Coverage for /pythoncovmergedfiles/medio/medio/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/prompt_toolkit/formatted_text/ 14%

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1from __future__ import annotations 


3from string import Formatter 

4from typing import Generator 


6from prompt_toolkit.output.vt100 import BG_ANSI_COLORS, FG_ANSI_COLORS 

7from prompt_toolkit.output.vt100 import _256_colors as _256_colors_table 


9from .base import StyleAndTextTuples 


11__all__ = [ 

12 "ANSI", 

13 "ansi_escape", 




17class ANSI: 

18 """ 

19 ANSI formatted text. 

20 Take something ANSI escaped text, for use as a formatted string. E.g. 


22 :: 


24 ANSI('\\x1b[31mhello \\x1b[32mworld') 


26 Characters between ``\\001`` and ``\\002`` are supposed to have a zero width 

27 when printed, but these are literally sent to the terminal output. This can 

28 be used for instance, for inserting Final Term prompt commands. They will 

29 be translated into a prompt_toolkit '[ZeroWidthEscape]' fragment. 

30 """ 


32 def __init__(self, value: str) -> None: 

33 self.value = value 

34 self._formatted_text: StyleAndTextTuples = [] 


36 # Default style attributes. 

37 self._color: str | None = None 

38 self._bgcolor: str | None = None 

39 self._bold = False 

40 self._underline = False 

41 self._strike = False 

42 self._italic = False 

43 self._blink = False 

44 self._reverse = False 

45 self._hidden = False 


47 # Process received text. 

48 parser = self._parse_corot() 

49 parser.send(None) # type: ignore 

50 for c in value: 

51 parser.send(c) 


53 def _parse_corot(self) -> Generator[None, str, None]: 

54 """ 

55 Coroutine that parses the ANSI escape sequences. 

56 """ 

57 style = "" 

58 formatted_text = self._formatted_text 


60 while True: 

61 # NOTE: CSI is a special token within a stream of characters that 

62 # introduces an ANSI control sequence used to set the 

63 # style attributes of the following characters. 

64 csi = False 


66 c = yield 


68 # Everything between \001 and \002 should become a ZeroWidthEscape. 

69 if c == "\001": 

70 escaped_text = "" 

71 while c != "\002": 

72 c = yield 

73 if c == "\002": 

74 formatted_text.append(("[ZeroWidthEscape]", escaped_text)) 

75 c = yield 

76 break 

77 else: 

78 escaped_text += c 


80 # Check for CSI 

81 if c == "\x1b": 

82 # Start of color escape sequence. 

83 square_bracket = yield 

84 if square_bracket == "[": 

85 csi = True 

86 else: 

87 continue 

88 elif c == "\x9b": 

89 csi = True 


91 if csi: 

92 # Got a CSI sequence. Color codes are following. 

93 current = "" 

94 params = [] 


96 while True: 

97 char = yield 


99 # Construct number 

100 if char.isdigit(): 

101 current += char 


103 # Eval number 

104 else: 

105 # Limit and save number value 

106 params.append(min(int(current or 0), 9999)) 


108 # Get delimiter token if present 

109 if char == ";": 

110 current = "" 


112 # Check and evaluate color codes 

113 elif char == "m": 

114 # Set attributes and token. 

115 self._select_graphic_rendition(params) 

116 style = self._create_style_string() 

117 break 


119 # Check and evaluate cursor forward 

120 elif char == "C": 

121 for i in range(params[0]): 

122 # add <SPACE> using current style 

123 formatted_text.append((style, " ")) 

124 break 


126 else: 

127 # Ignore unsupported sequence. 

128 break 

129 else: 

130 # Add current character. 

131 # NOTE: At this point, we could merge the current character 

132 # into the previous tuple if the style did not change, 

133 # however, it's not worth the effort given that it will 

134 # be "Exploded" once again when it's rendered to the 

135 # output. 

136 formatted_text.append((style, c)) 


138 def _select_graphic_rendition(self, attrs: list[int]) -> None: 

139 """ 

140 Taken a list of graphics attributes and apply changes. 

141 """ 

142 if not attrs: 

143 attrs = [0] 

144 else: 

145 attrs = list(attrs[::-1]) 


147 while attrs: 

148 attr = attrs.pop() 


150 if attr in _fg_colors: 

151 self._color = _fg_colors[attr] 

152 elif attr in _bg_colors: 

153 self._bgcolor = _bg_colors[attr] 

154 elif attr == 1: 

155 self._bold = True 

156 # elif attr == 2: 

157 # self._faint = True 

158 elif attr == 3: 

159 self._italic = True 

160 elif attr == 4: 

161 self._underline = True 

162 elif attr == 5: 

163 self._blink = True # Slow blink 

164 elif attr == 6: 

165 self._blink = True # Fast blink 

166 elif attr == 7: 

167 self._reverse = True 

168 elif attr == 8: 

169 self._hidden = True 

170 elif attr == 9: 

171 self._strike = True 

172 elif attr == 22: 

173 self._bold = False # Normal intensity 

174 elif attr == 23: 

175 self._italic = False 

176 elif attr == 24: 

177 self._underline = False 

178 elif attr == 25: 

179 self._blink = False 

180 elif attr == 27: 

181 self._reverse = False 

182 elif attr == 28: 

183 self._hidden = False 

184 elif attr == 29: 

185 self._strike = False 

186 elif not attr: 

187 # Reset all style attributes 

188 self._color = None 

189 self._bgcolor = None 

190 self._bold = False 

191 self._underline = False 

192 self._strike = False 

193 self._italic = False 

194 self._blink = False 

195 self._reverse = False 

196 self._hidden = False 


198 elif attr in (38, 48) and len(attrs) > 1: 

199 n = attrs.pop() 


201 # 256 colors. 

202 if n == 5 and len(attrs) >= 1: 

203 if attr == 38: 

204 m = attrs.pop() 

205 self._color = _256_colors.get(m) 

206 elif attr == 48: 

207 m = attrs.pop() 

208 self._bgcolor = _256_colors.get(m) 


210 # True colors. 

211 if n == 2 and len(attrs) >= 3: 

212 try: 

213 color_str = "#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format( 

214 attrs.pop(), 

215 attrs.pop(), 

216 attrs.pop(), 

217 ) 

218 except IndexError: 

219 pass 

220 else: 

221 if attr == 38: 

222 self._color = color_str 

223 elif attr == 48: 

224 self._bgcolor = color_str 


226 def _create_style_string(self) -> str: 

227 """ 

228 Turn current style flags into a string for usage in a formatted text. 

229 """ 

230 result = [] 

231 if self._color: 

232 result.append(self._color) 

233 if self._bgcolor: 

234 result.append("bg:" + self._bgcolor) 

235 if self._bold: 

236 result.append("bold") 

237 if self._underline: 

238 result.append("underline") 

239 if self._strike: 

240 result.append("strike") 

241 if self._italic: 

242 result.append("italic") 

243 if self._blink: 

244 result.append("blink") 

245 if self._reverse: 

246 result.append("reverse") 

247 if self._hidden: 

248 result.append("hidden") 


250 return " ".join(result) 


252 def __repr__(self) -> str: 

253 return f"ANSI({self.value!r})" 


255 def __pt_formatted_text__(self) -> StyleAndTextTuples: 

256 return self._formatted_text 


258 def format(self, *args: str, **kwargs: str) -> ANSI: 

259 """ 

260 Like `str.format`, but make sure that the arguments are properly 

261 escaped. (No ANSI escapes can be injected.) 

262 """ 

263 return ANSI(FORMATTER.vformat(self.value, args, kwargs)) 


265 def __mod__(self, value: object) -> ANSI: 

266 """ 

267 ANSI('<b>%s</b>') % value 

268 """ 

269 if not isinstance(value, tuple): 

270 value = (value,) 


272 value = tuple(ansi_escape(i) for i in value) 

273 return ANSI(self.value % value) 



276# Mapping of the ANSI color codes to their names. 

277_fg_colors = {v: k for k, v in FG_ANSI_COLORS.items()} 

278_bg_colors = {v: k for k, v in BG_ANSI_COLORS.items()} 


280# Mapping of the escape codes for 256colors to their 'ffffff' value. 

281_256_colors = {} 


283for i, (r, g, b) in enumerate(_256_colors_table.colors): 

284 _256_colors[i] = f"#{r:02x}{g:02x}{b:02x}" 



287def ansi_escape(text: object) -> str: 

288 """ 

289 Replace characters with a special meaning. 

290 """ 

291 return str(text).replace("\x1b", "?").replace("\b", "?") 



294class ANSIFormatter(Formatter): 

295 def format_field(self, value: object, format_spec: str) -> str: 

296 return ansi_escape(format(value, format_spec)) 



299FORMATTER = ANSIFormatter()