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2Projects are a way to handle Python projects within Jedi. For simpler plugins 

3you might not want to deal with projects, but if you want to give the user more 

4flexibility to define sys paths and Python interpreters for a project, 

5:class:`.Project` is the perfect way to allow for that. 


7Projects can be saved to disk and loaded again, to allow project definitions to 

8be used across repositories. 


10import json 

11from pathlib import Path 

12from itertools import chain 


14from jedi import debug 

15from jedi.api.environment import get_cached_default_environment, create_environment 

16from jedi.api.exceptions import WrongVersion 

17from jedi.api.completion import search_in_module 

18from jedi.api.helpers import split_search_string, get_module_names 

19from jedi.inference.imports import load_module_from_path, \ 

20 load_namespace_from_path, iter_module_names 

21from jedi.inference.sys_path import discover_buildout_paths 

22from jedi.inference.cache import inference_state_as_method_param_cache 

23from jedi.inference.references import recurse_find_python_folders_and_files, search_in_file_ios 

24from jedi.file_io import FolderIO 


26_CONFIG_FOLDER = '.jedi' 


28 '', '.git', '.hg', 'requirements.txt', '', 'pyproject.toml' 





33def _try_to_skip_duplicates(func): 

34 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): 

35 found_tree_nodes = [] 

36 found_modules = [] 

37 for definition in func(*args, **kwargs): 

38 tree_node = definition._name.tree_name 

39 if tree_node is not None and tree_node in found_tree_nodes: 

40 continue 

41 if definition.type == 'module' and definition.module_path is not None: 

42 if definition.module_path in found_modules: 

43 continue 

44 found_modules.append(definition.module_path) 

45 yield definition 

46 found_tree_nodes.append(tree_node) 

47 return wrapper 



50def _remove_duplicates_from_path(path): 

51 used = set() 

52 for p in path: 

53 if p in used: 

54 continue 

55 used.add(p) 

56 yield p 



59class Project: 

60 """ 

61 Projects are a simple way to manage Python folders and define how Jedi does 

62 import resolution. It is mostly used as a parameter to :class:`.Script`. 

63 Additionally there are functions to search a whole project. 

64 """ 

65 _environment = None 


67 @staticmethod 

68 def _get_config_folder_path(base_path): 

69 return base_path.joinpath(_CONFIG_FOLDER) 


71 @staticmethod 

72 def _get_json_path(base_path): 

73 return Project._get_config_folder_path(base_path).joinpath('project.json') 


75 @classmethod 

76 def load(cls, path): 

77 """ 

78 Loads a project from a specific path. You should not provide the path 

79 to ``.jedi/project.json``, but rather the path to the project folder. 


81 :param path: The path of the directory you want to use as a project. 

82 """ 

83 if isinstance(path, str): 

84 path = Path(path) 

85 with open(cls._get_json_path(path)) as f: 

86 version, data = json.load(f) 


88 if version == 1: 

89 return cls(**data) 

90 else: 

91 raise WrongVersion( 

92 "The Jedi version of this project seems newer than what we can handle." 

93 ) 


95 def save(self): 

96 """ 

97 Saves the project configuration in the project in ``.jedi/project.json``. 

98 """ 

99 data = dict(self.__dict__) 

100 data.pop('_environment', None) 

101 data.pop('_django', None) # TODO make django setting public? 

102 data = {k.lstrip('_'): v for k, v in data.items()} 

103 data['path'] = str(data['path']) 


105 self._get_config_folder_path(self._path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) 

106 with open(self._get_json_path(self._path), 'w') as f: 

107 return json.dump((_SERIALIZER_VERSION, data), f) 


109 def __init__( 

110 self, 

111 path, 

112 *, 

113 environment_path=None, 

114 load_unsafe_extensions=False, 

115 sys_path=None, 

116 added_sys_path=(), 

117 smart_sys_path=True, 

118 ) -> None: 

119 """ 

120 :param path: The base path for this project. 

121 :param environment_path: The Python executable path, typically the path 

122 of a virtual environment. 

123 :param load_unsafe_extensions: Default False, Loads extensions that are not in the 

124 sys path and in the local directories. With this option enabled, 

125 this is potentially unsafe if you clone a git repository and 

126 analyze it's code, because those compiled extensions will be 

127 important and therefore have execution privileges. 

128 :param sys_path: list of str. You can override the sys path if you 

129 want. By default the ``sys.path.`` is generated by the 

130 environment (virtualenvs, etc). 

131 :param added_sys_path: list of str. Adds these paths at the end of the 

132 sys path. 

133 :param smart_sys_path: If this is enabled (default), adds paths from 

134 local directories. Otherwise you will have to rely on your packages 

135 being properly configured on the ``sys.path``. 

136 """ 


138 if isinstance(path, str): 

139 path = Path(path).absolute() 

140 self._path = path 


142 self._environment_path = environment_path 

143 if sys_path is not None: 

144 # Remap potential pathlib.Path entries 

145 sys_path = list(map(str, sys_path)) 

146 self._sys_path = sys_path 

147 self._smart_sys_path = smart_sys_path 

148 self._load_unsafe_extensions = load_unsafe_extensions 

149 self._django = False 

150 # Remap potential pathlib.Path entries 

151 self.added_sys_path = list(map(str, added_sys_path)) 

152 """The sys path that is going to be added at the end of the """ 


154 @property 

155 def path(self): 

156 """ 

157 The base path for this project. 

158 """ 

159 return self._path 


161 @property 

162 def sys_path(self): 

163 """ 

164 The sys path provided to this project. This can be None and in that 

165 case will be auto generated. 

166 """ 

167 return self._sys_path 


169 @property 

170 def smart_sys_path(self): 

171 """ 

172 If the sys path is going to be calculated in a smart way, where 

173 additional paths are added. 

174 """ 

175 return self._smart_sys_path 


177 @property 

178 def load_unsafe_extensions(self): 

179 """ 

180 Wheter the project loads unsafe extensions. 

181 """ 

182 return self._load_unsafe_extensions 


184 @inference_state_as_method_param_cache() 

185 def _get_base_sys_path(self, inference_state): 

186 # The sys path has not been set explicitly. 

187 sys_path = list(inference_state.environment.get_sys_path()) 

188 try: 

189 sys_path.remove('') 

190 except ValueError: 

191 pass 

192 return sys_path 


194 @inference_state_as_method_param_cache() 

195 def _get_sys_path(self, inference_state, add_parent_paths=True, add_init_paths=False): 

196 """ 

197 Keep this method private for all users of jedi. However internally this 

198 one is used like a public method. 

199 """ 

200 suffixed = list(self.added_sys_path) 

201 prefixed = [] 


203 if self._sys_path is None: 

204 sys_path = list(self._get_base_sys_path(inference_state)) 

205 else: 

206 sys_path = list(self._sys_path) 


208 if self._smart_sys_path: 

209 prefixed.append(str(self._path)) 


211 if inference_state.script_path is not None: 

212 suffixed += map(str, discover_buildout_paths( 

213 inference_state, 

214 inference_state.script_path 

215 )) 


217 if add_parent_paths: 

218 # Collect directories in upward search by: 

219 # 1. Skipping directories with 

220 # 2. Stopping immediately when above self._path 

221 traversed = [] 

222 for parent_path in inference_state.script_path.parents: 

223 if parent_path == self._path \ 

224 or self._path not in parent_path.parents: 

225 break 

226 if not add_init_paths \ 

227 and parent_path.joinpath("").is_file(): 

228 continue 

229 traversed.append(str(parent_path)) 


231 # AFAIK some libraries have imports like ``, which 

232 # leads to the conclusion to by default prefer longer paths 

233 # rather than shorter ones by default. 

234 suffixed += reversed(traversed) 


236 if self._django: 

237 prefixed.append(str(self._path)) 


239 path = prefixed + sys_path + suffixed 

240 return list(_remove_duplicates_from_path(path)) 


242 def get_environment(self): 

243 if self._environment is None: 

244 if self._environment_path is not None: 

245 self._environment = create_environment(self._environment_path, safe=False) 

246 else: 

247 self._environment = get_cached_default_environment() 

248 return self._environment 


250 def search(self, string, *, all_scopes=False): 

251 """ 

252 Searches a name in the whole project. If the project is very big, 

253 at some point Jedi will stop searching. However it's also very much 

254 recommended to not exhaust the generator. Just display the first ten 

255 results to the user. 


257 There are currently three different search patterns: 


259 - ``foo`` to search for a definition foo in any file or a file called 

260 ```` or ``foo.pyi``. 

261 - ```` to search for the ``foo`` and then an attribute ``bar`` 

262 in it. 

263 - ``class`` or ``def`` to search for a specific 

264 API type. 


266 :param bool all_scopes: Default False; searches not only for 

267 definitions on the top level of a module level, but also in 

268 functions and classes. 

269 :yields: :class:`.Name` 

270 """ 

271 return self._search_func(string, all_scopes=all_scopes) 


273 def complete_search(self, string, **kwargs): 

274 """ 

275 Like :meth:``, but completes that string. An empty string 

276 lists all definitions in a project, so be careful with that. 


278 :param bool all_scopes: Default False; searches not only for 

279 definitions on the top level of a module level, but also in 

280 functions and classes. 

281 :yields: :class:`.Completion` 

282 """ 

283 return self._search_func(string, complete=True, **kwargs) 


285 @_try_to_skip_duplicates 

286 def _search_func(self, string, complete=False, all_scopes=False): 

287 # Using a Script is they easiest way to get an empty module context. 

288 from jedi import Script 

289 s = Script('', project=self) 

290 inference_state = s._inference_state 

291 empty_module_context = s._get_module_context() 


293 debug.dbg('Search for string %s, complete=%s', string, complete) 

294 wanted_type, wanted_names = split_search_string(string) 

295 name = wanted_names[0] 

296 stub_folder_name = name + '-stubs' 


298 ios = recurse_find_python_folders_and_files(FolderIO(str(self._path))) 

299 file_ios = [] 


301 # 1. Search for modules in the current project 

302 for folder_io, file_io in ios: 

303 if file_io is None: 

304 file_name = folder_io.get_base_name() 

305 if file_name == name or file_name == stub_folder_name: 

306 f = folder_io.get_file_io('') 

307 try: 

308 m = load_module_from_path(inference_state, f).as_context() 

309 except FileNotFoundError: 

310 f = folder_io.get_file_io('__init__.pyi') 

311 try: 

312 m = load_module_from_path(inference_state, f).as_context() 

313 except FileNotFoundError: 

314 m = load_namespace_from_path(inference_state, folder_io).as_context() 

315 else: 

316 continue 

317 else: 

318 file_ios.append(file_io) 

319 if Path(file_io.path).name in (name + '.py', name + '.pyi'): 

320 m = load_module_from_path(inference_state, file_io).as_context() 

321 else: 

322 continue 


324 debug.dbg('Search of a specific module %s', m) 

325 yield from search_in_module( 

326 inference_state, 

327 m, 

328 names=[], 

329 wanted_type=wanted_type, 

330 wanted_names=wanted_names, 

331 complete=complete, 

332 convert=True, 

333 ignore_imports=True, 

334 ) 


336 # 2. Search for identifiers in the project. 

337 for module_context in search_in_file_ios(inference_state, file_ios, 

338 name, complete=complete): 

339 names = get_module_names(module_context.tree_node, all_scopes=all_scopes) 

340 names = [module_context.create_name(n) for n in names] 

341 names = _remove_imports(names) 

342 yield from search_in_module( 

343 inference_state, 

344 module_context, 

345 names=names, 

346 wanted_type=wanted_type, 

347 wanted_names=wanted_names, 

348 complete=complete, 

349 ignore_imports=True, 

350 ) 


352 # 3. Search for modules on sys.path 

353 sys_path = [ 

354 p for p in self._get_sys_path(inference_state) 

355 # Exclude the current folder which is handled by recursing the folders. 

356 if p != self._path 

357 ] 

358 names = list(iter_module_names(inference_state, empty_module_context, sys_path)) 

359 yield from search_in_module( 

360 inference_state, 

361 empty_module_context, 

362 names=names, 

363 wanted_type=wanted_type, 

364 wanted_names=wanted_names, 

365 complete=complete, 

366 convert=True, 

367 ) 


369 def __repr__(self): 

370 return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._path) 



373def _is_potential_project(path): 


375 try: 

376 if path.joinpath(name).exists(): 

377 return True 

378 except OSError: 

379 continue 

380 return False 



383def _is_django_path(directory): 

384 """ Detects the path of the very well known Django library (if used) """ 

385 try: 

386 with open(directory.joinpath(''), 'rb') as f: 

387 return b"DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE" in 

388 except (FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError, PermissionError): 

389 return False 



392def get_default_project(path=None): 

393 """ 

394 If a project is not defined by the user, Jedi tries to define a project by 

395 itself as well as possible. Jedi traverses folders until it finds one of 

396 the following: 


398 1. A ``.jedi/config.json`` 

399 2. One of the following files: ````, ``.git``, ``.hg``, 

400 ``requirements.txt`` and ````. 

401 """ 

402 if path is None: 

403 path = Path.cwd() 

404 elif isinstance(path, str): 

405 path = Path(path) 


407 check = path.absolute() 

408 probable_path = None 

409 first_no_init_file = None 

410 for dir in chain([check], check.parents): 

411 try: 

412 return Project.load(dir) 

413 except (FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError, PermissionError): 

414 pass 

415 except NotADirectoryError: 

416 continue 


418 if first_no_init_file is None: 

419 if dir.joinpath('').exists(): 

420 # In the case that a exists, it's in 99% just a 

421 # Python package and the project sits at least one level above. 

422 continue 

423 elif not dir.is_file(): 

424 first_no_init_file = dir 


426 if _is_django_path(dir): 

427 project = Project(dir) 

428 project._django = True 

429 return project 


431 if probable_path is None and _is_potential_project(dir): 

432 probable_path = dir 


434 if probable_path is not None: 

435 return Project(probable_path) 


437 if first_no_init_file is not None: 

438 return Project(first_no_init_file) 


440 curdir = path if path.is_dir() else path.parent 

441 return Project(curdir) 



444def _remove_imports(names): 

445 return [ 

446 n for n in names 

447 if n.tree_name is None or n.api_type not in ('module', 'namespace') 

448 ]