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188 statements  

1from __future__ import annotations 


3import http.cookies 

4import json 

5import os 

6import stat 

7import typing 

8import warnings 

9from datetime import datetime 

10from email.utils import format_datetime, formatdate 

11from functools import partial 

12from mimetypes import guess_type 

13from urllib.parse import quote 


15import anyio 

16import anyio.to_thread 


18from starlette._compat import md5_hexdigest 

19from starlette.background import BackgroundTask 

20from starlette.concurrency import iterate_in_threadpool 

21from starlette.datastructures import URL, MutableHeaders 

22from starlette.types import Receive, Scope, Send 



25class Response: 

26 media_type = None 

27 charset = "utf-8" 


29 def __init__( 

30 self, 

31 content: typing.Any = None, 

32 status_code: int = 200, 

33 headers: typing.Mapping[str, str] | None = None, 

34 media_type: str | None = None, 

35 background: BackgroundTask | None = None, 

36 ) -> None: 

37 self.status_code = status_code 

38 if media_type is not None: 

39 self.media_type = media_type 

40 self.background = background 

41 self.body = self.render(content) 

42 self.init_headers(headers) 


44 def render(self, content: typing.Any) -> bytes | memoryview: 

45 if content is None: 

46 return b"" 

47 if isinstance(content, (bytes, memoryview)): 

48 return content 

49 return content.encode(self.charset) # type: ignore 


51 def init_headers(self, headers: typing.Mapping[str, str] | None = None) -> None: 

52 if headers is None: 

53 raw_headers: list[tuple[bytes, bytes]] = [] 

54 populate_content_length = True 

55 populate_content_type = True 

56 else: 

57 raw_headers = [(k.lower().encode("latin-1"), v.encode("latin-1")) for k, v in headers.items()] 

58 keys = [h[0] for h in raw_headers] 

59 populate_content_length = b"content-length" not in keys 

60 populate_content_type = b"content-type" not in keys 


62 body = getattr(self, "body", None) 

63 if ( 

64 body is not None 

65 and populate_content_length 

66 and not (self.status_code < 200 or self.status_code in (204, 304)) 

67 ): 

68 content_length = str(len(body)) 

69 raw_headers.append((b"content-length", content_length.encode("latin-1"))) 


71 content_type = self.media_type 

72 if content_type is not None and populate_content_type: 

73 if content_type.startswith("text/") and "charset=" not in content_type.lower(): 

74 content_type += "; charset=" + self.charset 

75 raw_headers.append((b"content-type", content_type.encode("latin-1"))) 


77 self.raw_headers = raw_headers 


79 @property 

80 def headers(self) -> MutableHeaders: 

81 if not hasattr(self, "_headers"): 

82 self._headers = MutableHeaders(raw=self.raw_headers) 

83 return self._headers 


85 def set_cookie( 

86 self, 

87 key: str, 

88 value: str = "", 

89 max_age: int | None = None, 

90 expires: datetime | str | int | None = None, 

91 path: str | None = "/", 

92 domain: str | None = None, 

93 secure: bool = False, 

94 httponly: bool = False, 

95 samesite: typing.Literal["lax", "strict", "none"] | None = "lax", 

96 ) -> None: 

97 cookie: http.cookies.BaseCookie[str] = http.cookies.SimpleCookie() 

98 cookie[key] = value 

99 if max_age is not None: 

100 cookie[key]["max-age"] = max_age 

101 if expires is not None: 

102 if isinstance(expires, datetime): 

103 cookie[key]["expires"] = format_datetime(expires, usegmt=True) 

104 else: 

105 cookie[key]["expires"] = expires 

106 if path is not None: 

107 cookie[key]["path"] = path 

108 if domain is not None: 

109 cookie[key]["domain"] = domain 

110 if secure: 

111 cookie[key]["secure"] = True 

112 if httponly: 

113 cookie[key]["httponly"] = True 

114 if samesite is not None: 

115 assert samesite.lower() in [ 

116 "strict", 

117 "lax", 

118 "none", 

119 ], "samesite must be either 'strict', 'lax' or 'none'" 

120 cookie[key]["samesite"] = samesite 

121 cookie_val = cookie.output(header="").strip() 

122 self.raw_headers.append((b"set-cookie", cookie_val.encode("latin-1"))) 


124 def delete_cookie( 

125 self, 

126 key: str, 

127 path: str = "/", 

128 domain: str | None = None, 

129 secure: bool = False, 

130 httponly: bool = False, 

131 samesite: typing.Literal["lax", "strict", "none"] | None = "lax", 

132 ) -> None: 

133 self.set_cookie( 

134 key, 

135 max_age=0, 

136 expires=0, 

137 path=path, 

138 domain=domain, 

139 secure=secure, 

140 httponly=httponly, 

141 samesite=samesite, 

142 ) 


144 async def __call__(self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None: 

145 prefix = "websocket." if scope["type"] == "websocket" else "" 

146 await send( 

147 { 

148 "type": prefix + "http.response.start", 

149 "status": self.status_code, 

150 "headers": self.raw_headers, 

151 } 

152 ) 

153 await send({"type": prefix + "http.response.body", "body": self.body}) 


155 if self.background is not None: 

156 await self.background() 



159class HTMLResponse(Response): 

160 media_type = "text/html" 



163class PlainTextResponse(Response): 

164 media_type = "text/plain" 



167class JSONResponse(Response): 

168 media_type = "application/json" 


170 def __init__( 

171 self, 

172 content: typing.Any, 

173 status_code: int = 200, 

174 headers: typing.Mapping[str, str] | None = None, 

175 media_type: str | None = None, 

176 background: BackgroundTask | None = None, 

177 ) -> None: 

178 super().__init__(content, status_code, headers, media_type, background) 


180 def render(self, content: typing.Any) -> bytes: 

181 return json.dumps( 

182 content, 

183 ensure_ascii=False, 

184 allow_nan=False, 

185 indent=None, 

186 separators=(",", ":"), 

187 ).encode("utf-8") 



190class RedirectResponse(Response): 

191 def __init__( 

192 self, 

193 url: str | URL, 

194 status_code: int = 307, 

195 headers: typing.Mapping[str, str] | None = None, 

196 background: BackgroundTask | None = None, 

197 ) -> None: 

198 super().__init__(content=b"", status_code=status_code, headers=headers, background=background) 

199 self.headers["location"] = quote(str(url), safe=":/%#?=@[]!$&'()*+,;") 



202Content = typing.Union[str, bytes, memoryview] 

203SyncContentStream = typing.Iterable[Content] 

204AsyncContentStream = typing.AsyncIterable[Content] 

205ContentStream = typing.Union[AsyncContentStream, SyncContentStream] 



208class StreamingResponse(Response): 

209 body_iterator: AsyncContentStream 


211 def __init__( 

212 self, 

213 content: ContentStream, 

214 status_code: int = 200, 

215 headers: typing.Mapping[str, str] | None = None, 

216 media_type: str | None = None, 

217 background: BackgroundTask | None = None, 

218 ) -> None: 

219 if isinstance(content, typing.AsyncIterable): 

220 self.body_iterator = content 

221 else: 

222 self.body_iterator = iterate_in_threadpool(content) 

223 self.status_code = status_code 

224 self.media_type = self.media_type if media_type is None else media_type 

225 self.background = background 

226 self.init_headers(headers) 


228 async def listen_for_disconnect(self, receive: Receive) -> None: 

229 while True: 

230 message = await receive() 

231 if message["type"] == "http.disconnect": 

232 break 


234 async def stream_response(self, send: Send) -> None: 

235 await send( 

236 { 

237 "type": "http.response.start", 

238 "status": self.status_code, 

239 "headers": self.raw_headers, 

240 } 

241 ) 

242 async for chunk in self.body_iterator: 

243 if not isinstance(chunk, (bytes, memoryview)): 

244 chunk = chunk.encode(self.charset) 

245 await send({"type": "http.response.body", "body": chunk, "more_body": True}) 


247 await send({"type": "http.response.body", "body": b"", "more_body": False}) 


249 async def __call__(self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None: 

250 async with anyio.create_task_group() as task_group: 


252 async def wrap(func: typing.Callable[[], typing.Awaitable[None]]) -> None: 

253 await func() 

254 task_group.cancel_scope.cancel() 


256 task_group.start_soon(wrap, partial(self.stream_response, send)) 

257 await wrap(partial(self.listen_for_disconnect, receive)) 


259 if self.background is not None: 

260 await self.background() 



263class FileResponse(Response): 

264 chunk_size = 64 * 1024 


266 def __init__( 

267 self, 

268 path: str | os.PathLike[str], 

269 status_code: int = 200, 

270 headers: typing.Mapping[str, str] | None = None, 

271 media_type: str | None = None, 

272 background: BackgroundTask | None = None, 

273 filename: str | None = None, 

274 stat_result: os.stat_result | None = None, 

275 method: str | None = None, 

276 content_disposition_type: str = "attachment", 

277 ) -> None: 

278 self.path = path 

279 self.status_code = status_code 

280 self.filename = filename 

281 if method is not None: 

282 warnings.warn( 

283 "The 'method' parameter is not used, and it will be removed.", 

284 DeprecationWarning, 

285 ) 

286 if media_type is None: 

287 media_type = guess_type(filename or path)[0] or "text/plain" 

288 self.media_type = media_type 

289 self.background = background 

290 self.init_headers(headers) 

291 if self.filename is not None: 

292 content_disposition_filename = quote(self.filename) 

293 if content_disposition_filename != self.filename: 

294 content_disposition = f"{content_disposition_type}; filename*=utf-8''{content_disposition_filename}" 

295 else: 

296 content_disposition = f'{content_disposition_type}; filename="{self.filename}"' 

297 self.headers.setdefault("content-disposition", content_disposition) 

298 self.stat_result = stat_result 

299 if stat_result is not None: 

300 self.set_stat_headers(stat_result) 


302 def set_stat_headers(self, stat_result: os.stat_result) -> None: 

303 content_length = str(stat_result.st_size) 

304 last_modified = formatdate(stat_result.st_mtime, usegmt=True) 

305 etag_base = str(stat_result.st_mtime) + "-" + str(stat_result.st_size) 

306 etag = f'"{md5_hexdigest(etag_base.encode(), usedforsecurity=False)}"' 


308 self.headers.setdefault("content-length", content_length) 

309 self.headers.setdefault("last-modified", last_modified) 

310 self.headers.setdefault("etag", etag) 


312 async def __call__(self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None: 

313 if self.stat_result is None: 

314 try: 

315 stat_result = await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(os.stat, self.path) 

316 self.set_stat_headers(stat_result) 

317 except FileNotFoundError: 

318 raise RuntimeError(f"File at path {self.path} does not exist.") 

319 else: 

320 mode = stat_result.st_mode 

321 if not stat.S_ISREG(mode): 

322 raise RuntimeError(f"File at path {self.path} is not a file.") 

323 await send( 

324 { 

325 "type": "http.response.start", 

326 "status": self.status_code, 

327 "headers": self.raw_headers, 

328 } 

329 ) 

330 if scope["method"].upper() == "HEAD": 

331 await send({"type": "http.response.body", "body": b"", "more_body": False}) 

332 else: 

333 async with await anyio.open_file(self.path, mode="rb") as file: 

334 more_body = True 

335 while more_body: 

336 chunk = await 

337 more_body = len(chunk) == self.chunk_size 

338 await send( 

339 { 

340 "type": "http.response.body", 

341 "body": chunk, 

342 "more_body": more_body, 

343 } 

344 ) 

345 if self.background is not None: 

346 await self.background()