts of the MLS 

793 multiline_string_contexts: List[LN] = [] 


795 max_level_to_update: Union[int, float] = math.inf # track the depth of the MLS 

796 for i, leaf in enumerate(line.leaves): 

797 if max_level_to_update == math.inf: 

798 had_comma: Optional[int] = None 

799 if leaf.bracket_depth + 1 > len(commas): 

800 commas.append(0) 

801 elif leaf.bracket_depth + 1 < len(commas): 

802 had_comma = commas.pop() 

803 if ( 

804 had_comma is not None 

805 and multiline_string is not None 

806 and multiline_string.bracket_depth == leaf.bracket_depth + 1 

807 ): 

808 # Have left the level with the MLS, stop tracking commas 

809 max_level_to_update = leaf.bracket_depth 

810 if had_comma > 0: 

811 # MLS was in parens with at least one comma - force split 

812 return False 


814 if leaf.bracket_depth <= max_level_to_update and leaf.type == token.COMMA: 

815 # Ignore non-nested trailing comma 

816 # directly after MLS/MLS-containing expression 

817 ignore_ctxs: List[Optional[LN]] = [None] 

818 ignore_ctxs += multiline_string_contexts 

819 if not (leaf.prev_sibling in ignore_ctxs and i == len(line.leaves) - 1): 

820 commas[leaf.bracket_depth] += 1 

821 if max_level_to_update != math.inf: 

822 max_level_to_update = min(max_level_to_update, leaf.bracket_depth) 


824 if is_multiline_string(leaf): 

825 if len(multiline_string_contexts) > 0: 

826 # >1 multiline string cannot fit on a single line - force split 

827 return False 

828 multiline_string = leaf 

829 ctx: LN = leaf 

830 # fetch the leaf components of the MLS in the AST 

831 while str(ctx) in line_str: 

832 multiline_string_contexts.append(ctx) 

833 if ctx.parent is None: 

834 break 

835 ctx = ctx.parent 


837 # May not have a triple-quoted multiline string at all, 

838 # in case of a regular string with embedded newlines and line continuations 

839 if len(multiline_string_contexts) == 0: 

840 return True 


842 return all(val == 0 for val in commas) 



845def can_be_split(line: Line) -> bool: 

846 """Return False if the line cannot be split *for sure*. 


848 This is not an exhaustive search but a cheap heuristic that we can use to 

849 avoid some unfortunate formattings (mostly around wrapping unsplittable code 

850 in unnecessary parentheses). 

851 """ 

852 leaves = line.leaves 

853 if len(leaves) < 2: 

854 return False 


856 if leaves[0].type == token.STRING and leaves[1].type == token.DOT: 

857 call_count = 0 

858 dot_count = 0 

859 next = leaves[-1] 

860 for leaf in leaves[-2::-1]: 

861 if leaf.type in OPENING_BRACKETS: 

862 if next.type not in CLOSING_BRACKETS: 

863 return False 


865 call_count += 1 

866 elif leaf.type == token.DOT: 

867 dot_count += 1 

868 elif leaf.type == token.NAME: 

869 if not (next.type == token.DOT or next.type in OPENING_BRACKETS): 

870 return False 


872 elif leaf.type not in CLOSING_BRACKETS: 

873 return False 


875 if dot_count > 1 and call_count > 1: 

876 return False 


878 return True 



881def can_omit_invisible_parens( 

882 rhs: RHSResult, 

883 line_length: int, 

884) -> bool: 

885 """Does `rhs.body` have a shape safe to reformat without optional parens around it? 


887 Returns True for only a subset of potentially nice looking formattings but 

888 the point is to not return false positives that end up producing lines that 

889 are too long. 

890 """ 

891 line = rhs.body 

892 bt = line.bracket_tracker 

893 if not bt.delimiters: 

894 # Without delimiters the optional parentheses are useless. 

895 return True 


897 max_priority = bt.max_delimiter_priority() 

898 delimiter_count = bt.delimiter_count_with_priority(max_priority) 

899 if delimiter_count > 1: 

900 # With more than one delimiter of a kind the optional parentheses read better. 

901 return False 


903 if delimiter_count == 1: 

904 if ( 

905 Preview.wrap_multiple_context_managers_in_parens in line.mode 

906 and max_priority == COMMA_PRIORITY 

907 and rhs.head.is_with_or_async_with_stmt 

908 ): 

909 # For two context manager with statements, the optional parentheses read 

910 # better. In this case, `rhs.body` is the context managers part of 

911 # the with statement. `rhs.head` is the `with (` part on the previous 

912 # line. 

913 return False 

914 # Otherwise it may also read better, but we don't do it today and requires 

915 # careful considerations for all possible cases. See 

916 # 


918 if max_priority == DOT_PRIORITY: 

919 # A single stranded method call doesn't require optional parentheses. 

920 return True 


922 assert len(line.leaves) >= 2, "Stranded delimiter" 


924 # With a single delimiter, omit if the expression starts or ends with 

925 # a bracket. 

926 first = line.leaves[0] 

927 second = line.leaves[1] 

928 if first.type in OPENING_BRACKETS and second.type not in CLOSING_BRACKETS: 

929 if _can_omit_opening_paren(line, first=first, line_length=line_length): 

930 return True 


932 # Note: we are not returning False here because a line might have *both* 

933 # a leading opening bracket and a trailing closing bracket. If the 

934 # opening bracket doesn't match our rule, maybe the closing will. 


936 penultimate = line.leaves[-2] 

937 last = line.leaves[-1] 


939 if ( 

940 last.type == token.RPAR 

941 or last.type == token.RBRACE 

942 or ( 

943 # don't use indexing for omitting optional parentheses; 

944 # it looks weird 

945 last.type == token.RSQB 

946 and last.parent 

947 and last.parent.type != syms.trailer 

948 ) 

949 ): 

950 if penultimate.type in OPENING_BRACKETS: 

951 # Empty brackets don't help. 

952 return False 


954 if is_multiline_string(first): 

955 # Additional wrapping of a multiline string in this situation is 

956 # unnecessary. 

957 return True 


959 if _can_omit_closing_paren(line, last=last, line_length=line_length): 

960 return True 


962 return False 



965def _can_omit_opening_paren(line: Line, *, first: Leaf, line_length: int) -> bool: 

966 """See `can_omit_invisible_parens`.""" 

967 remainder = False 

968 length = 4 * line.depth 

969 _index = -1 

970 for _index, leaf, leaf_length in line.enumerate_with_length(): 

971 if leaf.type in CLOSING_BRACKETS and leaf.opening_bracket is first: 

972 remainder = True 

973 if remainder: 

974 length += leaf_length 

975 if length > line_length: 

976 break 


978 if leaf.type in OPENING_BRACKETS: 

979 # There are brackets we can further split on. 

980 remainder = False 


982 else: 

983 # checked the entire string and line length wasn't exceeded 

984 if len(line.leaves) == _index + 1: 

985 return True 


987 return False 



990def _can_omit_closing_paren(line: Line, *, last: Leaf, line_length: int) -> bool: 

991 """See `can_omit_invisible_parens`.""" 

992 length = 4 * line.depth 

993 seen_other_brackets = False 

994 for _index, leaf, leaf_length in line.enumerate_with_length(): 

995 length += leaf_length 

996 if leaf is last.opening_bracket: 

997 if seen_other_brackets or length <= line_length: 

998 return True 


1000 elif leaf.type in OPENING_BRACKETS: 

1001 # There are brackets we can further split on. 

1002 seen_other_brackets = True 


1004 return False 



1007def line_to_string(line: Line) -> str: 

1008 """Returns the string representation of @line. 


1010 WARNING: This is known to be computationally expensive. 

1011 """ 

1012 return str(line).strip("\n")