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580 statements  

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1# Copyright 2014, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 


3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You 

4# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of 

5# the License is located at 




9# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is 


11# ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific 

12# language governing permissions and limitations under the License. 

13"""Response parsers for the various protocol types. 


15The module contains classes that can take an HTTP response, and given 

16an output shape, parse the response into a dict according to the 

17rules in the output shape. 


19There are many similarities amongst the different protocols with regard 

20to response parsing, and the code is structured in a way to avoid 

21code duplication when possible. The diagram below is a diagram 

22showing the inheritance hierarchy of the response classes. 






28 +--------------+ 

29 |ResponseParser| 

30 +--------------+ 

31 ^ ^ ^ 

32 +--------------------+ | +-------------------+ 

33 | | | 

34 +----------+----------+ +------+-------+ +-------+------+ 

35 |BaseXMLResponseParser| |BaseRestParser| |BaseJSONParser| 

36 +---------------------+ +--------------+ +--------------+ 

37 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 

38 | | | | | | 

39 | | | | | | 

40 | ++----------+-+ +-+-----------++ | 

41 | |RestXMLParser| |RestJSONParser| | 

42 +-----+-----+ +-------------+ +--------------+ +----+-----+ 

43 |QueryParser| |JSONParser| 

44 +-----------+ +----------+ 



47The diagram above shows that there is a base class, ``ResponseParser`` that 

48contains logic that is similar amongst all the different protocols (``query``, 

49``json``, ``rest-json``, ``rest-xml``). Amongst the various services there 

50is shared logic that can be grouped several ways: 


52* The ``query`` and ``rest-xml`` both have XML bodies that are parsed in the 

53 same way. 

54* The ``json`` and ``rest-json`` protocols both have JSON bodies that are 

55 parsed in the same way. 

56* The ``rest-json`` and ``rest-xml`` protocols have additional attributes 

57 besides body parameters that are parsed the same (headers, query string, 

58 status code). 


60This is reflected in the class diagram above. The ``BaseXMLResponseParser`` 

61and the BaseJSONParser contain logic for parsing the XML/JSON body, 

62and the BaseRestParser contains logic for parsing out attributes that 

63come from other parts of the HTTP response. Classes like the 

64``RestXMLParser`` inherit from the ``BaseXMLResponseParser`` to get the 

65XML body parsing logic and the ``BaseRestParser`` to get the HTTP 

66header/status code/query string parsing. 


68Additionally, there are event stream parsers that are used by the other parsers 

69to wrap streaming bodies that represent a stream of events. The 

70BaseEventStreamParser extends from ResponseParser and defines the logic for 

71parsing values from the headers and payload of a message from the underlying 

72binary encoding protocol. Currently, event streams support parsing bodies 

73encoded as JSON and XML through the following hierarchy. 



76 +--------------+ 

77 |ResponseParser| 

78 +--------------+ 

79 ^ ^ ^ 

80 +--------------------+ | +------------------+ 

81 | | | 

82 +----------+----------+ +----------+----------+ +-------+------+ 

83 |BaseXMLResponseParser| |BaseEventStreamParser| |BaseJSONParser| 

84 +---------------------+ +---------------------+ +--------------+ 

85 ^ ^ ^ ^ 

86 | | | | 

87 | | | | 

88 +-+----------------+-+ +-+-----------------+-+ 

89 |EventStreamXMLParser| |EventStreamJSONParser| 

90 +--------------------+ +---------------------+ 


92Return Values 



95Each call to ``parse()`` returns a dict has this form:: 


97 Standard Response 


99 { 

100 "ResponseMetadata": {"RequestId": <requestid>} 

101 <response keys> 

102 } 


104 Error response 


106 { 

107 "ResponseMetadata": {"RequestId": <requestid>} 

108 "Error": { 

109 "Code": <string>, 

110 "Message": <string>, 

111 "Type": <string>, 

112 <additional keys> 

113 } 

114 } 



117import base64 

118import http.client 

119import json 

120import logging 

121import re 


123from botocore.compat import ETree, XMLParseError 

124from botocore.eventstream import EventStream, NoInitialResponseError 

125from botocore.utils import ( 

126 is_json_value_header, 

127 lowercase_dict, 

128 merge_dicts, 

129 parse_timestamp, 



132LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) 


134DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_PARSER = parse_timestamp 



137class ResponseParserFactory: 

138 def __init__(self): 

139 self._defaults = {} 


141 def set_parser_defaults(self, **kwargs): 

142 """Set default arguments when a parser instance is created. 


144 You can specify any kwargs that are allowed by a ResponseParser 

145 class. There are currently two arguments: 


147 * timestamp_parser - A callable that can parse a timestamp string 

148 * blob_parser - A callable that can parse a blob type 


150 """ 

151 self._defaults.update(kwargs) 


153 def create_parser(self, protocol_name): 

154 parser_cls = PROTOCOL_PARSERS[protocol_name] 

155 return parser_cls(**self._defaults) 



158def create_parser(protocol): 

159 return ResponseParserFactory().create_parser(protocol) 



162def _text_content(func): 

163 # This decorator hides the difference between 

164 # an XML node with text or a plain string. It's used 

165 # to ensure that scalar processing operates only on text 

166 # strings, which allows the same scalar handlers to be used 

167 # for XML nodes from the body and HTTP headers. 

168 def _get_text_content(self, shape, node_or_string): 

169 if hasattr(node_or_string, 'text'): 

170 text = node_or_string.text 

171 if text is None: 

172 # If an XML node is empty <foo></foo>, 

173 # we want to parse that as an empty string, 

174 # not as a null/None value. 

175 text = '' 

176 else: 

177 text = node_or_string 

178 return func(self, shape, text) 


180 return _get_text_content 



183class ResponseParserError(Exception): 

184 pass 



187class ResponseParser: 

188 """Base class for response parsing. 


190 This class represents the interface that all ResponseParsers for the 

191 various protocols must implement. 


193 This class will take an HTTP response and a model shape and parse the 

194 HTTP response into a dictionary. 


196 There is a single public method exposed: ``parse``. See the ``parse`` 

197 docstring for more info. 


199 """ 


201 DEFAULT_ENCODING = 'utf-8' 



204 def __init__(self, timestamp_parser=None, blob_parser=None): 

205 if timestamp_parser is None: 

206 timestamp_parser = DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_PARSER 

207 self._timestamp_parser = timestamp_parser 

208 if blob_parser is None: 

209 blob_parser = self._default_blob_parser 

210 self._blob_parser = blob_parser 

211 self._event_stream_parser = None 

212 if self.EVENT_STREAM_PARSER_CLS is not None: 

213 self._event_stream_parser = self.EVENT_STREAM_PARSER_CLS( 

214 timestamp_parser, blob_parser 

215 ) 


217 def _default_blob_parser(self, value): 

218 # Blobs are always returned as bytes type (this matters on python3). 

219 # We don't decode this to a str because it's entirely possible that the 

220 # blob contains binary data that actually can't be decoded. 

221 return base64.b64decode(value) 


223 def parse(self, response, shape): 

224 """Parse the HTTP response given a shape. 


226 :param response: The HTTP response dictionary. This is a dictionary 

227 that represents the HTTP request. The dictionary must have the 

228 following keys, ``body``, ``headers``, and ``status_code``. 


230 :param shape: The model shape describing the expected output. 

231 :return: Returns a dictionary representing the parsed response 

232 described by the model. In addition to the shape described from 

233 the model, each response will also have a ``ResponseMetadata`` 

234 which contains metadata about the response, which contains at least 

235 two keys containing ``RequestId`` and ``HTTPStatusCode``. Some 

236 responses may populate additional keys, but ``RequestId`` will 

237 always be present. 


239 """ 

240 LOG.debug('Response headers: %r', response['headers']) 

241 LOG.debug('Response body:\n%r', response['body']) 

242 if response['status_code'] >= 301: 

243 if self._is_generic_error_response(response): 

244 parsed = self._do_generic_error_parse(response) 

245 elif self._is_modeled_error_shape(shape): 

246 parsed = self._do_modeled_error_parse(response, shape) 

247 # We don't want to decorate the modeled fields with metadata 

248 return parsed 

249 else: 

250 parsed = self._do_error_parse(response, shape) 

251 else: 

252 parsed = self._do_parse(response, shape) 


254 # We don't want to decorate event stream responses with metadata 

255 if shape and shape.serialization.get('eventstream'): 

256 return parsed 


258 # Add ResponseMetadata if it doesn't exist and inject the HTTP 

259 # status code and headers from the response. 

260 if isinstance(parsed, dict): 

261 response_metadata = parsed.get('ResponseMetadata', {}) 

262 response_metadata['HTTPStatusCode'] = response['status_code'] 

263 # Ensure that the http header keys are all lower cased. Older 

264 # versions of urllib3 (< 1.11) would unintentionally do this for us 

265 # (see urllib3#633). We need to do this conversion manually now. 

266 headers = response['headers'] 

267 response_metadata['HTTPHeaders'] = lowercase_dict(headers) 

268 parsed['ResponseMetadata'] = response_metadata 

269 self._add_checksum_response_metadata(response, response_metadata) 

270 return parsed 


272 def _add_checksum_response_metadata(self, response, response_metadata): 

273 checksum_context = response.get('context', {}).get('checksum', {}) 

274 algorithm = checksum_context.get('response_algorithm') 

275 if algorithm: 

276 response_metadata['ChecksumAlgorithm'] = algorithm 


278 def _is_modeled_error_shape(self, shape): 

279 return shape is not None and shape.metadata.get('exception', False) 


281 def _is_generic_error_response(self, response): 

282 # There are times when a service will respond with a generic 

283 # error response such as: 

284 # '<html><body><b>Http/1.1 Service Unavailable</b></body></html>' 

285 # 

286 # This can also happen if you're going through a proxy. 

287 # In this case the protocol specific _do_error_parse will either 

288 # fail to parse the response (in the best case) or silently succeed 

289 # and treat the HTML above as an XML response and return 

290 # non sensical parsed data. 

291 # To prevent this case from happening we first need to check 

292 # whether or not this response looks like the generic response. 

293 if response['status_code'] >= 500: 

294 if 'body' not in response or response['body'] is None: 

295 return True 


297 body = response['body'].strip() 

298 return body.startswith(b'<html>') or not body 


300 def _do_generic_error_parse(self, response): 

301 # There's not really much we can do when we get a generic 

302 # html response. 

303 LOG.debug( 

304 "Received a non protocol specific error response from the " 

305 "service, unable to populate error code and message." 

306 ) 

307 return { 

308 'Error': { 

309 'Code': str(response['status_code']), 

310 'Message': http.client.responses.get( 

311 response['status_code'], '' 

312 ), 

313 }, 

314 'ResponseMetadata': {}, 

315 } 


317 def _do_parse(self, response, shape): 

318 raise NotImplementedError("%s._do_parse" % self.__class__.__name__) 


320 def _do_error_parse(self, response, shape): 

321 raise NotImplementedError(f"{self.__class__.__name__}._do_error_parse") 


323 def _do_modeled_error_parse(self, response, shape, parsed): 

324 raise NotImplementedError( 

325 f"{self.__class__.__name__}._do_modeled_error_parse" 

326 ) 


328 def _parse_shape(self, shape, node): 

329 handler = getattr( 

330 self, f'_handle_{shape.type_name}', self._default_handle 

331 ) 

332 return handler(shape, node) 


334 def _handle_list(self, shape, node): 

335 # Enough implementations share list serialization that it's moved 

336 # up here in the base class. 

337 parsed = [] 

338 member_shape = shape.member 

339 for item in node: 

340 parsed.append(self._parse_shape(member_shape, item)) 

341 return parsed 


343 def _default_handle(self, shape, value): 

344 return value 


346 def _create_event_stream(self, response, shape): 

347 parser = self._event_stream_parser 

348 name = response['context'].get('operation_name') 

349 return EventStream(response['body'], shape, parser, name) 


351 def _get_first_key(self, value): 

352 return list(value)[0] 


354 def _has_unknown_tagged_union_member(self, shape, value): 

355 if shape.is_tagged_union: 

356 cleaned_value = value.copy() 

357 cleaned_value.pop("__type", None) 

358 if len(cleaned_value) != 1: 

359 error_msg = ( 

360 "Invalid service response: %s must have one and only " 

361 "one member set." 

362 ) 

363 raise ResponseParserError(error_msg % 

364 tag = self._get_first_key(cleaned_value) 

365 if tag not in shape.members: 

366 msg = ( 

367 "Received a tagged union response with member " 

368 "unknown to client: %s. Please upgrade SDK for full " 

369 "response support." 

370 ) 

371 % tag) 

372 return True 

373 return False 


375 def _handle_unknown_tagged_union_member(self, tag): 

376 return {'SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER': {'name': tag}} 



379class BaseXMLResponseParser(ResponseParser): 

380 def __init__(self, timestamp_parser=None, blob_parser=None): 

381 super().__init__(timestamp_parser, blob_parser) 

382 self._namespace_re = re.compile('{.*}') 


384 def _handle_map(self, shape, node): 

385 parsed = {} 

386 key_shape = shape.key 

387 value_shape = shape.value 

388 key_location_name = key_shape.serialization.get('name') or 'key' 

389 value_location_name = value_shape.serialization.get('name') or 'value' 

390 if shape.serialization.get('flattened') and not isinstance(node, list): 

391 node = [node] 

392 for keyval_node in node: 

393 for single_pair in keyval_node: 

394 # Within each <entry> there's a <key> and a <value> 

395 tag_name = self._node_tag(single_pair) 

396 if tag_name == key_location_name: 

397 key_name = self._parse_shape(key_shape, single_pair) 

398 elif tag_name == value_location_name: 

399 val_name = self._parse_shape(value_shape, single_pair) 

400 else: 

401 raise ResponseParserError("Unknown tag: %s" % tag_name) 

402 parsed[key_name] = val_name 

403 return parsed 


405 def _node_tag(self, node): 

406 return self._namespace_re.sub('', node.tag) 


408 def _handle_list(self, shape, node): 

409 # When we use _build_name_to_xml_node, repeated elements are aggregated 

410 # into a list. However, we can't tell the difference between a scalar 

411 # value and a single element flattened list. So before calling the 

412 # real _handle_list, we know that "node" should actually be a list if 

413 # it's flattened, and if it's not, then we make it a one element list. 

414 if shape.serialization.get('flattened') and not isinstance(node, list): 

415 node = [node] 

416 return super()._handle_list(shape, node) 


418 def _handle_structure(self, shape, node): 

419 parsed = {} 

420 members = shape.members 

421 if shape.metadata.get('exception', False): 

422 node = self._get_error_root(node) 

423 xml_dict = self._build_name_to_xml_node(node) 

424 if self._has_unknown_tagged_union_member(shape, xml_dict): 

425 tag = self._get_first_key(xml_dict) 

426 return self._handle_unknown_tagged_union_member(tag) 

427 for member_name in members: 

428 member_shape = members[member_name] 

429 if ( 

430 'location' in member_shape.serialization 

431 or member_shape.serialization.get('eventheader') 

432 ): 

433 # All members with locations have already been handled, 

434 # so we don't need to parse these members. 

435 continue 

436 xml_name = self._member_key_name(member_shape, member_name) 

437 member_node = xml_dict.get(xml_name) 

438 if member_node is not None: 

439 parsed[member_name] = self._parse_shape( 

440 member_shape, member_node 

441 ) 

442 elif member_shape.serialization.get('xmlAttribute'): 

443 attribs = {} 

444 location_name = member_shape.serialization['name'] 

445 for key, value in node.attrib.items(): 

446 new_key = self._namespace_re.sub( 

447 location_name.split(':')[0] + ':', key 

448 ) 

449 attribs[new_key] = value 

450 if location_name in attribs: 

451 parsed[member_name] = attribs[location_name] 

452 return parsed 


454 def _get_error_root(self, original_root): 

455 if self._node_tag(original_root) == 'ErrorResponse': 

456 for child in original_root: 

457 if self._node_tag(child) == 'Error': 

458 return child 

459 return original_root 


461 def _member_key_name(self, shape, member_name): 

462 # This method is needed because we have to special case flattened list 

463 # with a serialization name. If this is the case we use the 

464 # locationName from the list's member shape as the key name for the 

465 # surrounding structure. 

466 if shape.type_name == 'list' and shape.serialization.get('flattened'): 

467 list_member_serialized_name = shape.member.serialization.get( 

468 'name' 

469 ) 

470 if list_member_serialized_name is not None: 

471 return list_member_serialized_name 

472 serialized_name = shape.serialization.get('name') 

473 if serialized_name is not None: 

474 return serialized_name 

475 return member_name 


477 def _build_name_to_xml_node(self, parent_node): 

478 # If the parent node is actually a list. We should not be trying 

479 # to serialize it to a dictionary. Instead, return the first element 

480 # in the list. 

481 if isinstance(parent_node, list): 

482 return self._build_name_to_xml_node(parent_node[0]) 

483 xml_dict = {} 

484 for item in parent_node: 

485 key = self._node_tag(item) 

486 if key in xml_dict: 

487 # If the key already exists, the most natural 

488 # way to handle this is to aggregate repeated 

489 # keys into a single list. 

490 # <foo>1</foo><foo>2</foo> -> {'foo': [Node(1), Node(2)]} 

491 if isinstance(xml_dict[key], list): 

492 xml_dict[key].append(item) 

493 else: 

494 # Convert from a scalar to a list. 

495 xml_dict[key] = [xml_dict[key], item] 

496 else: 

497 xml_dict[key] = item 

498 return xml_dict 


500 def _parse_xml_string_to_dom(self, xml_string): 

501 try: 

502 parser = ETree.XMLParser( 

503 target=ETree.TreeBuilder(), encoding=self.DEFAULT_ENCODING 

504 ) 

505 parser.feed(xml_string) 

506 root = parser.close() 

507 except XMLParseError as e: 

508 raise ResponseParserError( 

509 "Unable to parse response (%s), " 

510 "invalid XML received. Further retries may succeed:\n%s" 

511 % (e, xml_string) 

512 ) 

513 return root 


515 def _replace_nodes(self, parsed): 

516 for key, value in parsed.items(): 

517 if list(value): 

518 sub_dict = self._build_name_to_xml_node(value) 

519 parsed[key] = self._replace_nodes(sub_dict) 

520 else: 

521 parsed[key] = value.text 

522 return parsed 


524 @_text_content 

525 def _handle_boolean(self, shape, text): 

526 if text == 'true': 

527 return True 

528 else: 

529 return False 


531 @_text_content 

532 def _handle_float(self, shape, text): 

533 return float(text) 


535 @_text_content 

536 def _handle_timestamp(self, shape, text): 

537 return self._timestamp_parser(text) 


539 @_text_content 

540 def _handle_integer(self, shape, text): 

541 return int(text) 


543 @_text_content 

544 def _handle_string(self, shape, text): 

545 return text 


547 @_text_content 

548 def _handle_blob(self, shape, text): 

549 return self._blob_parser(text) 


551 _handle_character = _handle_string 

552 _handle_double = _handle_float 

553 _handle_long = _handle_integer 



556class QueryParser(BaseXMLResponseParser): 

557 def _do_error_parse(self, response, shape): 

558 xml_contents = response['body'] 

559 root = self._parse_xml_string_to_dom(xml_contents) 

560 parsed = self._build_name_to_xml_node(root) 

561 self._replace_nodes(parsed) 

562 # Once we've converted xml->dict, we need to make one or two 

563 # more adjustments to extract nested errors and to be consistent 

564 # with ResponseMetadata for non-error responses: 

565 # 1. {"Errors": {"Error": {...}}} -> {"Error": {...}} 

566 # 2. {"RequestId": "id"} -> {"ResponseMetadata": {"RequestId": "id"}} 

567 if 'Errors' in parsed: 

568 parsed.update(parsed.pop('Errors')) 

569 if 'RequestId' in parsed: 

570 parsed['ResponseMetadata'] = {'RequestId': parsed.pop('RequestId')} 

571 return parsed 


573 def _do_modeled_error_parse(self, response, shape): 

574 return self._parse_body_as_xml(response, shape, inject_metadata=False) 


576 def _do_parse(self, response, shape): 

577 return self._parse_body_as_xml(response, shape, inject_metadata=True) 


579 def _parse_body_as_xml(self, response, shape, inject_metadata=True): 

580 xml_contents = response['body'] 

581 root = self._parse_xml_string_to_dom(xml_contents) 

582 parsed = {} 

583 if shape is not None: 

584 start = root 

585 if 'resultWrapper' in shape.serialization: 

586 start = self._find_result_wrapped_shape( 

587 shape.serialization['resultWrapper'], root 

588 ) 

589 parsed = self._parse_shape(shape, start) 

590 if inject_metadata: 

591 self._inject_response_metadata(root, parsed) 

592 return parsed 


594 def _find_result_wrapped_shape(self, element_name, xml_root_node): 

595 mapping = self._build_name_to_xml_node(xml_root_node) 

596 return mapping[element_name] 


598 def _inject_response_metadata(self, node, inject_into): 

599 mapping = self._build_name_to_xml_node(node) 

600 child_node = mapping.get('ResponseMetadata') 

601 if child_node is not None: 

602 sub_mapping = self._build_name_to_xml_node(child_node) 

603 for key, value in sub_mapping.items(): 

604 sub_mapping[key] = value.text 

605 inject_into['ResponseMetadata'] = sub_mapping 



608class EC2QueryParser(QueryParser): 

609 def _inject_response_metadata(self, node, inject_into): 

610 mapping = self._build_name_to_xml_node(node) 

611 child_node = mapping.get('requestId') 

612 if child_node is not None: 

613 inject_into['ResponseMetadata'] = {'RequestId': child_node.text} 


615 def _do_error_parse(self, response, shape): 

616 # EC2 errors look like: 

617 # <Response> 

618 # <Errors> 

619 # <Error> 

620 # <Code>InvalidInstanceID.Malformed</Code> 

621 # <Message>Invalid id: "1343124"</Message> 

622 # </Error> 

623 # </Errors> 

624 # <RequestID>12345</RequestID> 

625 # </Response> 

626 # This is different from QueryParser in that it's RequestID, 

627 # not RequestId 

628 original = super()._do_error_parse(response, shape) 

629 if 'RequestID' in original: 

630 original['ResponseMetadata'] = { 

631 'RequestId': original.pop('RequestID') 

632 } 

633 return original 


635 def _get_error_root(self, original_root): 

636 for child in original_root: 

637 if self._node_tag(child) == 'Errors': 

638 for errors_child in child: 

639 if self._node_tag(errors_child) == 'Error': 

640 return errors_child 

641 return original_root 



644class BaseJSONParser(ResponseParser): 

645 def _handle_structure(self, shape, value): 

646 final_parsed = {} 

647 if shape.is_document_type: 

648 final_parsed = value 

649 else: 

650 member_shapes = shape.members 

651 if value is None: 

652 # If the comes across the wire as "null" (None in python), 

653 # we should be returning this unchanged, instead of as an 

654 # empty dict. 

655 return None 

656 final_parsed = {} 

657 if self._has_unknown_tagged_union_member(shape, value): 

658 tag = self._get_first_key(value) 

659 return self._handle_unknown_tagged_union_member(tag) 

660 for member_name in member_shapes: 

661 member_shape = member_shapes[member_name] 

662 json_name = member_shape.serialization.get('name', member_name) 

663 raw_value = value.get(json_name) 

664 if raw_value is not None: 

665 final_parsed[member_name] = self._parse_shape( 

666 member_shapes[member_name], raw_value 

667 ) 

668 return final_parsed 


670 def _handle_map(self, shape, value): 

671 parsed = {} 

672 key_shape = shape.key 

673 value_shape = shape.value 

674 for key, value in value.items(): 

675 actual_key = self._parse_shape(key_shape, key) 

676 actual_value = self._parse_shape(value_shape, value) 

677 parsed[actual_key] = actual_value 

678 return parsed 


680 def _handle_blob(self, shape, value): 

681 return self._blob_parser(value) 


683 def _handle_timestamp(self, shape, value): 

684 return self._timestamp_parser(value) 


686 def _do_error_parse(self, response, shape): 

687 body = self._parse_body_as_json(response['body']) 

688 error = {"Error": {"Message": '', "Code": ''}, "ResponseMetadata": {}} 

689 headers = response['headers'] 

690 # Error responses can have slightly different structures for json. 

691 # The basic structure is: 

692 # 

693 # {"__type":"ConnectClientException", 

694 # "message":"The error message."} 


696 # The error message can either come in the 'message' or 'Message' key 

697 # so we need to check for both. 

698 error['Error']['Message'] = body.get( 

699 'message', body.get('Message', '') 

700 ) 

701 # if the message did not contain an error code 

702 # include the response status code 

703 response_code = response.get('status_code') 


705 code = body.get('__type', response_code and str(response_code)) 

706 if code is not None: 

707 # code has a couple forms as well: 

708 # * "" 

709 # * "ResourceNotFoundException" 

710 if '#' in code: 

711 code = code.rsplit('#', 1)[1] 

712 if 'x-amzn-query-error' in headers: 

713 code = self._do_query_compatible_error_parse( 

714 code, headers, error 

715 ) 

716 error['Error']['Code'] = code 

717 self._inject_response_metadata(error, response['headers']) 

718 return error 


720 def _do_query_compatible_error_parse(self, code, headers, error): 

721 """ 

722 Error response may contain an x-amzn-query-error header to translate 

723 errors codes from former `query` services into `json`. We use this to 

724 do our lookup in the errorfactory for modeled errors. 

725 """ 

726 query_error = headers['x-amzn-query-error'] 

727 query_error_components = query_error.split(';') 


729 if len(query_error_components) == 2 and query_error_components[0]: 

730 error['Error']['QueryErrorCode'] = code 

731 error['Error']['Type'] = query_error_components[1] 

732 return query_error_components[0] 

733 return code 


735 def _inject_response_metadata(self, parsed, headers): 

736 if 'x-amzn-requestid' in headers: 

737 parsed.setdefault('ResponseMetadata', {})['RequestId'] = headers[ 

738 'x-amzn-requestid' 

739 ] 


741 def _parse_body_as_json(self, body_contents): 

742 if not body_contents: 

743 return {} 

744 body = body_contents.decode(self.DEFAULT_ENCODING) 

745 try: 

746 original_parsed = json.loads(body) 

747 return original_parsed 

748 except ValueError: 

749 # if the body cannot be parsed, include 

750 # the literal string as the message 

751 return {'message': body} 



754class BaseEventStreamParser(ResponseParser): 

755 def _do_parse(self, response, shape): 

756 final_parsed = {} 

757 if shape.serialization.get('eventstream'): 

758 event_type = response['headers'].get(':event-type') 

759 event_shape = shape.members.get(event_type) 

760 if event_shape: 

761 final_parsed[event_type] = self._do_parse( 

762 response, event_shape 

763 ) 

764 else: 

765 self._parse_non_payload_attrs( 

766 response, shape, shape.members, final_parsed 

767 ) 

768 self._parse_payload(response, shape, shape.members, final_parsed) 

769 return final_parsed 


771 def _do_error_parse(self, response, shape): 

772 exception_type = response['headers'].get(':exception-type') 

773 exception_shape = shape.members.get(exception_type) 

774 if exception_shape is not None: 

775 original_parsed = self._initial_body_parse(response['body']) 

776 body = self._parse_shape(exception_shape, original_parsed) 

777 error = { 

778 'Error': { 

779 'Code': exception_type, 

780 'Message': body.get('Message', body.get('message', '')), 

781 } 

782 } 

783 else: 

784 error = { 

785 'Error': { 

786 'Code': response['headers'].get(':error-code', ''), 

787 'Message': response['headers'].get(':error-message', ''), 

788 } 

789 } 

790 return error 


792 def _parse_payload(self, response, shape, member_shapes, final_parsed): 

793 if shape.serialization.get('event'): 

794 for name in member_shapes: 

795 member_shape = member_shapes[name] 

796 if member_shape.serialization.get('eventpayload'): 

797 body = response['body'] 

798 if member_shape.type_name == 'blob': 

799 parsed_body = body 

800 elif member_shape.type_name == 'string': 

801 parsed_body = body.decode(self.DEFAULT_ENCODING) 

802 else: 

803 raw_parse = self._initial_body_parse(body) 

804 parsed_body = self._parse_shape( 

805 member_shape, raw_parse 

806 ) 

807 final_parsed[name] = parsed_body 

808 return 

809 # If we didn't find an explicit payload, use the current shape 

810 original_parsed = self._initial_body_parse(response['body']) 

811 body_parsed = self._parse_shape(shape, original_parsed) 

812 final_parsed.update(body_parsed) 


814 def _parse_non_payload_attrs( 

815 self, response, shape, member_shapes, final_parsed 

816 ): 

817 headers = response['headers'] 

818 for name in member_shapes: 

819 member_shape = member_shapes[name] 

820 if member_shape.serialization.get('eventheader'): 

821 if name in headers: 

822 value = headers[name] 

823 if member_shape.type_name == 'timestamp': 

824 # Event stream timestamps are an in milleseconds so we 

825 # divide by 1000 to convert to seconds. 

826 value = self._timestamp_parser(value / 1000.0) 

827 final_parsed[name] = value 


829 def _initial_body_parse(self, body_contents): 

830 # This method should do the initial xml/json parsing of the 

831 # body. We we still need to walk the parsed body in order 

832 # to convert types, but this method will do the first round 

833 # of parsing. 

834 raise NotImplementedError("_initial_body_parse") 



837class EventStreamJSONParser(BaseEventStreamParser, BaseJSONParser): 

838 def _initial_body_parse(self, body_contents): 

839 return self._parse_body_as_json(body_contents) 



842class EventStreamXMLParser(BaseEventStreamParser, BaseXMLResponseParser): 

843 def _initial_body_parse(self, xml_string): 

844 if not xml_string: 

845 return ETree.Element('') 

846 return self._parse_xml_string_to_dom(xml_string) 



849class JSONParser(BaseJSONParser): 



852 """Response parser for the "json" protocol.""" 


854 def _do_parse(self, response, shape): 

855 parsed = {} 

856 if shape is not None: 

857 event_name = shape.event_stream_name 

858 if event_name: 

859 parsed = self._handle_event_stream(response, shape, event_name) 

860 else: 

861 parsed = self._handle_json_body(response['body'], shape) 

862 self._inject_response_metadata(parsed, response['headers']) 

863 return parsed 


865 def _do_modeled_error_parse(self, response, shape): 

866 return self._handle_json_body(response['body'], shape) 


868 def _handle_event_stream(self, response, shape, event_name): 

869 event_stream_shape = shape.members[event_name] 

870 event_stream = self._create_event_stream(response, event_stream_shape) 

871 try: 

872 event = event_stream.get_initial_response() 

873 except NoInitialResponseError: 

874 error_msg = 'First event was not of type initial-response' 

875 raise ResponseParserError(error_msg) 

876 parsed = self._handle_json_body(event.payload, shape) 

877 parsed[event_name] = event_stream 

878 return parsed 


880 def _handle_json_body(self, raw_body, shape): 

881 # The json.loads() gives us the primitive JSON types, 

882 # but we need to traverse the parsed JSON data to convert 

883 # to richer types (blobs, timestamps, etc. 

884 parsed_json = self._parse_body_as_json(raw_body) 

885 return self._parse_shape(shape, parsed_json) 



888class BaseRestParser(ResponseParser): 

889 def _do_parse(self, response, shape): 

890 final_parsed = {} 

891 final_parsed['ResponseMetadata'] = self._populate_response_metadata( 

892 response 

893 ) 

894 self._add_modeled_parse(response, shape, final_parsed) 

895 return final_parsed 


897 def _add_modeled_parse(self, response, shape, final_parsed): 

898 if shape is None: 

899 return final_parsed 

900 member_shapes = shape.members 

901 self._parse_non_payload_attrs( 

902 response, shape, member_shapes, final_parsed 

903 ) 

904 self._parse_payload(response, shape, member_shapes, final_parsed) 


906 def _do_modeled_error_parse(self, response, shape): 

907 final_parsed = {} 

908 self._add_modeled_parse(response, shape, final_parsed) 

909 return final_parsed 


911 def _populate_response_metadata(self, response): 

912 metadata = {} 

913 headers = response['headers'] 

914 if 'x-amzn-requestid' in headers: 

915 metadata['RequestId'] = headers['x-amzn-requestid'] 

916 elif 'x-amz-request-id' in headers: 

917 metadata['RequestId'] = headers['x-amz-request-id'] 

918 # HostId is what it's called whenever this value is returned 

919 # in an XML response body, so to be consistent, we'll always 

920 # call is HostId. 

921 metadata['HostId'] = headers.get('x-amz-id-2', '') 

922 return metadata 


924 def _parse_payload(self, response, shape, member_shapes, final_parsed): 

925 if 'payload' in shape.serialization: 

926 # If a payload is specified in the output shape, then only that 

927 # shape is used for the body payload. 

928 payload_member_name = shape.serialization['payload'] 

929 body_shape = member_shapes[payload_member_name] 

930 if body_shape.serialization.get('eventstream'): 

931 body = self._create_event_stream(response, body_shape) 

932 final_parsed[payload_member_name] = body 

933 elif body_shape.type_name in ['string', 'blob']: 

934 # This is a stream 

935 body = response['body'] 

936 if isinstance(body, bytes): 

937 body = body.decode(self.DEFAULT_ENCODING) 

938 final_parsed[payload_member_name] = body 

939 else: 

940 original_parsed = self._initial_body_parse(response['body']) 

941 final_parsed[payload_member_name] = self._parse_shape( 

942 body_shape, original_parsed 

943 ) 

944 else: 

945 original_parsed = self._initial_body_parse(response['body']) 

946 body_parsed = self._parse_shape(shape, original_parsed) 

947 final_parsed.update(body_parsed) 


949 def _parse_non_payload_attrs( 

950 self, response, shape, member_shapes, final_parsed 

951 ): 

952 headers = response['headers'] 

953 for name in member_shapes: 

954 member_shape = member_shapes[name] 

955 location = member_shape.serialization.get('location') 

956 if location is None: 

957 continue 

958 elif location == 'statusCode': 

959 final_parsed[name] = self._parse_shape( 

960 member_shape, response['status_code'] 

961 ) 

962 elif location == 'headers': 

963 final_parsed[name] = self._parse_header_map( 

964 member_shape, headers 

965 ) 

966 elif location == 'header': 

967 header_name = member_shape.serialization.get('name', name) 

968 if header_name in headers: 

969 final_parsed[name] = self._parse_shape( 

970 member_shape, headers[header_name] 

971 ) 


973 def _parse_header_map(self, shape, headers): 

974 # Note that headers are case insensitive, so we .lower() 

975 # all header names and header prefixes. 

976 parsed = {} 

977 prefix = shape.serialization.get('name', '').lower() 

978 for header_name in headers: 

979 if header_name.lower().startswith(prefix): 

980 # The key name inserted into the parsed hash 

981 # strips off the prefix. 

982 name = header_name[len(prefix) :] 

983 parsed[name] = headers[header_name] 

984 return parsed 


986 def _initial_body_parse(self, body_contents): 

987 # This method should do the initial xml/json parsing of the 

988 # body. We we still need to walk the parsed body in order 

989 # to convert types, but this method will do the first round 

990 # of parsing. 

991 raise NotImplementedError("_initial_body_parse") 


993 def _handle_string(self, shape, value): 

994 parsed = value 

995 if is_json_value_header(shape): 

996 decoded = base64.b64decode(value).decode(self.DEFAULT_ENCODING) 

997 parsed = json.loads(decoded) 

998 return parsed 


1000 def _handle_list(self, shape, node): 

1001 location = shape.serialization.get('location') 

1002 if location == 'header' and not isinstance(node, list): 

1003 # List in headers may be a comma separated string as per RFC7230 

1004 node = [e.strip() for e in node.split(',')] 

1005 return super()._handle_list(shape, node) 



1008class RestJSONParser(BaseRestParser, BaseJSONParser): 



1011 def _initial_body_parse(self, body_contents): 

1012 return self._parse_body_as_json(body_contents) 


1014 def _do_error_parse(self, response, shape): 

1015 error = super()._do_error_parse(response, shape) 

1016 self._inject_error_code(error, response) 

1017 return error 


1019 def _inject_error_code(self, error, response): 

1020 # The "Code" value can come from either a response 

1021 # header or a value in the JSON body. 

1022 body = self._initial_body_parse(response['body']) 

1023 if 'x-amzn-errortype' in response['headers']: 

1024 code = response['headers']['x-amzn-errortype'] 

1025 # Could be: 

1026 # x-amzn-errortype: ValidationException: 

1027 code = code.split(':')[0] 

1028 error['Error']['Code'] = code 

1029 elif 'code' in body or 'Code' in body: 

1030 error['Error']['Code'] = body.get('code', body.get('Code', '')) 


1032 def _handle_integer(self, shape, value): 

1033 return int(value) 


1035 _handle_long = _handle_integer 



1038class RestXMLParser(BaseRestParser, BaseXMLResponseParser): 

1039 EVENT_STREAM_PARSER_CLS = EventStreamXMLParser 


1041 def _initial_body_parse(self, xml_string): 

1042 if not xml_string: 

1043 return ETree.Element('') 

1044 return self._parse_xml_string_to_dom(xml_string) 


1046 def _do_error_parse(self, response, shape): 

1047 # We're trying to be service agnostic here, but S3 does have a slightly 

1048 # different response structure for its errors compared to other 

1049 # rest-xml serivces (route53/cloudfront). We handle this by just 

1050 # trying to parse both forms. 

1051 # First: 

1052 # <ErrorResponse xmlns="..."> 

1053 # <Error> 

1054 # <Type>Sender</Type> 

1055 # <Code>InvalidInput</Code> 

1056 # <Message>Invalid resource type: foo</Message> 

1057 # </Error> 

1058 # <RequestId>request-id</RequestId> 

1059 # </ErrorResponse> 

1060 if response['body']: 

1061 # If the body ends up being invalid xml, the xml parser should not 

1062 # blow up. It should at least try to pull information about the 

1063 # the error response from other sources like the HTTP status code. 

1064 try: 

1065 return self._parse_error_from_body(response) 

1066 except ResponseParserError: 

1067 LOG.debug( 

1068 'Exception caught when parsing error response body:', 

1069 exc_info=True, 

1070 ) 

1071 return self._parse_error_from_http_status(response) 


1073 def _parse_error_from_http_status(self, response): 

1074 return { 

1075 'Error': { 

1076 'Code': str(response['status_code']), 

1077 'Message': http.client.responses.get( 

1078 response['status_code'], '' 

1079 ), 

1080 }, 

1081 'ResponseMetadata': { 

1082 'RequestId': response['headers'].get('x-amz-request-id', ''), 

1083 'HostId': response['headers'].get('x-amz-id-2', ''), 

1084 }, 

1085 } 


1087 def _parse_error_from_body(self, response): 

1088 xml_contents = response['body'] 

1089 root = self._parse_xml_string_to_dom(xml_contents) 

1090 parsed = self._build_name_to_xml_node(root) 

1091 self._replace_nodes(parsed) 

1092 if root.tag == 'Error': 

1093 # This is an S3 error response. First we'll populate the 

1094 # response metadata. 

1095 metadata = self._populate_response_metadata(response) 

1096 # The RequestId and the HostId are already in the 

1097 # ResponseMetadata, but are also duplicated in the XML 

1098 # body. We don't need these values in both places, 

1099 # we'll just remove them from the parsed XML body. 

1100 parsed.pop('RequestId', '') 

1101 parsed.pop('HostId', '') 

1102 return {'Error': parsed, 'ResponseMetadata': metadata} 

1103 elif 'RequestId' in parsed: 

1104 # Other rest-xml services: 

1105 parsed['ResponseMetadata'] = {'RequestId': parsed.pop('RequestId')} 

1106 default = {'Error': {'Message': '', 'Code': ''}} 

1107 merge_dicts(default, parsed) 

1108 return default 


1110 @_text_content 

1111 def _handle_string(self, shape, text): 

1112 text = super()._handle_string(shape, text) 

1113 return text 




1117 'ec2': EC2QueryParser, 

1118 'query': QueryParser, 

1119 'json': JSONParser, 

1120 'rest-json': RestJSONParser, 

1121 'rest-xml': RestXMLParser, 
