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1# Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format 

2# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved. 


4# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style 

5# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at 



8"""Contains FieldMask class.""" 


10from google.protobuf.descriptor import FieldDescriptor 



13class FieldMask(object): 

14 """Class for FieldMask message type.""" 


16 __slots__ = () 


18 def ToJsonString(self): 

19 """Converts FieldMask to string according to proto3 JSON spec.""" 

20 camelcase_paths = [] 

21 for path in self.paths: 

22 camelcase_paths.append(_SnakeCaseToCamelCase(path)) 

23 return ','.join(camelcase_paths) 


25 def FromJsonString(self, value): 

26 """Converts string to FieldMask according to proto3 JSON spec.""" 

27 if not isinstance(value, str): 

28 raise ValueError('FieldMask JSON value not a string: {!r}'.format(value)) 

29 self.Clear() 

30 if value: 

31 for path in value.split(','): 

32 self.paths.append(_CamelCaseToSnakeCase(path)) 


34 def IsValidForDescriptor(self, message_descriptor): 

35 """Checks whether the FieldMask is valid for Message Descriptor.""" 

36 for path in self.paths: 

37 if not _IsValidPath(message_descriptor, path): 

38 return False 

39 return True 


41 def AllFieldsFromDescriptor(self, message_descriptor): 

42 """Gets all direct fields of Message Descriptor to FieldMask.""" 

43 self.Clear() 

44 for field in message_descriptor.fields: 

45 self.paths.append( 


47 def CanonicalFormFromMask(self, mask): 

48 """Converts a FieldMask to the canonical form. 


50 Removes paths that are covered by another path. For example, 

51 "" is covered by "foo" and will be removed if "foo" 

52 is also in the FieldMask. Then sorts all paths in alphabetical order. 


54 Args: 

55 mask: The original FieldMask to be converted. 

56 """ 

57 tree = _FieldMaskTree(mask) 

58 tree.ToFieldMask(self) 


60 def Union(self, mask1, mask2): 

61 """Merges mask1 and mask2 into this FieldMask.""" 

62 _CheckFieldMaskMessage(mask1) 

63 _CheckFieldMaskMessage(mask2) 

64 tree = _FieldMaskTree(mask1) 

65 tree.MergeFromFieldMask(mask2) 

66 tree.ToFieldMask(self) 


68 def Intersect(self, mask1, mask2): 

69 """Intersects mask1 and mask2 into this FieldMask.""" 

70 _CheckFieldMaskMessage(mask1) 

71 _CheckFieldMaskMessage(mask2) 

72 tree = _FieldMaskTree(mask1) 

73 intersection = _FieldMaskTree() 

74 for path in mask2.paths: 

75 tree.IntersectPath(path, intersection) 

76 intersection.ToFieldMask(self) 


78 def MergeMessage( 

79 self, source, destination, 

80 replace_message_field=False, replace_repeated_field=False): 

81 """Merges fields specified in FieldMask from source to destination. 


83 Args: 

84 source: Source message. 

85 destination: The destination message to be merged into. 

86 replace_message_field: Replace message field if True. Merge message 

87 field if False. 

88 replace_repeated_field: Replace repeated field if True. Append 

89 elements of repeated field if False. 

90 """ 

91 tree = _FieldMaskTree(self) 

92 tree.MergeMessage( 

93 source, destination, replace_message_field, replace_repeated_field) 



96def _IsValidPath(message_descriptor, path): 

97 """Checks whether the path is valid for Message Descriptor.""" 

98 parts = path.split('.') 

99 last = parts.pop() 

100 for name in parts: 

101 field = message_descriptor.fields_by_name.get(name) 

102 if (field is None or 

103 field.label == FieldDescriptor.LABEL_REPEATED or 

104 field.type != FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE): 

105 return False 

106 message_descriptor = field.message_type 

107 return last in message_descriptor.fields_by_name 



110def _CheckFieldMaskMessage(message): 

111 """Raises ValueError if message is not a FieldMask.""" 

112 message_descriptor = message.DESCRIPTOR 

113 if ( != 'FieldMask' or 

114 != 'google/protobuf/field_mask.proto'): 

115 raise ValueError('Message {0} is not a FieldMask.'.format( 

116 message_descriptor.full_name)) 



119def _SnakeCaseToCamelCase(path_name): 

120 """Converts a path name from snake_case to camelCase.""" 

121 result = [] 

122 after_underscore = False 

123 for c in path_name: 

124 if c.isupper(): 

125 raise ValueError( 

126 'Fail to print FieldMask to Json string: Path name ' 

127 '{0} must not contain uppercase letters.'.format(path_name)) 

128 if after_underscore: 

129 if c.islower(): 

130 result.append(c.upper()) 

131 after_underscore = False 

132 else: 

133 raise ValueError( 

134 'Fail to print FieldMask to Json string: The ' 

135 'character after a "_" must be a lowercase letter ' 

136 'in path name {0}.'.format(path_name)) 

137 elif c == '_': 

138 after_underscore = True 

139 else: 

140 result += c 


142 if after_underscore: 

143 raise ValueError('Fail to print FieldMask to Json string: Trailing "_" ' 

144 'in path name {0}.'.format(path_name)) 

145 return ''.join(result) 



148def _CamelCaseToSnakeCase(path_name): 

149 """Converts a field name from camelCase to snake_case.""" 

150 result = [] 

151 for c in path_name: 

152 if c == '_': 

153 raise ValueError('Fail to parse FieldMask: Path name ' 

154 '{0} must not contain "_"s.'.format(path_name)) 

155 if c.isupper(): 

156 result += '_' 

157 result += c.lower() 

158 else: 

159 result += c 

160 return ''.join(result) 



163class _FieldMaskTree(object): 

164 """Represents a FieldMask in a tree structure. 


166 For example, given a FieldMask ",foo.baz,bar.baz", 

167 the FieldMaskTree will be: 

168 [_root] -+- foo -+- bar 

169 | | 

170 | +- baz 

171 | 

172 +- bar --- baz 

173 In the tree, each leaf node represents a field path. 

174 """ 


176 __slots__ = ('_root',) 


178 def __init__(self, field_mask=None): 

179 """Initializes the tree by FieldMask.""" 

180 self._root = {} 

181 if field_mask: 

182 self.MergeFromFieldMask(field_mask) 


184 def MergeFromFieldMask(self, field_mask): 

185 """Merges a FieldMask to the tree.""" 

186 for path in field_mask.paths: 

187 self.AddPath(path) 


189 def AddPath(self, path): 

190 """Adds a field path into the tree. 


192 If the field path to add is a sub-path of an existing field path 

193 in the tree (i.e., a leaf node), it means the tree already matches 

194 the given path so nothing will be added to the tree. If the path 

195 matches an existing non-leaf node in the tree, that non-leaf node 

196 will be turned into a leaf node with all its children removed because 

197 the path matches all the node's children. Otherwise, a new path will 

198 be added. 


200 Args: 

201 path: The field path to add. 

202 """ 

203 node = self._root 

204 for name in path.split('.'): 

205 if name not in node: 

206 node[name] = {} 

207 elif not node[name]: 

208 # Pre-existing empty node implies we already have this entire tree. 

209 return 

210 node = node[name] 

211 # Remove any sub-trees we might have had. 

212 node.clear() 


214 def ToFieldMask(self, field_mask): 

215 """Converts the tree to a FieldMask.""" 

216 field_mask.Clear() 

217 _AddFieldPaths(self._root, '', field_mask) 


219 def IntersectPath(self, path, intersection): 

220 """Calculates the intersection part of a field path with this tree. 


222 Args: 

223 path: The field path to calculates. 

224 intersection: The out tree to record the intersection part. 

225 """ 

226 node = self._root 

227 for name in path.split('.'): 

228 if name not in node: 

229 return 

230 elif not node[name]: 

231 intersection.AddPath(path) 

232 return 

233 node = node[name] 

234 intersection.AddLeafNodes(path, node) 


236 def AddLeafNodes(self, prefix, node): 

237 """Adds leaf nodes begin with prefix to this tree.""" 

238 if not node: 

239 self.AddPath(prefix) 

240 for name in node: 

241 child_path = prefix + '.' + name 

242 self.AddLeafNodes(child_path, node[name]) 


244 def MergeMessage( 

245 self, source, destination, 

246 replace_message, replace_repeated): 

247 """Merge all fields specified by this tree from source to destination.""" 

248 _MergeMessage( 

249 self._root, source, destination, replace_message, replace_repeated) 



252def _StrConvert(value): 

253 """Converts value to str if it is not.""" 

254 # This file is imported by c extension and some methods like ClearField 

255 # requires string for the field name. py2/py3 has different text 

256 # type and may use unicode. 

257 if not isinstance(value, str): 

258 return value.encode('utf-8') 

259 return value 



262def _MergeMessage( 

263 node, source, destination, replace_message, replace_repeated): 

264 """Merge all fields specified by a sub-tree from source to destination.""" 

265 source_descriptor = source.DESCRIPTOR 

266 for name in node: 

267 child = node[name] 

268 field = source_descriptor.fields_by_name[name] 

269 if field is None: 

270 raise ValueError('Error: Can\'t find field {0} in message {1}.'.format( 

271 name, source_descriptor.full_name)) 

272 if child: 

273 # Sub-paths are only allowed for singular message fields. 

274 if (field.label == FieldDescriptor.LABEL_REPEATED or 

275 field.cpp_type != FieldDescriptor.CPPTYPE_MESSAGE): 

276 raise ValueError('Error: Field {0} in message {1} is not a singular ' 

277 'message field and cannot have sub-fields.'.format( 

278 name, source_descriptor.full_name)) 

279 if source.HasField(name): 

280 _MergeMessage( 

281 child, getattr(source, name), getattr(destination, name), 

282 replace_message, replace_repeated) 

283 continue 

284 if field.label == FieldDescriptor.LABEL_REPEATED: 

285 if replace_repeated: 

286 destination.ClearField(_StrConvert(name)) 

287 repeated_source = getattr(source, name) 

288 repeated_destination = getattr(destination, name) 

289 repeated_destination.MergeFrom(repeated_source) 

290 else: 

291 if field.cpp_type == FieldDescriptor.CPPTYPE_MESSAGE: 

292 if replace_message: 

293 destination.ClearField(_StrConvert(name)) 

294 if source.HasField(name): 

295 getattr(destination, name).MergeFrom(getattr(source, name)) 

296 else: 

297 setattr(destination, name, getattr(source, name)) 



300def _AddFieldPaths(node, prefix, field_mask): 

301 """Adds the field paths descended from node to field_mask.""" 

302 if not node and prefix: 

303 field_mask.paths.append(prefix) 

304 return 

305 for name in sorted(node): 

306 if prefix: 

307 child_path = prefix + '.' + name 

308 else: 

309 child_path = name 

310 _AddFieldPaths(node[name], child_path, field_mask)