Coverage for /pythoncovmergedfiles/medio/medio/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/wcwidth/ 19%

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2This is a python implementation of wcwidth() and wcswidth(). 




6from Markus Kuhn's C code, retrieved from: 




10This is an implementation of wcwidth() and wcswidth() (defined in 

11IEEE Std 1002.1-2001) for Unicode. 





16In fixed-width output devices, Latin characters all occupy a single 

17"cell" position of equal width, whereas ideographic CJK characters 

18occupy two such cells. Interoperability between terminal-line 

19applications and (teletype-style) character terminals using the 

20UTF-8 encoding requires agreement on which character should advance 

21the cursor by how many cell positions. No established formal 

22standards exist at present on which Unicode character shall occupy 

23how many cell positions on character terminals. These routines are 

24a first attempt of defining such behavior based on simple rules 

25applied to data provided by the Unicode Consortium. 


27For some graphical characters, the Unicode standard explicitly 

28defines a character-cell width via the definition of the East Asian 

29FullWidth (F), Wide (W), Half-width (H), and Narrow (Na) classes. 

30In all these cases, there is no ambiguity about which width a 

31terminal shall use. For characters in the East Asian Ambiguous (A) 

32class, the width choice depends purely on a preference of backward 

33compatibility with either historic CJK or Western practice. 

34Choosing single-width for these characters is easy to justify as 

35the appropriate long-term solution, as the CJK practice of 

36displaying these characters as double-width comes from historic 

37implementation simplicity (8-bit encoded characters were displayed 

38single-width and 16-bit ones double-width, even for Greek, 

39Cyrillic, etc.) and not any typographic considerations. 


41Much less clear is the choice of width for the Not East Asian 

42(Neutral) class. Existing practice does not dictate a width for any 

43of these characters. It would nevertheless make sense 

44typographically to allocate two character cells to characters such 

45as for instance EM SPACE or VOLUME INTEGRAL, which cannot be 

46represented adequately with a single-width glyph. The following 

47routines at present merely assign a single-cell width to all 

48neutral characters, in the interest of simplicity. This is not 

49entirely satisfactory and should be reconsidered before 

50establishing a formal standard in this area. At the moment, the 

51decision which Not East Asian (Neutral) characters should be 

52represented by double-width glyphs cannot yet be answered by 

53applying a simple rule from the Unicode database content. Setting 

54up a proper standard for the behavior of UTF-8 character terminals 

55will require a careful analysis not only of each Unicode character, 

56but also of each presentation form, something the author of these 

57routines has avoided to do so far. 




61Latest version: 


63from __future__ import division 


65# std imports 

66import os 

67import sys 

68import warnings 


70# local 

71from .table_vs16 import VS16_NARROW_TO_WIDE 

72from .table_wide import WIDE_EASTASIAN 

73from .table_zero import ZERO_WIDTH 

74from .unicode_versions import list_versions 



77 # std imports 

78 from functools import lru_cache 

79except ImportError: 

80 # lru_cache was added in Python 3.2 

81 # 3rd party 

82 from backports.functools_lru_cache import lru_cache 


84# global cache 

85_PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3 



88def _bisearch(ucs, table): 

89 """ 

90 Auxiliary function for binary search in interval table. 


92 :arg int ucs: Ordinal value of unicode character. 

93 :arg list table: List of starting and ending ranges of ordinal values, 

94 in form of ``[(start, end), ...]``. 

95 :rtype: int 

96 :returns: 1 if ordinal value ucs is found within lookup table, else 0. 

97 """ 

98 lbound = 0 

99 ubound = len(table) - 1 


101 if ucs < table[0][0] or ucs > table[ubound][1]: 

102 return 0 

103 while ubound >= lbound: 

104 mid = (lbound + ubound) // 2 

105 if ucs > table[mid][1]: 

106 lbound = mid + 1 

107 elif ucs < table[mid][0]: 

108 ubound = mid - 1 

109 else: 

110 return 1 


112 return 0 




116def wcwidth(wc, unicode_version='auto'): 

117 r""" 

118 Given one Unicode character, return its printable length on a terminal. 


120 :param str wc: A single Unicode character. 

121 :param str unicode_version: A Unicode version number, such as 

122 ``'6.0.0'``. A list of version levels suported by wcwidth 

123 is returned by :func:`list_versions`. 


125 Any version string may be specified without error -- the nearest 

126 matching version is selected. When ``latest`` (default), the 

127 highest Unicode version level is used. 

128 :return: The width, in cells, necessary to display the character of 

129 Unicode string character, ``wc``. Returns 0 if the ``wc`` argument has 

130 no printable effect on a terminal (such as NUL '\0'), -1 if ``wc`` is 

131 not printable, or has an indeterminate effect on the terminal, such as 

132 a control character. Otherwise, the number of column positions the 

133 character occupies on a graphic terminal (1 or 2) is returned. 

134 :rtype: int 


136 See :ref:`Specification` for details of cell measurement. 

137 """ 

138 ucs = ord(wc) if wc else 0 


140 # small optimization: early return of 1 for printable ASCII, this provides 

141 # approximately 40% performance improvement for mostly-ascii documents, with 

142 # less than 1% impact to others. 

143 if 32 <= ucs < 0x7f: 

144 return 1 


146 # C0/C1 control characters are -1 for compatibility with POSIX-like calls 

147 if ucs and ucs < 32 or 0x07F <= ucs < 0x0A0: 

148 return -1 


150 _unicode_version = _wcmatch_version(unicode_version) 


152 # Zero width 

153 if _bisearch(ucs, ZERO_WIDTH[_unicode_version]): 

154 return 0 


156 # 1 or 2 width 

157 return 1 + _bisearch(ucs, WIDE_EASTASIAN[_unicode_version]) 



160def wcswidth(pwcs, n=None, unicode_version='auto'): 

161 """ 

162 Given a unicode string, return its printable length on a terminal. 


164 :param str pwcs: Measure width of given unicode string. 

165 :param int n: When ``n`` is None (default), return the length of the entire 

166 string, otherwise only the first ``n`` characters are measured. This 

167 argument exists only for compatibility with the C POSIX function 

168 signature. It is suggested instead to use python's string slicing 

169 capability, ``wcswidth(pwcs[:n])`` 

170 :param str unicode_version: An explicit definition of the unicode version 

171 level to use for determination, may be ``auto`` (default), which uses 

172 the Environment Variable, ``UNICODE_VERSION`` if defined, or the latest 

173 available unicode version, otherwise. 

174 :rtype: int 

175 :returns: The width, in cells, needed to display the first ``n`` characters 

176 of the unicode string ``pwcs``. Returns ``-1`` for C0 and C1 control 

177 characters! 


179 See :ref:`Specification` for details of cell measurement. 

180 """ 

181 # this 'n' argument is a holdover for POSIX function 

182 _unicode_version = None 

183 end = len(pwcs) if n is None else n 

184 width = 0 

185 idx = 0 

186 last_measured_char = None 

187 while idx < end: 

188 char = pwcs[idx] 

189 if char == u'\u200D': 

190 # Zero Width Joiner, do not measure this or next character 

191 idx += 2 

192 continue 

193 if char == u'\uFE0F' and last_measured_char: 

194 # on variation selector 16 (VS16) following another character, 

195 # conditionally add '1' to the measured width if that character is 

196 # known to be converted from narrow to wide by the VS16 character. 

197 if _unicode_version is None: 

198 _unicode_version = _wcversion_value(_wcmatch_version(unicode_version)) 

199 if _unicode_version >= (9, 0, 0): 

200 width += _bisearch(ord(last_measured_char), VS16_NARROW_TO_WIDE["9.0.0"]) 

201 last_measured_char = None 

202 idx += 1 

203 continue 

204 # measure character at current index 

205 wcw = wcwidth(char, unicode_version) 

206 if wcw < 0: 

207 # early return -1 on C0 and C1 control characters 

208 return wcw 

209 if wcw > 0: 

210 # track last character measured to contain a cell, so that 

211 # subsequent VS-16 modifiers may be understood 

212 last_measured_char = char 

213 width += wcw 

214 idx += 1 

215 return width 




219def _wcversion_value(ver_string): 

220 """ 

221 Integer-mapped value of given dotted version string. 


223 :param str ver_string: Unicode version string, of form ``n.n.n``. 

224 :rtype: tuple(int) 

225 :returns: tuple of digit tuples, ``tuple(int, [...])``. 

226 """ 

227 retval = tuple(map(int, (ver_string.split('.')))) 

228 return retval 




232def _wcmatch_version(given_version): 

233 """ 

234 Return nearest matching supported Unicode version level. 


236 If an exact match is not determined, the nearest lowest version level is 

237 returned after a warning is emitted. For example, given supported levels 

238 ``4.1.0`` and ``5.0.0``, and a version string of ``4.9.9``, then ``4.1.0`` 

239 is selected and returned: 


241 >>> _wcmatch_version('4.9.9') 

242 '4.1.0' 

243 >>> _wcmatch_version('8.0') 

244 '8.0.0' 

245 >>> _wcmatch_version('1') 

246 '4.1.0' 


248 :param str given_version: given version for compare, may be ``auto`` 

249 (default), to select Unicode Version from Environment Variable, 

250 ``UNICODE_VERSION``. If the environment variable is not set, then the 

251 latest is used. 

252 :rtype: str 

253 :returns: unicode string, or non-unicode ``str`` type for python 2 

254 when given ``version`` is also type ``str``. 

255 """ 

256 # Design note: the choice to return the same type that is given certainly 

257 # complicates it for python 2 str-type, but allows us to define an api that 

258 # uses 'string-type' for unicode version level definitions, so all of our 

259 # example code works with all versions of python. 

260 # 

261 # That, along with the string-to-numeric and comparisons of earliest, 

262 # latest, matching, or nearest, greatly complicates this function. 

263 # Performance is somewhat curbed by memoization. 

264 _return_str = not _PY3 and isinstance(given_version, str) 


266 if _return_str: 

267 # avoid list-comprehension to work around a coverage issue: 

268 # 

269 unicode_versions = list(map(lambda ucs: ucs.encode(), list_versions())) 

270 else: 

271 unicode_versions = list_versions() 

272 latest_version = unicode_versions[-1] 


274 if given_version in (u'auto', 'auto'): 

275 given_version = os.environ.get( 


277 'latest' if not _return_str else latest_version.encode()) 


279 if given_version in (u'latest', 'latest'): 

280 # default match, when given as 'latest', use the most latest unicode 

281 # version specification level supported. 

282 return latest_version if not _return_str else latest_version.encode() 


284 if given_version in unicode_versions: 

285 # exact match, downstream has specified an explicit matching version 

286 # matching any value of list_versions(). 

287 return given_version if not _return_str else given_version.encode() 


289 # The user's version is not supported by ours. We return the newest unicode 

290 # version level that we support below their given value. 

291 try: 

292 cmp_given = _wcversion_value(given_version) 


294 except ValueError: 

295 # submitted value raises ValueError in int(), warn and use latest. 

296 warnings.warn("UNICODE_VERSION value, {given_version!r}, is invalid. " 

297 "Value should be in form of `integer[.]+', the latest " 

298 "supported unicode version {latest_version!r} has been " 

299 "inferred.".format(given_version=given_version, 

300 latest_version=latest_version)) 

301 return latest_version if not _return_str else latest_version.encode() 


303 # given version is less than any available version, return earliest 

304 # version. 

305 earliest_version = unicode_versions[0] 

306 cmp_earliest_version = _wcversion_value(earliest_version) 


308 if cmp_given <= cmp_earliest_version: 

309 # this probably isn't what you wanted, the oldest wcwidth.c you will 

310 # find in the wild is likely version 5 or 6, which we both support, 

311 # but it's better than not saying anything at all. 

312 warnings.warn("UNICODE_VERSION value, {given_version!r}, is lower " 

313 "than any available unicode version. Returning lowest " 

314 "version level, {earliest_version!r}".format( 

315 given_version=given_version, 

316 earliest_version=earliest_version)) 

317 return earliest_version if not _return_str else earliest_version.encode() 


319 # create list of versions which are less than our equal to given version, 

320 # and return the tail value, which is the highest level we may support, 

321 # or the latest value we support, when completely unmatched or higher 

322 # than any supported version. 

323 # 

324 # function will never complete, always returns. 

325 for idx, unicode_version in enumerate(unicode_versions): 

326 # look ahead to next value 

327 try: 

328 cmp_next_version = _wcversion_value(unicode_versions[idx + 1]) 

329 except IndexError: 

330 # at end of list, return latest version 

331 return latest_version if not _return_str else latest_version.encode() 


333 # Maybe our given version has less parts, as in tuple(8, 0), than the 

334 # next compare version tuple(8, 0, 0). Test for an exact match by 

335 # comparison of only the leading dotted piece(s): (8, 0) == (8, 0). 

336 if cmp_given == cmp_next_version[:len(cmp_given)]: 

337 return unicode_versions[idx + 1] 


339 # Or, if any next value is greater than our given support level 

340 # version, return the current value in index. Even though it must 

341 # be less than the given value, its our closest possible match. That 

342 # is, 4.1 is returned for given 4.9.9, where 4.1 and 5.0 are available. 

343 if cmp_next_version > cmp_given: 

344 return unicode_version 

345 assert False, ("Code path unreachable", given_version, unicode_versions) # pragma: no cover